Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Super cute granddaughter and dress Dave. There have been a couple of nfl games that needed cardiac warnings this past weekend. Sounds like when I used to drive to places around Christmas time in my Santa suit. Lots of double takes and smiles.
Sorry to hear that the weather seems to be playing havoc with your aches and pains Nancy.
I missed your heads up about the launch by 2 minutes Karen. That sure would have been neat to see.
I like Meatloaf Kathie. He had a pretty good voice and a couple of memorable songs. Ooops. You mean the kind of meat loaf you eat.
Did the grille master get his new grille assembled and fired up Pat?
With the forecast saying it may feel like 70 I think shorts may be in order this afternoon.
Nope, not crazy. Canadian.
Have a wonderful Monday everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Monday morning, everyone! One more day and we should be returning to normal temperatures. I sure hope so. I haven't been out of the house since our short trip to the lanai last Thursday! Talk about getting cabin fever!!!

Dave - I love Elizabeth's dress! She and Kathi did a fantastic job and should be very proud of themselves. So my next question is - when does the next sewing project start for these experienced stitchers? Gorilla must have looked cute with the seat belt on.

Lee - New grill didn't get fired up yet. It's great that they now come fully assembled as opposed to the hours it used to take to put a grill together. It's basically the same as our last grill, so the cover works perfectly. Grills sure have changed. Bert said they even had some with an air fryer in them! Speaking of the air fryer, I used it last night to make garlic toast. First use for me and it was a success!!
I don't know how you snow birds could even consider wearing shorts right now. This is still bundle up weather for Floridians.

Karen - Good ieda keeping the plants all snuggled together while they wait out winter! I bet your kitties have been sticking close to their mama to keep warm, right? Cappi wanders around the house looking for places that are bathed in sunlight and them stretches out as much as he can to get every ounce of warmth he can get. We crack up over how he does this.

Kathie - We ended up watching lots of football here too this weekend with it being too cold to go anywhere. Some of those games were real nail biters. I though for sure the Dolphins were going to pull out a win over Buffalo the way they were playing. I'm sure out SIL was very disappointed.
I love meatloaf, but haven't made it recently. Got too much other stuff I have to get out of the freezer, like a turkey or two before it's time for meatloaf.

Not a lot planned for today. We still have plenty of ribs and other leftovers in the refrigerator, so no cooking for me today. Think I'll just stretch out in my wonderful chair and gaze out the window to see what the neighborhood wildlife might be up to. Love seeing all the wading birds that are here for the winter.

Have a wonderful MLK day, gang. Behave yourselves!! ;)


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the temps are starting to rise but not fast enough for me. When I get cold I GET COLD so am today wearing long pants and long sleeves. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to dress in shorts.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-morning Wrabbits!
Sunny here and dry right now. Suppose to rain in the evening. Beats snow.

The Bills and Cinn Football games were great. Excellent football. And YES…they were nail biters for sure. The Refs really had their work cut out for them.

We’re currently sitting in an exam room waiting for the Cardiologist to step in! It’s Art’s yearly heart doctor check-up! :emoticon 0152 heart:

Changed the bedding before we left and got it from the washer to the dryer! More cleaning when we get out of here.
Also, want to make some cookies!

Lee: Enjoy those nice warm temps and sunshine.

Later gang! :emoticon 0115 inlove:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
By George, it’s Jeremy. Really. That’s Jeremy by George.
Taken moments ago…
Shorts, T-shirt and coffee on the pool deck as we listen to the kids next door playing. IN their pool.
Seems air fryers a getting built in to everything these days Pat. They’ll soon be an option when you buy a car.
From what Lu-Ann read the folks at home aren’t sitting out Kathie. It FEELS like 28F there and 70F here. Hope all goes well at Art’s checkup.
Time to switch from coffee to wine. A little later this afternoon.


Wacky Wabbit
Art’s appt went well. Rather BORING! The doctor is amazed at Art biking 30+ miles 3 days a week. Said he definitely didn’t need a Stress Test. Said to come back next year! :clap002:

Made cookies and folded the laundry. Now to enjoy a cup of good coffee!

Lee: Looking HAPPY sitting there by the pool. Enjoy.

Dave: Thanks for all the pics. You know how we love pics in this group.
Choc Chip, white chips, oatmeal, toffee bits, and some chopped fresh cranberries for color! I cleaned up the cookie supply drawer. They taste really good! Amazing!



Wacky Wabbit
Dave... thanks for the pic! I need to get me one of those Gorilla's for my back seat. He's so cute! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Michigan Football College GIF by Rocket Mortgage
Well, we DIDN'T win this afternoons Basketball game against Purdue, but it was ONE HECK of a game. Right down to the last few seconds desperate throw that missed the basket to win. Amazing game. Nothing to be ashamed of at all Spartans.

Still DRY around here.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Would George qualify as a passenger so you could use the “3 occupants or more” HOV lanes on the freeways?


2nd Officer
Yes, this "fluffle" of Wabbits likes pictures AND cookies, K2.

I was surprised yesterday that there was a college basketball game on Monday during the day. Got a feeling that it being Martin Luther King Day had something to do with it.

Lee, by seeing your picture, there is no doubt now that you are in vacation mode. Oh, I've been meaning to ask you about your Subaru now that you have finished your long trip; Give it a grade on comfort, power, and anything else that you noticed.

Nice and sunny here yesterday, but there's going to be quite a few days before it's like that again. But it's suppose to get up to 54 degrees today.......before it drops back toward freezing.

Nothing much planned for either Kathi or me today.

But I've become a pro at "milling around smartly".

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning everyone. Ava and I are back from a short 1/2 mile walk. Quite pleasant at 40F with beautiful clear skies and lots of stars.
Most of you may want to skip over my “Road & Track” style review in answer to Dave’s question.
The Subie did well Dave. Over the course of our 1215 mile trip we encountered all kinds of weather and traffic conditions. Very stable and responsive in heavy rain, high winds and on dry open roads. It averaged 33.5 mpg with 2 adults and every spare inch of space used for “cargo” to get us through nine weeks away from home. Ava’s beds and stuff took up a lot of space.
The ride was quite comfortable. Visibility around the vehicle was good. There was plenty of power to accelerate as needed. Good braking stability if required. The distance between us and vehicle in front while in speed control (they don’t call it cruise control any more) could be frustrating at times as The Subie tried to maintain the preset distance. We did not get the navigation system so we relied on Apple Maps which displayed nicely through Car Play on the multifunction screen. If there is a weak point the radio sound in this trim level is weak. All in all at this point a good vehicle worthy of “two thumbs up”. Now, aren’t you sorry you asked?
Have a great Tuesday folks and I’ll check in later.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! A beautiful day ahead after this morning's chill. Welcome to the 70s with 80s due tomorrow. Time for you to break out your speedo, Lee!!

After a fairly good sleep last night, there's not much on tap for today. We were supposed to go to a meeting tonight regarding the turnover of our community from developer to resident management. I think we'll skip the meeting as I am still coughing too much. I'd rather watch it as a zoom meeting or watch the video later.

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the vascular doctor for a check up. Aside from the wait in the office, it should be short and sweet. Only problem is that the office is at least 45 minutes away, so I may not make it here tomorrow morning.

That's about all I've got for right now. Time for coffee!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I have to go pick up the paperwork from the heart Dr and then go to my PC for an appt.

Yesterday I found a real nice Chinese recipe so after my appt I will go to the grocery to see if I can get the one main ingredient and if so will make it for dinner tonight.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits! It's CLOUDY here BUT WARMER! 46 F as I post! I'll take that for mid-January without any snow in sight any day! But as Dave mentioned..... it's going to start to DIP DOWN FAST! :oops:

Nancy: If you ever want a quick good Chinese meal try and google EGG ROLL IN A BOWL. Really good.

DAVE: Enjoy your day of doing nothing! Not sure how that is any different than any other day for us Old Folks! Ha Ha. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Just make sure to get outside and pick up all that poop before it snows!! Then again, maybe just leave it until the temps freeze it for easier pick up! :eek:

Lee / Lu-Ann / Ava: You all enjoy your day. So when do you go to Disney Springs? Not like you to miss a day/evening there. Have your friends from Canada arrived in the area yet?
Nice to know that the Subie was a comfortable ride down. It had a LONG EARLY BREAK-IN, so you'll have to be extra nice to it. Does this house have a garage that you can actually park the vehicle in it? So many down there are made into Kiddie Play Areas is why I ask. Enjoy your day.

BB: Hope your wait isn't too long at the doctors office. Has Bert tried out that new grill yet? I swear I remember you getting one not that long ago. The Florida humidity must rust those babies out quicker down there. We need a new grill. I'm thinking of getting one of those FLAT GRILLs this time around. Not sure yet.

Negc: Dallas sure beat the pants off of Brady and his boys last night. WOW.... SAD to watch.
Are you getting any walks in around your compound? Take a few pictures and post for us to get a idea of where you're staying for the next 3 months.

And Karen: How is Scooter doing? I think you mentioned something about the heart needing another check-up. Hope all is good. Prayers still going out for your SIL and Brother.
We have a young teenager in our church, 15 yrs old, that will be having open-heart surgery on Thursday. She is a DREAM CHILD. Just the nicest kid you could ever know. Sure hope things go well for her. I'll ask for prayers from all of you on Thursday. The priests had a special prayer for her on Sunday during the service. They a super active in our church and she got tons of prayers offered for her successful upcoming surgery.

Okay, I need a cup of ......
Coffee Wink GIF by joeyahlbum

You all have a good day. The Temp is CLIMBING UPWARD as I type here. Yippee.


Chief Security Officer
As we were going out to dinner last night, one of our neighbors stopped us and pointed up at the sky. When we looked up we could see the rocket and its contrail and about that time we saw the booster separate and begin to drop back down. We have seen a couple of launches in the past but never the separation so it was fascinating to watch. The setting sun reflecting off the contrail made it look like it was aflame.
I agree with the comments about this weekend's football games. They certainly lived up to all the hype about "Super Wild Card Weekend". Some big heroes and a few goats (not GOATs) who will remember those games for some time.
Gave in and put on a long sleeve shirt yesterday but still wore shorts and survived this "killer cold". Forecast is for a welcome warmup this week.
Nice picture of your granddaughter and the dress she made. Yesterday was our youngest granddaughter's 15th birthday. 15 on the 15th!


Chief Security Officer
Well Brady didn't look like the GOAT last night. It may well be time for him to retire and, this time, stay retired. The last year certainly hasn't been a great one for him.
My hip has been giving me problems, K2 , so I haven't done too much walking around the community but hope as the weather gets warmer I can remedy that situation.
Hope that the transfer from the developer to the HOA comes off well, BB. If you elect the right mix of owners on the board of directors, it can be great. Otherwise it can get to be a real pain. We've experienced both, but our current HOA seems to be run quite well.