Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Dave, she wants to go to Aldi's, so we are going to get there first thing in the morning & hopefully it won't be packed. She uses the ride around cart so if there isn't one available I know it will be a short visit cause she can't walk around the stores that well. Although to give her credit the last time she went she had to use a regular shopping cart & managed to make it thru ok. It helps that over the last 3 yrs she's lost over 100 pounds and still losing!

Be back this afternoon once I finish at Jane's

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Well, day 1 of baking is now behind us and that's a good thing. Finally had to put the cookies away because between everyone who was here, they would have eaten them all!

I'll continue making more stuff today including stuffed dates, creme de menthe squares, candied pecans and white chocolate covered Oreo thin mint cookies. If I have time and any energy left I'll tackle some Italian sugar cookies.

Lee - As always your videos are spot on. Haven't seen any flopping talking fish around anywhere this year.

Dave - A White Christmas! I so used to love that back in my younger days. These days, I'd just be a scrooge over having to shovel or go out in snow again. So who gets to do the shoveling at your place?

Kathie - Love that pancake reindeer! If I had kids around for breakfast, I'd definitely make some of them. Since Bert doesn't get up for breakfast, I'm saved from making it!!

Nancy - I hope the new meds help. No fun being in pain all the time.

Karen - So how did the shopping trip to Aldi's go? I can never get their 1 and only riding cart when we go to Aldi's. Either someone else has it or the battery is dead. Instead I have to use the wheelchair and I become a human shopping cart holding everything we bought. I had so much on my lap one day, the cashier was hysterical laughing as I could barely see over the top of the pile!

Need to get off here now. Just got a call from the guy who services the nighttime breathing gizmo I use that he'll be here shortly to do his monthly service of the machine. Once he leaves, it's back to work again!

Have a good, safe day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but I am beginning to envy Bert for staying in bed and missing it. On most mornings, I would much rather be staying in bed but the idea of missing breakfast, as limited as it may be, provides me with the incentive to get up.
The fantasy football team that my son in law and I have, has made it to the playoffs and this week won the first game, so we should end up with some payback for our initial investment.
Jason did the hard work of picking the players to draft so he is primarily responsible for our success. He is also currently in second place in my football pool, so he stands to get a good share of that prize money. Since there are thirty people in my pool, his winnings should be significant.
Went to do some last minute Christmas shopping yesterday and was shocked to see the number of stores that are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Guess the tales of labor shortages aren't exaggerating the situation.
Glad to hear that Andrea's family finally made it out of Vancouver and are winging their way to Hawaii. Lisa and her family had a similar situation a month or so ago when they were flying to California, although they were only stuck on their plane when it had to stop in Denver to refuel and sat on the tarmac for a couple of hours.

Here's hoping that weather conditions don't disrupt our flight plans at the end of the month.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
This is for you, Dave -


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Got our suitcase pretty much packed, only a couple of things to go in tomorrow. Bruce is at an appt for his neck, it was hurt at work and he does keep up with the Dr so the state pays for everything for him.

Hoping that all goes well for Bode-Rose today at the sheriff's and they decide no charges against her. She will live with what happened for the rest of her life.

Haven't any idea when we will be leaving tomorrow for Tampa.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Went for a drive to have "COFFEE" with the kids. It's a really neat little town with a great Coffee Shop. Couches, high top tables and chairs and excellent coffee. Jill even brought some special cookies along and we had those while we chatted. It was a great morning.
Then went to a local Italian grocery store and picked up some "chicken Wings" on sale to make for all of us on Sunday..... wherever we end up! I do them in the oven and they come out so good.

Came home and dragged ARTIE downstairs to get a HAIRCUT. Way overdue. He looks much better. I HATE doing it, but I also can't stand to see overgrown hair on a guy.

Pat: LOVED your Weiner photo and comment. Too funny.

Nancy: I hate to ask, but are you doing another cruise out of Tampa or just going to visit family? I can't keep up with your travels. Hope the hands feel better.

I got my "disbursement check in the mail today and it'll help pay for some of Art's Dental bill. Joy, Joy. It's all one happy account in this house, so I'm not worried about it going towards that.

Out of here now to get a few minutes of rest. We watched a Netflix movie last night that was called Greenland. (I think that's what it was called.) It was good.


2nd Officer
Back from Jane's & now her house is all clean & spiffy for Christmas! We even cleaned out the fridge & freezer to have room for all the food. Now I'm beat, we took lot's breaks while cleaning but it still wears me out cleaning for some reason.

Pat, the shopping trip to Aldi's isn't till tomorrow, which in my opinion is insantity. I just hope everyone else doesn't have the same idea & show up at 9

I'm outta here to put my feet up & chill! Jane sent me home with some homade goulash, macaroni & hamburger for dinner so I don't even have to cook tonite, YaY!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening Bunnies!
As Christmas approaches so does a major weather event. I feel so bad for folks hoping to travel if this “weather bomb” as they are calling it hits!
I was at our local Walmart a tick after 1:00 and walked in, got what I wanted and out. It was pretty quiet for December 21!
I hope Aldi’s is just as quiet for you Karen. I made us pierogi’s and fried onions for dinner.
I too got a haircut today Kathie. Thanks to the well known vehicle issues I was WAYYY past due for one. Looks like everything did happen for a reason. If that storm hits your backup dinner plans will look like sheer genius. We have a friend who got home from Hawaii yesterday. Val was 56 hours in transit thanks to all of the delays stemming from storms in Vancouver.
Whenever you leave for Tampa Nancy, I can’t imagine that you’ll encounter snow. ;) I do hope your new meds relieve the pain. The whole situation with Bode-Rose is sad.
With this forecast Pat I hope everyone is keeping their wieners warm! I think Bert needs to get you a lighted display case to showcase all of your baked goods and other treats! How did the service call go?
With my job when I was working and dogs Bill, sleeping in and missing breakfast never happens. I do wish that maybe just once it would. I fear that the pandemic has driven many to online shopping and brick and mortar retailers are paying the price even at Christmas.
Nobody covers that song like Bing Dave. Thank you. I had to look twice at Kathie’s candy cane too.
Time to kick back, have a wee glass of and maybe catch an episode or two of Netflix’s quirky “Emily in Paris”.
You all take care and stay safe and well.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Just finished my shower.

I messaged my SIL about how things went today at the sheriffs and she said Bode-Rose gave her statement with her attorney present and answered the questions, and the sheriff's decided to advise the district attorney no charges that it was definitely self defense. So now we just hope the district attorney feels the same.

Bruce had an appt at the pain Dr's about his neck and he saw one of the APRN's and they are going to talk with the Dr about a certain procedure for his neck since the pain pills are not really working to help with the neck pain and the headaches he gets from it.

He then stopped at Lowe's and bought me 5 very nice flower pots and a nice perennial called Gaillardia, which we have put in one of the larger pots and in the sun.

K2 we are going to Tampa for Christmas with Jennifer and her family. No cruises
planned for us right now. Bot of us have to take care with the Dr's before we plan one. I would like to plan a Hawaii or Mexican West coast. As to Hawaii it would be with NCL because you get a couple of over nights with 4 ports. Of course we would have to arrive a couple days early and stay a couple days after with going that far. And for the Mexico it has to be at least 3 if not 4 ports in Mexico and go at least the day before and stay a couple days after.

Not sure what time we will be leaving tomorrow for Tampa so all have a great day.



2nd Officer
I'll tell you one thing BB, that's exactly what Jack would look like if he had a sweater. And he's not keen on his first winter. In the summer, the grass is always greener under our little wiener.

KC; Congratulations to Barb for losing 100 pounds, so far. Heck, the average person finds it almost impossible to lose 25 pounds in 3 years. And yes, it is a lot easier getting around, if you have mobility problems, just to have a shopping cart to hold onto.

I too like good breakfasts, Bill. But I'm never incentivised enough enough to get out of bed for one. Now taking a leak is another story.

Are appointments needed at your barber shop, K2? Or do you just go grab your customers and drag them in?

Speaking of haircuts; Lee, didn't you get that hair cut just last year?

Kathi and I are getting ready for the weather this weekend by getting the snow-blower out of the back shed and into the garage, yesterday. And yes, Kathi will run it more than I will. (Damn legs.)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Safe travels Nancy. Continuing to hope that all works out for Bode-Rose and her family.
From the look of my hair Dave, you would have thought so! After Lu-Ann named the new vehicle Subie-Doo my friends Doug started to call me "Shaggy". Is this the first time the electric snow blower is being used in anger Dave? Or do I have your machine confused with somebody else? Or do I ask too many questions?
We watched Dave Letterman interview President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on his Netflix series. A great interview by both participants. It took place deep in a subway station in Kyiv. That was followed by President Zelenskyy addressing the US Congress. WOW! What a speaker!
Anyway, I better get the snow thrower fired up here. I think I'm gonna need it. And by "snow thrower" I don't mean Lu-Ann... :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: That crack outta get me a head slap!
I'll check back later my friends.
If you're out and about, like you are Karen, please be safe!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and happy first full day of winter! The good part is that now the days start to get longer and before we know it, it will be time to change the clocks again. Something to look forward to while some of you get snowed in!

Wjile we're not expecting snow, it's going to get pretty dang cold here in the deep south. Tomorrow and Saturday nights, temps will drop to freezing and the high for Christmas Eve and Christmas is predicted to be 48 degrees! Do you realize that if there was moisture in the air, it COULD snow in the overnight hours. I've only seen snow once since we've been in Florida and it was gone before you realized what it was. By Karen it's going to be even colder.

Kathie - I really love chicken wings, but haven't made them myself in years. Too easy to go grab a box of them at Publix. Might just do that tonight, as I didn't have anything else planned. Chicken wings and some salad would work perfectly for me!!

Karen - You sure were busy yesterday. I'm sure Jane appreciates all your help. Nice to be sent home with food too. That's fantastic that Barb has lost all that weight. What is her secret?

Dave - I can just imagine Jack's reaction to going out in snow. We had a dog once that refused to go out in the snow and you had to clear an area for her to do to the bathroom close to the house.
I too like breakfast, but only if someone else makes it. Besides, these days breakfast isn't served around here when Bert sleeps so late. I will make eggs for lunch once in a while, so does that count?

Nancy - We went to Hawaii, but on a land based trip. It was for 14 days and we went to 4 different islands. It was on a tour and everything, including food, was taken care of. They told you where to be and when and that was it. Loved that trip! Have a safe and enjoyable trip to Tampa and a great visit with the family. I hope things work out for Bode-Rose.

Lee - The way the cookies were disappearing, there wouldn't be any need for a showcase. A small shelf would do. The service tech, Danny, is so nice. He checked out the machine to make sure it's running ok, changed out the mask and was out of here.

Still have a few more things to bake, but it's very frustrating to me in that I can't get most of the ingredients myself and need Bert to gather what I need. That's when I get dirty looks! He also has to take the trays in and out of the oven, as I can't do it with the walker. Like I said, it's very frustrating. Haven't gotten tot he gingerbread house yet. I think I might get Nathan to come over to help put it together. If it's a disaster, we could just pile all the pieces together and tell people it's post hurricane gingerbread house!!

On that note, I'm out of here for now. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Eggs at lunch time counts as brunch in my opinion, BB and sounds good whatever time they are served. Speaking of eggs reminded me that when I was young, we had an egg man who delivered to our house, and later, my grandfather found a farm that offered eggs that almost always had double yolks. Haven't seen them in years.
Last night was a good one for TV viewers. First, the impressive speech by Premier Zelensky to the US Congress followed by a wonderful tribute to Paul Simon and his music by too many celebrities to count.
Today may be the final day of reasonably good weather until after the holidays. Heavy rains and high winds are due to arrive tonight followed by Arctic cold temperatures through Christmas at least.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon GIF by Titounis
Lordy where does the time go these days!

Karen: Kudo's to Barb for losing all that weight. Hopefully, by Spring you'll have a report that she lost even more. It's so good for her health, bones, etc, etc. Please pass on that we're all happy for her.

Nancy: So good to hear that Bode-Rose most likely will not be prosecuted. She'll have enough of a burden the rest of her life knowing what happened. Some day you'll have to tell us about her unusual name and how it came to be. Safe trip to Tampa.

DAVE: If I lived
closer, I'd love to give that snowblower of yours a try! I really don't mind blowing snow when it first starts to come down and there is NO WIND. Once it stops snowing it seems like the WIND always picks up and there's no way I'd be out there. This is all cheap talk.........Ha Ha........when it's COLD in PURE MICHIGAN nobody likes doing the snow. That's why we pay the price for ED to come and do it. (or this year his older son since he just had knee surgery again)

Art went out for what will be his LAST BIKE RIDE until this weather blows over. It's 42F here right now! Not bad for us right before a snow storm!

dumb jim carrey GIF
NICE HAIRCUT Buddy! Hope the barber washes the POT after each client! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Good to know you were able to get in and out of the stores without a lot of crowds.
I have a half a loaf of bread in the refrigerator and would love to have a spare loaf on hand, but I'm sure by now there isn't much left on the shelves.

BB: I feel your pain in not being able to grab items in the kitchen yourself. I know when I ask ART to get me something it ends up being repeated and pointed out where the item is 2-3 times. Easier to just get it myself.

NEGC: This song is for you and Rita. I bet you just can't wait to get on that plane. Hope the weather doesn't interfere with you or your son driving the car down South.

I'm cleaning bathrooms today. 1 more to go! Whew!

LATER gang.


2nd Officer
Good evening. We did not leave the house until just before noon so it was a bit after 3 when we got here. The temp was 80 when we left and 68 when we got here. Tomorrow the high will be 65.

Bode-Rose got her name because her parents liked a movie they saw a couple of times and one character was named Bode-Rose so the decided that would be her name.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Still drizzling rain here at this late hour! 12:53 am. 40F and dropping FAST.

Nancy: Glad you made it to Tampa. Thanks for the “Name” explaination!
Tomorrow I will go into the dining room and wrap the few ACTUAL GIFTS I have for the family. Jill has a few things she will give to me so I can GIVE them to the kids from us. Crazy, but it works when you don’t know what to get them.

BB: How did things work out with Miss Emily’s visit? Hope she was pleasant!

Off to bed. Wonder if by morning it will be all SNOWY??

Dave, Lee, Negc….stay INSIDE and be safe.
Tired Good Night GIF by Chippy the Dog
Good Night Wrabbits! Hang in there….this will all be over in a few days! ( well….except for me…I’ll have the New Years Eve BELATED CHRISTMAS to get through and then Serbian Christmas) Joy, Joy!


2nd Officer
Yes boys and girls, it's Friday.

And I've pretty much got diddley to gab about this morning.

You must have me confused with someone else, "Shaggy". With all tools of mine that are electric, battery powered, our snow-blower isn't one of them. Wish it was, but when we got ours a couple of years ago there weren't too many battery powered ones. And what there was, they were way too costly. But as time goes on, prices will come down. But it does have electric start. Push the button, and go.

Speaking of snow; Everyone is glued to the weather forecasts around here keeping track of what they are calling "the once in a generation" storm. At the moment it's snowing with a temperature in the teens heading to zero by 9 and a 25 mile an hour wind.

We'll see how it plays out.

"Leaving on a jet plane" sounds like a good idea to me, K2.

ANY time of the day is ideal for a sunny-side up egg, some toast and some bacon.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! Everyone keeping busy before the big day? At least you get more daylight today - sun sets 1 minute later than yesterday. See that ... the days are getting longer already!!

Kathie - The visit with Emily went well and of course, she came for the Christmas presents. We gave her cash and her father bought her some expensive pins from Disney World that she collects. Being able to eat the fresh baked Christmas cookies was a bonus.

Dave - Around here people are also glue to their TVs watching the temps drop. The big drop will start around noontime and continue to tumble into the overnight hours. All they keep warning about are the 3 Ps - pipes, pets and plants - that need to be taken care of. Bert has already brought in all the plants from our lanai, except the herb garden. That will get covered over as will the pineapple plants. The citrus tree will get wrapped and tied in a blanket. At least Bert put all the plants in the den, so we can close those doors, if we want.

Nathan and I did the gingerbread house yesterday and I'll tell you one thing - NEVER AGAIN!!! What a pain in the a$$ that was to get the walls to stay together. More than once, it all caved in on top of itself. More than once I was ready to quit, but Nathan was having too much for. Our gingerbread house looks like an abandoned haunted house! It did not turn out very well at all.

Now today I have 2 more things to make and then I will be finished. Except for a cake that I'll probably bake tomorrow, that is. This afternoon, if everything is finished, it will be time to deliver some goodies to our friends. I guess if I want to get done, it's time for me to get off the computer and get to work.

Whatever you are doing today, stay safe and stay warm. Those of you getting snow, please be careful. We don't need and broken bones from falls. Have a great day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well in an hour we will get to the high temp and then start to drop. Jennifer and I have a couple of errands to run, Mike is working and Michael and Clara just cam home from work and they are off tomorrow too so they have 3 days in a row.

Well the errands number went up. I seems the gas grill has died and Michael and Clara want to cook something on it so we will go look for one.

all have a great day.