Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today the plan is boiling down the ham from New Years Day. And that is my day.

Lee, safe travels.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Not nice of the Montreal Express to hitch a ride with you and LuAnn so that it can drop our wonderful temperatures to the chilly 60's by the time you arrive in these woods, Lee. Locals are likely going to panic while you and I will enjoy wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts. When the temperatures reach those levels it is easy to tell the tourists from the native Floridians.
Pest control guy was scheduled to be here today between 8 and 9 a.m. so no sleeping in late this morning. Of course he didn't actually arrive until a 10:30 but at least he arrived and did the job quickly.
Have been reading the latest Jack Reacher book and have to say I am still not convinced that Andrew Child is a worthy replacement for his brother, Lee.


Wacky Wabbit
Misty grey day here today! Oh, Chilly too!

Nega: Nice to know they took care of any possibilities of BUGS in your unit! Ha ha.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening folks. Thanks for all of the kind words for our journey. The fog lifted about 8:30 and we were on the road shortly after that. We pulled right up to the CBP booth. After the usual questions we were on our way. Everything from fog to drizzle to high winds and heavy rain. Not too far from here, we’re in Lexington, they had some really severe storms.
Yes Florida Folks, it looks like we did bring some cool temps across with us. We’re sorry.
If there’s kids in unheated pools in FL Bill they’re likely from northern states and Canada!

tomorrow will be chili day.
A darned “chilly” day if the weather guessers are right Pat. I’ve maintained for a while that you and Bert should write a book about venture and jobs you have had.
There were a couple of crashes on the way Dave. I drove ”smart” and kept an eye on my surroundings.
How’s the new doo Kathie.
What was the culprit with the dryer Dave?
Should tend to Miss Ava’s dinner.
See you tomorrow from Smyrna, GA.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Glad to hear from you, Lee. Nice to know that in spite of the weather, you made it that far. Change of plans for tonight. The pizza place isn't answering their phone. They are either overwhelmed with orders or closed early for some reason. I'm thinking fried chicken from Publix is going to be dinner tonight. I could always make some waffles and give them a very popular dish. That's the special at the Grille this week, but at a ripoff price - $18.00! No way for a dinner that disn't cost them more than $2.50 to make!

Dave - We did once own a restaurant too!!

Time for me to check out for the night. Have a good evening and drive safely Lee.

:sleep2: :sleep002::sleepey smile:


2nd Officer
Good evening, I had planned to post much earlier today but ended up taking a "beloved" afternoon nap out on the back porch! Only slept about 20 mins. but it was so nice & cozy in the sun I just dozed right off!

Lee, glad you arrived safely at your first stop! How does the new ride feel now on a long trip?

Pat, so glad you did not end up in "Hotel Celebration"! Now slow
down and take it easy a little bit so those meds have a chance to work! Barb did get her new van on Tues, even though it meant waiting around till all the paper work was finished.

Dave, hope the repair person showed up on time & was able to fix the problem with the dryer, not exactly hang your clothes outside weather for you all.
Kathie, bet the hair cut feels fabulous, really glad you double checked the calendar before heading out yesterday!

Bill, I'd seen previews for that Spielberg movie it looked ok, but probably not something I'd rush out to see either.
My sister in law is still hanging in there, she is pretty much unaware of anything, but the family has someone with her day & night.

I'm especially glad Barb finally got a car because I needed her to "rescue" me today! I had gone to BJ's in the Villages to get gas this morning & then to Walmart. Before I went into Walmart I took my credit card & BJ's card out of my pocket where I'd put them while getting gas & put them in my wallet, locked the truck & headed inside. When I got done getting groceries I discovered my keys were NOT in my purse, I went out to the truck & could not see them inside anywhere either. Checked at the service desk, no keys, tried to trace my steps around the store, no keys. I called Barb to see if she would go to my house & bring my spare keys & she said Ok. 45 mins. later she showed up with my keys, unlocked the truck & thank the Lord there were my keys down beside the seat where I couldn't see them from outside! I haven't locked my keys in my vehicle in ages, and I was more worried I had actually LOST them this time. I think I am going to get a spare key made to keep in my wallet, I may not be so lucky next time that someone can come help me.


Wacky Wabbit
Lost a post. :mad:
Always something.

Watched Law & Order Organized Crime Unit. Really scary. Best way to watch a movie when it gets really scary is to TURN OFF THE SOUND. It’s the music that makes it so scary.

Elvis Presley’s daughter died from a HEART ATTACK TODAY. WOW. SHE WAS JUST ON THE GOLDEN GLOBES THE OTHER NIGHT with her Mom. She looked great. How sad. She was married 4 times and had 4 children.

LEE: Save some money for your return trip through the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel. Rates go up to $6.50 Sunday! Wow.
Good Nite Wrabbits.
Tired Sweet Dreams GIF by good-night

Lee… out for those tornados they keep telling us happened today.


2nd Officer
So nice hearing from you last night, Lee. Keep up with the daily reports. Slow but steady progress is being made by you so you can get to what you've been looking for.......


And when you get to your destination, within a couple of days you'll have mission accomplished.

It looks like none of us will make a good car thief, KC. But happy for you that Barb is once again mobile and able to get you another set of keys. (Mobile because of you.) After your morning, you deserved that BEloved afternoon nap.

Hope you got your appetite back, BB. Speaking of which, did you end up with pizza or chicken last night?

We were chilly here yesterday too, K2. Plus wet. It was either drizzling or raining all day. This morning it's just below freezing, which means a day of either sprinkles or light snow. Or both.

We did purchase me a new wedding ring yesterday, but they have to send it out to be engraved on the inside of the ring. Murphy's law says that while we're waiting for it to come in is when I'll find the old one.

The appliance company came out just after 9 AM. Spent about 20 minutes taking panels off the dryer and put on a new belt. Guys who do this everyday sure make it look quick and easy. I probably would have been cussing up a storm during the 2 hours it would have taken me.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Up early for me after a not very good night's sleep. Have to get out early to get more Arthritis Tylenol as I only have enough for later today. And later it will start raining before the big temperature drop. The cold weather shelters will be opening tonight.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. Brrrr
Cold and WINDY!

Dave: I can only hope that the old RING shows up now! Did you perhaps do any dog-pooping up and maybe it got slipped off in the plastic bag! Not sure how you pick up your dogs poop!
Does your HANDY DANDY NEPHEW happen to have a Metal Detector you could use around the yard, garage, car, “basement”. It’s a thought.

Amazing all the damage the tornado did down South. Mobile homes TOTALLY GONE! Sticks left of huge trees. Some deaths and missing people. So sad.

I have to FORCE MYSELF to go grocery shopping today. Krogers has double fuel rewards on Fri, Sat & Sun.

BB: Hope you’re feeling better. Stay warm these next few days. Good day for soups or stews, etc. Lasagna comes to mind too!
I might make that No Knead Bread later today!

Negc: Hope you brought some warm jackets with you.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I didn't sleep well last night either. As a matter of fact, I didn't sleep at all! Seems like the meds I am on decided last night was a good time to loosen up a lot of mucus and I had to keep spitting it out. Hopefully, that helped to clear my lungs a bit. During the day I am fine, but it's when I lie down in bed that it ramps up, even having a wedge under my pillow to elevate my upper body. I do see a nap today.

It's dark and windy here with rain coming and going. Just a real nasty kind of day. Glad we got out on the lanai yesterday for about an hour. Not going to be doing that again until around next Wednesday. Yhis is going to be my hibernating weekend!

Dave - To answer your question, we ended up with hot & spicy wings from Publix. Apparently the pizza place was closed for some reason. Finally gave up calling them and settled on the wings instead.
Glad the serviceman was able to fix your dryer problem so quickly. That's always a good thing.

Karen - Good for Barb to have gotten the new wheels at the perfect time. Nice that she was able to help YOU for a change. So happy that you found your keys right in your car. Yesterday was a perfect day to take a nap outside. You earned that one.

Lee - Will be eagerly awaiting your check in later today to let us know that you made it through all the crappy weather safe and sound.

Kathie - That really was sad news about Lisa Marie Presley. Just too young to be gone already.

Well, that's about all I've got this morning.
I thought I posted this about 2 hours ago! Definitely having a senior moment or just lack of sleep.

At least our rains are gone and the sun is shining brightly. Too bad it's only in the 60s and will be heading downward.

Have a wonderful Friday the 13th, everyone! Maybe this is the night we'll hit it big on the lottery!!!


2nd Officer
Good evening!

Dave, that was a mellow little ditty you picked for us this morning! They sure don't make music like that anymore. Glad the repairman was able to fix the dryer in 1 visit.

Pat, hope you were able to catch a nap, even if it wasn't on the Lanai like mine was. Glad to hear the meds are helping, but a bummer about keeping you awake

Lee, hopefully you didn't run into really bad weather while on the road today. I saw a post of FB from a weather person I follow who was heading to Gatlinburg Tn. for the snow. He's sort of a semi-pro storm chaser.

Kathie, I hope Kroger wasn't to packed with everyone else taking advantage of double fuel points. I'm enjoying this little bit of cooler weather just for the very reasons you mentioned, soups, chili & lasagna. It's just not the same making a pot of soup in 90 degree weather.

We had some pretty heavy rain sometime in the middle of the night & a few rumbles of thunder. It woke me up, but not even enough to roll over & see what time it was. Sun was out here for most of the day but starting to get more over cast now & cooler. I covered all the plants back up again too.
Didn't buy a mega million ticket so I'm ahead a buck or $2 I guess. Enjoy the evening all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Checkin‘ in from Smyrna, GA. where it’s barely 40F. We took our time getting on the road this morning and left Panera about 9:00. Traffic was pretty good but again we can’t say the same for the weather. Snow flurries and showers all the way down to about 60 miles north of Atlanta. Surprisingly, we were only 5 minutes later arriving than maps estimated. That’s really good if you’re in traffic anywhere near Atlanta!
What a great tune Dave and some great pictures to go along as well. Good that you have the ring picked out. Yep, there’s some things that should be left to the professionals.
We paid $8.25 at the bridge yesterday Kathie. You sure didn’t need a dna test to know who Lisa Marie was related to.
Wings are a good pick Pat! I reckon we’ll get in tomorrow and do a quick shop. I’d like to head towards Celebration on Sunday to hit Publix, Aldi‘s and maybe give Ava a walk around the lake. I remember sleeping sitting in the recliner when I first came home from the heart thingy. At least I could get some sleep. I hope you are able to get a good sleep tonight!
I completely forgot to pay my stupidity tax (lottery tickets Karen so I guess I’m up $2 too. Your storm tracker guy was spot on. Some really nasty weather up his way. The Subaru has done very well on wet and slick roads. Good mileage too!
Nothing brings out aches and pains like cold damp weather Nancy. Hopefully your Tylenol will help.
We’ll be underway a little earlier tomorrow as it’s the longest day on the road. We like to take “stretch breaks” and walk Ava a bit so we always build in time for that. I also have to stop at the Okahumpka stop and get a new SunPass.
OK, outta here for now.
Belles, please leave the lights on for us tomorrow. And turn up the heat please. By Tuesday would be good. ;)


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Good to hear from you. Sorry about the rain and cold temps. You just never know what kind of weather you'll get traveling South this time of the year. If you made it through Atlanta that's more than half the battle of the trip.
How is Ava handling the trip so far? Hello to Lu-Ann from us.

YIKES on that $8.25 toll at the bridge!
How often do you use that SunPass down there? Is it worth it? I guess on the Gulf side we just never had tolls.

Karen: Costco and Kroger were full, but manageable. The best part was this Costco Lady (what the heck did Tony call those ladies that served up the goodies) anyways.... she was making grilled cheese sandwiches with some really yummy cheese. I waited and got a hot sample and it made my day! Nice and crispy.

It's 28F and dropping with all the WIND outside. Brrr.
Our Electric company posted new rates that will be going into effect. They want you to NOT use too much electricity at PEAK TIMES during the Summer and will be charging you more if you do. I'll be getting a hold of that price chart ASAP. Not hard to lower the A/C at the right hours to save money. Getting really frugal in my old age. Ha Ha. Tony would say: CHEAP! Ha Ha

Off to to get ready to watch the Michigan State Univ play some basketball. Nothing else on TV on a Friday.

BB: Try sleeping in that neat Lounger chair. Hope you get some rest tonight. You too Nancy.

Out of here.

Good Morning Love GIF by The SOL Foundation
Nite all.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies!

Did you know that you can't breath out of your nose when you smile"?

Got you to start off your day with a smile, didn't I?

OK Lee, here's the deal....... When you finally get to your rental house, step out of your car, plant a flag in the yard, and declare that land for Canada.

As for picking up dog poop, K2; We've got a 5 gallon bucket with a trash bag in it. And Kathi got one of those long handled trays and a long handled tiny rake to sweep the doo-doo into the tray. Kinda like you see businesses use to pick up trash in their parking lots. And now that I have a new ring coming, I'm done with any high effort searches for the missing one. Who knows where it fell off. And we've even checked clothing and coat pockets, and inside of gloves.

Your sleep may have been rough the other night BB, but with all the mucus you were coughing up, it shows that your medicines were working. Always mark me down for hot & spicy wings.

No Mega-Million ticket on Friday the 13th for you KC? There went your chance for a mega castle. And mark me down for hot chili too, no matter what the weather is.

Today; At 9 this morning, sewing class resumes here for one of the granddaughters.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Woke up to such pain in both ankles, it took about 20 minutes for it to leave and of course both hands are hurting real bad, all due to temps we are having.

Today will be going to ruby Tuesday as today is the last day I can get the free hamburger for my birthday. and it will be the last as now they are giving a free dessert, which of course neither of us eat.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning from chilly, no make that COLD Florida! We've actually made it up to 46!! Definitely not my kind of weather.

Karen - Never got to take a nap yesterday, but did go to bed very early and slept through the night, except for bathroom breaks. Definitely feeling much better today. The meds seem to be doing their job. Laurie & Ron were up in Gatlinburg this week. The kids were so thrilled to see snow for the first time. Evan built a snowman. Ot was nly about 8 inches tall and he was able to hold it in his hand. He was a happy camper!

Lee - Glad you got through Atlanta without any difficulty. Good idea making a run to all the shopping places as soon as possible. Hopefully, within a few days the weather will be back to normal.

Kathie - Bummer with your electric company raising the rates during the summer months. When we live in NJ they did the same thing, but they also raised the natural gas rate during the winter when people were heating their homes with gas. Lord knows what the rates up there are now.

Dave - Those hot and spicy wings were so good. They are my second favorite wings. My most favorite wings are ones with garlic butter. Messy but so good. Our pot of chili last night was a big hit, but there's not enough for a second night's dinner, so I took our a container of beef stew from the freezer. Now people can make a choice of what they want tonight.

Nancy - Sorry you were in so much pain this morning.

Bill & Lee - We definitely have to plan to get together asap. I was talking to Rita yesterday and we'd like to get together before they go on their cruise in February. So let's start throwing around some days.

Not much planned for today. I sure don't intend to go anywhere in this cold weather. I'll probably just get comfy on my wonderful chair and watch some TV all day. Life is he!!, isn't it?

Have a good one, everyone, and STAY WARM!!!


Chief Security Officer
Actually had one number between the two tickets that Rita and I had for last night's drawing but since it wasn't the megaball number, our winnings once again totaled zero. Oh well, now that the payout will drop to a few million or whatever, there won't be any pressure to buy one for next Tuesday's drawing.
Agree with you, K2, about the dearth of watchable TV shows last night except for Blue Bloods and we were able to watch that on the bedroom TV.
A couple of chilly days in the forecast for here, but the heat here works as well as the AC so we can watch the football games in comfort and only venture out if absolutely necessary.
One good feature of our cars, KC, is that we can't lock our keys in the car. Have done that in previous vehicles and it was always a pain.

Sorry you couldn't sleep the other night BB but glad that your mucus is clearing up and that last night was better.
Walgreen's finally have my glucose strip prescription ready so I will have to make a trip there sometime today. Not happy that it took them over a week to do so and considering what other local pharmacy might be a better source when my other prescriptions need to be refilled.


Wacky Wabbit
Buenos Aires Party GIF by /////MONOARTCHIVES//////

We love your Canadian money!

Good afternoon!
Good & Cold.
Kiss-my A— — = 49F
Belleview = 49F
Vero Beach = 52F real feel 48
Longboat Key = 54F

Lee: Keep those LONG PANTS ON! You don’t want to look like a Tourist! :D

BB: Keep coughing up that yuk stuff.

Dave: Stay clear of the sewing classes. They might use you as a manakin to pin the pattern together! Ha ha

I used the Food Saver to pkg all the meat I bought yesterday. Nice to get that job done.