


You passed Cayman[CM]....no more questions needed. BTW, we're the same age. :) :)

You're gonna love the Radiance...we were aboard in May from San Diego to Vancouver...love that class of ship...our favorite.


San--------You're the same age as WHO?????????????????? :) You crack me up.between that and the other post you wrote............................

BTW.if you dont leave any space between your symbols,you should see the face when you post...............

Thanks Cay........I'll be looking forward to it....................................


Nooooooooooooooo..I read it just fine..................Cay said he was 32..........and you are =headscratch


I knew it was too good to be true. I was able to get on CC all day until now. :(

PH- What do you look forward to, me playing with you? LOL ;)

San - I am ever so glad I passed... I have been trying since kindergarden to pass something.... :)


San - By the way.... about your comment about this turning into a Florida Forum.... Don't be jealous that we can drive to the port within a few hours... ;)


San - just so you know I have a tendency to talk before I think - I typed out a big long posted and stopped to think and decided to delete it. But I did want to stop by and say hello.

Cayman - watch the sense of humor around here - they tend to take somethings too seriously.


Oh.... Are we not aloud to kid around and be sarcastic? :(

Is Krispy mad at everyone?


Evening!!! How's everyone???

San, looks like you have an ally in CM. BTW, do you know how many formal nights there are on a 12 night cruise? I think it is 3, but KC read where it is only 2. That's really great that you and Nancy are going to go let Matt & Patti get some much needed rest. And of course it doesn't hurt any that you get to spend your time with Bud!!!

K2, you are making me tired with all that yard work. Cut it out.

PH, thanks for the new list. I think it's the same one I have, but I can't find it on my desk. What a mess!!!

I wasn't even able to sign into CC. I am going to try again. In the meantime, play nice kids!!! See you all tomorrow.


grandmom - This posted directly from the RCCL Website....

3 to 4-night cruises include one formal night and two or three casual nights.
5 -night cruises include one formal and four casual nights.
7 to 9-night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual night and four or six casual nights.
10 to 13-night cruises include two formal nights, two smart casual nights, and six or nine casual nights.
14+ -night cruises include three formal nights and four smart casual nights. All other nights are casual.

Hope this helps!!! :)


Cayman Wrote:
> Oh.... Are we not aloud to kid around and be
> sarcastic?
Of course we are................as you can tell by some of the posts................

Nite GM and all.......................


Caymen.........careful of that SAN guy!! He's quite old and sometimes thinks he's a YOUNGSTER and gets all bent out of shape when you talk about FLORIDA and COOKING and SHOPPING too much. I'll give you a shot at what I'm talking about.

So have any of you subcribed to Martha Stewarts magazine now that she's a free woman again??? You know that's where I got the great recipe for the Lime Meltaway Cookies. Also, she has so many fun tips on things to make for each holiday. I really should have called her to see if she could have helped me with this one Brownie recipe that didn't come out as good as I wanted it to. Can't wait for her TV program to start. I know that SAN is looking forward to it too! Hee Hee.

Ruttie.........you're one busy gal with school, your health and your family to take care of and you still find time to come around and post. You're one terrific gal!! Have a great school-year kiddo.

Okay, I'm out of here for now................Everyone play fair on here and have a good day on Thursday.

KC.........where are you hiding lately??? Miss you!!

MARCIA: I POSTED SOMETHING ON THE CC BOARD, BUT IF YOU EVER FIND A COMPUTER THAT WORKS........YOU'RE MISSED ON HERE!! Hope your weather at Lake George is as nice as it is here our area. Have fun........it'll be over before you know it.


This is a good morning on the run.........see you all later.

PH, good luck after work!!! I forgot to say that on CC.


Good Morning Everyone!! All you WORKING FOLKS have a wonderful day.

Caymen: Just what kind of "business" are you and your wife into??? What's your baby's name?? And my last question for this 'hour'..........where was HOME before Florida??

Daisymae.........you still sewing over your way???

Looks like we're going to get some "showers" over here sometime this morning. It's still DARK outside and I hear the rubblelings going on in the HEAVENS ABOVE. Maybe Bowling Season started early up there again!! :)

Have a fun day everyone!! And I do mean EVERYONE!!


cayman - I have a two and a half year old - she went on her first cruise at 7 months old - we are the same way about taking her with us. But when they reach two camp carnival is great!!!! She loved that on our last cruise! And No im not mad at EVERYONE....

GM - Glad to hear the knees are getting better!!!! Saw on a commercial last night they are bringing back two of the most popular survivor contestants for this season - I think I know who it is but I won't spoil it!


Speaking of TV programs.........I came across "LOST" last night and tried to watch some of it. WOW.......scarey !! And to think that still a re-run. The thing that gets me is that all those people have been on this deserted island for such a long time and they all have clothes that are STARCHED and WHITE and KRISP looking. Just takes a little of the REAL-LIFE part of the story away.

Later, the rain showers have stopped and I'm actually going to try and get a nice walk in for a change. No sun out there right now and the temps are just right for walking. Besides it might help loosen up my tight muscles and aches from all that dirt work from yesterday.

Later all........

Ooops ........almost forgot to say hello to Krispy! This NEW JOB sure has it's computer perks! Just make sure to delete your history often so the BOSS's don't see where you've been on the computer.