Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Got a start on putting the snowmen together.
They are maybe a bit crocked but then not all snowmen are perfect. Have run out of glue sticks so tomorrow we get more (hopefully) when we go out for lunch. Also have to put on the faces.
snowmen 1.jpg

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon everyone. A few flurries in the air today.
Thank you for the kind comments about our rec room. For a bunch of “old farts” with no real training in construction I think we did a darned fine job too. Never underestimate the power of a bunch of “Old Guy Contractors“ with internet access and tools.
Today did not go as planned. I was just getting up when we heard Katie being sick. We both jumped up and tried to get her outside. At 5:15 am I had the carpet cleaner out to clean up. Of course our thoughts were with her and our 9:00 am appointment. We decided that I would go and get Subie-Doo and Lu-Ann would stay home with Katie. The vehicle was ready when I got there. After explaining why I was alone Jedd, our great young sales guy, decided that presentation wasn’t complete without both of us.
Below is Subie-Doo, Lu-Ann and I taking delivery in our driveway. Subaru Windsor is about 35 minutes from our home. Pretty neat and customer service oriented.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Enough about me.
Geez Karen, when is your family going to catch a break! Of course our thoughts and prayers are going out to Lisa. Well intentioned as Leon may be I’m sure Amanda would like him out from under foot! You enjoy that party this afternoon.
My gosh Nancy. That pain in your hands and fingers must be so frustrating. Those snow people (I’m being politically correct and a smart a$$) are cute.
I thought I could smell cookies from across the river Kathie. Lettuce from California has skyrocketed in price here. As has every other thing local farmers grow. A lot of that because the fertilizer they had to buy since the Russian fertilizer was banned is costing them so much more. Funny how that works. We, rightfully so, put embargoes on Russia and we wind up paying the price.

I never thought I’d hear you giving up on one of your beloved New England based teams Bill!
I hope it’s not too crazy getting to, from and at Sea World Pat. I wish I had the option of sandals. Well, I suppose I do but…
Again Dave, Lu-Ann and I really can’t appreciate having to pay for drugs. With her PD meds and my stupid heart related things I’m betting we would be shopping around our insurance plans! As it stands we, on occasion have to pay $2.99 depending on the drug. Fun that “Granny” Kathi is taking the time to pass along what I fear is becoming a lost skill. Sewing.
Almost time to get the pups out. They’ve both been quiet today but we reckon they are tired after the guys and their wives were here for a couple of days. Now, how did that work? We were down stairs painting and doing the floor. They were up here drinking coffee, wine (later in the day) chatting and the such. Good on them I say.
Have a delightful afternoon.



Wacky Wabbit
Lee & Lu-Ann so glad the nice dealer made the delivery of Subi-Doo at the house and with that FANTASTIC BIG BOW ON IT TOO! Congrats and HAPPY/ SAFE TRAILS ALWAYS!
Sure hope my Katie is feeling better by now. Just too much noise, chatter and confusion the last week and few days!

Nancy the SnowPeople look great.
I made up Choc Santa’s in a Big Dollar Tree glass cup one year. I’ll try and see if if I can find the picture and post it.

Out of here for now.


2nd Officer
Nice looking ride, Lee. And hot damn, it's even got a giant bow on it. And yes, I still think the Canadian medical system is better than ours. Too many people down here losing their homes by going bankrupt from medical bills.

KC; Wishing all the best for Lisa getting a break. Most important is her keeping her positive attitude.

All this baking going on with you guys. Something tells me that some dieting will be in some new year's resolutions.

Once again, we're planning on grocery shopping this morning. But we've been "planning" to do that since Wednesday. But something always popped up delaying it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
I’ve tried to start this three times since 4:30 am but my thoughts keep wandering. We are continuing to keep an eye on Katie. Good appetite but she’s so shaky when she tries to get up or stand.
Best grab what you need at the grocery today Dave. It’s only going to get crazier as the week progresses. There is good and bad with both of our health care systems.
We are seeing a dusting of snow this morning Kathie. Anything up your way? You could see from the car picture we still have green grass. Or did yesterday.
A nice comeback by Buffalo to clinch a playoff spot. Of course the game was somewhat ruined by the bucket heads that thought throwing snowballs at The Miami Dolphins was a good idea. Yep, hard core fans, beer, snow…what could possibly go wrong.
I’ll pop back later. Be careful out there. Have a good day folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Cars Slick Roads GIF by Digg
Lee outside testing the new car out! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

We are getting a DUSTING of FLAKES as I post over here Lee. Sun pops out every so often. Sure glad I popped that “snow removal check” in Ed’s mailbox yesterday!
Katie in my thoughts today. I know this has to be hard on both of you watching her slow down.

Today will be a day of writing lists for things being made for Christmas dinner and making sure I have everything bought.

I haven’t been inside a store to buy ANY GIFTS!
I need to go find something for Art. We do 1 gift these days and 1 gift for our “Sock”! We hardly need 20 boxes of STUFF like we use to do. Thank
goodness we out-grew that faze of our lives!
KC: Still sending prayers for Amanda and Lisa. :emoticon 0152 heart:

Dave: So what project did Kathi and the Granddaughter pick out to sew?
And did FuzzButt look good when getting back from the groomer?
Which reminds me I need to make up a Gift Cert for Manny’s Dog Sock! It will be enough to get a grooming done!
BB: How you doing over your way. Are your TOES WARM ENOUGH? I read that the Iguana’s are starting to fall from trees because the temps are going down so low. I sure would hate to be walking around Sarasota, etc and have one of those things drop out of the tree! YIKES.

Negc: You must be getting excited to get out of the COLD TOWN and down to Florida. Even if it drops down i to the 65’s it’s better than 30’s and less.

Okay, I’m out of here for now. Need a coffee bad! Later all.

Nancy: I actually found the picture of the glass mug I made for Hot Choc one year! It was a fun project! Everything to make a Hot Choc was in the mug!

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2nd Officer
A late good morning. We will be going to lunch and then Lowes. Have to get glue sticks and some markers. The eyes, mouth and nose are/will be made with markers.

Bruce found my amaryllis fallen over so we found a pot, punched holes in the bottom and replanted. Have a stack with the top being a hook so cut the length to work in the pot now it is standing up.

The hands are hurting so much. Sent a note to the Dr about something else for the pain as what I have is not working. Also the gel is not doing much for the swelling. Hope she can come up with something else for both.

Lee, the car looks great.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! A week from today is Christmas. I don't think I'll ever be ready.

Lee - Congrats on the new wheels! Love the idea that the dealer delivered it and that pretty blue bow. Nice Christmas present to yourselves! Thinking about sweet Katie and hoping she feels better soon. Old age, in both humans and pets, sucks.

Dave - Good luck with that shopping trip today, if it ever happens.

Nancy - Your snowmen are cute.

Karen - Keeping Amanda and Lisa in my prayers. Today is a rough day in our family. It's the anniversary of the day Justin got his wings.

Kathie - No iguanas falling out of trees yet. That will come by about Friday, when here in Kissimmee the overnight temp is supposed to dip down to 30. I sure hope not, as we would have to bring all the plants on the lanai into the living room. UGH! Definitely not what I want to see Christmas Eve.

We went to Sea World yesterday around 1:00. We'll NEVER do that again on the weekend before Christmas. First off, parking is now $35. per car unless you have a silver pass. We went to the smokehouse for a late lunch. OMG, have they ever raised their prices since last time we were there (before Covid). The sampler platter of chicken, ribs and a few slices of brisket with a handful of waffle fries is now $22. A bottle of beer is $11 and a 6 ounce glass of wine is $13.! A small bowl of salad is $8. and a small cup of mac & cheese is $6. Definitely need to find somewhere else to eat while we're there. Aside from them practically pulling money out of your pocket, the park was mobbed. I've never seen it so crowded. Poor Missy had to park across the street in an auxiliary parking lot and had a 10 minute walk to get to the main entrance. We just went and saw a few of the sealife and then left. We were home before 5:30.

Hopefully, today I will get a few things made for next week. I think I'll start with an easy one - spicy sweet pecans. That might get me in the mood to do more.

Have a great day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon;
Well, with the wind chill it feels like 18F. Didn’t I pick a fine day to empty out the old van and take the plates off.
We took Subie-Doo to the grocery this morning, stopped at Starbucks and Dollarama. The busiest place was definitely Dollarama. I guess that speaks to people trying to get what they can with the money they have.
Jumpin’ Jack Flash Pat! I don’t think Lu-Ann and I paid $35 bucks to park and get in to Sea World the first time we were there lo those many years ago. Is the smokehouse right in the park or close by? Special thoughts for all of you on this day.
Sure hope the doc can help your hands Nancy. Especially when you do so many crafts and so much cooking.
I love that the recipe on those mugs is for “Snowman Soup” Kathie. We too are checking our Christmas Dinner list twice so we don’t forget anything. Seeing that crazy car gives me the urge for “a donut”… The Lions missed fg is looming large as The Jets have just scored.
The Pats need a “W” to stay out of the basement this week Bill. Especially if The Jets hang on.
And hugs and good thoughts back to you Karen and your entire family.
Have a good evening everyone.


2nd Officer
The Snowmen are done. I added another packet of coco mix and filled the heads with the mini marshmallows and since I had already filled the bottom with the Kisses and Andre's they look the best. So I added a note on the bottom saying : "I make 3 cups of Hot Chocolate". One the hat decided to lift in the front so that will be Bruce's. There are enough for all in Tampa, Bruce and Clara's sister and her husband (they will be having Christmas dinner with us).
finished snowmen.jpg


Wacky Wabbit
rantlifestyle GIF by Rant
Reality Show GIF by The Circle Netflix (US)

Okay, move along as I RANT I won't feel bad at all.

So, I've been baking and grocery shopping and making lists and checking them 5 times.
I get a call from my Sister-in-law saying that she and my brother TESTED POSITIVE for COVID.
Good's not the end of the world, but WHY THIS WEEK! DUH!
So, my brother tested first and a few days later Cindy tested positive. They have been TOTALLY vac'd! He went to Urgent care and they told him if he ran a fever to take Tylenol and drink LOTS OF WATER/FLUIDS. He called his doctor and the Doc told him after 5 days you should be fine and can resume moving out and about.

They wanted to let me know since the Christmas Day is at our house. They think they'll be fine by then but didn't know how we or Jill and her gang would think about all of this.
Their daughter and Granddaughter are in MIAMI of all places this week. Think AIRPORTS and tons of holiday people and PLANE ride, etc, etc. :oops:

So after talking to ART I called them back and told them we would POSTPONE CHRISTMAS DINNER and get-together until either New Years Eve or New Years Day! We're all grown adults and who knows what the "Miami twosome" might come home with. They will see if their people are good with the postponement and call me during the week. Whew.
I think we are doing the best thing at this point. And since I didn't start to make any of the FOOD portion for this event I'm good with that. The bake goods are in the refrigerator anyways. Just gives me more time to continue to go over LISTS! Ha Ha.

If I ever felt like being far, far away in like HAWAII it's right about now.

Season 2 Reaction GIF by The Lonely Island
Ha Ha.

So, did we make the right choice?

Lee: How's the car ride? I can almost SMELL that new car smell way over here. :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Out of here to go make myself a Bailey's w/Egg Nog drink.


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning, Bunnies!

And next week at this time it will be the day after Christmas. So the big question is, what condition will your house be in then? And how much of a pain in the a$$ are you to your garbage collector. Did you break down the boxes?

I agree with you K2 and Art on delaying the dinner. And you shouldn't feel guilty about it one little bit. It's the Christmas spirit you're looking for, not some set date on the calendar. In answer to your question; The granddaughter picked out a pattern for a simple dress and lemon colored cloth.

So Dudley Do-Right, have you figured out all the buttons and switches in Subie-Doo yet? I'm curious as to what's the most unexpected gadget you've found, so far. Hoping the best for Katie.

BB; They are grand and nice, but the average family almost needs to take out a loan for a visit to Sea World or Disney World these days. (I guess a lot of people are doing that just by using their credit card.)

By the posted pictures, I'd say we have some creative and artistic Bunnies here at the hutch.

Yes, we did make it to the grocery store yesterday. To our surprise, there were very few shoppers. It was about 9:30 in the morning and so we must have beaten the church goers getting out of church. But I'd expect the rest of the week to very crowded, no matter what time of day you go.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Woke up to find frost on the roofs & lawns in the neighborhood, but luckily it wasn't enough to damage any plants.

Lee, hoping Katie girl is on the mend & feeling all better today! Bet it was a real joy running errands in the new ride yesterday!

Pat, Holy cow, Sea World has sure gotten expensive! I haven't been there in ages and from the sound of it unless I win free tickets or something won't be going any time soon

Dave, you are so right about the stores being a mad house the rest of the week! Glad I'm done with shopping of any kind & can just stay home & chill!

Kathie, I totally agree with postponing the Christmas get together, with people traveling from out of state why take the chance!

Nancy, cute snowmen!

Nothing much on the agenda today. I made some banana nut bread yesterday & will take a mini loaf to one of my neighbors who lives alone. I took some cookies to Miss Reba the other day & you would have thought I'd brought her a winning lottery ticket. It's sad to see people in here who are just hungry for someone to talk to them!
Christmas party was nice, not a huge crowd, but probably about 20 or so people. Lot's of good food as always. I ended up with a nice soft plush throw & Christmas stocking in the gift exchange. This year they didn't allow any "steals" so it wasn't quite as entertaining as some years.
Time now to turn on the coffee pot & get the day started, stay warm all!


2nd Officer
Good morning.

Had a very disturbing call from my sister-in-law. We were to go to their house on Friday but have to cancel as last night their oldest granddaughter shot her Mother's boyfriend because he was beating and throwing her Mother around and breaking furniture. He is drug addict etc. When he would not listen to the granddaughter she went and got her boyfriend's gun and ended up shooting him twice. He is in ICU and no idea if he will live or die. My brother got an excellent lawyer for granddaughter and he managed to keep the police from arresting her, they have an appt to talk with the police on Wednesday. And for now she is at my
brother's house and not talking with anyone about what happened especially anyone that was there.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Thanks everyone about the snowmen. A couple are not perfect but with my hands I did the best I could.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits!
Nice that most are posting good things about their weekend.

Somebody just popped on!
It was Nancy. So sorry about the bad news. Hoping for the best for the family involved.

I’m in the parking lot if the Cardiologist office. Quick check-in, EKG good and that was it! Love a FAST GOOD APPT! I get to wait 1year for next visit. Works for me.

I’m off to deliver some bake goods to various folks.

You all have a swell day! :D

Don’t forget to make your POPCORN and get a FRONT ROW SEAT for the last sessions of Washington hearings. Best FREE entertainment in town.