Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
There's no fixin stupid, as demonstrated by the Patriots yesterday. Enough said.
Fine looking auto, Lee and LuAnn. May it give you many miles of enjoyment.
Sorry to hear the news from Nancy and K2. Not good news at any time of the year but it seems especially during this holiday season.
Guess I know how many of us will be spending this afternoon. Talk about "Must See TV".
It has been years since we have been to Sea World, as well and with those prices, it will likely be many more before we go there again.
For a change there is sun and blue skies so somehow the cold doesn't feel quite so bad. Still the countdown continues until we head to warmer climes (promise me that the current weather conditions will be gone by the New Year, BB and KC);-)Frankly I think that the cold spell is just a ploy being used by DeSantis to keep us Yankees from relocating to Florida and spoiling his political ambitions.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Seems like more and more I am last one checking in each day. Guess I should get up a little earlier than 9:30!

Kathie & Nancy - So sorry to hear that Christmas celebrations will be changing due to unforeseen things.

Bill - Trust me, I too want to see our warmer temps return. As of right now they are saying that New Year's will be in the upper 70s. Would that make you happy? I know it will me. I do like your theory that this cold weather is thanks to deathSantis. I wouldn't put anything past him these days.

Lee - Getting used to the new ride yet? I bet there's all sorts of neat things in it. Can't wait to see it next month when you're back in Florida.

Nancy - Your snowmen are adorable. You really did good with them, in spite of the pain in your hands.

Dave - I'll go you one better with Sea World - The price of VIP parking goes up with the number of people in the park. When we were there the other day, the price was up to $90.! That is absolutely ridiculous. If we hadn't just activated our passes, I don't think they would be seeing us again very soon. Next time we will also be finding a more reasonable place to grab a bite to eat.

Karen - No frost here this morning, unless it had gone away before I got up. Sure not looking forward to the temps later this week. They said this will be the coldest Christmas Eve in 33 years. Scary part is that I so remember that Christmas Eve. Gary was in the Navy and was able to come home for Christmas. Bert & I had to drive to the Navy base in Orlando to pick him up. That was also the day of the major Ocala blackout when the grid collapsed due to the electric company not having bought enough "juice" to supply everyone. Pipes broke all over the place and it was a real mess. Were you in Ocala at that time?

Kathie - Good report from your cardiologist. Have fun running around making your deliveries today. So will you still get together with Jill and her family on Christmas? Thanks for reminding me about the Jan. 6 committee today. I had forgotten about it.

So before the hearing starts, I need to start making my famous brandied sugar plums. I'll work on them while I listen to the hearing. Then I have to make the dough for ice box cookies for tomorrow for when Nate and Jennifer come over to help me bake them. Salmon on tap for dinner tonight. The rest of the stew that was leftover is now in 2 large containers in the freezer.

Time to make the popcorn! Have a wonderful day, gang!


2nd Officer
Pat, I well remember that Christmas also! Larry & I had just bought the house in town closing Dec. 8th, but hadn't moved in yet. The water in the toilet tank in the front bathroom froze! We were very lucky that it didn't break & that it was the only thing that froze.

Nancy, so sorry to hear about your brother's granddaughter, what a horrible thing to have to deal with. How old is the girl?


2nd Officer
Pat, I well remember that Christmas also! Larry & I had just bought the house in town closing Dec. 8th, but hadn't moved in yet. The water in the toilet tank in the front bathroom froze! We were very lucky that it didn't break & that it was the only thing that froze.

Nancy, so sorry to hear about your brother's granddaughter, what a horrible thing to have to deal with. How old is the girl?
She is 21, just turned in Aug. When they finally took her to the sheriffs office they asked why her fingers were bloody, she said she had bitten off all her nails and keep chewing because she was so nervous. She did not want to shoot him but when her turned and came after her she felt she had to.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well now some of my toes are swelling.

going to bed to get the feet up and hopefully getting sleep.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
You all have a good night.

We’re watching a neat TV show “How America Works”. They’re featuring how PLYERS are made at Channellock Co in Penn. Really interesting show.

Stay safe folks. We’re in for some UGLY and COLD coming Friday & Sat.
Not as bad as Montana which is at -21 below zero! Brrr!
Freezing Cold Weather GIF

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Not much from here.
Another one of those mostly sleepless nights.
Nancy, I am so very sorry to read about your family troubles. Our thoughts go out to everyone.
In the category of trying to catch up with stuff from when the van was not reliable we have to take flooring back to Costco, get to my eye appointment, shop for Christmas dinner…ya, the list goes on. No wonder I’m awake.
But that pales by things many are going through in what is supposed to be the most joyous time of the year.
You all be safe if you’re out and about , look out for the other guy and if you’re in a crowd wear your mask!


2nd Officer
Happy news for a change, for you last minute shoppers.

Your dreams have come true boys & girls, all you moms and Dads, and Bunnies of all ages. Yes, the "Clapper" is back for your shopping pleasure.

BUT THERE IS MORE! There is an upgraded model that will control 2 lights. Clap twice to control the first light and clap three times to control the second light.

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

Now I'm just waiting on a commercial for that fish that you mount on the wall that sings.


2nd Officer
Good morning, nothing to much to gab about today. Grey & dreary here this morning with rain expected later on.
Tomorrow I'm going to Jane's to take the last of the gifts over & help her clean & get ready for Christmas, other than that my week is pretty much a blank slate. Fingers crossed Barb doesn't want to go grocery shopping at the last minute, if so her little self is going to get dropped off at the door while I sit in my truck & read a book. Stay safe & sane gang!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Called the lady I was to take to West Palm tomorrow and told her i can't drive right now. She was understanding. Have called the Dr's about new meds.

all have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Quick post this morning, but not because we're going anywhere. Today is BAKING DAY around here. The kids will be here a bit later and then this afternoon Gary and his daughter Emily are coming for a visit. We haven't seen Em in over a year considering she lives only a few miles away. Only reason she's suddenly showing up is for Christmas gifts. Last year she got nothing, as we still don't even know her address.

So off I go to make some blueberry muffins and then get everything ready for when the kids come over. Hopefully, if I'm not too beat, I'll stop back later.


Wacky Wabbit
Freezing Sweater Weather GIF by Libby VanderPloeg
Good Brrrr Morning Wrabbits. I'm doing the LAYER LOOK over here. It's only going to get worse starting Thursday night and into FRIDAY & SATURDAY!

You Florida Belles might be a tad chilly, but you got it so much better than us crazy Northerners this time of the year!

Really sorry that you're having so much pain with your hands. Sure hope your doctor can find something to help you out. Just remember to EAT some FOOD when taking pills. Most of them are hard on the tummy!

DAVE: You made me laugh when you mentioned the FISH on the WALL flapping it's tail. Usually by now the drug stores or Walmart's have ads on TV showing them. I'm waiting to hear if one of your daughters have sent you any HOT SAUCE this year! Ha Ha

Negc: You must really want to get out of town with all this projected bad weather heading your way. What day do you leave? It's times like this that I wish TONY was around to keep our former "Trip Calendar" in order. I liked printing it off and knowing where all the Wrabbits are. Of course, we ALL don't travel as much these days like we use to. Bummer on that! Stay warm over there.

Karen: Good move on just dropping off Barb if she indeed wants to attempt to be in the crowds at the grocery store.
How is Scooter doing these days? Haven't heard much lately, so I'm thinking things are good. Anymore updates on Amanda? I hope she doesn't have to go for too many check-ups in the COLD WEATHER we're all having lately.

Pat: When you mentioned Emily coming over the first thing that popped into my mind was "She's after a card with something inside of it"! :emoticon 0140 rofl: Funny how we can read each others minds after so many years. What does she do these days? I'm thinking she's out of school... YES - NO ????
Have fun with Nate and Jenn making cookies. I remember doing that with my grandkids years ago. I must say that Jill and her gang still take the time to MAKE and DECORATE cookies together. That Jill sure does a lot with her gang! Proud of her big time.

LEE: Hope that once you get all your running around done today that you'll be able to sleep better.
If you don't get all this done today you have a little window of opportunity on Wednesday and then you'll be staying home because of the horrible weather we're all going to have. If you get a ton of snow or ice, just make sure you don't LIFT that SHOVEL. PUSH is the way they tell you to do snow removal. And just make sure your SNOWBLOWER is primed and ready to go. Wouldn't it be nice if this ONE TIME the WEATHER FOLKS were WRONG! :oops:
I hate to see folks driving around to gatherings in bad weather. TAKE CARE.
AND REMEMBER LESS IS BEST. Just have enough WINE around and you'll be fine.

I think today I will wrap the FEW gifts I actually bought and make sure I have enough "CASH" to fill envelopes! Yesterday, I had to go INSIDE the bank to get some cash because the ATM machine was basically OUT OF MONEY! Geez! :eek:

The family has decided that NEW YEARS EVE will be the day we do our Christmas get-together. That's just perfect with me. All the worker people will still have Sunday to rest before starting up a new year of working.

Coffee Time GIF by Emilia Desert
Heart Coffee GIF by 100% Soft
Coffee is on me today! ENJOY!



2nd Officer
Sun never did come out today, we got a little rain, but not as much as "they" were saying we'd get

Pat, have fun with the cookie crew! Did you ever get the gingerbread house put together?

Dave, I used to have one of those clapper things, it was great till the cat knocked over a stack of boxes & the bedroom light came on in the middle of the night, like to scared us half to death!

Nancy, hope you hear something from your Dr. soon.

Lee, how is Katie doing these days? Hopefully with a few things crossed off your honey-do list you sleep a little better tonite!

Kathie, Scooter is doing ok for a 12 yr old kitty. She still get's her blood pressure medicine every morning & walks around complaining when she's not asleep somewhere. She goes back to the vet in Jan. for her blood pressure check & probably some dental work after that.

Got a Christmas card from Mike & Fay today! Mike turned 90 in June & Fay turned 88 AND they celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. Good to hear they are still hanging in there!

Fixed a hamburger & some home made french fries in my air fryer for dinner so I guess I should go clean up the kitchen. I'd like cooking a whole lot more if it didn't involve cleaning up after :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the Dr gave e different pain med and told me to take Tylenol Arthritis and is going to refer me to a Ortho since what I have is regular arthritis. Bruce was able to get both meds on his way home.

My brother called today just before noon and told me they were taking the guy off life support. So of course that means higher charges should they deiced that they have to charge Bode-Rose. And he asked me to tell Jennifer and she understands that Bode-Rose did what had to be done. Jennifer really likes Amy so we did not know how she would take this news.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: You never disappoint when it comes finding videos! Good job.

Nancy: I feel so bad for the young lady. She did what she thought was best for her Mom. Hope it all works out. Just so sad.
Hope the new meds help you. Does a heating pad make it feel better or worse?

Saturday the predicted wind gusts are going to be 55 mph. Crazy. I’m glad that the Christmas dinner is cancelled. Still not sure what we are doing with Jill and her gang. Too early to plan that. It will be a different menu for sure. :eek:

Good night folks.

Andrea’s daughter Up in British Columbia is stuck at Vancouver’s airport waiting over 8 hrs + to get to Hawaii. She was on a plane for 4 hrs and it came back because the weather was too bad to take off. I would die if I was trapped on an airplane that long only to come back and wait even longer.

Nite wrabbits.


Wacky Wabbit
Latest update on Andrea’s daughters flight.

Kelsee update #3:

What a day. 11 hours in lines to get rebooked and find out about their luggage (which they had to go back down to arrivals and re check), I’m happy to report that all 4 of them are on the plane and departed. They got an hour or so sleep in the last 36 hours and are running on adrenaline for sure. They were very lucky because away more flights were cancelled.

Glad Kelsee is finally on her way to Hawaii. I’m sure that everyone will be sleeping on that plane.


2nd Officer
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.


But it looks like the adults and children in this part of Ohio won't have to dream any longer. We're all getting a white Christmas. Some a lot, some a little. With the temperature in single digits. It should be mighty pretty.

I absolutely adore the reindeer, K2. Such a clever use of the bacon and berries. Being slow at times, it took me a while to figure out how the candy cane was made.

Thanks so much for the "fishy" video, Lee.

KC; If you end up in your truck reading a book while Barb grocery shops, I just hope it's a large book. She's going to be in there quite a while.

And that folks are my thoughts on this Wednesday morning.
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