Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits! It's CLOUDY here BUT WARMER! 46 F as I post! I'll take that for mid-January without any snow in sight any day! But as Dave mentioned..... it's going to start to DIP DOWN FAST! :oops:

Nancy: If you ever want a quick good Chinese meal try and google EGG ROLL IN A BOWL. Really good.

DAVE: Enjoy your day of doing nothing! Not sure how that is any different than any other day for us Old Folks! Ha Ha. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Just make sure to get outside and pick up all that poop before it snows!! Then again, maybe just leave it until the temps freeze it for easier pick up! :eek:

Lee / Lu-Ann / Ava: You all enjoy your day. So when do you go to Disney Springs? Not like you to miss a day/evening there. Have your friends from Canada arrived in the area yet?
Nice to know that the Subie was a comfortable ride down. It had a LONG EARLY BREAK-IN, so you'll have to be extra nice to it. Does this house have a garage that you can actually park the vehicle in it? So many down there are made into Kiddie Play Areas is why I ask. Enjoy your day.

BB: Hope your wait isn't too long at the doctors office. Has Bert tried out that new grill yet? I swear I remember you getting one not that long ago. The Florida humidity must rust those babies out quicker down there. We need a new grill. I'm thinking of getting one of those FLAT GRILLs this time around. Not sure yet.

Negc: Dallas sure beat the pants off of Brady and his boys last night. WOW.... SAD to watch.
Are you getting any walks in around your compound? Take a few pictures and post for us to get a idea of where you're staying for the next 3 months.

And Karen: How is Scooter doing? I think you mentioned something about the heart needing another check-up. Hope all is good. Prayers still going out for your SIL and Brother.
We have a young teenager in our church, 15 yrs old, that will be having open-heart surgery on Thursday. She is a DREAM CHILD. Just the nicest kid you could ever know. Sure hope things go well for her. I'll ask for prayers from all of you on Thursday. The priests had a special prayer for her on Sunday during the service. They a super active in our church and she got tons of prayers offered for her successful upcoming surgery.

Okay, I need a cup of ......
Coffee Wink GIF by joeyahlbum

You all have a good day. The Temp is CLIMBING UPWARD as I type here. Yippee.
IT has bee a bit but i do make the Egg Roll in a Bowl, it is so easy and good.


2nd Officer
Ok, going to try this using Dave’s method of typing offline first & then pasting to the group.

Kathie, close, but Scooter needs her blood pressure checked, not her heart. She goes back Thurs. For her all day Bp reading & possibly blood work on her kidneys due to the new med. the Vet added.
Cookies look pretty yummy too.

Lee, nice review of the Subie road trip. Glad it rode & performed as good as expected! You definitely look like you are settling into vacation mode!

Pat, good idea to skip the meeting tonite, you don’t need to be out in the cold or around potentially sick people. Good luck with the cardio Dr. I just found out yesterday that a good friend of mine’s son had a heart attack Sunday. He had 80% blockage in one of the arteries. He’s only a few years older than Amanda, so that’s scary!

Dave, give Kathi a big thank you for all the pics! Your gorilla buddy is adorable!

Nothing new to report on Lisa, I try not to bother my brother other than a short text to say Hi & Love you.

Starting my search for a company to install new shingles on my roof, the last time the roof was done they didn’t pull a permit so I have no idea how old the current roof is. The fun part will be getting people to show up for an estimate, as usual!
Going to try to copy & paste this now, so fingers crossed!

Yay it worked!! Will have to work on the font size a bit as I know this is way to small!

Bill, glad you got to see the launch & the booster return, that was the first time I had seen that part of it too!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Me in a Speedo Pat? Remember that something once seen cannot be unseen! :eek: Yep, good call on skipping the meeting. Good luck at the doc’s tomorrow.
I have a great Chinese recipe Nancy. I call them and they deliver.

We popped over to The Springs this morning Kathie. The quality of the merchandise reminded us of a chicken farm. “Cheap, cheap, cheap”. We got our coffee, a cookie at Gideon’s and simply enjoyed the bright, warm morning. Our one set of friends is staying in Hudson this winter. The others have her Mom’s home in Zepherhills. Prices have driven Jan and Dave out of this area. If it weren’t for Sunshine giving us such a deal we’d be elsewhere to I think.
As far as I was concerned Bill, no team with less than 50% in the “W“ column should be allowed in to the playoffs. Wild card game or not. I was glad to see Brady bounced in hopefully what was his last game.
Getting to your brother that way is a wonderful sign of love and respect Karen. He knows you’re there, thinking about the family but not bugging him. There’s a few roofers at work in this community this year too. Your font size seems just fine.
We did a trip to Aldi’s this afternoon and got Subie-Doo washed. Both stops about 10 minutes from here on 192 before you hit 27. That is if you go the back way.
Should be off. Time for little Ava’s 4:00 walk.
See you tomorrow everyone.


2nd Officer
I just got a text from my brother & Lisa is still holding on. The Dr. said it could be another week or longer. Her heart is strong & her circulation is good. It's tearing Ed up as she hasn't had food or water in 12 days. The Dr. said if they were to do a feeding tube now it would cause some bad reactions. Ed did say she is sedated and is comfortable & not fighting. So very sad, my heart just breaks for them


2nd Officer
Karen, it is hard on the family knowing the end can be at anytime but not sure exactly when.

My Dr appt went well. Found that for the arthritis in my neck I need another referral, should get a call from them next week with the name of that Dr.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Morning Bunnies!

Our hearts go out to you KC, your brother and of course Lisa. Only the Big Guy knows when she will be called home. But when something is inevitable, the waiting for it gets a bit more painful every day. Oh lucky you, needing a new roof. Once again you get to play hide and seek with the contractors. Here's an idea; See who that recent contractor who you liked would recommend.

Lee; Thanks for the specific review of your new Subaru. And any revue that ends with "2 thumbs" up" is a good report card.

Hope the transfer of management of your community from developer to residents goes smoothly, BB. All I know is that our Moose finally had to shut down and sell off is because members who were in charge, but didn't know what they were doing, got it so far in debt and behind in taxes that it had to.

Like you Bill, I think Brady should get out of playing football before he starts looking like a broken down old horse. Hundreds of millions of dollars await him if he becomes a sports announcer.

Once again I have nothing much scheduled for today. But Kathi gets to see 2 doctors this morning. First, the final checkup from Kathi's fall a while ago. Then HOPEFULLY the final visit to the dentist to have her crown put on her implant.

But for now.......I'm grabbing K2's coffee-pot.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Will be going with Bruce to his Dr appt as he will be getting an injection in his neck, so I will be driving home.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning all you Wrabbits!
we’re SUNNY AND UP TO 41F right now. Robins are ALL OVER the fromt trees. Bluebird in the backyard with tons of Sparrows. All this will change later tonight into rain/snow and then rain again! Joy, joy!
Lee: Looks like you’re going to get some good wRm FLORIDA TEMPS finally! :clap002: :clap002: :cool:
Out of here for now! Hope all the doctors appts turn out good for everyone.


Chief Security Officer
Dave there aren't many things sadder than seeing a talented sports figure hang around and try to keep playing after his great skills have diminished so far that it is painful to watch. Have seen that in some baseball players and hoping not to see that with Tom.
Karen,know that everyone here have both you and your SIL in our prayers.
Went to the movies yesterday ($5 tickets on
Tuesday's) and really enjoyed the new Tom Hanks film, A Man Called Otto, which is based on a Frederik Bachman book that I liked very much, A Man Called Ove. He was as good as ever and his son actually plays his character at a younger age. Some may find a few of the scenes a bit disturbing or sad but the overall theme is very uplifting and I would not be surprised if another Oscar was in Hank's future.
The actress who plays his neighbor, Marisol is also terrific. Hardly anyone in the theater again, despite the bargain price, so no problems with keeping distances from other patrons.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: Thanks for the review on A Man Called Otto. I want to go see it. Art read the book and said, although a simple story, it was a good read. I'm just waiting for the crowds to settle down before going and seeing it. The parking lot at our local show was jam packed yesterday of all days! Must have been a discount day!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Is this thing working? I tried earlier and kept getting “oops” messages. My copy and paste downsized my font. Oh well. Hmmm. Seems it did.
Good afternoon.

Thank you to The Belles for cranking the weather machine to “Pure Florida”.
We headed up to Winter Garden to try and get me some blades for my razor and for Lu-Ann to look around Marshall’s, HomeGoods and Beall’s. She found a cute pair of shorts in Beall’s on the $14.95 rack. POS scanned them at $40.00. The clerk went to the rack with Lu-Ann and somebody had not removed the sale sign! Bonus for us.
We usually wait for movies to come out on streaming services. There aren’t many that are better on the big screen than they are watched at home on the 70” plasma set with 5.1 Bose surround sound.
Lots of doctors earning money from this group today. Hopefully everyone’s appointments go well.

I think it may just be time for a wee dram of wine. And a sit on the pool deck.

Enjoy this fine day everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Hi everyone! Just got back from the doctor's office. Everything is good, but I have to have an ultra sound done on my right foot on Friday. I told the doctor that my toes on that food are numb and he wants to see what's going on. He doesn't think it's anything serious, but is checking on the safe side. Once again, he had to brag about the vascular surgery he did on me that sort of made medical history. The surgery had never been done that way before.
Karen - Keeping Lisa and your family in my thoughts and prayers. It's so horrible when you know what is inevitable and it's just a matter of waiting. We are kinder to animals than we are to our fellow humans. So sad ...
Dave - I hope Kathi made out well with her doctor/dentist visits today. I haven't yet heard anything about the meeting last night, but I'm sure there was plenty going on. Our community has over 2400 homes now with 190 townhouses still to be built. This is going to be a very complicated process which is going to cost the HOA a lot of money before it is finished. Bert & I did our time serving on and chairing committees over the years. Now we're ready to sit back and see what develops. Worse comes to worse, we'll eventually put the house on the market and move to a different area. I'm hoping that won't happen for a number of years yet, but you never know. Things can change quickly.
Bill - I too hate to see a sports superstar slip so low because he just couldn't give up the game. I'm sure there's a job waiting for him on ESPN should he hang up his cleats. Thanks for the review of the movie. I've seen clips and it looks really good.

Lee & Bill - I'm trying to figure out a good time for all of us to get together in the coming weeks. I have doctor appointments on the 6th & 8th. When is your cruise, Bill? I forgot the dates you'll be gone. How about you and Lu-Ann, Lee. You have anything coming up in the next 2 or 3 weeks?
Kathie - Sorry your weather is going to get wet again. We have no rain in sight until at least Sunday. I love our view here. Yesterday there had to be about 150 white pelicans outside on our lake. They were herding bate fish and the wadding birds were gobbling them up. An eagle was sitting on a roof and would swoop down, if he saw some easy pickings near the shore. Nature is so fascinating to watch. Last night the lake was perfectly still and with the lights from various back yards, we were getting a mirror image. It was the most perfect one I've seen here. I guess that's because so many more people have lights outside now.
Time to go grab some lunch. Have a great rest of the day, everyone!

Wow! It finally posted!!! See ya all in the morning ....


2nd Officer
Good morning, you have reached the Bunny Hutch, how may I be of service to you?

Today I have completed my legal obligation and civic duty by NOT being on jury duty today. Called the court last night after 5 and was told that my services were not needed. YEA!

Robins, Bluebirds, Sparrows, White Pelicans, and Eagles. How cool and relaxing it is to watch Mother Nature's creatures.

Lee; If you are copying and pasting a post to the Board, and it downsizes it or changes the color, just adjust it back to the way you want it before you hit "Post Reply".

Bill, I figured that "A Man Called Otto" would be good. (One I want to see.) Because, let's face it, any flick that has Tom Hanks in it is bound to be good. You can't say that for very many actors.

Kathi's hand and knee are all back to normal. The doctor showed her X-Rays of right after her fall and the newest. And her implant and crown are now fully completed.

Now unless overnight she has changed her mind, after I wake her up we'll be off to the grocery store.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning everyone.
Gold Crown King GIF by SureYeah

Now that Kathi has her crown how must we refer to her? Or for that matter how do we refer to you Dave? I’m likin’ “His Royal Highness King David of Massillon”. It’s good all the x-rays were clear too!
Well Pat, so far we have stuff happening January 20, 25 and 31. Such a great description of the action over the lake. Yes, nature can be fascinating.
Kathie, you had asked about a garage. Yes there is one and yes, it has a billiard table and a fooseball table. The washer and dryer and spare outdoor chairs. No cars allowed.
Our morning walk, Ava and I, was about 3/4 of a mile. 58F, mostly clear and a little damp. But most enjoyable.
Today?? Other than it being Thursday I don’t know wha adventures it may bring.
I do know that I hope everyone has a fantastic day.


2nd Officer
Quick check in before I head to the vet for Scooter's drop off, then home to wait on the 2nd roofing guy to show up. Had one yesterday & am waiting to hear back with an estimate, I'll have my smelling salts handy when I get it as I'm sure it will give me palpations of the not so good kind.
Back later ya'all

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good luck with Scooter’s results AND the results of the roofing estimates.
There are at least three crews stripping shingles here this morning. Two two story homes and a one story. None of the guys are roped off on the high roofs but they all have harnesses on. A lot of good that will do!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another picture perfect day here in the Sunshine State brought to you by all the Florida Belles. Bills will be going out next week to all snowbirds!! LOL

Dave - Glad Kathi is all back together the way she should be. Nice that she now has her crown too. Have fun shopping today. So which store are you going to - the big one or the little one?

Karen - Good luck with the new roof estimates. There are a number of people here that also are getting new roofs. Seems like out hurricanes caused a lot of leaks under their mission tile. I sure am glad we haven't run into that problem. These roofs are ultra expensive to replace - $25,000 and up! OUCH!!!

Lee - Nice that you got to walk bright and early today with Ava. Nice morning, isn't it? I'll keep those dates in mind while I try to figure out a date for us to get together.

What's on tap here for today, you may ask. A trip to Sam's is high on the list. I need some veggies for my Cajun meal tomorrow or Saturday, as well as the need to replenish the every day vino. I think we may go to trivia tonight. Haven't been there in a couple of months. Too bad the Grille doesn't have anything decent on the menu this week. Nothing new for them these days.

Time for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper before it's time for our roadtrip to Sam's. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good ALMOST afternoon!

Sounds like everyone had a good day with their Dr and Dentist appts. Thank goodness.
Now lets all make a effort to stay healthy.

BB: We get to watch the birds and ducks in our backyard too. Today we had 2 Mallard Ducks poking around in the grass under the bird-feeder. A male & female. He didn't leave her side for a second. The damp drizzle outside brings out the ducks in the creek and they're fun to watch splashing around. To see Eagles we have to go to the BIG PARK and sometimes get lucky enough to see them in the trees this this time of the year by the lakes.

Karen: Hope Scooter does well today at the vet. And make sure you're sitting down when you get those roof estimates. OUCH is all all can say to your pocketbook.

Got a call on my cell-phone at 6:15 am from my Chicago SIL. Before I could call her back later this morning my brother that lives nearby here called to let me know Joan was in a bad car accident. Not good. Broken leg and will most likely need surgery. My brother in Chicago doesn't know about it YET. Lord what a mess. She lives in one of those TRI-level homes. No bathroom on the Kitchen/Living Room area. How the H*ll she will be able to get up and down those stairs once she gets home will be a nightmare. We have told her to move and she just doesn't listen. She has a daughter that lives not too far from her (45 mins), but not sure how they get along. Let's just say it's going to be a mess.

She just called. Bad connection, so I'm going to call her back.

Be back later.

Please be safe folks. Hugs and love to all.