Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning, it's misting rain here this morning & I just hope it finishes soon or the roads will really be a mess once the temps start to drop!
Got my morning cardio in as I had volunteered to help deliver the Christmas cards that did not get picked up from the clubhouse, turns out there were quite a few of them! And of course the misty rain started just as I did!
Barb's grocery shopping went well yesterday, we were at Aldi's a few minutes past 9 so she was able to get her ride around cart and get everything she needed. Then we had to drop off a couple Christmas presents & she took me to breakfast at Bob Evans. I think everyone in Ocala had the same idea, as it was packed!
I dropped her off a little after 12 & headed to Sam's club to get gas, for the 2nd week in a row there was NO line of cars waiting to get to the gas pumps! Had to wait a few minutes for an empty pump but not bad at all, gas is $2.67 now. Barb got tiffed later when I mentioned going to Sam's after dropping her off, she said she would have looked for wrapping paper if she'd known I was going there. Sorry, not sorry, she should have said something while we were out.
Going to go warm up my leftover pancake & just chill for a while, really nothing much left to do to get ready for Christmas! Have a good one gang & stay safe & WARM!!!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning.
Nyc Snowboarding GIF by Mic

Temps went from 40’s late last night to 10F now and who knows what the REAL FEEL TEMP IS! :eek:

Remember the days we use to drag behind cars! Great fun! And yes we were all crazy and carefree.

Dave/Lee. Hope you are okay.

Karen: Good for you getting errands done. Now stay warm inside. Good day to make soup.

BB: Glad your plants are safe. Nice that everything went well with Emily. Bummer on the hurricane Gingerbread house! Ha ha.

Negc: Hope all this wind and ice is gone by the time you leave. Take care and for heavens sake DON’T SLIP!

Later gang. This wind is scary! Wow.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning Bunnies.
After rebuilding the carburetor yesterday the 33 year young Toro snow thrower finally kicked into action. Hopefully it'll run if needed!
A terrible storm here right now.
Back later. If the power doesn't tank on us!
But first, a sad, sad Christmas letter from a little boy to Santa.

Dear Santa:
When I was a child, my father cheated on my Mom and didn't love my family.
Later, my parents divorced.
Soon after, my mother died in a car accident.
My brother and I could only live in my grandma's old house.
Grandma's sister was an alcoholic.
The whole family lived on my grandma's savings.
Grandma recently died.
My Uncle Andy is barely keeping himself out of jail from day to day.
My brother left home and won't talk to us any more.
Dad, now 73, had to go out to work to support the family and eventually he is going to want me to do the same thing.
Yours sincerely,

Prince William


Wacky Wabbit
good one lol GIF by Chicks on the Right

Lee … I needed that laugh!

Just got through making a batch of VIENNESE cookies.
These are fantastic and I haven’t even filled them w/raspberry jam and white frosting. This is a keeper recipe! Wish you all lived close by so I could share some with you!

Lee: So glad you got your Toro running. Just be careful outside in that horrible frigid wind!
The snow that has been coming down is blowing away with all the WIND GUSTS!
Snow Day GIF by The Weather Channel

Going to watch a few episodes of Emily in Paris now.


Wacky Wabbit
Amazing scenery and clothes that are out of site on “Emily in Paris”.
Best afternoon break on a snowy, windy, blustery day! The glass of wine topped it off!
If you get Netflix try watching the series.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Finally got all the baking done. Now it's time to fix some plates for friends, but I don't think Bert will deliver them until tomorrow. He's beat for today after covering all the plants that couldn't be brought into the house. He finally said that anything remailing outside that dies is one less plant he has to clip and fertilize. I'm starting to detect an attitude from him!!

Time for me to get a glass of wine and relax a bit. I think tonight might be time for a very special hot chocolate made with Bailey's and vanilla vodka!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well this morning Jennifer, Bruce and I went to BJ's and the Lowe's next to it. Jennifer needed a new grill and Lowe's had one for a good price so we got that and paid with Bruce's Lowe's card and got 5% off so later went to Jennifer's bank and got the money which she gave to Bruce. Tampa has a Sketcher's store so Jennifer and I went there to see if they had any slippers, which they had one pair in the clearance section so I got them, not really the type I need but will be able to use.

Yesterday we gave the family a Jack from Nightmare before Christmas blow up and so now Jennifer is putting it up outside.

In a bit all of us except Mike are going to the Fl Fairground to see the Christmas lights.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As an old friend of mine used to say “It’s colder than a hooker‘s heart”. Yep, it’s that cold.
Except for tendering the keys and ownership for the van to the tow truck driver I wasn’t outside.
Enjoy the lights Nancy.
That weather in your neck of the woods is just crazy Pat. I hope all of the plants make it. It must have been with mixed emotions that you and Bert welcomed Emily. You should have made it a Little Red Riding Hood Gingerbread house. You know. Huff, puff and blow the house down.
Hard to believe there was no line for gas Karen. Just as well you didn’t go in to Sam’s. That’s likely where all the people were. Great way to get exercise and deliver Christmas card cheer!
The Henry Ford cancelled their Christmas program at Greenfield Village tonight Kathie. I’m sure that there are lots of disappointed but relieved people. We do enjoy Emily in Paris. Did you know that Lily Collins is Genesis drummer Phil Collins daughter? I remember bumper skiing. Back when cars had big chrome bumpers. With all the cancelled flights here there’s no way you can leave on a jet plane. Even if you can get to the airport.
Wish my old Toro had an electric start Dave. So far we haven’t seen the amounts of snow predicted but the winds are exceeding what they called for.
How’s your weather Bill? I know the answer to “when do you head south?” “Not soon enough!”
Schools were closed today as were, surprisingly, many retailers. Hats off to them for putting their employees safety ahead of the all mighty dollar. I do feel sorry for all of those emergency service folks who HAVE to be on duty.
Stay safe and warm everyone.
See you tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good night from Belleview! I took a walk around the neighborhood this evening to check out the Christmas lights. Was a little disappointed there didn't seem to be as many as other years, but the ones I saw were very pretty. A nice nip to the air really made if feel like Christmas.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A nice nip to the air really made if feel like Christmas
A nice nip of your favourite adult beverage Karen? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Feels like -20F. Even the pups didn’t want to out for bed time pees! I don’t blame them.
G’nite friends.


2nd Officer
Good Christmas Eve morning, Wabbits!

So far we've been lucking out with this snow, cold temperatures, and high winds.

Most important, the power only went out for 10 seconds yesterday morning. Yes seconds, in spite of the winds howling at 25 to 30 MPH all day. Yesterday morning around 9, the temperature dropped to minus 6 and pretty much stayed there for the rest of the day. Good grief, even the mail was delivered. We went nowhere, and didn't even try to use the snow-blower. It would have been a waste of time.

Here's a hoot; We've been getting those free government home Covid tests, so for the heck of it we both used one just to see how to use it. Both of us tested negative. And while we we were doing that, 4 more showed up in the mail.

Today, it's still 2 degrees below zero and the wind is gusting so we're staying home again as we probably will also do on Christmas. At least 4 of the grandkids aren't feeling well and the roads are hazardous as well.

It'll be interesting to watch the Browns/Saints game at 1 PM today. Can you imagine playing when the temperature is at zero? Something tells me the stadium won't even be 1/2 full.

So BB, house construction using food isn't your forte? But it sounds like Nathan was having fun.

KC, you should have dressed as an elf when delivering those Christmas cards.

Loved your "Christmas Letter", Lee. Being familiar with chrome bumpers shows our age.

K2; Good choice in staying home yesterday and watching a great movie.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
I started to put up the lights in the rec room yesterday after The Wonder Wagon left us. I put up one, thought, like me, it was a little dim. I put up a second one and called Lu-Ann. Yep, too dim for our liking. So they came down and will go back to Costco. Not today though. And the search begins again.
So far we’ve avoided any loss of power which amazes me. Winds are still howling and another 4” of snow is expected throughout the day. I do have to clear a path over the patio to the yard for the pups. Oh boy!
Hopefully The Belles didn’t see temps drop too low. It’s all relative depending what you’re used to isn’t it?
A few things, including wrapping, to get done before this days turns in to Christmas.
Everyone stay safe, warm and take it easy.
Here’s one of my favourite Christmas songs. Enjoy.


Wacky Wabbit
Merry Christmas GIF by Kiki
Well, it's FINALLY here.... CHRISTMAS EVE!

Lee: Love the Holiday Video song you posted. Nice to hear something different!
I feel sorry for the pups having to go outside. Jill sent a video of Manny going for a walk outside and to the mailbox. The silly dog loves the cold! Jumping and running around like a crazy pup. It was cute to watch.

Karen: Nice that you walked around and saw your neighbors lights up. We thought that same thing about NOT AS MANY HOUSE LIGHTS as usual. If they were actually going to put up lights this year they had plenty of good days to do it. We don't do the scrubs anymore. Just around the gutters, front porch, garage and the Sargents crab tree. It looks festive.

All you Florida Belles stay warm the next few days. I know you're not use to the cold temps like us Northerners! Right now it's
4 degrees here. Brrrr. Who knows what the REAL FEEL is with that howling wind out there!

I'm off to get things organized in the kitchen. Dinner will be here tomorrow and that's a GOOD THING. We don't have to venture out in the cold. Ha Ha.

Be SAFE and STAY WARM Wrabbits........... Going to watch one of the famous
Christmas movies tonight. Just not sure which one will win out!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! We're having a heat wave here ... Temp is up to 39 with a feels like temp of 33. That's a big jump since I got up. The lake was even steaming from the water being warmer than the air. It's a wild effect when that happens.

Got all the baking finished yesterday. I was so proud of myself. Now I still have to fix plates to go to a few of our friends. I thought I was going to have to send Bert back to Publix, but he found the seasonings that I thought we were out of.

I think we'll do the same thing we did for Thanksgiving and prep what veggies we can today.

M&J and family will be here tonight for a Christmas Eve dinner of filet mignon with baked potatoes and peppers, onions and mushrooms. No gift exchange tonight though. We'll wait for tomorrow when everyone will be here. We've got lottery tickets for everyone and we'll give the kids an added treat using solo cups. They take turns picking a cup and whatever is in it, they get to keep. Some will have a twenty dollar bill, some will have a ten. There will be a few fives and once as well as some just with candy. Of course, there will be a few with nothing under the cup. Saw a video of a family doing this , thought it was so cool, so I decided to do it this year.

Lee - Brrrr .... I don't envy you those temps. I'd never leave the house if it was that cold. Loved you holiday song. Great for putting a person in the spirit!

Dave - Glad you lost power for such a short amount of time, but when it's cold, that can feel like forever. I am so glad all our utilities are underground in our community and the electric lines out on the main road are on solid concrete poles. Only time we may lose power for a short while is during the summer, if lightening hits a transformer. I don't blame you for not wanting to go outside today. Heck, I'm not going out here either.

Kathie - Glad you too are staying home for Christmas. So what will you be serving for dinner tomorrow? What movie are you looking forward to seeing tonight?

That brings up a good question - What is your favorite Christmas movie that makes you feel that it wouldn't be Christmas without seeing that movie? I'll start - My favorite Christmas movie is The Christmas Story. We'll watch it a couple of times between tonight & tomorrow.

Karen - That was so cool that you walked around the neighborhood checking out Christmas lights. I agree with you that there are a lot less lights on houses this year. Just as there are way fewer Christmas cards being sent this year. We've gotten less than a quarter of the number we used to get. How'd you make out with the cold last night? I bet your kitties were snuggling in bed with you. I know Cappi was very happy to curl up on the afghan on Bert's side of the bed last night.

Bill - Are you getting any of the wild weather by you? If so, you and Rita be careful. You only have a few days to go before you head south again, where, by the way, the weather will be much better after about Thursday. It will be normal Florida weather.

Nancy - So how were the Christmas lights at the fairgrounds? You certainly are keeping busy while you're in Tampa with all that shopping and running around. Enjoy this special time with your family.

Time for me to get some things done around here. I want to be able to relax for a couple of hours before M&J get here. Have a wonderful day, everyone. Stay warm and stay safe!


2nd Officer
39 degrees, feels like 33 and that is cold enough for me, it can start warming up anytime now! It wouldn't be so bad if the wind wasn't blowing.
Kitty's were snuggling up last night for sure, and Scooter kept trying to climb on my face, not sure what that was about but she about got herself banned from the bedroom.
The plan for today is prepping my green bean casserole & the potatoes for creamed potatoes for tomorrow. My made from scratch choc. cake is done & frosted.
I wanted to go to Christmas Eve service tonite if it's not to cold, it just down the road from me so I wouldn't have far to go.
Stay warm & safe all you northern bunnies!


Chief Security Officer
Yesterday we had 50 degree weather but it was 14 degrees this morning when I got up. Not sure I will even go out today to pick up the mail. It doesn't look like there is anything there that can't wait a day or two. The daily email from the USPS makes it easier to decide whether or not to make the trip to the mail building.
Despite the temperature, it is still better here than in Buffalo where they got about 2 feet of the white stuff to insure that their Christmas will be white, if not merry and bright.
11 NFL games today and three more on Christmas Day. Can you say "football overload"?
Did my usual crappy job of wrapping Christmas presents this morning. The thought counts, right?
Glad your visit with Emmy went well, BB. Saw her nice post about her aunt Missy.
Hope everyone stays warm and safe this weekend and has a wonderful Christmas holiday.

We usually go to Rita's sister's house on Christmas Eve but I think we will pass on that this year.


Wacky Wabbit
Just had to share this while I took a short break.

May be a cartoon of text

BB: We're having a very unusual Christmas dinner. RIBS, Wing Dings, Salad and all kinds of appetizers. I have to save some of the STUFF for next weekend when the entire family will be here. It'll be nice to be more RELAXED for a change tomorrow.
Cheesecake w/fresh strawberry sauce on top is for dessert along with homemade
chocolate cake. (that's mostly for Eric and Art) They're the chocolate lovers in the family.

Negc: I get that text message from the USPS and love it. If I don't want to go out to pick up the mail I at least know what's waiting for me.

Lee: Hope you and Lu-Ann are getting it all together for your Christmas get together with all the friends. It'll be great. And the LIGHTS can wait to be returned after the crowds disperse with their returns. Just buy new ones that you like and return the others another time instead of waiting in a long line.

Later gang.


Wacky Wabbit
Okay, just one more! This looks so good right about now. Click on where is says Facebook to see recipe!



2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Woke up to 31 degrees, it is now 44 but will start falling very soon.

Once we got to the lights they were very nice. I say once because Jennifer thought it was at the State Fair grounds, so she looked it up on the phone and they were at the county fairgrounds The temp read 47 degrees and it was windy. We did park and check out Santa Land. Bruce and I got hot chocolate and Max bought 2 funnel cakes for all of us to eat, it was very good.

Bruce is working on replacing the clothes rack in Michael and Clara's closet. Jennifer and Mike went out for a few things. Then Jennifer and I went to a very good friend of hers and gave her a rum cake, which she was very happy to get. In a bit pizza will be ordered for our normal Christmas Eve dinner.

All have a good night and if I don't get on for awhile tomorrow MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Chief Security Officer
Lee, we will be in FL one week from today, the weather and the airline gods willing. By the end of the week, temperatures around here should be more temperate but not warm enough to make us regret our decision to head south.
Never did venture out into the cold weather today but there was plenty of football to watch on TV. Patriots almost pulled off a tremendous come from behind victory but to no avail. The phrase "wait til next year" comes to mind.
Our power lines are all underground but sometimes the power does go out because of things that happen outside of our community. In such occasions, which are relatively rare, we are
pleased that this house came with a generator. I think that in the roughly year and a half we have lived here, it has only come on three times but just knowing it is there is a comforting thought when we have weather like what we have been experiencing this week.
Lisa will be hosting this year's Christmas get together but Kevin may only be making a brief appearance as he volunteered to work this holiday so some of the younger officers can celebrate Christmas at home with their families.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that Santa is good to all and doesn't leave any coal in your stockings. (of course with the frigid temperatures, some might be pleased to get those lumps of anthracite.)