Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon.
A gloomy weather day here. But, like Kathie, no snow.
I was getting ready to tidy downstairs when Dave called. He had Lu-Ann’s hidden door ready. He popped over and after we made a few adjustments it’s up and slick as snot! Once the paint is done and the trim up it will simply look like a built in book case.
Buc-ee’s. Your Christmas shopping store. If you can get to us. Oh Pat, that was one funny story about your road trip. Now you can tell the boys how far you had to drive for their gifts…
I thought I smelled fresh muffins Kathie. Boy do they look good! I’m getting less fond of auto correct as well.
Did the over repair fella make it back Karen? How’s Amanda faring now she’s had a bit of time to settle in at home.
They are expecting the Outback to land at the dealership in 10 days. A day or two to prep it and it should (it BETTER!) be home for Christmas.

I have to say I’m torn about the US trading a scum sucking arms dealer for a young lady that should have known better. She knowingly ignored state department recommendations about visiting Russia and knowingly took a prohibited substance into Russia. Above all she will likely, has been already?, be given a hero’s welcome, a book deal and a movie. Wrong all around.
OK, I‘ll step away from the podium now…
You fine folks all have an amazing rest of the day!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Funny enough auto incorrect changed oven repair to over repair.
And I didn’t catch it. Well, until now…

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Dropping by to say good night, Had a good time with Gary & Ethan. They loved the chicken pot pie I made and the best news is that we have leftovers for Sunday or Monday. Time to shut this puppy down for the night and go watch some TV, There's a new Blue Bloods tonight, one of Bert's favorite shows. Actually mine too - Nothing like growing up in a Catholic police family!!

Sleep well, everyone, and I'll see you in the morning.


2nd Officer
The case of the Missing Blueberry Muffins. Has anyone confessed to taking the last one, K2? And yes, Kathi still has her gallbladder. Loved your picture.

To think BB, Buc-ee's started out as just a fuel stop. Come to think of it, did you ever fuel up while there? Nice "short-cut" to get there.

Lee, you've got to post a picture of this hidden door that will look like a book-case.

My understanding on the lady basketball player released from a Russian prison; Women who play professional basketball in the U.S. aren't paid diddley compared to what the men are paid. So they often also play for foreign country teams, to supplement their income. As she has done in Russia.

As for me, there are some countries I wouldn't set foot in no matter how much they'd pay me.

Kathi is off on a shopping spree with one of the granddaughters this morning. She wants clothing. And it's a lot easier to take her along to pick out and try on something. She still doesn't get it, till Christmas.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! After a heavy fog this morning, the sun is finally making an appearance. Now for the temp to go up. 66 is too chilly for me, but it is what it is this morning. It should make it up to about 80 this afternoon. This time next week will be another story, but that can wait for now.

Dave - No, we didn't get to gas up at Buc-ee's. After we realized our mistake, we had to stop for gas before proceeding to Buc-ee's. Where we stopped gas was $2.99. We did check to see what Buc-ee's was charging though and that was $2.79. Here the prices are all over the place and right in our immediate area they are charging $3.21. Big ripoff, if you ask me!

Time to get some more Christmas stuff out today. Then tonight is our community Christmas party. It's being held in a clear tent on the deck of the Isles of Bellalago pool. It really looks beautiful at night with all the lights shining. We're going with friends from down the block, so it should be fun.

Other than that, we have nothing else planned for today. As Gary was leaving last night, he invited himself and Elaine for fried shrimp sandwiches tomorrow for dinner when he has to bring Ethan back to his mother. Gary loves this dinner, so I'll be the perfect mom and make it for them. All we need is to get the coleslaw to put on the sandwich and we'll be in business!

OK these decorations are calling me and I must answer the call. Have a wonderful Saturday and be careful if you're out and about. Stores are getting very crowded.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Cloudy and cold here. But it’s dry.
After walking the pups around the neighbourhood we came back and played “will she go” with the van. Second try she fired right up. It’s not the running that’s a concern, it’s the starting.
Anyway, we headed off to the grocery store, the hardware and Starbucks. We needed food. I needed some little rollers. I simply wanted coffee.
We stopped at the mailbox and there was a letter for me from Canada Post pension services. I am getting a 6.3% “raise” because of the cost of living increase. So glad my pension is indexed!
I sure do hope that your “par-tay” is a good one Pat. Those shrimp sandwiches sound, as always, delicious! I don’t like Buc-ee’s gas. I just find I don't get as good a mileage with it. No savings if it’s cheaper but I use more. So, when the decorations call you I hope they are polite.
I’ll do a pic of the hidden door once the trim and such is on it Dave. I think it’s a really neat idea that Lu-Ann found. Dave’s very handy and woodworking is his hobby. He loves to build different things in his basement wood shop! It sounds like Kathi is feeling better. That’s good. I can’t buy clothes for Lu-Ann. Depending on the maker and style size for me to choose would be a roll of the dice! So, like taking your grand daughter along I tell Lu-Ann to pick out what she likes in the size that fits.
Just about time for lunch. After that we have a couple of Christmas cards to address and send off. Then there just may be enough time left in the afternoon for a nice adult beverage. A glass of wine comes to mind.
Back later to check on the rest of the gang!
Enjoy your day and stay safe everyone.



Wacky Wabbit
Days Of The Week Day GIF by Coins And Connections
Just in case you missed that today is Saturday! No need for any thanks! :D

LEE: You’ve been HOLDING OUT ON US! Tell us more about this HIDDEN DOOR and what will be BEHIND it? Pictures would help too!
You guys are full of surprises!

Dave: I always think it’s neat that Kathi takes the time to do so much with the Grandkids. Good for her. I gave up on doing that years ago when I couldn’t afford what my 2 grandkids were shopping for. I couldn’t see paying $110.00 for a LuLu Lemon or whatever that brand of tights are called. Crazy.

Karen: FYI: Those Copy-Cat Starbuck Cranberry Bliss Bars are delicious. I broke down and cut into them. Yummy. Let them get to room temp, if you can wait that long! I’m taking the pan downstairs or I’ll eat them all.

BB: Sounds like a yummy lunch you’ll have for Gary. Have fun at the Christmas Party.
Our Choir x-mas party is tonight, like I said before we’re not going. It’s at least 1 hour and 15 mins from our house and I still think the choir could and should have popped for the “members” dinners.

Bill & Rita should be home by now…RIGHT????

I’m happy with the Minimal amount of Christmas things I put around this house! LESS is BEST! Ha ha.

Hoping Ananda is feeling better each day!

Later gang.

By the way: I am NIT sending out X-Mas cards this year. Just not happening!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
OK, I'm gonna try this...
Our door will be painter white. This is not our door but it will be similar (I
hope) once the trim is done. After the paint, after the floor... When it's closed it will just look like a built in book case.

It seems the pups and Lu-Ann want to go for a walk.
Glad those bars tasted good Kathie! Room temperature is a good idea. Just don't leave them where the muffins "used to be" or they might be gone too. ;)


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! I could have sworn I posted yesterday in between running, but it appears I did not, so much for remembering things.

Pat, have fun at the Christmas Party! Our's is next Sat. at 3, what an odd time, especially considering they traded our usual dinner for the Christmas party. Supposed to bring finger foods & a unisex $10 gift for the gift exchange, No clue what that will be.

Lee, I've seen those kind of hidden doors on some of the Rock the Block & other HGTV shows, I always thought they looked pretty cool!

Kathie, glad to hear the Cranberry Bliss Bars were a
success, I'm eager to give them a try. I think it was you that asked about Amanda's go fund me, it's actually called GiveSendGo & is a Christian based funding group. All of the money raised goes to Amanda, with no fee taken by the group.

Dave, glad to hear Kathie is feeling better, but it might be a good idea to mention her problems to the Dr. next time she's in for a check up! Got those presents wrapped yet?

Yesterday turned into a very busy day for me! The repair guy had a call ahead of me so I had time to run to Ocala & pick up a desk for Barb. The repair got to my place around 10 and even with the right parts this time was having trouble getting them installed. I mentioned again about the You Tube video I had watched that showed the glass laid on top of the trim pieces, not the trim pieces over the glass, once he finally tried that it worked! He took $30 off because he had such a hard time fixing it. I looked at Barb's stove yesterday which is the same as mine & the way he did it IS the same way her's is.
Barb ended up finding an office chair for sale just down the road from her so she called me to see if I'd take her to pick it up, so on the road again I went. After that I stopped at Publix to pick up a couple prescriptions & ended up with $40 worth of groceries, those darn BOGO's get me every time!
And finally, I ordered myself an early Christmas present, a new Chest Freezer. I wasn't going to replace the one that broke, but it has just been a hassle trying to fit everything in my little side freezer. Walmart had one for $168 with free shipping, so it should be here Wed. and if this one breaks down in 5 yrs at least I feel like I've gotten my money's worth.

Amanda is doing well, it's going to be a long process healing, but she is doing amazing considering how sick she was!
Time to go figure out something to eat, all I've had today so far is a bagel.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: That’s going to be one nifty door. Art likes it too!

Karen: Glad you have your OVEN back together. Now just don’t
even think about cleaning that door again! Ha ha.
Glad Amanda is doing so good. Slow …but sure.
Good for you getting a chest freezer. Bring on those MEAT SALES! :clap002:

I’m making MEATLOAF for our dinner. I’m not a fan of meatloaf, but Art likes it and we haven’t had it in goodness…a LONG TIME. I’ll make some mashed potatoes and we have my BEETs to go with it.

I was cleaning out my side bedroom nightstand and came across the receipt for the mattress. I called and asked if the warranty was still good. YES, it’s good for 10 years. So, I’m going to go through the motions to see about a replacement since it’s only 5 years old. It has the USUAL SAG on the areas where we sleep. The middle is like new! Ha ha. The guy said they don’t come out and measure anymore. They rely on pictures. I told him Fat Chance that will show my issue. He said most of the time they do approve a replacement.
Now place your BETS that I will NOT get a replacement. I’m just not that lucky! I’ll keep you informed.

Okay, time to sit down and watch the crazy Soccer game. Can we say BORING.



2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, Bunnies!

So that's what that hidden door looks like, Lee. For some reason I imagined that it slid sideways and not on hinges. And like K2, I too want to know what will behind it. Hidden bodies or gold bars?

Kathi made out like a bandit at J. C. Penney's yesterday. Last week she had gotten a 40% off coupon from them in the mail, then what the granddaughter picked out was on sale, so she got about 50% off on the top and tights. (I just don't get the popularity of tights, K2.)

BB; I've got to admit that I've never had a shrimp sandwich with coleslaw on it. But it sounds yummy. Tell us how it went at your Christmas party. A good time?

A mind is a terrible thing to lose, KC.
Maybe that $30 off the bill for fixing the stove was your consulting fee. Good buy on that freezer. And FINALLY I'm going to get started wrapping and boxing up those presents today which we will mail tomorrow.

And now, a couple of random thoughts this morning;

I still don't get the appeal of watching soccer.

While watching a TV show with a car chase yesterday, it occurred to me that if they ever replace those muscle cars with electric vehicles, it just won't be the same.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Another quick post for me as G&E will be here any minute. I don't think they will be staying for the whole afternoon, so once they leave, I'll try to get back here. In the meantime, have a super day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Arrived yesterday at noon and went to the HOA Xmas party in the evening. A good time made even better when I won a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant. Strangely enough we won a similar gift certificate to the same restaurant at last year's party. On the way to the club house and on the way home we had snow flurries that melted as soon as they hit the pavement. Already missing the warm temperatures we enjoyed the past few days.
Had 365 emails, most of them junk, to go through so I haven't had a chance to catch up on all the latest news.
Flights yesterday, Orlando to Washington,DC and DC to Boston were both on time. In fact the last leg arrived early but Lisa and Jason were there to pick us up, so we were home before 1 and were able to get a couple of hours of sleep before the party. The last few days we had to be up by 4am, so we slept late this morning and may do the same tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! It's been a grey chilly kind of day so I made a batch of cranberry white choc chip cookies to take to the Christmas party next week. I didn't have a recipe so I just made my regular choc chip cookie & added the dried cranberries, white choc. chips & walnuts. They aren't to bad but I think next time I'd add a little bit of orange flavoring or maybe some orange juice to give them a little kick.20221211_141254.jpg

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Lu-Ann asked why I was licking my iPad. I showed her the picture of your cookies Karen. She wants some too! That was nice of the repair guy to come back when he said he would AND to cut you a break on the cost.
It’s a grey day here too. I started to paint the rec room (notice how it’s graduated from “the basement” :D) ceiling. I got it just about 1/2 done a realized that with the bulkheads around the ducts I need more paint than I have. So tomorrow before I start we’ll go get another gallon.
That gift card is a dandy welcome home Bill. Even a couple of days in the Florida sun makes you miss it.
Enjoy your visit with Gary and Elaine Pat. Hurry back.
I love your Charlie Brown tree Kathie. I read that this is the first time since 1965 that Charlie Brown Christmas won’t be on network tv! Sacrilege I say!! I have a great brown sugar topped meatloaf recipe. Sears (before it went bust in Canada) told us a mattress needed to have a depression of about 2” before they’d replace it. Good luck with your claim.
We’re not sure what will be behind the hidden door Dave. We were going to call 79 year old Geraldo Rivera to see if he’d like to open it on national TV. :eek: Actually it will lead to the back storage area. That was quite the score on the clothes Kathi picked up. I’m with you on soccer.
Did you know that the iconic car chase in 1971’s The French Connection was filmed without a permit or permission! YIKES!
Back to The Bills game. I can’t believe they are tied with The Jets in the 3rd.
Have a good one everybody.


2nd Officer
Lee, when you get a chance can you post or send me the link for the brown sugar meat loaf? That sounds delicious!

Kathie, good luck on the mattress replacement! When I bought my new mattress a couple years ago it had a 120 day "free" trial, I wasn't overly thrilled with the mattress after it was delivered, but reading the fine print 1. they replace the mattress, not give you your money back & 2. if you don't like the 2nd mattress they charge you a "restocking" fee which would end up being about half the original cost of the mattress. So I said to heck with it & bought a mattress topper.

Bill, welcome home & congrats on winning the gift card!

Pat, you are such a good mama! How was the Christmas party?

Dave, cutting it a little close with those Christmas presents, are you shipping with the post office or UPS/Fedex? Sounds like a nice shopping trip for Kathi & the grandaughter!

Most of the cookies are in the freezer for next weeks party,other wise there might not be any left by then. Have a batch of regular choc chip dough in the fridge to add mini M& M's to and that will be my contribution to the party next week.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Those cookies are making me DROOL. By the way I managed to grab 3 before you put them in the freezer. Really yummy.

Just got back from filling up Art's SUV with gas. I used the balance of my Fuel Rewards and it came to $2.65 a gallon. That should keep him going for awhile.

Spent WAY TOO MUCH MONEY at the grocery store. Most of it was bigger items that will last a long time, but still everything is just so DANG EXPENSIVE.

The kids and Mr. Manny are coming over soon for CHINESE Carry-Out. We've never done a MASS CHINESE dinner. Should be interesting.

Welcome Back GIF by MINI
Glad all the flights worked out for you guys. And nice catch on that $50 gift cert from the X-Mas Party.

Lee: What I spend on Groceries you spend on PAINT. We just can't win. Your lower level will look fanastic once you get the paint and flooring done. A few area rugs and it'll be a great place to watch TV, exercise and even entertain. And the best part is that it looks like it will be done before you leave for your Florida vacation.

BB: How was lunch with G&E?

Later gang. I need to get a glass of wine and chill before the gang arrives.