Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I hope you’re sitting down Bill. My winnings are a “two” with “two zeros”. Yep, a whopping two bucks. $2.00. We don’t get mail delivery in Emerald Island! Really!! So, hang on to it until we see you and Rita or bank it for next season.
Yes Kathie, that’s pretty much me! And I did miss you. But I know you were putting in a good word with The Big Guy for all of us. The Lions are trying to give GB a run for their money.
We will for sure look for that game Pat. The reviews sure sound good.
I ordered two USB C chargers for our iPads from Amazon. The description said 2 pack. Yesterday my package arrived but it only had a single charger. I got in touch with Amazon and long story short they said keep it, we’ll issue a refund and I could reorder if I wanted to. I did and the second package arrived this afternoon. I opened it and same thing again! I got in touch with Amazon again, explained the situation, offered to send a picture and so on. I didn’t even ask for a refund because I did have two chargers. Nothing doing. The agent said keep it and because it’s not what you ordered I’m issuing a refund. Again. Pleased and amazed by Amazon’s customer service!
G’nite everyone.


2nd Officer
After days of darkened skies, the beating of our sacred drums has pleased the Gods. We are promised the return of the great fireball in the sky today.

"Time for ALL of us Wrabbits to buy a couple of Lotto tickets. A BILLION DOLLARS.... I swear I'd share some of it with all of you." You'd better, WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE K2.

Cool Buffalo game

I've got nothing else this morning.

Enjoy this day Bunnies.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Doggone it! The worm is already gone again. I’m simply not early enough.
Your Lions done good Kathie.
Back later.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Did not get a very good nights sleep, so won't be doing much today.

Right now I am trying to talk to the people at the CPAP place and have been on hold for 15 minutes so far. Bruce has not used it yet as the instructions are confusing to say the least, they talk mostly about all the parts and not so much how to use. I saw in the USPS notice that we are getting a bill today. I have a feeling this thing is not going to work out.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Here it is barely 10:30 and I've already spent $200.! I got up early enough to buy tickets to our community Valentine's Day gala. With over 2,000 homes in our community and only 182 tickets available, you have to jump on those tickets. You know what they say - you snooze you loose! Tickets went on sale at 10:00. I had the tickets purchased and paid for by 10:02! I am so proud of myself!!! LOL

Kathie - I can imagine how churched out you are. Sorry about your team being eliminated caused by another team winning. Same thing happened to my Steelers. Miami won their game and thus knocked the Steelers out of the playoffs. Oh well, I was surprised they made it this far with a new quarterback, so all is good.

Dave - Thanks for the reminder about getting lottery tickets. If I won the BIG one, I'd spring for a cruise for everyone in our little group. Glad that fireball in the sky is gracing you with its presence today. That's something we see a lot of here in Florida. There used to be a town that the newspaper was free to everyone, if the sun didn't shine that day! Of course, times and populations have changed, so that policy is long gone.

Lee - Good Bills game yesterday. Even though we're not fans, we got all excited about those kickoff run backs for touchdowns. Really neat to see. You starting to pack the car yet? Times awasting, ya know. ;)

Karen - How's your SIL doing? I'm keeping her in my prayers.

Not a lot on my agenda today. It's supposed to get up into the mid 70s this afternoon. I can live with that. Dinner will be nice & easy today - I'm making gumbo with shrimp and sausage in it. I can almost taste it already with some nice hot biscuits. Yummy!!

Have a wonderful Monday, gang!


Chief Security Officer
Fortunately, I was sitting down when I read your post Lee. Before you posted I was expecting to have to file for a home equity loan to insure that I could cover my losses. Maybe I should take that $2 and apply it to a Megamillions ticket and get it to you if it is a winner. If it isn't I'll try to catch up with you while you are here in Florida.
Just spent almost an hour writing checks for the twenty two people in my football pool who are getting back some of, or more than, the entry fee. After writing all those checks and addressing the envelopes I will likely have
developed writer's cramp.
Tell me that the $200 you spent this morning wasn't just for tickets for you and Bert at the Valentine's Day Gala. In a community of 2000 homes how can they only have 182 tickets.

Dropped a prescription off at a local pharmacy on Friday and they have to call my pharmacy back home to get it transferred here. Haven't heard from them yet but I know my pharmacy back home is very prompt in responding to such requests so if I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I will have to follow up.
Nancy, my son uses a CPAP machine but I know little about their operation. If he were still here I'm sure he could help Bruce with any questions he might have. If you want I can contact him and try to put him in contact with you and Bruce.


2nd Officer
Fortunately, I was sitting down when I read your post Lee. Before you posted I was expecting to have to file for a home equity loan to insure that I could cover my losses. Maybe I should take that $2 and apply it to a Megamillions ticket and get it to you if it is a winner. If it isn't I'll try to catch up with you while you are here in Florida.
Just spent almost an hour writing checks for the twenty two people in my football pool who are getting back some of, or more than, the entry fee. After writing all those checks and addressing the envelopes I will likely have
developed writer's cramp.
Tell me that the $200 you spent this morning wasn't just for tickets for you and Bert at the Valentine's Day Gala. In a community of 2000 homes how can they only have 182 tickets.

Dropped a prescription off at a local pharmacy on Friday and they have to call my pharmacy back home to get it transferred here. Haven't heard from them yet but I know my pharmacy back home is very prompt in responding to such requests so if I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I will have to follow up.
Nancy, my son uses a CPAP machine but I know little about their operation. If he were still here I'm sure he could help Bruce with any questions he might have. If you want I can contact him and try to put him in contact with you and Bruce.
I found a different number to all and actually talked with a person and got the info needed. Now I know Bruce will not be happy with the placement of the tube but as long as it works for him, I have found a mask that has a much better placement of the tube. But thanks for the offer.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bill, if you get this in time, yes by all means buy us (you and I) a $2 ticket with my winnings. It’s on me. Here’s the deal though…
Any prize up to the $500 level you and I split two ways between you and I. $10,000 and up the hutch shares it equally.
Yep Pat, I did test fit the suitcases. Not the space our old Caravan had but with just Ava now we’ll do OK. I suspect the number of Valentine‘s tickets is governed by the capacity of the amenity center?
The brightest day we’ve had for, it seems, weeks Dave. Still very cold and damp though.
Today’s game was a card game called Wizard. Always fun!
No MNF this week. But there is a college game. After, I think, 41 watered down “bowl” games tonight the college season wraps up.
Time to feed Ava. See you all tomorrow.
And yes, I’m serious about the lottery ticket.


2nd Officer
Good evening all, finally getting a chance to check in & do a quick post. The last time I talked to my brother they were basically keeping Lisa sedated & comfortable. I try not to bug with him calls or texts to much cause I know of lot of times when he's with Lisa if she's sleeping he naps a bit too.
Took Barb car shopping today, we drove to Wildwood about 30 mins away from me to look at a 2013 Town & country, the same year as she had before. They wanted $9,000 out the door so she was going to put a down payment on it & finance $7,500 with the credit union as that is the minimum they will finance on a used car. Once we got there & started looking at it she just didn't really have a good feeling about it. So after looking under the hood, kicking a few tires & such she decided it was not the car for her. No problem, I would much rather have her get something she feels comfortable about. Now that she has talked to the credit union & knows that the payment on a $7,500 loan is about $175 a month for 4 yrs. she feels better about financing again. So we then went to another dealer here in Ocala that had a 2012 Town & Country in the same color blue she had before, miles were about 90,000 and cash price out the door was $10,803, so she would still be financing the $7,500. We took it for a test drive & she really felt comfortable with it so unless she has a change of heart tonite we will be going back in the morning to finish the paper work. It's a beautiful car inside, even prettier than her old car, so I think she'll be happy with it. And that has been my day, driving Miss Barbara, at least she bought me dinner tonite at Chic fil- A


2nd Officer
It's no longer Maddow-Monday. (Rachel Maddow is only on Monday's now. I wish she were again on every weekday night.)

"Driving Miss Barbara" sure sounds familiar KC. Hope she gets the vehicle she likes.

Geesh Lee, does getting a lottery ticket with you always come with an instruction manual?

A busy schedule yesterday K2?

BB; It's interesting that you had shrimp for dinner last night. For breakfast I had coffee and shrimp cocktail. This morning Kathi wants to go to I-Hop.

Afterwards we may go to a jeweler within walking distance to check out their wedding rings/bands.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I hope Barb finds a good, reliable vehicle in her price range Karen. It’s tough when you don’t have the freedom a set of wheels gives you.
Nope, no manual Dave. It was on line. I looked at the payout structure and thought that the top three prizes, if the numbers hit, was worth sharing with all of you. Have a good walk to the jewellers. Is this another “Mom and Pop” business?
I think today will involve the final packing of the big suitcase. Ava’s kit is ready to go. That just leaves our smaller hotel bag with toiletries, meds and a couple of days of clothes changes for the road to be done tomorrow. Along with laundry and a tidying of the house.
See you all later. Be good gang.


Wacky Wabbit
Onemega GIF by MEGA Magazine
LOTTO!! I still need to get out and buy that darn ticket. After the guy on TV mentioned the ODDS of WINNING.... chances are slim to nothing! But if you don't BUY ONE.... You don't have any chance to win!

Lee: Good to know the suitcases will all fit. Remember LESS is BEST and you'll pick up stuff while away that will need room for the RETURN TRIP! I'm sure you're following the weather reports about SNOW closely. I kind of wish you were on the road yesterday.

BB: Good for you getting the Valentine's Day tickets as fast as you did. I take it you bought for the entire family to go! What a generous person you are.

Negc: Good job getting those checks all written out. Only checks I write these days are to the lawn service guy "ED" and the Township for TAXES. I like to pay the taxes in person, and if you use a credit card they charge you a fee.

Karen: You'll be one happy sister once Miss Barbara gets her car. I hope it all works out for her.

DAVE: Have fun picking out your "New Ring"! You'll have to go to a local church and
RE-NEW your vowels to make that ring official! Ha Ha. :emoticon 0152 heart: :)
music video rings GIF by Jennifer Lopez

Art's just leaving for a COLD (26F) bike ride. Yup, he's nuts. Not sure what I'll be doing today.

Be good Wrabbits. Later...............


2nd Officer
Good morning. Last night we got Bruce all set with the CPAP but he was only able to use it for 20 minutes as he could not breathe out, so this morning we changed to the large mask, so will see how it goes tonight.

No plans for me today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, y'all! A bright but still chilly morning here in the hood, but will warm up to the mid 70s sometime this afternoon. Not a lot on tap for today, so once again I'll probably just be hanging out at home.

Most of you have been to our house and thus our community. The original developer, Avatar, was only interested in selling homes. The amenities they put in - pools, gym, the Grille, etc. were strictly meant to sell homes and they didn't give a rat's --- about whether the amenities would be large enough for a community of this size. It was all about the $$$$$. Now that we are almost at build out, the lifestyle committee are juggling things to try to plan things that more people can attend. They just sent out a survey this morning, as to what we want to see and asking for suggestions for activities. I just checked and there are only 37 tickets still available for the Valentine's gala. I'm surprised that that many are still available. They will be sold out today, for sure, and once again, there will be many pi$$ed off people.

Lee - Glad you did a test run to make sure your suitcases will fit in the new wheels. Almost time to hit the road!

Dave - Good luck wedding ring shopping. Will that make you feel like a new groom? Where are you going for your honeymoon? LOL
I wasn't happy with the gumbo last night. There was nothing wrong with it and my other diners loved it, but it just wasn't to my taste. There's still some for dinner tonight, but I think I will take a container of beef stew out of the freezer for myself and everyone will be happy.

Kathie - I'm good, but not that good. The tickets I bought are for 2 couples who are friends, as well as for M&J, who will give me the money for the tickets and for us. This party is for resident only, so the rest of the family could not go. I guess my halo is a little tarnished now after that revelation, right?

Karen - I hope Barb is happy with the new vehicle that she found. Hopefully, she thought about it overnight and is sure this is what she wants. I'm sure you will be happy not to be chauffeuring her around any longer.

That college national championship game last night was a real joke. TCU was so out of their class playing Georgia. We didn't watch the game and I'm glad I missed it . We were much happier watching the 3 hour NCI crossover show. If anyone can still watch it on your TVs, I recommend it. It was a really good story.

Time now for some lunch and then a trip to Publix for some lottery tickets. Have a good one, gang!


2nd Officer
Good evening!! Barb finally has a new set of wheels! She did think about it over night & was still excited to finish the buyer process this morning. We got there around 9:30 and 4 hours later she finally drove off in the new to her van. Paper work between the dealer, the credit union & the insurance company seemed to take forever. But when all is said & done she's happy & she's in a car she can afford.

Haven't heard anything new from my brother on Lisa, but just sent him a quick text to let them know they are still in our prayers. Been a long crazy day & I am ready to just relax, hopefully tomorrow I will have more brain cells to carry on a nice normal chat with all of you!

Lee, safe travels to you, LuAnn & Ava while you make your way south!


2nd Officer
I just got a text from Ed, he said Lisa is still hanging in there, but getting weaker all the time. The Dr. said this is likely her last week. They are keeping her comfortable & sedated and there son Drew and Daughter Cara are staying with her through the day & at night. Prayers for all please

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That was a good triple header NCIS Pat. We had recorded it and watched it this afternoon.
Congrats to “Miss Daisy” on her new wheels Karen. Hopefully no news on Lisa is good news. I see you just posted. Thoughts and prayers as always for all of you.
Kathie, you’re talking to people who went to Hawaii for 10 days with a carry on bag each and a “personal“ item! We do know how to pack “the essentials”. And you’re right. A little extra space for the trip home is never a bad thing!
Tomorrow we’ll finish packing, get Subie-Doo washed and ready for our Thursday departure. Which looks like a wet drive to Lexington.
G’nite for now. See you tomorrow.


Chief Security Officer
Lee, our lucky numbers for tonight's drawing are: 30,57,62,64,and70, with the QB of 17.
If the hutch joins in a group prayer maybe we can all benefit,
Went to the movies for the first time since I can't remember when. Discount Tuesday so the price was $5pp. Only a handful of people there for the afternoon showing of the Stephen Spielberg film which I enjoyed very much. Rita wasn't as enthusiastic but did say that she thought the movie got better as it went on.
One thing I especially appreciate and I think you will, as well, is the fact that it stays light about an hour later here than back home. I realize that it gets light about an hour earlier here but since we aren't early risers that isn't an issue.

I had mixed feelings about the three hour NCIS crossover and wouldn't include it in my list of favorite episodes. I just felt that they came up with a weak and somewhat confusing storyline that allowed them to include the characters from all three series and the three locations.
Good news that Damar Hamlin's condition has improved considerably in such a short period of time.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Bill. Fingers crossed on everyone’s behalf.
Yes, we are looking forward to a tad more daylight too. It‘s unbelievable that Damar has come along so quickly. It’s great news and speaks to how quickly the medical community on the field and in hospital reacted.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen you can count on this extended family keeping Lisa and Ed in our prayers. :emoticon 0152 heart:

Happy for Barb. And for YOU too! Try and get some rest from all your driving back and forth.

LEE: You’re right about pushing some rain as you travel, but I wouldn’t mind doing! You’ll do just fine.
Do you take the tunnel on Thurs or the bridge??

Dave: Did you get that new RING? Are you two spending the night in a local Motel/Hotel?? Ha ha.

The Grammy’s are to say the least ….BORING!

Mega Exclusive GIF by Megadose Moda Gestante
I bought 3 tickets

Good night all.