Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Pat, I put the recipe in a reply to your post. It really is an easy recipe. I make the amount of rum a little bit more for both the cake and glaze and less sugar for the glaze, and they turn out fine.

I got 6 cake made today so only have 4 more to make.

I also put the things in the jars for the Snowman, so tomorrow will glue the bottoms to the lids, Glue on the hat and the ribbon scarf. Have to make the nose and eyes and mouth to glue on too.

The trip to West Palm is now next Wednesday because the lady is not feeling up to the ride.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Bunnies!

We're starting off our day screwing with the poopy-dog's brains. Kathi will be off to the Vet's with Fuzzbutt for a regular checkup and some shots while I put Jack in his kennel and go to Wally-World for a few prescriptions.

I'm trying to get as many of my 10 prescriptions refilled by the first of the year. Since many of them are highly expensive, over the year I have been moving up in insurance coverage categories to catastrophic, so now they are quite cheap. But that ends the 1st of the year. (I can't image the financial burden on those without insurance.)

Our new cordless vacuum cleaner arrived yesterday, and so we put it through the paces to check it out. That thing really sucks. Get it? "SUCKS".
I still think that one of the reasons she picked that model is because it's purple.

Time for me to get moving.

TRY and be good, Wabbits.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Getting ready to head for the lab to get a followup blood test done for my cardiologist. Good thing is that the lab is only about 15 minutes away.

Nancy - Thank you for the recipe. That sounds like a good one.

Lee - You sure are moving right along with getting the downstairs finished. Good luck with the floor today.

Dave - My insurance works differently than yours. This is the time of the year that I pay the highest amount for my prescriptions. At this point, I am holding off renewing anything until after the first of the year.

Oops - Just looked at the clock. It's time to run. Be good everyone!


2nd Officer
Making the last 4 rum cakes this morning. Bruce took 4 with him to give out.

Later am going to Publix. They have Prime Rib on sale so am getting one to put in the freezer for us. Also will pick up at least one Rx for me and hopefully one for Bruce.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Just like BB's, our prescription insurance has us paying the highest price for some prescriptions at this time of the year, so I am hoping that my supply of those costly meds will get me through into 2023 before I need a renewal.
Very rainy and gloomy out today and if I can avoid going out, that seems to be my best option. What I'd really like to do is go back to bed but that probably won't be happening.
Gas at our local supermarket has dropped to $3.13 but we filled up both of our cars a week or so ago and don't need any fuel at the moment. Hopefully the downward trend will continue for a while. The cold weather has a negative effect on my Prius and at present I am only getting 35mpg, which is still pretty good, especially considering the age of the car.
All those recipes and pictures of goodies are making me hungry so I think I will head for the kitchen to see what I can scrounge.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Back from the lab. In and out in less than 10 minutes. That I like, as it's better than waiting for over an hour, as can easily happen. Since we got home, we've been getting out the rest of the Christmas stuff that we still had to find a place for.

Chilly day here in Florida. It's 64 now and going down into the 50s overnight. Looks like that will be the weather pattern for the next couple of days. At least the rain of yesterday has left our area, so that's a good thing. Unfortunately, it is very windy, so that makes it feel even cooler.

Bill - Kissimmee finally broke the under $3. for gas line. It's $2.99! LOL Sam's has gas for about $2.70, but the lines are ridiculous. They waste more gas sitting in line, so where's the big savings?

Nancy - I have to go to Publix later too. I want to pick up the rest of the baking stuff I need as well as some things I'll need f or Christmas. Especially the ingredients to make wassail, a family favorite around here.

I think it's almost time for me to tackle making that gingerbread house. Notice I said ALMOST TIME. Ha Ha!!!


Wacky Wabbit
Busy baking! I’m out of eggs and actually have to stop and run over to Krogers, a dreaded trip for sure! :eek:
Sounds like we’re all busy doing something. Try and stay SANE my Wrabbit family!
This morning I slept in and didn’t hear the doorbell ring! I did hear the phone ringing even with my ear plugs still in. Anyways, it was the WINDOW installer checking to see if anybody was home. He had the parts for our long bedroom window latch! I asked him to give me a minute and I’d open the garage door.
Art was at the computer and DIDN’T HEAR A THING! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
He fixed the window in 5 mins and was on his way. He was scheduled to be here at 1:00pm not 7:45 A.M. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:


Sure hope you are pacing yourself with that paint and floor job! Don’t forget to take a break every so often.

BB: Good that your blood work was a quick appt. Now back to going crazy in the house.

Nancy, Karen, Negc and Dave….HELLO TO YOU ALL.

Out of here for now! Eggs…..they BETTER HAVE SOME EGGS at the store!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening folks.
Well, there you have it. White ceiling, “natural linen” (another “who names these things” colours) walls and the floor. We had virtually no waste and have 6 boxes to go back to Costco. That refund should cover the cost of the baseboard and trim. We’re keeping 1 box as a “just in case” insurance plan. I do have to finish ceiling lights, receptacles and trim but I think we’re “shut down for the holidays”.
Good to hear that your vacuum sucks Dave. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: That joke never gets old.
Did you get the eggs Kathie? How busy was the grocery store? Good to get that latch fixed!
Pictures of the gingerbread house please Pat. Our one lab lets us book an appointment now. You can usually get, like you did, in and out in no time. I heard from reliable sources that Hallmark calls you when they run short of decorations.
Our “gas guru“ expects fuel to stay low until mid January Bill.
How’s your day and Christmas planning going Karen?
Sounds like even note “Driving Miss Daisy“ you still have a busy day planned Nancy.
Time for a glass of wine. “Subie-Doo” comes home tomorrow.
Have a great Friday night gang.


Wacky Wabbit
Well Done Yes GIF by Busythings
LEE: That floor looks FANTASTIC! Good choice! And I think it’s a great idea to call it quits for the holidays! You and your crew did GOOD! :cheerleader:
Made a few more pastries and I have Cheese Cake baking as I post!
My hands are turning into prunes from constant washing in between recipes. I love to CLEAN as I go.

I made a fabulous dinner for us on top of all the baking I did today. My treat to myself! Ha ha. Good wine too!
Gas prices went down again at our Krogers again. $2.79. Costco will be even less!
Out of here for tonight .



Wacky Wabbit
oops…..almost did a double post!

Started to “SNOW” here in Pure Michigan. Bah Humbug!
That should tick off the stores when the shoppers don’t go out and shop so close to Christmas.
Angry Let It Snow GIF

Last edited:


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies!

Thanks again Lee for posting pictures. It once again proves the adage, "A picture is worth 1,000 words". You'd be hard pressed to explain what that flooring looks like. Good idea, keeping a spare box of that flooring material. No telling what may get dropped on or scratching up that floor years down the road.

I learned something from you guys yesterday. All medical insurances aren't the same. Our most expensive time for prescriptions is early in the year, while some of yours is just the opposite, being at the end of the year.

At the moment, gas is at $2.79 a gallon. Who knows what it will be next week. Temperature will hover at freezing or below all day.

K2; Staying sane around the holiday's is near to impossible. I'll be so happy when all this hoopla is over with.

One of our granddaughters is interested in learning how to sow. Something Kathi is very good at. So this morning they will be heading over to Jo Ann Fabrics for a pattern for beginners and some cloth.

So it's just me and the pooches.


Wacky Wabbit
Saturday Night Party GIF by myHQ
Next week this time it will be Christmas EVE! Time fly's when you're having fun! Yeah right! o_O

We only got a dusting of snow last night. Enough to cover the grass and sidewalks. Not enough to keep Artie from going BIKING! Bless his soul .... since it's 28F out there now!

Karen: You staying busy driving Barb around town these days? By the way, how is Scooter doing these days? I keep forgetting to ask.

LEE & Lu-Ann: Today's the day you get to pick-up your new RIDE! How fun. I can almost smell that NEW CAR SMELL over here as I post! Wishing you many HAPPY TRAILS! I wonder if they'll have one of those HUGE RED BOWS on it that Dave keeps putting on his car! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Shop Online New Car GIF by NAB

You all be safe, wear your MASKS in stores and crowds. That FLU and Covid is on the RISE again.
I'll be back later!


2nd Officer
Good morning from brisk but Sunny Florida! Love that for once I can wear my Christmas sweatshirt!

Lee, the basement room looks amazing! You & the OGC's did a great job and during the holidays no less, you are a brave soul! Enjoy the ride home in your new Subie-Doo!

Kathie, how much are eggs costing up your way? I paid $3.58 a doz the other day at Walmart. Yesterday I paid $2.69 a gal for gas, sad day when a doz. eggs cost more than a gal. of gas!

Dave, I think my medicare insurance is similar to yours. I pay more for prescriptions at the beginning of the year to cover my deductible, then later in the year I pay less or in some cases nothing. Course it helps that I only take 2 prescription meds.

Pat, how did the gingerbread house turn out? I remember waaay back in the day when I first started at Publix we used to make the gingerbread houses from SCRATCH!! We'd make the dough, cut & bake the house pieces & then our cake decorators would put them together & decorate them. Some of them were very creative in their decorating!!

Bill, good to hear most of the rough weather is expected to miss you guys. This close to heading south you don't need bad weather messing up with your plans!

Nancy, those Rum Cakes sound very good, now we need a snowman update, with pictures. :)

Jane came over yesterday for lunch & I helped her pack up the gifts for our brother in W. Palm. She sent them off UPS so they should be there by Christmas. My Sil Lisa has been in the hospital for the last couple days. She had to have fluid drained from her abdomen & they found she has an infection. Prayers would be appreciated, I think between the chemo & the cancer it's just really taking a toll on her.
Barb will probably wait till after the first of the year to get really serious about finding a new van, and yes, we will check it out carefully to make sure it's not a flood car. Not sure who asked, but Barb was given a ticket for the accident. She was able to do an online safety course to reduce her fine & keep the points off her license, so that was a good thing.
Haven't talked to Amanda since last week but Jane talked to her Thurs. she's doing ok, but it's a challenge having Leon home all day to take "care" of her. She is ready to send him back to work, but is not really physically able to do for herself just yet
Christmas party at the clubhouse this afternoon & other than that not to much on the agenda for this weekend. May go check out a new church tomorrow. Enjoy the day all!


2nd Officer
Good morning. I have been taking the pain pill the Dr prescribed for me for over two weeks and the pain is just as bad now as before and the swelling is not going down, so I sent an email thru their portal asking if there is anything else I can take. I know I won't get a response until Monday at the earliest. I think the worst part of the pain is when I wake at night because of the pain it takes longer to get back to sleep.

We have gotten down a few things to decorate outside, so will do that today.

Today I will put the snowmen together and put on the faces, then I will take a photo.

Lee that basement looks good.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another chilly Floridian here this morning. It was very cool in our bedroom early this morning. I didn't want to leave that nice warm bed.

Lee - Your room looks fabulous. I really like the floor too. I can't wait to see a picture of your new wheels. I too think you need to put a big bow on the roof.

Karen - Enjoy your Christmas party today. I just saw a forecast for weather next weekend. You are supposed to get a freeze Christmas Eve!! Time to get those plants into the house. The start of a long winter in Marion County. I don't miss that at all. If we're lucky, we might get one or two nights below 32 and then Bert has to bring all the plants into the living room. I'm praying that we stay above freezing here. Plants in the house would ruin some of the Christmas decorations!
I said yesterday that I was THINKING about starting the gingerbread house. Well, I thought about it and never found time to get started on it. Maybe tomorrow ...

Dave - Good for one of your granddaughters wanting to learn how to sew and that Kathi can teach her. I used to sew my own clothes too back in the day. I still have the sewing machine, but now it only gets used as a stand for the TV in the guest bedroom!

Nancy - Sorry you are in so much pain. Where is it hurting that much to wake you up at night? Can't wait to see what these snowmen look like.

Kathie - Glad your snow didn't amount to too much. Probably a taste of things to come over the next few months. So what are you baking now that you have eggs again? If you lay everything out, your kitchen would look like a bakery!

Bill - I saw on the news that the Magic beat the Celtics last night. I don't follow basketball, but I did catch it and thought the results were very unusual for the Magic. They usually are the losing team.

Today we are heading for Sea World with Missy & the kids to activate the passes we bought for them for Christmas. I don't think we will stay for the evening festivities though. It's just too blasted cold for that. At least to me. Heck, I have to ditch my sandals for tennis shoes and socks today. I have on a Christmas shirt, but no one will see it under my sweatshirt!

Have a super day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Gave up on the Celtics game early in the third quarter, BB. They just couldn't buy a basket. Magic had only one 1 of their previous 11 road games before last night but they looked like a much better team last night than their record would indicate. Pats game is tomorrow, late afternoon from Las Vegas. I believe it was originally scheduled to be the Sunday night game when the Pats were thought to be a better team than they have turned out to be.
Yet another gray and gloomy day here but the rain has ended at least for the time being. Have to go out later to pick up some prescriptions and a jacket at the cleaners but it is definitely another day to stay inside if at all possible.
Monday should be an interesting one with the January 6th Committee holding a final session. Reports of possible criminal referrals should spark some discussions.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Another chilly Floridian here this morning. It was very cool in our bedroom early this morning. I didn't want to leave that nice warm bed.

Lee - Your room looks fabulous. I really like the floor too. I can't wait to see a picture of your new wheels. I too think you need to put a big bow on the roof.

Karen - Enjoy your Christmas party today. I just saw a forecast for weather next weekend. You are supposed to get a freeze Christmas Eve!! Time to get those plants into the house. The start of a long winter in Marion County. I don't miss that at all. If we're lucky, we might get one or two nights below 32 and then Bert has to bring all the plants into the living room. I'm praying that we stay above freezing here. Plants in the house would ruin some of the Christmas decorations!
I said yesterday that I was THINKING about starting the gingerbread house. Well, I thought about it and never found time to get started on it. Maybe tomorrow ...

Dave - Good for one of your granddaughters wanting to learn how to sew and that Kathi can teach her. I used to sew my own clothes too back in the day. I still have the sewing machine, but now it only gets used as a stand for the TV in the guest bedroom!

Nancy - Sorry you are in so much pain. Where is it hurting that much to wake you up at night? Can't wait to see what these snowmen look like.

Kathie - Glad your snow didn't amount to too much. Probably a taste of things to come over the next few months. So what are you baking now that you have eggs again? If you lay everything out, your kitchen would look like a bakery!

Bill - I saw on the news that the Magic beat the Celtics last night. I don't follow basketball, but I did catch it and thought the results were very unusual for the Magic. They usually are the losing team.

Today we are heading for Sea World with Missy & the kids to activate the passes we bought for them for Christmas. I don't think we will stay for the evening festivities though. It's just too blasted cold for that. At least to me. Heck, I have to ditch my sandals for tennis shoes and socks today. I have on a Christmas shirt, but no one will see it under my sweatshirt!

Have a super day, everyone!
the worst pain is my hands, thumbs mostly. it does not wake me up just keeps me from falling back to sleep.


2nd Officer
Got a call from my Sil, Lisa & they are going to be moving her to the hospice ward in the hospital. It's more for palliative care than end of life because the chemo has really caused her skin to break down & become infected. She needs more one on one medical care than the regular hospital staff or my brother can provide. The lady has sure been thru a lot in her life, but keeps the most positive attitude. This cancer has been rough on her and it's really starting to wear her down.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Prayers going out to Lisa. Just not fair that she has to suffer so much. Not easy on your. Brother either. Hope the extra care will help her get better.

You asked how much I paid for the DANG EGGS….TO MUCH! $3.36 doz.
Most of the time, in the past before Covid, EGGS were always a drawing card during the holidays to get people into the store. And you could buy them for $1.25 a doz or less.
Hope the Chickens are enjoying their RAISE! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Today I made a batch of good old easy going Choc Chip cookies. I put 3 different kinds of Choc chips and even some toffee chips. Cleaned out the bags in the cupboard. :clap002:
Okay, off to drop off the check to Eddie for the SNOW-REMOVAL for this season. Better him (or his grown son) than me!
Nancy, hope your hand feels better soon. Try soaking it in Epsom Salt. Have you tried putting VICKS ALL OVER THEM and then putting your hands in plastic bags and just letting it soak in while you give them a rest from all the things you’ve been baking and doing lately! It might work.

Lee: How’s Subie-Doo doing?
Later gang.