Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Bruce and I just got back from my brother's. We had a nice visit and went to a local small seafood restaurant for dinner. I had the most expensive dinner at $19.99 and had shrimp, clams, scallops and oysters plus 2 sides. And when we checked out we bought 2 pounds of very nice frozen shrimp a container of lobster bisque and a container of new England clam chowder.

Found out that last week when Bodie-Rose shot he Mom's boyfriend her sister had two girlfriends where there and when the police called their parents to come get them one said no because she was watching football and had had a couple of beers so they, the police could figure out how to get the girl home and the other parent never would answer the phone, so both girls were taken to protective services.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hmmm. Morning already again.
Not much on my tired mind at this hour. I think I’m channeling Tony.
Have a good, safe and warm day.


2nd Officer
Sucks to be a trash collector the first week after Christmas. So many trucks zooming up and down our street yesterday.

I'm actually heading out into the real world this morning. For what else? A doctor's appointment. First time since just before the blizzard.

With that new mattress-topper, you didn't fall out of bed last night, did you K2? Couldn't get that video of Manny work, but your choir sounded mighty fine.

Sounds like you made out like a bandit on Christmas, KC.

Hope you like that air-fryer, BB. Slick little gadgets. I too was munching on ham yesterday.

Bill; It's so cool being on a cruise ship on a holiday. If for no other reason....We get to enjoy all the fancy decorations we don't have to put up and need to take down later.

There you are Lee. Time for a mimosa. Hell, we're retired.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Morning, everyone! Starting to warm up here again. It's up to 54 already and going into the mid 60s this afternoon. By the time Bill & Rita get to Florida, it will be back into the low 80s! Definitely my kind of weather instead of what we had over Christmas.

Dave - Good luck with your doctor's appointment. Hope you only get good results. Got the air fryer in place and ready to go. Only problem is that I have no recipes to cook things in it, except for one recipe they included for wings. They tell you to go online to find their recipes. I'd rather have something like a cookbook in hand rather than to be looking things up on the computer.

Nancy - Sounds like a nice lunch you had with your brother. I always have enjoyed those seafood combos with so much food on them. Nice that you got some stuff to take home too.

Bill - Isn't it great when the whole family can get together for a holiday? We'll have that for New Year's Day this year and I can't wait. Lucky you getting all those gift cards. We didn't get a single one, but got lots of cheese and sausage gifts. Won't have to buy any of either for the next month at least! I'm sure you're looking forward to some warm weather here in Florida. Us Floridians are arranging this especially for you and will expect to receive compensation shortly. After all, we don't give weather like this to just anyone, ya know!!

Lee - You really are turning into a man of few words. So how's the new ride doing? Getting used to all its gadgets and gizmos?

Karen - See how well I've gotten to know how your family operates at holidays after all these years.

Kathie - So have you started prepping for your Christmas feast next Saturday?

M&J and the kids came over for dinner last night and helped us clean out some of the leftovers. We sent them home with most of what was left. We only kept enough for one more meal which I think will be tomorrow. I hate eating the same thing 3 days in a row, so it's time to switch over to linguine with white clam sauce tonight. That's one of my favorites.

Nothing much planned for today. Trying to put together a list of what we'll need to feed the masses over the weekend. I see a trip to BJ's for cold cuts, for sure. Plus at least one trip to Publix, as well as a stop at Dollar Tree to buy their expensive paper plates and napkins. I think there will also be a trip to the liquor store for some "bubbly" for midnight. This list just keeps getting longer, so I better get off here and get down to business.

Have a wonderful day, gang, and be careful if you are out and about.


Chief Security Officer
Your check is in the mail,BB, along with our thanks for warming up your temperatures in time for our arrival.
fantasy football team lost in the second round of the playoffs and will be competing for third or fourth place money next week. Not bad considering that our team finished in last place a year ago. Might have done even better but our QB, Jalen Hurts, was injured a week ago and we had to use a backup in this past week's game.


Wacky Wabbit
WOW..........CHATTY group of Wrabbits on here. Took me forever to read all your GREAT posts.

We had a great Christmas and I'm sick of food.
Had leftover tonight..... again.

BB: I'm not looking forward to doing more cooking for the BELATED FAMILY CHRISTMAS DINNER on Saturday. It will be like a Thanksgiving dinner type meal. Simple.
Look on Amazon for some books on AirFyer recipes. Or at your library.
Speaking of Libraries.... we have a brand newly opened library about 4 miles from our house and it had a WATER PIPE BREAK on X-mas Eve. It flooded the entire Electrical and Computer control room and the floor of the library too. What a mess from what they showed on TV. Hard to believe that the HEAT shut off and the pipes froze. HEADS are going to fly on that issue. The place took years to build and just opened this Summer. SAD.

We finally got out of the house earlier to go and buy BIRD SEED of all things. Even the price of that has gone up! :oops:

Bill/Rita: Safe travels to you both. I hope you're not flying Southwest. They sure have had their delays from what we saw on TV. People waiting DAYS.... not just hours for flights.

Stay warm everyone. I'm off to transfer information for 2023 appointments into my new desk calendar. That's like our "BIBLE" in this house.

DAVE: The mattress topper or whatever they call it is really nice. I think I'd like it a little firmer, but it hugs your bones and my hip doesn't feel like it's digging into the mattress anymore.

Later safe and if you're in crowds WEAR YOUR MASKS. :eek:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning from The Burg.
A few errands this
morning. I have been reading along but just can't seem to get my thoughts to my fingers.
A true blessing, I'm sure, for all of you.
Stay safe and be careful out there.
Later gang...


2nd Officer
We can't go on meeting here in the early hours Lee, the neighbors are beginning to talk.

HOT DIGGETY DOG, our temperature is going above freezing today. About time. And will keep going up through the weekend to around 50. Night time temperature will still drop to around the freezing mark. But I'll take it.

Had a biopsy done on a spot on my back, at the skin doctor yesterday. Should get the results in about a week. All roads were in good shape but wet from the salt melting the ice and snow. But that made lots of slop to end up on everyone's windshields. Not a great time of year to be driving a black or other dark colored car.

I'm like you BB, I'd rather have a book or manual come with a product than having to look up the information on the computer. Heck, even the snowblower we got a couple of years ago made you look up the instructions on the computer.

Time to snuggle up with a pooty-tat, KC.

Bill, you'd better give BB some flowers when you see her for warming up Florida, just for you. Wishing you lots of luck at the airports.

Happy that you are pleased with your new mattress-topper, K2. That sucks that the library got flooded from frozen pipes. I have no idea how you dry out books, or even if you can. And you know there's going to be expensive damage just to the building.


Chief Security Officer
Have no fears. We have never flown on SWA and have no intentions of doing so in the future. Family member of our friends work for Southwest but we have never discussed that airline with them, although they fly it frequently. They are due to fly back to FL soon but I don't know when or how those problems will affect their plans. All airlines can have problems, especially in bad weather, but it appears that Southwest's problems involve more than just weather so we will continue to avoid them.
Kevin and Jamie picked up our SUV last night and are heading south even as I type. Hopefully they will take their time and have a safe trip. We have just a few details to finish up here over the next couple of days and then we will fly down to meet them.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! You know what they say about the best made plans? Well that's what I ran into earlier. I figured I'd get on here nice and early this morning. Apparently our electric company & internet provider had other plans. We had a power failure that lasted about 2 hours. We just got power back on a little while ago. Still don't know what happened, but am glad it didn't happen when it was so cold last weekend.

Kathie - While we had no power, I used that time to transfer everyone's birthday and anniversary into my new planner for the coming year. I even wrote out a birthday card to our one granddaughter whose birthday comes in early January. Now that's being efficient!! Glad you like that new mattress topper. They're not meant to be too hard, but rather to let you sink into their softness. Even better is a featherbed topper which is like sleeping in a cloud.

Lee - Are you telling us that you've run out of words to use this close to the end of the year? Come on, buddy, you still have a few left for your wabbit friends here before the year runs out. Come New Year's Day, you'll have a whole year's worth of words at your disposal!!

Dave - These companies that make you look everything up online are only doing it to save themselves some money by making the customer work for them by having to download things. Sort of like Walmart making customer ring up their own order and then checking your receipt at the door.

Bill -Good for Kevin & Jamie to already be on the road to Florida. By the time they get here temps will be close to 80. That's what we're also planning to greet you with too, but possibly with a little bit of liquid sunshine to make the grass grow.

Our family get together on Sunday almost got canceled yesterday. Seems like the pet sitter Sara hired to take care of their animals while she and Brian come to Florida is stranded at an airport somewhere and can't get back in time to pet sit for them. So they almost called their trip south off! Instead Sara will stay home with the animals while Brian comes to Florida. That's too bad, as everyone was looking forward to seeing Sara whom they haven't seen since our family reunion 7 or 8 years ago. Hopefully, they may all come back later in the year when Sara has more time off.

Got some running around to do this afternoon with stops as Dollar Tree and Publix at least. Might throw in a Sam's visit too. Who knows? I need to grab something for lunch first. I hate to go to the store when I am hungry, so I'm going to get going. Stay warm, everyone, and stay safe!


Wacky Wabbit
Bored Nothing GIF
Taking a break and checking the chatter on here.
I made a really neat Baklava in a "round pan". Cutting the pattern is a real challenge. I hope the family appreciates it on Saturday!

BB: What a bummer that Sara had to stay behind and watch the pets. Almost sounds like she wasn't too upset about it if she hasn't been down to see you all in 7 years! ;)
I got the bills paid and checkbook balanced last night, but never did get to the DATEBOOK ENTRIES.
Instead I binge watched 3 movies. They were all on Peacock and free. Amazing.
Mrs Harris goes to Paris.
Ticket to Paradise.
The Intern.

DAVE: I hope the spot on your back doesn't need to anymore digging out. Hate when they have to do that.

BILL: I envy you almost down in Florida and all warm. Well, much warmer than it is at home. I'd take 60 all Winter if I could. Enjoy your stay and make sure to keep in touch.
Hope your FLIGHT is ONTIME and NOT DELAYED. Be safe. You're entering DeSantis country, always risky. :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Karen: I hope you and the Kitties stay warm. I had to laugh that you and your sisters had so many gifts you had to go back another time to pick up the balance of them. Too funny.

Lee: I saw a few pictures of your Christmas get-together on Fbook. Looks like you had a good group there. How did they like your lower level?
Have you been over to the Naval Park lately? Brrrr is all I can think of. By the end of the week it's supposed to be up into the 50's, so I think you'll be able to go there for sure. Let me know if there is any ICE FLOATING down the River!

Out of here to go sit down on the couch and maybe find another FREE movie. I just don't feel like doing much of anything right now. Ha Ha. Gotta LOVE RETIREMENT. Do whatever you want to!

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well we took our time driving home yesterday, so it took a bit longer but traffic was light. We made a stop at the fruit and veggie stand I picked up 3 poinsettias that were free.

Had a message from the heart Dr that there was Eliquis at the office for Bruce so this is the second free 90 day supply. When I picked up I also got the form to fill out so we can maybe get some free again next year. Then I went grocery shopping, to three stores and now am set for a few weeks.

I had not driven in almost a month and was surprised my hands did very good.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another early morning.
I should have bought extra words at the beginning of the year.
Baklava looks Mmmmm yummy.
Garbage men were busy around here as well.
I have to call the vet for our Katie this morning. ‘Nuff said about that.
You all have a great day. And yes, if you’re out in a crowd, pop on that mask.


2nd Officer
Good Thursday morning, Bunnies! Is it Thursday? Sure it is.......I think.

Today's plan is to go grocery shopping at the smaller grocery store. BUT, that was the plan yesterday too. But we both snoozed in later than we should have.

Add Kathi to putting appointments and birthdays on our 2023 calendar. (Number 2 pencil technology.)

That Baklava looks yummy. NO calories in that is there???

So that's what we're calling it now, "The lower level". Put up some drywall and it quits being the basement.

We delivered the Christmas presents last night to the family that has 7 kids. That was an adventure. Chaos multiplied. And I swear that the daughter in law looks pregnant again, although her husband says no.

I just remembered that one of the things we need to pick up at the grocery is some mashed potatoes to go along with our sauerkraut on New Year's Day. (I wonder, who ever came up with that tradition.) But that's what we always have.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well driving yesterday went good. Got everything I needed/wanted plus some. I was gone 3 hours and will say I was tired when I got home.

Got Bruce's CPAP machine yesterday and I had to make a call and of course after 20 minutes had to leave a message so they are to call back by noon today.

I learned yesterday that a boy that I met when I was 3 and we were great friends died Christmas Eve. Paul had had a major stroke in 2009 and lived very close to his younger sister and moved in with her a while ago. I am friends with his older sister on Facebook.

Today I have to see about doing some laundry and putting away as many Christmas gifts as possible.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, y'all! Woo Hoo! The temperature is rising to about 80 today. That means it'll be time to get out on the lanai for a bit after I get finished with what all I have to do today.

First up is going to be a trip to BJ's for the coldcuts we need, as well as a few other things. Hopefully, BJ's will have those lil smokies. None of the Publix around here have any this week. How can we have a NYE celebration without pigs in the blanket? I'd hate to have to just cut up regular hot dogs and make them in crescent rolls. That just wouldn't be right.

Once we get home I have to make meatballs and bake them. I also need to parboil hot sausages. Brian sent me a message with his and the kids want list of things I need to make while they are here. Spaghetti with meatballs and sausage was at the top of the list. They were also looking for steaks, but that's not going to happen, as we will have the smoked brisket on Sunday. Brian also suggested that I should make icebox cookies with the kids. I just don't see that happening as I have too much to do NYE.

Kathie - Your baklava looks delicious. You always make it look so perfect! I'm sure your gang is going to love it.

Dave - Have fun shopping, if you didn't oversleep, that is. I bet that was a zoo delivering Christmas gifts to that tribe.

Lee - I hope Katie is ok. She's such a special fur baby.

Nancy - Glad your hands didn't bother you while driving. You certainly did enough running around yesterday. Have fun putting those gifts away.

Red Stripe - Not sure that that bunny is ours, but I sure would love to claim him! What a beautiful work of art and I would have the perfect spot for him!!

I can already see that I might not get everything done that I had planned today. I haven't seen Bert yet this morning and that's not good. We'll never get to BJ's before this afternoon, at this rate. Oh well ... I may as well have another cup of coffee.

Have a good day, everyone!