Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Kathie, thank you for the special prayers! My brother called today & they are just trying to keep Lisa comfortable, but in order to do that they pretty much have to knock her out. It's a very sad situation for the whole family. She could hang on for a few weeks or be gone in a few days.


Wacky Wabbit
There was almost a fist fight on the Floor of the House tonight. Unreal on the Anniversary of Jan 6th overtake. The WORLD is again laughing at us AGAIN tonight. Sad.
McCarthy finally won in the 15th vote.


This picture says it all.
Good night Wrabbits. I’ll pray for all of us in church tomorrow. :emoticon 0152 heart::sign merryxmas:
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2nd Officer
Merry Christmas K2! Manny is so cute when he is plotting his revenge for what was done to him. Neat story about Art losing his wedding ring.

I find it interesting that some of us call it a wedding ring and others of us call it a wedding band. My ring was the original one, the only one I had. The only band I had was a jukebox playing "All My Exes Live in Texas".

So sad for your Sister in Law, KC.

BB; My guess about why you Floridians don't worry about Radon very much is because it's a gas that seeps up out of the ground, and most of you don't have basements. In basements there is very little or no ventilation which can make it dangerously accumulate.

Yesterday was quiet. Did our grocery shopping and just few other little things.

Today, Kathi is having a granddaughter over this morning to help her learn how to sew. For Christmas she wanted a pattern for an easy to make dress, and picked out the cloth.


Wacky Wabbit
HRISTOS SE RODI ------ Christ is Born! Merry Christmas to all Orthodox today!

Enjoy your day. I'm off to church again. Stay safe folks.


2nd Officer
Good morning, a bit "brisk" here in Belleview so far, but the sun is shining so that always makes the day feel better!

Pat, hope things went well with your CT scan, I can only imagine the traffic you had to deal with at that time of day. I've found a lot of good recipes for my air fryer online.

Dave, hope your wedding ring turns up, I'm sure it's driving you bonkers wondering where you lost it. Looking forward to seeing pic's from Kathi on the granddaughters sewing project! How old is the girl?

Kathie, poor Manny, they never seem to understand why their owners want to "fix" something that isn't broken. But we love them & know it's the best thing for them
Your church looked beautiful as usual!

Bill, good to hear all the restaurants on the recommended list have been good so far, that's a rare thing for sure. I've been in a few "recommended" places that I wouldn't recommend to my worst enemy.

Lee, I'm sure you & LuAnn are eager to get on the road south, only a few more days now. Will be interesting to hear how the new ride feels on the long trip.

Thurs. Scooter had her day at the vet for her blood pressure check. Vet is still not happy with her numbers so has added a 2nd medicine to her treatment. She goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check and they will also do blood work for her kidneys as the new medicine can sometimes affect them. Always something!

I talked with Amanda Thurs. evening & she is continuing to do well. She is really having to pace herself as she feels so much better than she has in a long time, she tends to try to do to much. Thank you all for keeping both her & my sil Lisa in your prayers.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Hristos se rodi to you Kathie.
It’s nice to know Amanda is on the mend Karen. So disheartening that Lisa is not doing well at all. You know that we are keeping both of them and you in our thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday slipped away somehow and somewhere. I expect the next few days to do the same as we get stuff prepared for the trip. It seems odd prepping food and kits for only one pup.
Nothing like a good George Strait sing Dave. And he’s had many. Any chance the ring is in the very bottom of a pants or jacket pocket? Or bundled in with your car keys?
I’m picturing poor Manny, once the soft collar is off, going to lick his privates as dogs sometimes do. I hope Jill has a camera ready to capture that “What the he77?“ look on his face. So which went further? Art’s ring or the snowball? Thank you for the safe travels prayers.
Geez Pat, we gave you one job. Arrange for a sunny day and warm weather. But you know what? The 62F in Kissimmee you arranged is a whole lot better than the 34F The Burg is expecting. How was the trip to Celebration? Hopefully your test went well.
I had to look up the players and I can’t say I’ve ever heard of that group of “celebrities” Bill. Kinda like me watching music awards. I don’t know most of those people either.
Today is stationary bike day. So I best get on with it.
You all have a fine day!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Got a good nights sleep. Only plan for today is taking down the Christmas lights. Oh and doing a load of laundry.

Many years ago, when Bruce was working as an electrician in West Palm Beach, he came home having lost his wedding ring. We went down the next day, a Saturday, and opened the small hole he had been working in and it was not there. Since the larger hole was more than twice as big we did not open it, so somewhere in that neighborhood is his ring. And he has always said if he can't have the original ring he did not want one. So it has been over 30 years since he has worn one.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and Merry Christmas, Kathie. Your church is so beautiful. They just don't build churches like that any longer. Did they ever replace that chandelier that fell?

Karen - My prayers continue for Amanda, your SIL, and the whole family. This is such a difficult time for everyone. It's start to warm up a bit here. We're up to 63. Big whop!!!

Dave - You might be right about the idea that we don't have basements. Most houses here are built on a slab. Talked to a deputy sheriff a while ago and he said that radon can leach through the concrete and he suggests that people do the test. I've never heard that from anyone else though. Loved your song this morning and now I can't get it out of my head. Thanks!

Bill - Hopefully they will have the pool fixed and open again real soon. I know you Yankees like your winter swims while all we can say is brrrr!! Nice that you're going to some great restaurants, but pace yourself or you will be fat as a house, though I doubt that will ever happen. We are going to DiCarlo's tonight, by the way. It's a belated celebration of M&J's 30 anniversary.

Lee - Have you started packing the car yet? I thought of you and your gang that have a game day every week. Brian & Sara brought a game with them that everyone enjoyed so much that I went and ordered it on Amazon. It's called Telestrations. Have you every heard of it or played it. It sure was good for a lot of laughs.

Nancy - You sure do seem to do a lot of laundry

CT Scan went very fast last night. I was in and out of the room in less than 10 minutes. I wish I could say the same for the ride there and back. Friday night traffic is awful in this area, Not that any night is much better. Now I might have to wait until March to get the results, unless I give him a call on Monday to try to get in to see him. My cough and lots of mucus just wont' go away. Last time I saw him, he didn't give me anything to take for it, so it just isn't going away. Of course, taking down all the dusty Christmas decorations and packing them up didn't help. Might have to resort to my "witch's brew" in order to make it better.

I see we have made it up to 64, so I guess it's time for me to go out on the lanai - NOT!! It is time for me though to have a cup of coffee and read the newspaper. Can't wait to read all about how McCarthy managed to FINALLY get voted in as speaker. I wonder how long that will last.:emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Have a super day, everyone, no matter what you are doing.


Chief Security Officer
We are among the many folks who didn't win Megamillions last night but in our case we saved some money by not purchasing tickets. Not sure if we can resist the urge to purchase some for the next drawing.
BB's chilly weather has made its way down here and it wa 65 degrees when I got up. Not sure how much lower the temperature was earlier in the morning, but the warmth of the sun is making it much more comfortable now.
Last weekend of regular season NFL football with two games scheduled for today and the rest on Sunday.
I had no clue as to who any of those three "celebrities" were who were on Celebrity Jeopardy either, Lee and I too, don't recognize most of the award winners on those music award shows.
Hard to believe we have already been here a full week. Time sure does fly when you are having fun and not battling snow and cold. Here, if we are housebound, it is by choice and not by the dictates of winter weather.
I see that Kevin McCarthy finally got elected Speaker of the House. Given the strong opposition he faces in his own party, I don't see how he can hope to be a very effective speaker. God save the United States of America.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hadn’t heard of Telestrations Momma Bunny. I looked it up and it’s sold out on Amazon Canada. I think our book shop may sell it.
Sounds like the only “battling” you’re doing Bill is to get an order of ribs!
ribs GIF


2nd Officer
Yes Bill, It's hard to turn down a Mega Millions ticket for the Tuesday drawing which could be worth 1 BILLION bucks.

We'll be paying "sticker shock" when we pick up the first 2 prescriptions of mine for the year. I'd mentioned that our highest prices for prescriptions is at the beginning of the year. Then taper off as the year goes along. SOOOO....These 2 prescriptions in December cost $38, but now they will be $590.

But I still feel thankful and lucky. Anyone who doesn't have any insurance will pay more than twice that.

Lee, as the old joke goes....Why do dogs lick their balls? Because they can.

In answer to your question KC; The granddaughter learning to sew is 12. Yesterday they laid out the pattern and cut the fabric. Next time is the actual sewing.

That was a fast CT scan, BB. Don't we wish all tests were that quick. My guess is that Kevin McCarthy won't hold that position for even a year.

After not going to church for various reasons for a while K2, I'm guessing that you are pretty much all churched out. Still no luck on the ring hunt. Plan on getting a new one. It doesn't feel right without it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Still no luck on the ring hunt. Plan on getting a new one. It doesn't feel right without it.
Which should pretty much guarantee that the minute you and Kathi arrive home with the new ring one of you will look somewhere and say “Hey, look what I found”.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Will be going for lunch later and that is the plan for today.

Never did laundry yesterday so have to do it today. BB I generally do 2 loads of laundry a week and sometimes not even every week, so really don't do that much laundry.

Yesterday Bruce had me place an ad for the camper shell on the pick up for sale and I do think he had me put too high of a price on it, but will see. He almost has everything out of it so we can sell the truck to a guy from DOT that wants it. Hopefully that will be very soon.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Interesting that you are dreading the increased prices for your prescriptions at the start of the New Year, Dave, while Rita and I are looking forward to the prices for our meds returning to lower levels and we are no longer in the "donut hole".
Speaking of prices, I guess that Florida suspended the tax on gasoline for a period of time that apparently ended with the arrival of January. When we arrived in Vero on December 31st, a local station was charging $3.09 for regular. On January 1st, the price at that station and every other station here was $3.29. The next day the price dropped to $3.28 and the day after that it was $3.26. Not sure what it is now and most of the other stations around here are either $3.29 or $3.39. Those penny and two penny changes are even harder to understand.
Pats/Bills game begins the next hour. Hearing favorable news about Damar Hamlin's status and hope his condition continues to improve. I am sure he will be on the minds and in the prayers of everyone who takes the field today.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone! Not a lot going n around here today. It's nice to have a slow moving day for a change.

Bill - Like you, I saved money the other night by forgetting to buy lottery tickets. Florida had a gas tax holiday for the moth of October. lections were shortly after that. Coincidence? I think not. It backfired on deathSantis though, as gas went up at that time and wiped out any savings. Our gas prices dropped below $3. in December. Gas went up over a quarter overnight and no one has any idea why.

Dave - Sorry you still are having no luck finding your wedding ring. Bert doesn't have his original one either, but it was because of an allergic reaction, his ring had to be cut off. Being a wonderful wife, I sold my college ring when gold prices were going through the roof and used the month to buy Bert a new wedding ring. While he was working, he could not wear it due to being around and working on machinery. Now he never takes it off.

Lee - If you get a chance to buy that game, I highly recommend it. It's like a cross between Pictionary and the old kids game Telephone. It's good for a lot of laughs.

He to anyone I missed.

Time to go watch some football. The Patriots/Buffalo game should be starting in a few minutes. Unfortunately, we can't watch the Steelers game.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bill, to quote Damar “Did we win”? A real emotion packed game.


Chief Security Officer
Bill, to quote Damar “Did we win”? A real emotion packed game.
Yes, Lee, you won but the game had several interesting moments but with a few too many interceptions. Clearly the better team emerged victorious though Mac had one of his better games (in spite of those interceptions). Remind me what our bet was so that I can write you a check and what your FL mailing address will be cause if I mail it to your home, the check may be stale by the time you actually get it. Wishing the best for your Bills in the playoffs.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits! Miss me?? Ha Ha.......don't answer that "Tony"!

I love when Lee & Bill bet on sport games and payoff while Lee is in the USA! Saves a lot of hassle with the silly mail system and exchange.

I'm CHURCHED OUT FOLKS. I think the Mosaic in the ceiling around the Saint pictures will need to be repaired after I made to church all these days! Ha Ha.

Now to try and remember that TOMORROW is

Dave: Sorry your ring hasn't shown up yet. It's just got to be somewhere. Did you check with the Lost and Found at your local grocery stores and Walmart where you pick up meds?
Vacuum out the car and then check the bag to see if it got sucked up in the vacuum. Same thing in the house when vacuuming. I'm still holding out hope you find it.

Lee: Thanks for the Serbian Christmas GREETING. What a guy! 4 more days and you hit the road. WOW........I hope you have enough spare undies to change into. I know you'll be getting WAY TOO EXCITED and..... accidents do happen. :emoticon 0140 rofl: Sorry I couldn't help myself.

peeing ralph wiggum GIF

BB: I'll have to look into that game you mentioned. Telestrations.

Time for ALL of us Wrabbits to buy a couple of Lotto tickets. A BILLION DOLLARS.... I swear I'd share some of it with all of you. Heck, I'd be dead before I could spend that much money. :)

Karen: Any word on Lisa. Still have her in my prayers.

Later gang.........gotta get ready to watch that Detroit Lions Game. They REALLY have to WIN this one.

Negc: Hope it's warm enough for you and Rita. Reading your books and taking a nap every so often. Hope so. That's what being down there's all about........RELAXING.



Wacky Wabbit
BUMMER on the Detroit Lions GAME. Just read that the SeaHawks won their game and that throws out any chance for the Detroit Lions to get into the playoffs. Such a shame after they came back this year from the bottom. Oh well........I'll still watch tonight's game and hope they win.

Excited National Football League GIF by Rocket Mortgage
Dropping the Mic.........have a good Monday folks.