Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. We got home about 3 as we had a problem finding one of our suitcases, took about 30 to 40 minutes to find it. Then we made a stop in Ft Lauderdale that was useless, then about an hour at Trader Joe's which we got a bunch of things, then finally BJ's where we got some more thigs and gas then finally home. It was a long day.

Will be nice to sleep in own bed tonight.

We have decided that this was our last Carnival cruise.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That was an amazing comparison video Kathie. Hard to believe.
What has made you decide that was you last Carnival cruise Nancy. Welcome home to you as well.
G’nite from The Burg.


Wacky Wabbit
Welcome Back Nancy & Bruce. can’t wait to hear all about your cruise.

Lee: Because we have driven down the coast to Ft Meyers years and years ago it’s sad to see it so destroyed. It will take decades to bring it back. Some of those OLD GRANDFATHERED BUILDINGS that are gone is really a blessing in disguise.
But it’s a shame it had to happen like this.

We had a fun evening with the kids and SPOILED Mr. Manny. Wow..he sure has them all under his control! Love to tease everyone by stealing socks or paper and letting you chase him. Then he COOLS off by laying down on the cool tile and woid floor.
Chinese food was good. So was the Pepperidge Coconut cake for dessert.

Our friends Up 24 Mile Rd, Marie & George, calked and invited us for LEFTOVER SUNDAY DINNER tomorrow night. (Monday). She over cooked for her family and the family her granddaughter is living with. Remember that their daughter passed away and before that she made arrangements for Kristina to live with her best friends family. It has all worked out perfectly. They have 2 sons and a daughter Kristina‘s age. I’m sure Mary is looking down from heaven and pleased it is all working out so well.

Art and I drove over to the Ford dealer in separate cars to drop off his car for a RECALL fix. This saves us from getting up at 6:00 am to be their at 7:30 am. We filled out the form, put the keys in it and slipped it in the hole by the door. They will call us when the car is fixed! :clap002:

Night all.


2nd Officer
Welcome to a new week Bunnies. Now less than 2 weeks to go to Christmas.

Still looking for that gift for some special person? There's always the Chia Pet.

A dandy looking bunch of cookies, KC. We'll be using the post office for delivering our packages. We've mostly had good luck with them.

Those before and after videos of Fort Myers Beach not only look like 2 different places, but 2 different countries. I wonder if Manny likes Chinese?

So how did the shrimp with coleslaw dinner go, BB?

Can't beat a $50 restaurant gift card, Bill. I sure wouldn't like to be flying right before Christmas.

Here's a hoot Lee; On last night's "60 Minutes" they had a news story that showed one of those doors that looks like a book shelf. Sounds like the producers felt gutsy, not having a permit, while filming the car chase in "The French Connection".

Speaking of cars; On last night's news they had a story about 3 makers of electric cars. (Tesla, Ford, and BMW.) It seems that they are dropping the AM radios in some of them. With all the electric gizmos and gadget in these electric cars, they produce a lot of static on the AM stations.

I'll have to ask Kathi's son that has a Chevy Bolt if his radio has AM.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning GIF by Dritan Alsela Coffee
Hope all you WRABBITS have a great day!

I'm waiting for the coffee to get brewed here. Smells good. We bought the "Starbucks Christmas Blend that was on sale at Costco a few weeks ago and it really does smell nice.

I'm going to try and do a little Christmas baking this morning. Not doing half as much as I used to do. The dumb store just won't put BUTTER ON SALE and I refuse to pay $5 bucks for it. This time of the year in the past BUTTER use to be $1.79 a pound. I spent over $100 bucks yesterday when I went over to our Kroger's just to pick up a FEW THINGS. It's insane what's going on these days.
Lee & Lu-Ann I can't imagine what your FOOD BILLS will be when you get to Florida. Better bring your AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD with you for sure! :oops:

DAVE: Mr. Manny doesn't get "table food", so he didn't get to try the Chinese food. It was all yummy. We have enough little SOY SAUCE packets to last into the next year! Ha Ha

Okay folks, I have nothing else for you. Have a good day and I'll be back later.

Happy Good Morning GIF by yobegrafika


2nd Officer
Good morning. Woke up with the left hand feeling better, knees a bit better and arms a bit better.

Going to start making Rum Cake in a little bit.

All have a great day.

Look who joined us in San Juan. He is so ready for the beach.
Santa in cabin.jpg

Lee, We decided not to cruise Carnival any more because they have just changed so many things. You can only get once a day cabin clean up, but our steward did bring us ice twice a day. For the Welcome back gifts they give you have to do the work of getting them. If you want to eat breakfast in the dining room you have to have a reservation or they will find you a seat even though it takes them 5 minutes or more even though the dining room is almost completely empty and with me using my wheelchair it made it harder for them to find a table. The level of all the singers, announcements, movie on the deck is way beyond necessary. We had a balcony and our neighbors always let the balcony door slam shut. So we are done with them.


Chief Security Officer
Sorry to hear of your less than stellar experiences on Carnival, Nancy. It has been a couple of decades since we were on one of their ships. Although we generally enjoyed them, the decor just clashed with my idea of a relaxing environment. Both Rita and I needed our canes on Wonder and if we were on her again for a longer cruise, we would definitely rent scooters. Staff could not have been more helpful and always found easily accessible seating so we did not have to travel a distance to our table in the dining room or even in the Windjammer. Even on Coco Cay, we didn't have to walk very far to get from the tram to lounge chairs in the Water Park. Even with two ships in Coco Cay, there looked to be plenty of lounge chairs and umbrellas available. The Ice Show onboard was perhaps the best and most colorful one I have seen on any of their ships and the Aqua show was very high energy but a bit too deafening loud for us.
There were approximately 80 residents at our Xmas party and I would estimate that at least two thirds of them won some sort of door prize, many of which included a gift certificate comparable to the one I won.
Went to the supermarket yesterday just to pick up a few necessities for this morning's breakfast and drove home in swirling snow. This morning when we awoke our lawn is white, so I would estimate that we got an inch or two overnight. Streets are clear but wet.
Had the Post Office hold our mail while we were away and they are due to deliver it today, so I will have to go out shortly to pick it up at the mail shack.
Those cookies looked scrumptious, Karen. Could almost taste them. Mrs. Fields has nothing on you.
Have a good day, everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone! We've already been out and about and are now home for the rest of the day, I hope.

Karen - Your cookies look yummy. Good for you freezing some or for sure they would be gone before Christmas. I have to sit down and make a list of what all I need to start baking cookies. I know which ones I plan to make and am now getting requests from grandchildren! There's about 5 or 6 types I will make this year, I think. Those plus the cookies I got at Aldi's should be enough. Only one we will be missing are the fantastic gingersnaps from World Market.
Our Christmas party was a lot of fun, but very loud. Being in a tent and with the DJ playing music, by the time we came home, my throat was getting scratchy from talking so loud. I won something though, but nowhere near what Bill won. It's a mini waffle maker. It makes a 4 inch waffle. Don't know if we'll ever use it, but it really is cute.

Nancy - Welcome home. Sorry Carnival didn't live up to your expectations. We stopped going on Carnival years and years ago. I have to say that my favorite Carnival ship was the Pride. It was our first balcony cabin and our first specialty restaurant, David's. Last one we did, we didn't like as it had become such a partying cruise. That is one cool Santa in your cabin!

Dave - Our fried shrimp sandwiches were delicious. I bet you'd like they too. You dip peeled shrimp in egg and then in cracker meal or bread crumbs. Fry in Wesson oil (not too deep) until golden brown. Make toast, put mayo and then put 5-6 shrimp on. Top with sweet coleslaw. Heavenly and totally NJ diner food that we grew up on.

Kathie - Sounds like you had a good time at Jill's house. I can't make up my mind as to whether you go over there to see family or just to plan with Manny! I've been dying to have Chinese food, but I don't know if they can make it low sodium. I should call our favorite Chinese restaurant one of these days and ask the owner.

Lee - Love that secret door bookcase. I think it would make a perfect little wine cellar for you and Lu-Ann. All you need is a bistro set with 3 chairs and wine. You'd be all set!! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Bill - Lucky you winning that gift card. Nice to know you have a dinner in the offing. You said that nasty "S" word. That definitely is no longer part of our vocabulary!!

Nothing going on around here this afternoon. Too cool (71) to go sit on the lanai, so I guess I'll sit inside to read for a little while. I have no idea what we're having for dinner tonight, so we will definitely be winging it with some Public wings!


Wacky Wabbit
BB: THE KIDS and puppy came to OUR HOUSE this time. Love when we don't have to drive over to their place!
I might just have to try and make some of those Fried Shrimp Sandwiches. Just need to find some good DEEP CAUGHT shrimp that is from the USA and not India or Vietnam, etc.

I made some Mini Lemon Blueberry Loafs in the throw away alum individual pans. They turned out good. I'm going to give one to each of the family members that comes for Christmas dinner to take home.
Next I'm making another small tray of the Starbuck Cranberry Bliss Bars. We managed to eat a good portion of the tray that I made for Jill's Christmas get-together with Mark's family on Sat, Dec 17th.

Negc: Bummer on that SNOW you got. So far we don't have any. But it's supposed to rain Thurs/Fri. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

Nancy: The only thing on your list of NOT LIKING on that cruise ship was the neighbors SLAMING the doors. I think all cruise ships should have SOFT CLOSING doors. I remember hearing the doors slam shut when we were on the RC ship. And it seems ALL HOTELS/MOTELS have the same issue.

LEE: How you doing with that painting Buddy? Time to clean up those rollers and brushes and kick back with a big glass of wine. Remember slow and easy.

DAVE: Tell Kathi I think the DYSON Vacuums are OVERPRICED. Just my own CHEAP
opinion. :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Going to sit down for a few minutes and then get ready to go over our friends for that DINNER. Nice not to have to cook tonight.

FYI: When the service guy called to say Art's car was ready he mentioned that the BRAKES and ROTORS needed to be replaced. I laughed and said I'm glad you mentioned that, because when I drove my husbands car the other day I told him the same thing. His brakes were Spongy and he said you're just not used to them. Ha ha. Just another EXPENSE we'll have to add to the list for the 1st of the year. Art did admit that it is time to replace them. Hard to believe he said that! Ha Ha


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Lee, may I ask which Dyson cordless vacuum sweeper you purchased? Kathi
For sure Kathi!
We have two cordless Dysons and one old upright. We got them both using our Air Miles. The oldest one, the upright, is well over 20 years young. It’s still humming along but it’s awkward and we mostly use the hose and attachments to vacuum the car now.
The oldest stick is the V11. I think it’s about 6 or seven years old. The trigger did stop working under warranty and the company sent a new motor unit straight away. It does a great job and is easy to manoeuvre.
The stick we just got is the V8 Complete. Not that the old one is not doing a good job but being lazy we can have the old stick in the basement / rec room and use the new one upstairs. Plus, we noticed a couple of retailers opted out of Air Miles and things of interest to us in the Air Miles catalogue we getting few and far between. We didn’t want Air Miles to go out of business and take our points with them.
Hope that helps. Even if we had paid for them we think they’re worth it. We thought we were nuts buying the upright Dyson but it sure has paid for itself over the years.
Back in a bit Bunnies.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
OK, I’m back.
Thanks for the review Nancy. We’ve not done any Carnival cruises. Did San Juan Claus come home with you?
Sorry to hear about your snow Bill. It sounds like you and Rita had a nice, albeit short, voyage.
I’m thinking Manny has you and Art wrapped around his little paws too Kathie. Sometimes i swear that these car places have a list of stuff to recommend be repaired or replaced. I did finish painting the ceilings today. The magic and wonder of Christmas.
How’s Amanda doing Karen? Say, has your sister heard anything about the lawyers situation?
At some point maybe we’ll finish behind the secret door Pat. But for now it’s storage. I wish it was “only” 71F here. And now you tease us with the recipe for the shrimp sandwiches.
What‘s an AM radio Dave? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: I never even thought about interference from the vehicle but I remember getting static driving near power lines. So, what is this year’s special Chia Pet?
So, yesterday I reckoned I’d need a tad more ceiling paint. Lu-Ann had a couple of things to do as did I. Including getting my paint. Of course, the wonder wagon wouldn’t fire up. Finally, I disconnected the battery, reconnected it which reset the fuel pump relay and she fired up. That new car can’t come soon enough!
You all take care. Stay safe!


2nd Officer
Lee, yes Santa is now in our living room.

Only made two rum cakes today as I don't have enough tines the right size. So have ordered more and they will be here from tomorrow thru Thursday.

One thing we did like on the cruise was the first sea day they had a cooking demo and gave out the recipes so you can make at home. The first was a mushroom soup then a spinach salad then a chicken dish and finally a tiramisu. Yesterday I bought most of what is needed for the soup and the salad, tomorrow I will buy the rest and make the soup and salad. They will be our dinner.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Obviously Kathi didn't go for my Chia Pet idea, since a new Dyson cordless vacuum will be delivered on Thursday. DRAT, I gave it my best sales pitch too.

She said to thank you Lee for your thoughts and assistance.

Your commission check from Dyson should be arriving any day now.

As always, I appreciate the pictures you Bunnies post. And that video of the little boy visiting Santa was too cute.

As far as Carnival....we did one. And that was enough. It seemed to be a Wal Mart cruise when we were used to sailing on a Macy's cruise.

I'd better get moving before I talk myself out of using the stationary bike. (Like I was doing all last week.)


Wacky Wabbit
Good morning Wrabbits!

Nice chatter on here….keep up the good work.

Karen: How’s Amanda doing now that she’s been home awhile?
Hope is going smoothly.
And any good news on Barb’s car issues?
Lee: I hoping your new AUTO shows up early. Not the time of the year to have to worry a out a car starting or not starting up. I’d be having one of you stay with the car and keeping it running while the other shops. Too cold to be walking home.
Good job getting that ceiling painted. You’ll be on to flooring before you know it so don’t rush the painting! ;) :rolleyes:;)
Nancy: Let me know how the Mushroom soup turns out and share the recipe if it’s a success.

Dinner at George and Maries was fantastic. She make the best Beef Brisket in gravy. It was a great evening.
I’m waiting for the coffee to brew and for Art to get up. He’s going to have one freezing cold bike ride today. But he has the right warm gear and it’s suppose to rain on Thursday, so I k ow he will go biking today for sure.
I’m still looking for the best deal on a Stick Vacuum Cleaner mostly for the kitchen floor and area rug. I’ll break down and get one soon.
You all have a nice day and I’ll be back later.

BB: What are you up to girl? Hope it’s warm enough for you.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: You’re so right about Manny having us wrapped around his PAWS! Ha ha.
Jill sent me a early morning picture of his BED-HEAD fur look after he got up! She said he’s like her little SHADOW following her around wherever she moves to! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Even waits patiently outside of the bathroom door! Too funny.
Okay, that’s enough about this pup!
Post It Love You GIF

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2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I won't be making any rum cakes until the 17th or 18th, depending n when the new tins arrive.

Have a couple of errands to run and that will be my day.

For dinner I am grilling some beef ribs and making the spinach salad that was part of the cooking demo on the ship.

K2 I will post about the soup.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's a pretty day here. We better enjoy it because the big chill down is coming by Friday after a day of rains on Thursday.

Can't stick around right now. We're off to the battery store to pick up some kind of special battery for Bert's cordless keyboard. Why his does not use normal batteries is beyond me, but he couldn't get it at a local store. We might just stop at BJ's while we're out as both places are only a few blocks apart.

I'll be back later.


Chief Security Officer
K2, your story about Manny reminded me of when we had Mandy, a Lhasa. At the time we were living in a 8 room Colonial and she used to sleep in Lisa's bedroom. When she left to go to college, Mandy began sleeping in Kevin's room and when he moved out, she began sleeping in the hallway at the top of the stairs (I guess that so no one else could leave).
Shredded some papers this morning but the shredder spit out the shreds all over the carpet and it is a mess to pick up. The vacuum can get most of it but the rest will take more time and effort than I have at the moment.
We are supposed to get another storm Thursday or Friday but at the moment the rain/snow line appears to have us on the rain side.
One last doctor's appointment today and I should be good at least
until we get back home in April.