Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Got a call from my niece Cara this morning, my sister in law Lisa passed away at 1:30 am. Her son & granddaughter were with her as someone had been staying round the clock. They are going to take some time to adjust and have a celebration of life service later on as they had made arrangements for Lisa to be cremated.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen accept my sincere sympathies on the passing of Lisa. May she now rest in peace. Feel badly for your brother and the entire family. Take care.

I’ll be back later.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh Karen. So sad to hear of Lisa’s passing. I’m sure that while everyone feels a sense loss there is also a feeling of relief that she is no longer in pain.


2nd Officer
Karen, sorry for your loss. At least everyone knows that she is no longer in pain.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Karen - Our deepest sympathy to you and your family on Lisa's passing. While her pain is over, the healing process for the rest of the family will take time. RIP, Lisa. Sending prayers to the family as you go through this difficult time.


2nd Officer

Today begins the Chinese year of the Rabbit!

Man oh man do the roofers have you Floridians by the short hairs. You need more Amish roofers.

By your description of your Sister in Law's leg K2, I've got a feeling that she's going to be feeling that leg for the rest of her life. That egg-bites gizmo looks slick. Put some "spunky" pepper bits in the next batch.

I'm with you Lee; I'd rather be around a good group of dogs like yours, than a rowdy and out of control bunch of little kids.

You've got to tell me BB what this "quick fix" is that's going to solve the poor circulation in your right foot, without hospitalization.

We didn't make it to the new diner here in town yesterday morning, as planned. Another granddaughter came over to do some "Diamond Painting". It looked very boring to me. It's pretty much sticking different colored glitter on a picture to make it sparkle. One piece of glitter at a time. She said that it was fun, but to me it seemed more like a punishment.

So barring something else coming up, we should be having breakfast at the new diner this morning.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I swear Mother Nature is trying to kill us off here with the weather right now. Yesterday the high for the day was 68, today's high will be 83, and tomorrow the high will be 69! Talk about yoyo weather. We're all going to get sick as our bodies don't know how to react.

Happy New Year to all our fellow rabbits. Some Chinese food would be so good today, but around here that's not going to happen. The leftovers from Friday were supposed to be dinner last night, but we got a call inviting us to our grandson, Wesley's birthday seafood boil. I'm not going to turn that down any day. It was all so delicious. Jimmy is a master at cooking a seafood boil. I was so stuffed when we came home. So tonight will be those Cajun leftovers.

Dave - I haven't a clue what the doctor's "quick fix" could possibly be. He did say that he wouldn't have to go in through the groin to clear up the problem. He has a complete surgery center in his office when minor procedures can be done. That's where he originally planned to ream out my veins, but couldn't due to blockage in the abdomen.
Enjoy our breakfast as the new diner. I really miss all the diners we had in NJ. Just not any like them in this area. All we get are food trucks all over.

So what's everyone up to today? Today is actually Wesley's birthday, so you know what that means around here - a Carvel ice cream cake! We'll pick it up later for this evening when they come over.

Now though it's time for a cup of coffee and to watch the temperature go up. I lead a boring life!!! Have a good one, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Snow Day Dog GIF by giphystudios2021
Yup, our REALLY 1st actually stick to the grass snow is falling right now.
Lee/Lu-Ann you can STOP doing that SNOW DANCE any time now. Enjoy the pool and know you're missing all the crazy fun here on the streets! Ha Ha

New Year Asian GIF by Hello All
Chinese New Year Rabbit GIF by Yeremia Adicipta
We're going to be SPECIAL ALL YEAR! Yippee.
We had Chinese carry-out last night for dinner. The place was exceptionally busy!

I wisely made up my mind NOT to drive the 35 mins to church this morning. I'll say prayers for everyone from home. There is suppose to be MORE snow in the Detroit area where the church is. Not taking any chances with a 1st REAL SNOW FALL and crazy drivers.

Happy B-Day to Wesley. Enjoy the Ice Cream Cake later.

Dave: Can't wait to hear how your breakfast was! We might have to make a Road Trip this Spring and see this place and you and Kathi too. Maybe we can get Lee & Lu-Ann to go too.

As for my Sister-in-laws leg........she'll be lucky to have it heal and not lose it. I couldn't get a hold of her yesterday and haven't heard anything from her daughter. Need to try again today. Let's hope that the old saying "No news ... is Good news" works.

Everyone be safe and pay attention when driving on the roads.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon.

K2, it does sound like your SIL will be lucky if she does not lose her leg.

Everyone getting snow don't go out unless you have to.

Will be going for lunch in about an hour, since we both slept late.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Some snow pictures for you Florida folks!
Basically stopped snowing for now. Got about a good wet inch!

The picture of the Mustang is Arts Xmas present that he put together. It’s ALL LEGOs. Really neat! AE26F3C6-4C22-4D78-BA2E-2FC5C0F46B90.jpeg54C00189-6D35-4FBF-98ED-6D9946E963CF.jpeg3BF4A6B1-7ECE-412E-8C58-CCFABEA37B35.jpeg

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Great pictures, Kathie. Gave me the chills though just looking at them! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: I'll keep our 81 degrees, thank you! Art did a good job assembling the Mustang.

We're going back over to M&J's house for REAL Mexican tacos for dinner before we eat the ice cream cake. No cooking for me for the whole weekend. Woo Hoo!!!


2nd Officer
Thanks all for the kind words, it's been an emotional couple days & I'm sure there are more of those to come. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to catch up with all your happenings.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
There will be highs and lows as Lisa is remembered Karen. The key is to focus on the good memories. Ya, they bring a tear too but a good tear.
Happy Birthday to Wesley Pat. Enjoy that cake. I’m not complaining at all about the temps. Especially after I see Kathie’s pics.
Nice job on The ‘Stang by Art. Lego’s are getting more and more into production and race cars. Prayers for your SiL’ recovery.
Dave, I was talking to the property mgr. from next door this morning. He was there taking out a dozen bags of garbage and repairing a couple of pieces of furniture from the band of hooligans who left yesterday. Unless they booked through VRBO there’s no recourse to flag them and prevent them from wrecking someone elses’s home. Yes, how was breakfast?
Buffalo and The Patriots are playing next Sunday Bill. On the golf course.
Snow’s a funny thing Nancy. When you’re used to it you take it all in stride. Unless there’s tons of it.
Dinner’s just about ready.
Everyone have a great evening.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Take one day at a time. Sometimes this "extended family" is just what is needed to lift your spirts. We're one crazy family, but we know we need each other from time to time and can rely on each other too. Sending hugs.

That Buffalo / Cinn game was a real SLIDER! Ha Ha. (like in snow sliding) Congrats to Cinn for the win.

FYI: Did anybody notice the AGE GROUP on that LEGO Box? Right up there with Art... 9+.
Any higher and I'm not sure he would have finished putting it together. Ha Ha. :emoticon 0140 rofl:

We had HOMEMADE PIZZA for dinner tonight.

Good thing I passed by this computer just now. I never pressed "POST REPLY" earlier! Ha Ha.

Got a update on my SIL. Her daughter said she is being given some strong meds to keep her calm. She didn't say anything about the graft surgery. Time will tell. Thanks again for all your prayers and well-wishes. Much appreciated.

Now back to find something on TV! Sundays are bad.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Not much going on here yet.
Ava and I saw 2 armadillos and a bunny on our early morning walk. We steer clear of the ’dillos and the Bunny steers clear of us.
I would like to see an Eagles / Chiefs Super Bowl.
Breakfast report please Dave. With photos of Chloe’s if you have any.
See you later.


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning, Bunnies!

Hang in there KC. Try to focus on the good memories.

Yesterday's breakfast at Chloe's Diner was good. Kathi got sausage gravy over biscuits and I got their breakfast sandwich. Lots of questions came with my order; What kind of bread or biscuits do you want it on, how do you want your egg cooked, and what kind of meat do you want on it? Both were yummy. Plus, on the breakfast menu were mimosas. SURE! (The fun way to drink orange juice.)

Although it was fun seeing all the old cars and memorabilia, in no way would it justify a road-trip for you K2. You've got car shows in your area that put this place to shame.

When your doctor tells you what his "quick fix" for your foot is BB, make sure you tell us. I'm really curious about it.

By your picture K2, our place looks pretty much like yours. Our snow didn't start till around 10 Sunday morning and continued to way after dark.

Sorry about the Bill's loss Lee. I was rooting for them.


2nd Officer
Good morning. It is raining right now and not sure for how long. If the rain stops I will go to Walmart if not no problem.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Monday morning, everyone!

Karen - You know we're always here to help each other get through the rough times and to cheer each other on during the good times. That's called a family!

Dave - I will definitely share once I know what the doctor's "quick fix" is going to be. I should hear from him sometime this week. Your breakfast out sounds really good. I love biscuits & sausage gravy, but Bert isn't that crazy about it. I wait until Jimmy makes it for us all. He also does an excellent job on shrimp & grits.

Lee - Nice that you get to see some of the local wildlife while out on your walk with Ava. Do you miss those Canadian squirrels? LOL

Speaking of food, those REAL tacos at M&J's house last night were absolutely delicious. Wesley made them and they turned out great. Wes is a true chef when it comes to cooking. He uses all sorts of seasonings and makes all different sauces. He broke out some pickled garlic for me to try. I couldn't believe how sweet it was. Heck, I'd eat over there any day with all the great food they make. Thursday it will be our turn to have them all here, but Missy will be making most of the sides. We're making a turkey for dinner. On Wednesday I'll make the sausage stuffings and a pot of kale. The rest of the meal wll be Missy's to prepare. Works for me.

After a gorgeous, but windy day yesterday, it's on the chilly side today. It's not going to make it out of the 60s. No sitting on the lanai for us today. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be a different story with very pleasant temps.

Not a lot on tap for today as of right now. Might be a very long day around here. If things get interesting, I'll be back. In the meantime, have a super day!