Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
It's just into the new year, and already I've found something to confuse me.

I thought the Rose Bowl Parade was always on the 1st of the year??? But it wasn't listed on any of the network channels. So I checked today's schedules, and once again no parade. Only their regularly scheduled programs for a Monday morning.

BUT when I put it into the DVR to record it, it came back and said that the parade will be on this morning on ABC at 11.

And that's what I'm confused about. WILL IT BE?

No KC, no sports betting for me. I like my betting in a casino, not over a phone. So you are guaranteed to be a good little churchgoer now. At least on months that have 5 Sundays.

Happy for you Bill that you are pleased with your new digs in Florida for the next 3 months.

And jealous of you Lee, being there in about 2 weeks. I forgot, how long are you going to be there?

Yes, all of you Floridians, the snowbirds are now in their migration.

Any turkey left over K2? DAMN, now THAT is a dessert!

No major plans for today. I should hit the treadmill or stationary bike before I make a quick stop for a couple of things at the grocery store.


Chief Security Officer
Mmmm! that dessert looks terrific and very much like the one I had at the restaurant last night. We returned to the Ocean Grille where we had originally planned to have our New Year's Eve dinner. The wait this time was about as long as the night before, but it was a bit earlier so we decided to wait. Only negative note was our waitress telling us after I had ordered the baby back ribs which were one of the specials on the menu and which I remembered as great when we were there last year, were sold out. Had to have a very good filet mignon instead so the night was still a success. Topped it off with that dessert which looked suspiciously like the meringue concoction that K2 was assembling- Meringue, hot fudge sauce, two scoops of ice cream, and loads of whipped cream. I think the menu identified it as a meringue torte.
Up early this morning as Kevin and Jamie are heading to WPB to visit with her father so I will take them to pick up a rental car for their trip.
Met one of our neighbors yesterday and it turns out that she is from Cape Cod and used to work at a restaurant that we
occasionally frequent a few miles from our home. - small world.
These Sunday holidays and what happens on the Mondays that follow can mess up our routines Dave. Never quite sure what things will be open or operating on a regular or holiday schedule, hence the Rose Parade being held today instead of New Year's Day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning my Wrabbit family! :cool: We have SUNSHINE this morning! Yippee. Rain is coming later tonight into tomorrow.

Today is:
Tired Good Morning GIF by Veronique de Jong
It's really hard to remember which day it is, so I hope this helps!

Negc: So glad you were able to get into that favorite restaurant. Glad you had a dessert that was somewhat like the one I made.
Now about the kids going to WPB and renting a car. Are they going to be leaving to go back home from WPB? Just wondering.

DAVE: I'm with you on the Rose Parade. Not much advertising about it as usual. We'll just have to wait and see it's on today or not. I do like watching the parade, if only to see how they put all those FLOWERS, SEEDS, ETC on the floats.

I have nothing else for you folks. Back later. Enjoy your day. 37F here and sunny right now.

FYI: Watched most of that Pitts football game last night and..............
The Steelers held on to win 16-13, and kept their playoff hopes alive entering the final week of the regular season. A last SECOND win is always exciting.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Second day of the New Year.

Bruce is off to do a job or two and I have to do laundry. Also will watch the Rose Bowl Parade, which I was surprised to see it is today and was not yesterday. Yes is will be today.

Dinner today will be the leftover chicken and I think Mexican Corn off the cob.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Kevin and Jamie will be coming back here tomorrow and leave from here to fly home late on Wednesday.
Watched the Rose Parade this morning and it seemed even more spectacular than I remembered it from previous years. The logistics of organizing all the floats and marching bands has to require tremendous organizational skills, and I imagine a very large amount of space is required to marshall all the participants and line them up
before they step off to begin the parade. Did anyone else notice the large sign near where the floats stopped so that the singers and dancers could perform and changed to identify each float as it passed? That had to require a lot of manpower.


Wacky Wabbit
Hard to believe it’s Jan 2nd! Loving the sunshine while it lasts! 9D83D29E-BCB2-4B83-A6A5-7EB23943CF6D.jpeg
I forgot to SEND this hours ago. Ha ha.

Negc: The parade was terrific. Seems like the floats were HIGHER and LONGER. Always beautiful. Wish I could see it in person.
Still nice here.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Not what many were expecting when tuning in to MNF.
Thoughts and prayers going to Damar Hamlin and The Buffalo Bills organization.
Another reason to hug those you love.


2nd Officer
We all know that football is a violent and dangerous game to play. But, like you Lee, I was shocked by what happened to a 24 year old Buffalo Bills player during last night's Bengals game. After he made what seemed like a normal tackle, he got up and then fell back down on the ground unresponsive. CPR was given on the field, and then an ambulance rushed him to the hospital. I've never seen the NFL stop a game and send the fans home. So sad. Wishing him the best.

Now that I've seen the Rose Bowl parade, it DOES feel like a new year. It's just been a tradition.

K2, when I lived in California I was able to go to it twice. One thing I'll always remember about it is with all the thousands of flowers on each float, you could smell the floats a block away. Glad you got to enjoy some sunshine yesterday. Today, if your weather is anything like ours, it's going to be a soggy day.

My goodness Bill, you just got to Florida. If you keep eating like you've been since you got there, how much are you going to weigh by the time you leave.
I give, what is "WPB"?

With your "lengthy" post yesterday BB, I'm getting a felling that with all the cooking, holiday festivities and visiting relatives you're getting pooped out.

Lee, if you applied yourself I bet you could have finished off K2's Meringue Strawberry Dessert all by yourself.

One more Christmas party for you tomorrow at Wendy's, KC. And then you can stash away all your holiday clothes for another year.

I have no great goals today, but you can bet that Kathi does. Getting ahold of her dentist and getting her new crown glued back on.

I'm guessing that someone just used the wrong glue. Using the glue for temporary crowns, and not the glue for permanent crowns.


2nd Officer
Good morning.

Dave WPB is West Palm Beach.

Not sure what today brings. I was very surprised when I saw about that football player.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Got a family issue going on, so I might not be around too much in the next couple of days.

Never got to see the Rose Bowl Parade or the football game last night. My prayers go out to that young man. Heard this morning that he went into cardiac arrest. Too young to have that happen.

Our NC company left early this morning to head on home. They loved our beautiful weather, but had to dig their jackets out of the trunk, because they know at some point heading north, they will have to put them on.

Now that we're past the first of the year, it's time for me to renew 3 prescriptions. I also need to confirm a doctor's appointment for Friday. What a fun day this is going to be - NOT.

I need to run now. Take care all!


Chief Security Officer
Thanks, Nancy, for explaining to Dave, what WPB stands for. My apologies, Dave, for not recognizing that Ohioans might not recognize the abbreviation.
Only had two meals yesterday so the scales shouldn't
complain that much when I get on.
Frightening what happened to the Bills player and hope that he recovers from his serious injury. Last I heard he had been intubated and was in critical condition. I think almost everyone was shocked by what happened but I was even more shocked to read a post from someone who posted that the league shouldn't suspend the game last night because that would mean that so much money would have to be refunded. As if a player's life should be measured against any financial loss the teams or the league might suffer. Thankfully that was the only post of that kind that I found.
No winner this week in my football pool at the present time because of what happened but I am sure it will be sorted out eventually.Two people in the pool currently have 10 correct picks but they each picked a different winner for last night's game.

Lee, depending on when or if last night's game is rescheduled, I wonder if next week's matchup between your Bills and my Patriots will be impacted.


2nd Officer
Quick check in from me, ended up not going to Orlando after all. We got a latter start than planned so Barb called the dealer before we left to confirm the van was still available, and found out it was not. She had called last night around 5:30 and it had been then. Glad we found out before we drove all that way, she was disappointed, but will just keep looking & saving.
Pat, hope the family issue is nothing serious!


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternon!
I have nothing for you good people.
It’s soggy as Dave mentioned. Gloomy too. Miss that sunshine.

BB: Sending you …
Love You Hug GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown
Take care!
Lee: Have you done a trial packing up of the new vehicle to make sure you have enough room for everything?:cool: Don’t forget to pack the Speedo suit!


Wacky Wabbit
I have to look at the CALENDAR more often!
I thought today was WEDNESDAY until about 4:00 pm.

Lucky me! My week just got longer! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

A Tad too quiet on here today.

Watching Mich State vs Nebraska Basketball game.

Looks like they still haven’t picked a Speaker of the House yet. Only in America can this BS go on.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just barely morning again. And a foggy one at that. Being close by the river I could hear the fog horns when I let Ava out.
Know that what ever it is Pat, our thoughts are with you. Take care of yourself.
I’ve eyeballed the space in the Subaru Kathie. With one less fur kid and pet travel stuff we have room. I think. Any Pavlova left?

Didn’t your sister have a couple of vans sold out from under her when she was looking for the last one Karen? Yes, we must make time this winter to see you.
Quite honestly Bill, I don’t know what will happen. And with Damar still in critical condition as important as the outcome is to both teams I imagine The Bills thoughts may be elsewhere.
Did Kathi get all sorted with the dentist Dave?
It’s garbage day. I have a little more to put out today because we’re tossing an old outdoor Christmas thing, I have three bags (two from the basement) and four bundles of “cushioning” that were on the concrete basement floor for our exercise area.
If it’s not raining we’ll get Ava to the Navy Yard and then we need a few groceries. We’re trying to use up everything before we leave on January 12.
Have a good one everybody.


2nd Officer
Gee thanks K2 for that mental picture of Lee in a Speedo. I for one was happy to see Kevin McCarthy not win the vote to become Speaker Of The House 3 times yesterday. If for no other reason, because he had started moving into the Speaker's office BEFORE he was elected to that position. As if he was entitled to it.

Sorry about your family-issues, BB. With any family, that can include a whole range of issues.

KC; Good thing Barb called the dealership to find out if the van was still available before you made a wasted trip there. I just hate car shopping.

Kathi's front tooth crown has been cemented in again. Thereby getting rid of her jack-o-lantern smile. Kathi mentioned that the dentist was grilling the young dental hygienist on how she prepared the glue last time. Even questioning to see if she made it too early causing it to start curing before the crown was in place. Oh well, we've been seeing this dentist for years and still trust him.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Have been working in the bedroom putting socks, shoes and slippers in bags for Salvation Army. Still have a bunch to do but it was time for a break.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Another morning in Paradise. Kevin and Jamie will be heading home later today, so we will drive them to Orlando and then head back to our digs in Vero Beach. We will definitely miss them when they are gone.
Remind me again how much we are playing for with Sunday's game Lee (in US please so I don't get sticker shock). At present the Bills are favored by 7.5 points but I imagine that they will be dedicating this game to Demar, so the score could be even more in their favor. Last time I saw an NFL player get such a horrific injury was back in 19788 when the Patriots, Darryl Stingley was hit by Jack Tatum and ended up paralyzed. Hope never to see another.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone! It is absolutely beautiful outside today. Perfect January day in Florida with a temp of 81.

Thank you for all your good wishes. This family matter does not include us, but it involves G&E. Beyond that, I won't post anything here. Suffice it to say so far, it's been one hell of a new year!

Went to Sam's & Restaurant Depot today to replenish the freezer after the past 2 weeks. I'm taking a break while Bert trims and cuts a batch of filets. He still refuses to use the sealer and is using a pile of Ziplock bags. He just called me, so off I go again to bag.