


[bold]WELL........PRAISE THE LORD........there's PEACE in the VALLEY!![/bold]

BB & PH: I'm proud of both of you. Life's too short for disagreements!! I could use some of our special SMILEY FACES on here right about now. :)

Lillies are all planted and the Black trim is dug into the ground. Just need to add some nice peat moss on top of the dirt to make it look professional. I also need to buy about 4 more plants for the area that ART expanded the black trim to accomodate the big Blue Spruce tree! All in all it turned out nice. Would have even been nicer if the neighbors next door which HALF of this circle sits on their property would have at least OFFERED to chip in on the plantings! NOT!! Oh well, you win some and lose some!!

Hope some of you folks come back on here and post or go over to the other location. I miss everyone.

Have fun SATURDAY............hope you don't have to spend it at a Bridal Shower!! At least this is by the water in St Clair Shores!!


Well now I am mad at BB .... Hey, by the way, who the heck is BB :)

It is Saturday and I can not sleep so I jump online and pay bills, what a wonderful way to start a weekend :(

Oh well.... It is a necessary evil.... Hope you all have a nice weekend... I will be hanging around. ;)


Hello everyone. I never made it over here last night. My eyes would not stay opened.

HotStuff Wrote:
> GM: YOU BETTER WATCH YOURSELF............I might
> have to report you for speeding inside a household
> on a stationary bike!!! The government hates
> that, because people like yourself DON'T PAY ANY
> I've been keeping track of your mileage and if you
> "Spout-Off" one more time I'm going to have TURN
> YOU IN!! So shape up girl!! Hee Hee
HotStuff, you are too funny......so how many miles have I traveled in my spare bedroom??? And exactly what kind of gas does Art use in his road bike??? HUH??? YEAH??? COME ON!!!

Cayman, I payed my bills this morning too. Always wait till the last minute. I'm glad I can pay some of them on the Internet. BB is Bellalago Breeze, and she and PH8 had a small tiff, but have kissed and made up. There is peace in Central Florida again, and I am soooo glad.

Youngest grandson's 1st birthday party is this afternoon at 4. I soon have to start to get ready. You know it takes us old senile grandmoms a lot of time to put ourselves together!!! (Only talking for myself...so nobody get bent out of shape).

See you all later......


Got back from Watsonville late last night. Nancy got up to feed the baby on Thursday night so Matthew and Patti could get a full nights sleep for once.....it seemed to really help them. Patti was at school until ten pm, so we went to Applebees for dinner. MJM's stomach is still hurting him some....he really has to watch what he eats. I went to the doctor with him yesterday....the doctor is in the medical center in Santa Cruz where Patti works....so the three of us had lunch together. A & A came down yesterday evening with Trousers...we went out for pizza then back to the house for chocolate fondue. Matthew and I installed a HAM radio in his big pick up yesterday afternoon....that took his mind off his medical issues for a while.

See you the twelth, PH. Glad BB finally came to her senses....now she has to make up with me! HeHeHeHe.....Kr's on the edge too :).....really nice to have a little turmoil on here again.......

OK, K2....YVR May 12......be there! Just so you know....the only snow you will see in Alaska is on the top of the mountains....the Inland Passage is quite mild...even in the winter. Bring Art....there's a certain person we need to have a little chat about. PH's cruise is $399 for an inside...you might as well join them.

Nav left San Diego Friday am....the plan was to drive half way to YVR yesterday and the rest of the way today....it's fifteen hundred miles, so they have a fair amount of driving to do each day. The back of the van is really set up nice for the girls....DVD player......pull down trays.....Game Boys, etc......alas, no potty, so poor Monty is going to have to stop way too often.


Is BB related to PH? Is PH, BB's boyfriend.... I am so confused. You all have my head spinning. Ugggg...

92 days left??? UGGGG man, nothing is going right today ;)


That's funny, CM.
OK, here's the straight scoop, BB used to live in Ocala along with Casey and PH...at that time he was known as Ocala Cruiser(OC). BB is now living high and mightily at Bellalago Exclusive Estates in Kissimmee, having moved there a few months back....BB gets pretty crotchety at times as you may have noticed in the last couple of his posts....he's getting on in years....so we just have to put up with him from time to time....then he goes away for a while as he is losing his memory and can't find us until Krispy points the way. PH is a lady and is not related to BB and is not his girlfriend. Hope this clears things up a little. I'm not sure that K2 and BB don't have a thing going though (-:


Well then PH and I can kiss and make up :) WOOHOOOO....

OK well now I understand... Hope my head will stop spinning now. ;)


Yea well, PH's husband is about 6 foot 13 and 3oo lbs., so, better be careful, CM.....it could get bloody.


SAN: You're soooooo full of CRAP with that story you feed Cayman about BB ........!! UNREAL... But it's okay because BB does not post on here!! Hee Hee.......I need my FUNNY FACES at times like this.

Cayman: Don't believe SAN..........he lives for TURMOIL and trouble on here !! :)

I posted on the other thread and refuse to repeat myself here.

I will say one thing though..........while Art and I were at this great Art & Apples Fair close to our house tonight I picked up a brochure for the NEW MERCURY 2006 MILAN Sedan! WOW.......I have to have this car!! It's too cool looking.

ON the way home we were stopped at a light and a TOTAL JERK infront of us in a JAGUAR was stopped for the RED LIGHT and was waiting to make a left turn into one-way traffic (It's called a Michigan U-turn) and he decided he didn't want to wait any longer and he pulled out in front of a car that just happen to be coming right past him!! UNREAL..........that poor lady in that other car went from one end of the road to the other and back and tipped back and forth and ART and I just sat there saying :"Holy SH*T" she's going to roll. She didn't and the JERK in the Jaguar continue on his way like nothing happened. Art rolled down the window to yell at him and he just drove away. The lady was fine..........shook up but fine. REally close call.

Okay, folks I'm tired from running around buying MUM plants this morning, then going to the Bridal Shower and then the ART FAIR and I'm out of here.

We have a going away party tomorrow after church at a choir members house for the couple who are moving to Phoenix!! BOO HOO! Sure will miss them. BUT NICE PLACE TO VISIT!!


SAN you are so bad... and i thought you were actually behaving...... I am so glad to hear the your son is on teh mend I am sure having a little one to take care of is making him get up and mend a but faster...
K2 sounds like you have had a very busy day.. I rememebr having braces (long rime ago) and havign them tighten was always a pain literally!!! although it was kinda weird it was sordove a good pain i dont; know how to describe it...
GM hope the B day party went well i am sure you did enough chasing around today that you don;t even need to do the bike,,,
Thats been my biggest bummer i just dont; seem to have any energy.. I have always been an active person and walking was always my thing but my stupid legs just ache and start shaking after i walk fo rmore than 5 minutes.. i sure hope it goes away soon....
gotta run my cat is hissing at my 200lb dog and my 200lb dog is actually scared... go figure any minute now my table is gonna go crashing down... tootles all...


San, you are really bad telling Cayman that BB is a man!!! She should come on here and give you what for!!! I am glad to hear that Matt & Patti got some rest thanks to Nancy. And you did your part by keeping Matt occupied. You never tell us how Bud is!!!HOW IS BUD??

HotStuff, a Milan, I haven't heard of that one yet. Is it a sports car???

Ruttie, getting strong again takes a long time. Just be patient, it will come. You are doing a lot holding down a full time job. I worked full time through all of my treatments too, and it was more than draining. I still tell people that I can never describe the fatigue I felt. But it does get better. BTW, I did ride the bike when I got home tonight.

I did something really funny and stupid today. I got lost in a local department store. I came in on one level, and couldn't find the doors to get out because I went to another level of the store. I walked around in circles for a while until I finally figured out that I had to go down one level. and there were the doors. I was laughing out loud. No wonder people were staring at me!!! You need to laugh at yourself to stay sane sometimes.

Well, I'm off to bed now. See you all tomorrow.


Whaaaaaaaaaat??????????? WhadidIdonow???? Oh yea, that.......BB'll never know...she hates us all and ain't never coming back....I have it on good authority. OK, OK, CM, BB is really female....I just stretched the truth a little....she's married and has 4 grown kids and too few grandchildren because Krispy, her DIL, won't get to work and pop out more. BB complains about it all the time. See Ruttie and Hot Stuff, I came clean....I'm forgiven, huh?

Bud is doing fine GM....growing and starting to look kinda decent looking. I am afraid that he isn't going to end up with us, so I just ain't gonna get that attached for a while....he's got all the women sucked in though...the potential father wants him for his family....they're doing a DNA test when he gets out of jail. He's a noisy little bugger...he breathes like a flock of geese flying over...you know, the sound you hear from Canada Geese honking as they fly over...he does this plus snorting and groaning even when he is asleep.


SAN: Great description on "BUD's" sleeping noises!! :)
Okay, seems we will have to forgive you this time SAN for all your White Lies!!

Cayman...........I want you to know that from now on you'll be know as CM on here because SAN has finally started using "CM" as your board name for short instead of the long CAYMAN!! SAN is kind of the person that UNOFFICALLY figures out what you'll end up being called on here!! Welcome to the group "CM"!! Now sit down and write each of us regulars a check for $10,000.00 to cover the "JOINING THE CLUB" FEES!!! Hee Hee. Could you send mine Overnight FEDERAL EXPRESS please!! Thanks.

SAN: Sure hope Matt is being careful about what he's eating. I suppose he needs BLAND, non-greasy types of foods. Stuff like mashed potatoes without cream or butter in them, cooked RICE cererals, boiled Chicken, etc. It's got to be very hard to find the correct foods to eat. Jello and clear broth only tastes good for so long!! I feel sorry for Patti having to go school have that new little baby (that she doesn't even know will be there's for sure or not ) getting her up and then worrying about Matthew and what to feed him. WOW.......lot's of stuff going on there. Sure glad you and Nancy are around to help out.

GM: The new 2006 Mercury "MILAN" is as they advertise it : A All-New UNCONVENTIONAL SEDAN!! Let's just say it's on the lines of the old LS Lincoln that I had...........but not as boxey!! It's quite sporty looking or I wouldn't even be giving it a second glance. I'm on this computer right now, because I want to see if they have any prices out on it yet!! Looks a lot like a Mercedes.

Casey: How was your BABY SHOWER for Maegan??? I bet she got all kinds of nice little baby things. Hope things are working out good for them. Tell us all about it.

HOW'S YOUR THROAT AND COLD??????? You better be sitting around today doing NOTHING but RESTING!! DR's orders .......ya hear!!

Marcia: How much longer are you and Carl going to be up at Lake George??? This week is suppose to be FANTASTIC!! Hope you'll still be able to stay there. Keep in touch. How's Carl's back been doing??

Hope NAV and her family are doing okay on the road!! Can't wait to hear about Disney and what the girls had to say about the surprise!! How FUN!!

PH: TEN-FOUR good buddy!! I think Dennis should teach you how to drive one of those big "RIGS" so he can sleep in the 'sleeper area' for a change!!

Later.........busy day today. Should go to church, but I'm still debating that one.........then the good bye BBQ for our 2 choir members who are moving to Phoenix..........then hopefully, I can get the MUM PLANTS in the ground.

Need to go to the local farmers to get some fresh corn while it's still around. Just can't get enough of all the FRESH VEGGIES this time of the year!! Need to make some Rattatollie sauce tonight!! It's great on pork chops!!

Edde, MIke, BO, BB, Krispy, and anyone else I missed ...........be back later!!


http://fla.fg-a.com/fdny_flag_3.gif Couldn't get this to show up as a picture on this board.

Does anyone know how to PUT A PICTURE ON THESE BOARDS??? Could use some more help with this on here.

Hope you can open the above GIF regarding 9/11.



Ok, I posted on the other board & like HS I'm not going to repeat myself. I have more trouble with this board, can never remember my password. Must be an old age thing!!

HS, the shower isn't until NEXT Sat. I am spending this week getting ready for it. Should be fun though, looks like about 20 women & my Dad will be there. :)

GM, don't feel bad about getting turned around in the store. One time when we were in W. Palm visiting my brother we had my Grandma with us & we LOST her!!! She was right behind us & we were just walking out & turned around to say something to her & she wasn't there. She couldn't see real good cause of her cataracts & she turned & was following someone else. Boy were we scared!! To this day my brother teases me about the day we tried to "leave" Grandma at the mall.


I am laughing so hard from these posts...................CM-if you want the truth,just ask me.........I'd never lie to ya........

GTG for now..........back tonite to join in the fun..........

PS.sorry San..........No cruises at all booked next year...........may do land tours........


Hey PH, I ended up telling the truth [as I know it] in the end. I'm really not so sure about BB....I know what she has told us, but you never really know.

OK, Ca.....don't make your dad go to the shower next week....that's gonna be just plain torture for him....you're going to go to " you know where" if you make him sit through that. Send him out to a local strip joint, or something....Holy Crap.......That's just not right!


Sorry san no can do we don't have those in Slocala, besides my Dad is just getting over open heart surgery, what are you trying to do push him over the edge??
It's mostly family anyhow & for those that aren't my Dad is pretty outgoing, he'll enjoy chatting with the people he doesn't know.


Have you asked him what he thinks about the whole deal? If I had to go to one of those things, I'd cause so much trouble with the ladies, they'd throw me out....when we had a bridal shower here for Patti, one of the guests that I didn't know said to me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" ....well, it's my house, but ....I said "don't worry, I'm outta here"....the woman was really rude! We have a bridal shower coming up for Anglia....I won't be here for that one either. Women are so clueless, sometimes ....well, actually, quite often :)


don;t have much time getting ready to do my daily bubble bath & book kids are outside riding bikes with richard.. but i wanted to send you a great big RAZZBERRY!!!! SAN ......wish i could figure out how to add a gif .............