


Thank you for posting the "List" PH!! You're the best list keeper we've ever had!! THE ONLY ONE TOO!

Well, dinner is done and dishes are done and now it's time to get ready to go and throw the Lava Rocks away.

Let's see if this will post here..........it didn't on the other boards!! LOOKS LIKE IT DID!! WOW....like a miracle.

[bold]I just got inside from working out front. Today I had the pleasure of picking out all the BLACK LAVA rock from around the trees. I had that stuff. I never want to see BLACK LAVA rock around any of our trees again!!

Art came home from work and managed to dig out the last 3 stumps from around the cable box. Now we had the lovely job of trying to break up and shake off the dirt from the MASSIVE MESH OF FINE ROOTS from the Blue Spruce that's planted right in the same circle area.

Just AMAZING HOW MANY FINE ROOTS are in there. You can't put a shovel into the dirt it's so tight with them.

I'm going to go and dump my bags of lava rock at a construction site down the road later tonight. ART says he hopes the COPS don't catch me and fine me. Every contractor and cement company uses the area for their private dump site..........I don't think a few bags of Lava rock will be that be of a deal. They have pallets of house brick dumped out there!!

He's such a chicken sh*t............nothing gutty like me!![/bold]

BB: Glad the party went so well. How many people did you have crawling through the place??? Did they all leave at a decent time??

I really don't think PH meant that it was a WASTE of of gas to come out to your house. It might have been the wrong WORD, but come on now I know you know how hard it is to pay the bills and with TRUCK fuel being what it is now I'm sure that Dennis has to pull a few extra runs to pay for the fuel.

Hope you two can get OVER THIS real quick........not worth losing a friendship over. NOW KISS and MAKE UP YOU TWO , before I have to come down and beat some butt!! Ya hear!!

Eddie: Did you fall off the face of the earth??? Where have you been MAN???

Mike: Do you need any tomatoes????????? Darn I wish they wouldn't all come in at the same time. I bought some nice looking butternut squash and acorn squash the other day from a local backyard famer on the main road. I love supporting the old retired veggie growers. This guy and his wife must be in their 80's and still manage to have a Veggie Stand every year! God bless them.

Okay, I'm sure my water is boiling on the stove and I need to go and make dinner for my HARD WORKING MAN!! Hee Hee!!

Well, it's nice tosee that my CUT and PASTE worked on here. Hope this wasn't too confusing for all of you.

Wish they'd fix those darn boards over there. I miss my COLORS, BOLD, SMILEY FACES, FONT AND PRINT SIZE, ETC, ETC. Yeh, I know if I followed a list I could do it on here, but it was sooooo much more convenient over on the CC BOARD!! Oh well, can't have everything.

KC, GM, PH........how was work today??? You too SAN......!! Hee Hee.

Daisymae/BO: I'm getting excited for your upcoming cruise. It's almost here!! :)

Later all...........


Evening!!! Hope everyone is fine.

K2, please send some of whatever you are on over to me in PA. You talk like I used to when I was taking those diet pills years ago. You are too funny. I have no list for smilies!!! Darnit. You sure were a busy gal out in the yard the last 2 days. Did BB & PH post on the other board? I couldn't get on!!!

Cayman, nice that you visit and chat with us.

BO, you've been busy outside too. At the Hess station in front on my complex the regular gas has been $2.19 since Friday. It's the lowest I've seen around here.

San, did Matt go home today? How did it go?

Well I'm off for the night. Going to see if I can get on the other board at least to read. See you all tomorrow.


GM: I'm not on anything.........just have to get these things done before WINTER sets in!! DARN-it all!!

GAS at $2.19 a gallon. WOW.........I might have to drive over your way to fill up!! We're still at $2.99 and up to $3.29 for regular depending on what part of the city you're going through!!

SAN: How's Matthew?? Did they spring him today???

Those darn other boards won't even let me on TONIGHT .........yet alone let me post anything!! STUPID , STUPID, STUPID BOARDS.

We MUST find a place that has more USER FRIENDLY things to use when posting. This place is nice, but boring!! Sorry , just my OWN Opinion!!

Ruttie I see you're on, but I don't see any posts from you girlfriend!!


Sorry Cayman...........still dont know who you are and or anything about you....................The rest of us have been posting for 3 yrs or so................therefore we have a list so we can keep track of one another.....................

I am getting sick of being misquoted..................I didnt say it was a waste of gas...............I said I was afraid to waste my gas in case I couldnt get anymore....................In any case,Im not going to lose any sleep over it...............If anyone wants to misconsrue my words,be my guest.............I dont need to defend myself.................and you're right K2..........thanks to the price of fuel,we both need to work as much as possible.................and if Dennis can work on the weekend...he will........going to a party will NOT pay our bills............

Hows Matthew doing.San?????????Let us know when you can.....................


I can't get on the other boards and I haven't tried in a while. When I did get on and tried to get into our thread, all I got was the blank page.
"That's kind of a personal question you asked Mike, Casey....I think he may be a little offended when he reads that." Why would I be offended by the question San??????
K2, we are still getting a lot of tomatoes, just not as sweet as they were earlier.
We had a very nice time at Pattie's Sunday. Two of her in-laws want some of the gourds for crafts.
I hope everyone had a very nice Labor Day weekend.


Mike: Good to hear from you. How nice that you'll be able to get some of the Gourds on the CRAFT CIRCUIT. Now even though these are Patty's in-laws.......hope they give you a few bucks to cover your time, water and nurturing of these gourds!! :)

I guess I missed the first night of TAR for the season!! RIGHT??? I was busy driving to the construction site to dump off my LAVA ROCKS!! Felt like a criminal doing it, but I sure wasn't the first person to dump stuff there..........believe me!! Our trash company won't take stones. Which is always weird to me.........because the Lava rocks and stones don't hurt the enviroment like half of the other stuff we throw out in the trash.

SAN: How's our boy Matthew doing?? Give us a update when you get on here.

To the rest of you good people.................LATER!!


Well you all know that I couldn't post on the other boards, although I did get to read them. So some of my comments on here may not make sense unless you've read the other.

K2, I've had the bedroom windows open since Friday night. It's wonderful sleeping with a slight breeze. Did you get caught at the dumping place? Tonight's TAR should have been the middle of season 4. Was it the one with the little person? Was that politically correct?

BB, glad your party was a success. I only worked about 4 hours on Monday, but got a lot done.

Kris, you guys sure had a lot of fun over the weekend. Glad everyone is feeling better.

Good night to everyone. See you in the morning.


Matthew is home now...we were at the hospital at 10AM to take him home....but they didn't let him go until almost 3 PM....we ran him down to Watsonville and just got home after stopping at Panda Express in Gilroy.

Gas around here is hovering around $3....Part of the reason that it isn't going higher is because there is a law in the State of California that companies cannot raise prices more than ten percent when a national emergency is declared........the b@$t@rds raised the prices 10% immediately after the hurricane.

I didn't misconstrue your words, PH, I knew what you meant....nothing wrong with what you did.

Everyone is looting in New Orleans, K2, so better get down there and get your share if dumping criteria works for you HeHeHeHe....Art is so right, so often.

Yes Cayman...we want to know your background....all of it.....before PH puts you on the list.....not the same list that she has BB on,......... the good list! Awww, go ahead and put CM on there, PH....it's a December RD cruise 97 days from now.


My pleasure to add Cayman..................

yes,GM.it is the season with the "shorter" girl.............K2.new season doesnt start for a couple of more weeks...............

Glad Matthew is home now,San.....No place like home to make one feel much better!! Hope he continues to recoup more each day................

Been reading that book "Devils on the Blue Sea".........really interesting............what a criminal the original owner of Carnival was....Its a must read!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.....................

Back later.........

2nd--NB--road trip to Disney(9days)
25th--San, Dub--Enchantment--Can/NE

5th--BB--Hawaii(land trip)
30th--PH--Mariner--E. Carib


1st--Kris--Carnival Liberty--ECarib

6th--Eddie,PH--Island Princess--PacCoastal
19th--BO--Carnival Liberty--Med


15th--Negcs,BB,Kris--Freedom--W Carib


Good morning to everyone on here too!!!

San, I am so glad to hear that Matt is home where it is just so much more conducive to getting better. Please keep us posted on his recovery. How is Bud these days? Is Patti holding up okay? She's been through alot too.

Cayman, you made the list!!! Good for you.

KC & PH, have a wonderful HUMP day.

Everyone else enjoy the day. See you all later.


WOOHOOO.... Life is good :)

Let me share just a little bit about myself....

I am a married 32 year old who resides in Florida. I have a beautiful 15 month old daughter who will be crusing with us in December. My wife and I own our own business and enjoy cruising as often as we can. There was a gap in between now and our last cruise due to my wifes pregnancy and allowing our daughter to get a little older. My wife and I are adamant about taking her with us. Family is #1!!!! We have too many friends who want to leave their kids with someone while they take off on a cruise. This is fine if that is what they desire, it is just not for us though.

If there is anything else you care to know, just ask... maybe I will answer ;) LOL


Good Morning All!!

Got on the other board really quick again this morning. They seem to work early in the morning and then us RETIREE's take over in the day and afternoon and the boards slow down!! :)

I just looked at the list of travels for our group and BB, SAN and KC are the next in line for Sept cruises. How FUN and EXCITING!! KC bet you can't wait!!

I'm going to be watching the little girl next door to us at around 8:30 a.m. while her Mom takes her Brother to a "Meet the Teacher" thingy at his Nursery School...........lucky me. NOT. I just didn't know how to say NO!! Oh well, it's only for a few hours!! Maybe she and I can play "Beauty Shop" and I'll do her hair and paint her fingernails!! Sounds like a plan!!

Later all............SAN, I'm happy to hear that Matthew got to go home yesterday. Hope things work out for him and his Chrons. Is the "little guy" still with them??


Babysitting job done. We went for a walk around the big block, played in the basement with toys and then we went outside and she rode one of those 3 wheeler low to the ground thingy's??? I started to SIFT the DIRT to get the dirt off those fine roots. What a pain in the ARF job that's going to be. I found some mess fencing we had from the garden and I cut two pieces with wire cutters to fit this old bucket . I put one piece one way and the other on another angle and it works. A finer screen with wood sides to shake back and forth would be good, but LET'S NOT GET ANNAL OVER DIRT AND ROOTS!! I know a certain "Somebody by the name of ART" that would though!!

Okay, my break is over......back out into the heat of the day!! And it is HOT out there.

Catch up with you all later. I'm beginning to look like a farmer with all this dirt on my arms and legs!! Too funny!! See if I take anything else like this project on anytime soon!!!!!! NOT!!


Hi Guys
SAn glad Matthew is home hope he is improving daily
been very busy with science fair and stuff at my school science i am in charge of it.. ughhh.... hope everyone has a great night....


Hi all.............Checking in here first...............but hope to get on the other board after this.............

Whata good neighbor you are K2.........bet the little girl enjoyed all the attention you gave her..........

OK Cayman...............one question from me..............where in FL are you??Im in Ocala(beautiful horse country).................

Hows Matthew today ,San??????????

Hiya Patti!! Hope you dont get too much rain the next few days..........Going to Disney??haha!!

Time for dinner almost................



PH... Ok you only get 1 ;)

Anyway, I am in Jacksonville. Not too far away. We have a lake house in Salt Springs where we go to get away for the weekends. That is only about 20 minutes or so from you.


I know exactly where Salt Springs is................we used to live in Citra................kinda close to there...........

Ok,how come I only get 1 ;)


Uh Oh....I can see it coming.....this is going to turn into another Florida thread....I'm feeling out numbered again....[big grin]

Matthew is home....not feeling so good, but on the mend.....Bud is still with them so far [foster child / new born....hoping to adopt]....Patti is exhausted from the baby, working and the hospital visits....so they are kind of stressed right now. Nancy and I will go down to Watsonville tomorrow afternoon to do some baby sitting over night and take them to dinner Friday evening....they both need some sleep desperately.

Once again, no upgrades for Diamond Plus....this is the third and fourth time of no upgrade.....so I have to really question what Diamond Plus does for us....nothing, that I can see. I asked for a dining table at the window....we'll have to see if they can get that right.

I did a very long post jest before this one, but decided to delete it also [Huge Grin and wink!]]