Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Well, I guess that our hutch ticket didn’t do anything other than contribute to the jackpot on Friday. Oh well. Seeing as we’ll be in MI and OH tomorrow and KY, TN and GA on Friday I’m sure we can find a spot willing to relieve Lu-Ann and I of $2.00.
We’ll look at the traffic before we leave Kathie. If Huron Church Rd is already filled with tractor trailers we‘ll go to the tunnel.
I think I’ll see if I can doze off for a bit.
You all have a great Wednesday. See you all later.


2nd Officer
Even though nobody won the billion, did any of you Bunnies get lucky, even a little bit, with last night's Mega-Millions drawing last night?

Both sad and happy news in your posts yesterday, KC. It surprised me how soon Lisa is expected to leave this world. Knowing that fact about someone, I'm a person who would prefer it happening sooner than later. Less pain and heartbreak to endure.

But KC, I'm happy that Barb got herself a new ride. It seems like every time I get a new car, the pile of paperwork involved gets bigger.

Tomorrow is the DAY, Dudley Do-Right. And you are 2 dollars richer. Are you driving yourself nuts yet by thinking, "What am I forgetting?, What are we forgetting?"

No new wedding ring for me yesterday, BB & K2. We got done eating at I-Hop, but the jeweler didn't open till 11. And we weren't cooling our heels in their parking for an hour.

I wish it were a Mom & Pop place, but it's a national chain jeweler. Kay. Even little Massillon had 2 family owned jewelers right in its' downtown when I was young. Not anymore, none are left. Heck, no more shoe stores either.

What was the title of the Stephen Spielberg movie, Bill?

Should hit the exercise bike this morning. Key word, SHOULD".



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by Travis Foster
Help yourselves to fresh Coffee! DREARY here in Pure Michigan! :(

Well, I never checked the "3" lotto tickets I bought. I guess I should see if I got the LAST number. Ha Ha, what a dreamer I am. What the heck made me buy 3 tickets?

DAVE: OKAY.... just WHAT AM I FORGETTING? Do we all get $2 bucks more in our Social Security checks?? The GOP is working on TAKING ALL OUR Social Security money away and Medicare. You can bet I'll be getting involved in any PROTEST MARCHES. The USA is in for a long haul with these MORONS that are in the HOUSE now. Start praying folks. This is not going to be fun at all. Get the phone numbers of all your representatives and addresses. We have to ALL let them know how we feel about that.

Lee: Right about now I bet you wish you were already on the road. What time in the morning do you folks plan on pulling out of the driveway? I'm excited for you! :clap002:

DAVE: So are you going out again today to get that ring?

I have nothing more for you fine people right now. Be back later.

Getting my haircut later this afternoon!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Took Ava to The Navy Yard and fed Lu-Ann's squirrel chums. I suggested she hide little piles of peanuts for the squirrels for later.
As much as I wish we were heading out Kathie, we are doing sheets and towels so they are clean"ish" for when we get home. Tossing out the last stuff that's not going in the suitcases to FL and tidying up the car and house. I hope that you do have a few numbers on those tickets. Preferably all different and on the same ticket! We plan on being in the car by 8:30. With Lexington only being a 5 hrs and 40 minute drive even with stops we'll be there between 3:30 and 4:00.
No Dave, I'm not $2 ahead. I asked Bill to use my NFL winnings to buy a ticket for us. Sadly, as then numbers didn't pan out I guess you'll have to buy your own wedding ring.
We're hoping that The Vet calls today to let us know that Katie is back. We would like her to be home before we head out. OK, I guess that I better get a move on.
Thoughts and prayers, as always, going out as needed.
Talk to you later good friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Brrrr chilly at Navy Yard this morning! You're a better person than I am for going that close to the water in January!

UPDATE: Good thing I looked at the desk calendar one more time. My HAIR CUT isn't until TOMORROW! Whew.... that would have been one long trip for nothing! So now I have a free day to straighten out the large, long cupboards in the laundry room. They took a beating during the holidays. Just throwing things back inside.
Then after lunch I MUST go grocery shopping. Our Kroger's is going to go out of business if I don't show up soon! Ha Ha.

Have a good day all.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Did not get a very good nights sleep but will manage. If Bruce gets home early enough I have decided that we will got to Olive Garden for dinner, since I have gift cards.

I will be doing a few errands today, one is either getting a hair cut or setting an appt. for one. then taking in the paperwork for possible getting Eliquis this year from the mfg. Also have to take one package to the post office and one to UPS for returns. And to pick up a couple of Rx's.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Quick good morning. Heading for my pulmonologist's office in a few minutes. Couldn't get an appointment to see the doctor, so I have to settle on the nurse practitioner. Better than nothing, right? I've got a heavy cough with a lot of congestion and mucus. My O2 level is also way down. The NP will either give me some meds or will send me to the hospital. Time will tell. I really think I overdid it over the holidays and undid all the good I had done to stay healthy. Hopefully, I'll get to post later today to let you know how I made out. If you don't hear from me, you'll know Celebration Hospital is holding me captive!!

Have a good day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good thing you checked the calendar Kathie!
You’d better not end up in “Chateau Celebration“ Pat. Hopefully you didn’t overdo things and a little home rest and mild meds will do the trick! Um, I guess that home rest thing isn’t going to work, is it?


Chief Security Officer
Looks like everyone in the hutch had the same type of luck that I had in last night's lottery drawing. Rita also bought a ticket and also had not even one number. Is it any consolation that apparently there was not even one winner and we can try again on Friday with an even larger jackpot on the line?
The Spielberg movie is "The Fabelmans" and is a semi-autobiographical film about Steven Spielberg's youth and his family. As I said, I liked it and Rita felt that it got better as it went along.
Took my prescription for glucose strips to the local Walgreen's pharmacy for a refill on Friday and they now tell me that my insurance won't cover the cost until they hear from my doctor as to why I need them. I have diabetes and have been using the strips since 1998 to check my blood glucose levels and there are two
refills still left on the current prescription, so why all of a sudden there is a problem is puzzling me. I have called my primary care doctor's office and they have promised to handle the situation but I am not a happy camper. Have had the same prescription insurance for years and have not experienced such a situation prior to this.
Social Security benefit increased by 8.3% and actually the Medicare premium actually went down a bit, K2, which in most, if not all, cases comes to quite a bit more than $2 in our monthly benefit. I think we may be happy that the Republican majority in the House is so slim and so fractured that they may not be able to damage or eliminate Social Security as some of them seem intent on doing.
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Wacky Wabbit
Necg: Thanks for the HEADS UP on the Social Security increase, etc. I'll take all the are giving us! Bummer on those strips. I'm sure it will work out.

You think you MIGHT HAVE overdone it during the holidays. Come on.... we all know you DID. Now we just hope you don't end up resting up at Celebration! Take care and keep in touch.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I'm back!!!! NP put me on some Mucinex D for the congestion and a round of prednisone to help build my lungs back up. There is no infection nor pneumonia and that's good. Now I just get to take it easy. I guess we shouldn't plan on going to the Grille tonight for Music Bingo, huh? We'll wait for the next one.

I too didn't get squat on the lottery tickets. Hoping we'll have better luck on Friday.

Lee - If you hurry up and get here, the Mecum Auction will still be going on until Sunday. They have thousands of cars there. We passed it last Saturday going out for dinner.

Kathie - Glad you realized your haircut is tomorrow and not today. Good move saving yourself a trip for nothing.

Dave - Back in my college days, I worked in a mom & pop jewelry store. It was great. When the salesman came in I could check out everything in his case and could buy stuff at cost. Of course, it was no fun when the store got robbed overnight and I had to figure out what was stolen. One time the dumb thief did me a favor. He emptied out the watch case, but only took the watches and left all the cases so I could inventory the missing stuff. Definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack!!

Bill - Sorry you're having trouble getting your prescription filled. Hopefully, your doctor will get it all straightened out with the insurance company.

Karen - So did Barb go get her new wheels? Continuing prayers for Lisa.

Time now for a glass of vino and watch America's Got Talent from last night. Have a great evening, gang!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good to see you are NOT incarcerated in Celebration Pat. Vert good! Also a good idea to skip Grille Events for a tad! Sadly I reckon that Sunday will be a settling in day so no auction for me.
Have a good evening everyone.


Chief Security Officer
Be glad you are driving Lee and not flying or taking the Auto train to Florida. Nothing but bad news for those who were using either of those modes of transportation today. FAA grounded all flights because of some computer system problems and passengers on the Auto Train from Virginia to Florida were stuck on the train for 30 or more hours due to the derailment of another train. Gives a different spin to the phrase: You can't get there from here.
Until a week or so ago, MA State Lottery had a game called All or Nothing which might have been better for us bunnies. You got 11 numbers and the payouts were staggered with the biggest payouts going to those who had all or none of the numbers drawn.
Probably a good idea to bypass the Grille tonight and stay home and rest BB.
Today was trash collection day and when I went out to bring the trash
barrel back in, I found that one of the wheels on the barrel had fallen off and couldn't be reattached. Called Waste Management and they will deliver a replacement within 3-5 days. Fortunately we can use, but not move, the barrel in the interim.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Got all my errands done including the haircut. And we got to go to Olive Garden for dinner. We both brought home enough for at least one lunch.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Lord willing we’ll see you from Lexington tonight.
Foggy here so we may wait until it lifts. No big deal.
Have a fantastic day Bunnies.


2nd Officer
So happy for you Lee & Lu-Ann that in just a matter of minutes you will be on your way to bunch more warmth than you've been having at home. Drive safe, and don't get in a big rush, or you may just be the first to the accident. Hint, hint, daily progress reports would be cool.

Add me to the list of not matching a single number in the Mega Millions drawing. But I for sure will have my one ticket for Friday's BILLION + drawing.

You've had quite a variety of jobs in your "young" life, BB. I too am glad you are home and not in the hospital.

Yes K2, this Social Security increase is the largest increase we've had in years. You and Art both should be getting a letter from Uncle Sam telling you exactly what your increase is. We got ours last week.

Thanks for "The Fableman's" title Bill.

House-sitting our house from 9 to 11 this morning, awaiting on the repairman to fix our dryer. I have no idea how to fix the weird noise it's making now, so I'm not going to get in there and screw it up even more.


Wacky Wabbit

Fog lifted and Lee/Lu-Ann & Ava should to in the USA by now! :bigwave:

Dave: I will but (1) lotto ticket too

Hair cut day!
Have a good day Wrabbits!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Looking at the last of our warm weather for a few days. SUpposed to go up to 80 today and then the temp drop starts ... 65 tomorrow, 55 Saturday (sorry Lee & Lu-Ann), 61 on Sunday, and then a return to normalcy. By mid week, we'll be back in the 80s. Talk about a roller coaster!

Lee - Wishing you and Lu-Ann safe travels. Looks like you may run into some crappy weather heading south. Just take it easy and stay safe. I'll be looking for your daily updates.

Kathie - Good for you getting your haircut and going on the right day!

Dave - You have no idea of some of the many jobs I've had over the years. I've gone through being a long distance telephone operator, worked retain, been a secretary to a real estate office and a position working for the town we lived in in NJ. I guess I have been a "Jill of all trades" LOL

I guess I'm the big spender of this group. I'll pick up 5 tickets today and hope for the best.

Never went to the Grille last night and instead raided the freezer for some snow crab and some king crab clusters. Served with a salad. There was only one problem, my appetite is off and I ate very little. This has happened before when I was feeling crappy, so I know it will come back within a few days. In the meantime, Bert will be bugging me to eat.
I think pizza is in order for tonight and in honor of our approaching cold front, tomorrow will be chili day. Hopefully it will last a few days.

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. Have a super day, gang, and stay safe!