Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
When I saw that bunny, my first thought was that it is a bit too early to be thinking about celebrating Easter.
Heard from Kevin yesterday afternoon. They actually left home around 9pm on Tuesday and were in Jacksonville for the night. They should be in Vero by sometime today. He and Jamie took turns driving and one slept while the other drove. Little or no traffic until they got to South Carolina and there they only encountered a delay due to a traffic accident on I-95.
Watched some of the Kennedy Center honors last
night and thought that Julia Roberts' gown was hilarious. Lots of good music when they honored Gladys Knight and some good humor during the tribute to George Clooney.
Took the ornaments off the tree and prepared to pack all the Christmas stuff up to store until next year


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Halloween GIF
Just in case you are mixed up on just what day it is!

LEE/Lu-Ann: Sending out warm thoughts to you regarding Katie. Take care.

The Baklava "END PIECES" are slowly disappearing. Hey, somebody has to eat the ends!

DAVE: I never heard of Mashed Potatoes and Sauerkraut on New Years Day! I do happen to like both of them. We'll be having leftovers. That is, if there are any! :emoticon 0140 rofl: :clap002:

Nancy: That's quite the savings on
Bruce's meds. I pay $45 bucks for a 90-day supply of same meds. Good catch for sure. Remember the "squeaky wheel gets the grease"! ;)

BB: Nice to know you're still going to be COOKING AWAY the next few days. You need to get Missy to teach you some things that you can make in your new Air-Fryer to save you time.

Negc: Nice to know that the boys are making good travel time getting your car down to Florida. Hope they can have a few days to warm up before they fly home. And hopefully they're flights won't be cancelled! I feel so badly for all the people I see on TV that have had their holiday plans cancelled because of an
inept airline. The luggage alone is a huge mess.

Karen: You chilling over your way? Any plans for New Years Eve?

We watched ANOTHER good TV series last night: TREASON. It was really good. Each of the episodes was only about 35-40 mins long. And there were only 5 episodes total. If you start early enough you can watch them all.

You all have a great day. Come back and tell us all about it.


2nd Officer
Nancy: That's quite the savings on Bruce's meds. I pay $45 bucks for a 90-day supply of same meds. Good catch for sure. Remember the "squeaky wheel gets the grease"! ;)
We have to send them all the Rx's info with the price for all that we have to pay at least something for, including the Eliquos and whenever we hit the magic number they will send us the 90 day supply. And when we pay for it it is $193 for 90 days.


Chief Security Officer
Speed reading again, K2? Kevin and our daughter-in-law, Jamie, drove Rita's car to Florida. They will pick us up when we land in Orlando on Saturday and will stay for another couple of days before they fly home.
Weather prediction looks quite favorable for here on Friday and Saturday so we can hope not to encounter any delays. Kevin called a while ago and showed off the house where we will be spending the next three months and it looked quite good. Jamie's dad lives a few hours south of Vero, so they will take a ride down there to see him at some point during their stay. After that long drive they definitely deserve to enjoy some good weather and some down time before heading back up here.
Timing is everything and things worked out just about perfectly today. I had an appointment at the hearing aid place at 12:30 and Rita had a doctor's appointment several miles away at 1:00, so I dropped her off at Lisa's and she took Rita to her appointment while I got my hearing aid taken care of. When I was done, I headed over to the
medical building where Rita was being seen, and as I pulled into the parking lot, she called to say that she was ready to be picked up. In the immortal words of the leader of the A Team: "I love it when a plan comes together."

red stripe

Staff Captain
Good afternoon RED STRIPE! This bunny is just TOO FANCY to belong to us. Sure is cute though! Hope you have a fantastic 2023 YEAR. Be safe and thanks for all you do for us.

when we were in Southampton and saw all the decorator bunnies, I thought of you guys.
have any of you seen them?
they are prolific!


2nd Officer
Hoping to hear some good news about Katie, Lee.

Cool picture of that rabbit statue, Red Stripe.

K2; It's nice to hear that you are giving yourself a break and doing some binge-watching of some movies and TV shows. I think we've all had too much hustle-bustle and stress during this holiday season.

So now that the buying season is over, what's being advertised the most now? Of course car dealerships are at the top of the list. And then come all those pull-at-your-heartstrings charities wanting money from us for abused animals, and children's hospitals. Followed by companies trying to sell us life insurance. And on and on.

After our snow and below zero temperature, it's been almost spring-like the last couple of days. Today it will again get up into the 50's, and by the end of the weekend all the snow will be gone. But it's way to early to get too excited. Our worst month for snow and cold weather is February. And that's quite a ways off.

We did make it to the grocery store yesterday. Very few customers at 9:30 AM. Even their booze store was almost empty of people. That very tasty "Lemon Pie" ice cream I've hoarding is no longer available. But it did say on the cartons, "Limited Edition".

We've been seeing on the news that there's been a nationwide shortage of over the counter children's cold and flu medicines. It's true at that grocery store. The area for that was completely bare.

Today; Kathi will be in the dentist's chair for quite a while. The finishing touches will be done to the chipped front tooth, from her fall. And FINALLY the crown will be mounted on her implant.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It’s going to be a different New Years. Tomorrow Dr. Beth is coming to our house to help us say goodbye to our beautiful Katie. Her shortness of breath is getting worse and it’s not fair to her. X-Rays and tests a while ago showed nothing other than perhaps “old age”. At 12 it’s not right to put her through more tests and procedures for us. We kept trying to blame it on weather, too hot or too cold, but we were not listening to what she was trying to tell us.
We’ve been through this, I think, ten times over the past 40 years. If anything it just gets harder. We are invited to friends tomorrow evening. They are quite insistent that we come along with little Ava. It might be a good thing.
So, if I’m even quieter for a few days you all know why.


2nd Officer
Oh Lee, I was so hoping that was not going to be the reason for the call to the vet! My heart goes out to you & LuAnn because you're right, it never gets easier to say goodbye to our pets. But Katie knows how much you love her & are willing to say goodbye earlier than you'd like so that she can be pain free and at rest. Take care of yourselves!♥


Wacky Wabbit
Lee & Lu-Ann: So sorry.
I still remember taking Katie for a walk that one year in Florida. I took a liking to her right away. RIP dear Katie you'll be missed.
With You Hug GIF by


Chief Security Officer
Dave, you pretty much perfectly described what we are seeing on our tv these days.
Called Xfinity to put a vacation hold on our cable TV service for the next 3 months and was pleasantly surprised how quickly and easily that chore was completed.
Most of the Christmas stuff has been packed up and put back into storage so we should be good to go first thing tomorrow morning. We have checked in for our flight and the weather forecast is favorable. Today's mild weather is a nice change, but really looking forward to the higher temperatures awaiting us when we arrive in the Sunshine State.
We asked Kevin and Jamie to see if they could make reservations for all of us for New Year's Eve dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Vero and they called and found out that while the restaurant will only take reservations for parties of 5 or more, walk-ins will be accommodated. Here''s hoping that won't involve a lengthy wait.
So sorry to hear your news about Katie, Lee. We had similar experiences when we had our Sheltie and our Lhasso and it is always difficult as they are such a part of our family for years.
Almost time to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR since I am not sure if I will be back on here before then. Here's hoping that the coming twelve months bring all of us more joy than sadness, good health, and nothing but good things.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Oh Lee - We are just so sorry to hear this about sweet Katie, but you are doing the right thing. As hard as it is, it's just the right thing to do when an animal is suffering. Our thoughts are with you and Lu-Ann as you go through this difficult time.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Well, as usual, I missed posting before noon. Been busy getting ready for our company and the time just slipped away.

Bill - I hope you get to check in one more time. Wishing you and Rita a safe flight tomorrow. If I could, I would have put a big banner right outside the airport welcoming you to the warmth and hospitality of the sunshine state! ;)

Dave - We've never heard of the tradition of eating potatoes and sauerkraut for New Year's. Growing up we always had a dollar bill in one hand and a fork with a piece of herring at midnight. I think that care from friends of my parents. Here in the south, the real tradition for New Year's day is ham hocks with black eyed peas and collard greens. Never had it, but all the supermarkets make sure to have everything in a prominent spot to remind shoppers to get it.

Kathie - So how does the baklava ends taste? Delicious, I bet.

Karen - You still trying to find places to put all those Christmas gifts you got?

Red Stripe - Never seen them in person. You said these rabbits are prolific. Well of course they are - they're rabbits!!! LOL

Time to get back to work. I still need to make a big pot of gravy (sauce) which will take a couple of hours to cook. I'm so glad I made the meatballs and sausage yesterday to save myself some work. I need to send Bert to the store to pick up a few last minute things I need for tomorrow night or Sunday. He's not going to be happy about that!!

Have a wonderful day and if you are out and about, stay safe!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Took a check to the bank this morning, filled up the gas tank and then went to Publix to get water for Bruce's CPAP.

The other day I bought some scallops so had half of them for lunch plus half the bunch of asparagus I bought Tuesday at the veggie stand.

Online I have gotten us appts for tomorrow for Covid booster. We had to wait since we had Covid late September.

This afternoon I washed a load of laundry , now to just fold and put away.

Also took some things of the one kitchen counter and put the painted glass tray and matching glasses plus 4 other glasses that Bruce gave me for Christmas. Now to move the box I put the things in to my bedroom so next week I can take to Salvation Army.

I am fixing a ham and black-eyed peas with ham and sweet potatoes on Sunday for dinner. No collard greens for us as there is no way Bruce would eat it.

Tomorrow night we will just stay home. It has been a couple of years since either of us has stayed up for midnight. I will be cooking lobster tails and not sure what else. I do have Champagne for both Saturday night and Sunday dinner.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Going to skip Good afternoon & go right to good evening, cause I doubt I will get this finished before it's evening!

Pat, I actually got all my Christmas stuff put away Monday afternoon after I picked it up at Jane's. And after hearing you talk about pasta & sauce I decided that's what I wanted for dinner. It won't be a "real" gravy like your's but it will fill the tummy!

Dave, I can imagine the chaos at the house with all the grandkids! And she probably is preggo again, the hubby just doesn't know it yet! :eek: Good to hear Kathi is finally finishing up at the dentist!

Kathie, your round baklava looks beautiful! Enjoy your Christmas part 2 this weekend!

Bill, safe travels to the Sunshine state! Glad to hear Kevin & Jamie arrived safely!

Red Stripe, that is one snazzy looking rabbit!

Been busy packing up Christmas decorations & cleaning house. Wednesday was shopping day for Barb, and once again she topped off my gas tank for me, I'm going to miss that once she finally finds a car! She thought she might have found one in Orlando, it was the make, model & color she was looking for & the price was low enough she could pay cash & still have money in the bank. But once she started reading the reviews on the dealership decided she didn't want to take the chance of buying something from them & have it break down a few days later. She was disappointed, but would rather take her time & feel good about the car AND the dealer. We understand when you buy used, it's as is, but the dealers response to some of the reviews was just over the top!
Ended up taking Scooter to the vet this morning. I had been noticing her eyes were running even more than usual & yesterday one had a bit of colored discharge. I didn't want to take the chance she might have an infection so I called to see if they could get her in, they did at 9:30. The vet said she really didn't see anything wrong with her eyes & said it could just be allergies so she gave me some eye drops for her. She has lost some weight though, so we are putting her back on an appetite stimulant to get her eating more. Next Thurs she goes back for her blood pressure drop off so the vet will check her eyes again then too.
And that's about all the news from Belleview! I have no plans for NYE and will most likely be in bed before 10, such a party animal I'm NOT!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good evening! One last post for me tonight. Brian should be here shortly. He said traffic on 95 was terrible. He left home at 6 this morning and this is usually a 10 hour drive, but not today.

The house smells so good after all these hours of the gravy cooking. I am getting so hungry!!

Have a great evening, everyone. Not sure how much chance I will get to be on here these next few days, so 'm going to take the opportunity now to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. May 2023 only bring good things in your life.

See you next year!!:emoticon 0123 party: :bigwave:HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


2nd Officer
And here it is....New Years Eve. And you can add Kathi and me to the list of people staying home tonight.

And anyone who says they know all the words to the song "Auld Lang Syne", can be pretty sure they are lying.

I got a kick out of a newscaster that said he has a tradition around the first of the year. Going around to various drug stores buying Christmas themed chocolate candies at the 70% off price they have them now.

Kathi's dentist appointment didn't go so well yesterday morning. After they fashioned and glued on a crown on one of her front teeth, about 3 hours fell off. Naturally by then the dentist office was closed, not to open again until Tuesday.

Something new in Ohio on January 1st. Sports betting will be legal.

With multiple days of temperatures in the middle to upper 50's the snow is all gone around here. It makes the yard look odd now. 63 degrees yesterday. The Friday before that it was 3 degrees below zero.

Talk to you Bunnies, next year.


2nd Officer
Good morning. We just got home from getting the Covid Booster. So far no problems for either of us, worse was for one Bruce got the shot in his right arm and that arm hurt for a a couple of days.

I will be doing more laundry in a bit.

All have a great day.