Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! Another day of our boring warm, sunny weather.

Dave - You better get those packages wrapped and sent on their way. Remember Christmas is 3 weeks from this coming Sunday!

Karen - That is wonderful new about Amanda coming home already. She must be progressing well in her recovery. So far, that's the best news I've heard today. So when are you going to decide to head north to check up on Amanda personally?

Kathie - I'm with you as far as the results of the Georgia senate runoff. I couldn't imagine the people of Georgia being so stupid to elect Walker AND MTG. Glad it worked out the way it did.

We had a great visit with Rita and Bill yesterday. We picked them up at their hotel and went out for a late lunch at, where else, DiCarlo's! As usual the food was delicious and we all had plenty of leftovers, We even got an extra loaf of garlic bread each to take with us. Good thing Rita & Bill have a microwave in their hotel room to heat the food up last night.
After we left the restaurant we came back to our house for a short visit and to make a pit stop, if you know what I mean. Then it was time to take them back to their hotel near the airport.

By now Rita and Bill should be heading for the ship for their 2 day cruise. Lucky them! Any cruise is a good cruise, right?

Time for me to get off here once again. Bert has to go see some guy and I'm riding shotgun. Best part will be to make a stop at my favorite German bakery for some callorie filled goodies!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.

The ELECTIONS in Georgia worked out perfectly. Loved the acceptance speech.

BB: How fun that you got to have lunch with Rita & Bill. I give them a lot of credit to go through all the travel for a 2 Day Cruise! They certainly love cruising! Kudos to them.

I’m about to get ready to deliver that Afghan to the 94 yr old lady that looks better than I do! Ha ha. Taking her and her sister some Pizzelles to each of them and a mini blueberry-lemon loaf.

Lee: Hope you don’t over work yourself today.

Dave: Get those presents wrapped and to the post office. Art would love to be on Jury duty.


Wacky Wabbit
SHE LOVED IT! :clap002: :emoticon 0152 heart::clap002:
We had a 2 hr nice chat. She is at time forgetful, but at 94 yrs old she’s doing great. So glad I visited her today.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So, I started this note this morning and … oh look, a bird. Yep, something distracted me.
It sounds like you and Bert had a nice visit with Bill and Rita Pat.
I hope you told that 94 year young lady not to get crumbs from those treats on her new afghan Kathie! I found your cells being kept “on ice” interesting too.
Our post office was eerily quiet the other day Dave. Christmas sure has changed at post offices since I started in 1973.
That is wonderful and amazing that by now Amanda will be home Karen. She is bound to continue her recovery a lot better back with her family.
A couple of chores this morning pushed my priming back to the afternoon again. After 3 1/2 hours of reaching up to the bulkheads and ceiling I packed it in. I still have part of the ceiling and one long wall to go. At least I’ve cut in everywhere so it’s all roller work.
One of the chores, seeing as Old Faithful started, was to go get the ceiling and wall paint. I have always used Benjamin Moore. Which is now $94.00 a gallon. Yes you read that right. We have another paint store called Dulux. Their top line paint is $90 a gallon but during December CAA members get 50% off. Guess what paint I’m trying!
Time to have a warm shower and put my feet up.
You all have a fantastic evening!


Wacky Wabbit
Clipbacks Reaction GIF by Omer Studios
Stephen Colbert GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Lee: It's a darn good thing you moved into A'Burg when you did. Just the cost of painting the house could keep people away. Good move on going with the PAINT that is ON SALE. It's the Lower Level and after about 2-showings to friends only you and Lu-Ann will be the ones down there! Glad you had enough sense to stop after 3.5 hours.

I pulled out a FoodSaver vacuum package of Beef Stew I made awhile back. Boiled up some nice fat-flat noodles and we had the BEST QUICK dinner tonight. Gotta love making enough of something to freeze for later use.

Our Krogers is raping people with their lunchmeat prices. Today I bought lunchmeat at a Polish Market on my way home that per pound was $7.99. The EXACT same BRAND and FLAVOR (turkey) is $12.99 at Krogers. Total GREED. Same goes for all the other lunchmeat I bought at the Polish store. It's totally uncalled for.

Okay, gang I'm off to watch a little Michigan State Basketball while I do some things in the kitchen at the same time. Yes, I can do 2 things at once! Ha Ha. Where's Tony when you guys on here need him to crack on that one.

Karen: I hope that Amanda made it home and is resting. 2 hours in a car after just getting a new Liver must have been hard on her. Wishing her the best.


Good Night Star GIF by pikaole


2nd Officer
Just a quick check in, I haven't heard anything from Amanda today so I'm going to go with assumption she made it home ok. I know about assuming, but I also trust that she would have let either her Mom or me know if things changed.

Kathie, The afgan you made for your friend is beautiful, I'm sure she will enjoy snuggling up under it this winter & will appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Lee, that's just crazy for a gal. of paint unless you are going for the "midas" looking & painting those walls with gold. Hope the warm shower & some adult beverage helped ease the sore muscles.

Pat, at the moment I really don't have any plans to go up to Maryland. She needs to be especially careful being around people after her surgery, plus she always feels like she has to "fuss" around when I come to visit & she doesn't need that stress right now. I may go up for a quick visit in late Feb or early March if she is still doing well. Did you get stocked up on all the goodies you wanted?

Dave, enjoy your time on jury duty. Does your area have a cut off age that you can request not to be called for JD anymore? I think our's is 65 here, but I don't mind going if I get the notice

The HOA meeting went surprisingly well tonite, a couple known trouble makers weren't there much to our relief. Meeting was over in 45 mins. which is pretty fast for an annual meeting. One of the people I voted for was elected & appointed president, the other I was hoping for did not get elected, but I think the lady who did wil do a good job. Now my countdown begins, only 12 more months :) I'm off to watch some tv, catch you all tomorrow sometime. I have a dermatologist appt. in the morning & lunch with my sister's later


2nd Officer
Got a call from Amanda about 9:30, she had just made it home. It was a long day at the hospital waiting to be discharged & then they stopped for a few things on the way home. Hopefully she will get a good nights rest in her own house for a change.


2nd Officer

Yes, it was a rainy night in Georgia for Herschel Walker after he lost the election. Although I think he's dumber than a box of rocks, I'll give him credit for giving a concession speech.

That's one mighty fine looking Afghan, K2. That 94 year old lady will definitely use it to stay warm.

BB; Pleased to hear that your meet-up with Rita and Bill went well.

So happy for you KC that Amanda called you when she got home.

Not only the post office, I'd bet you've changed a lot since 1973. I know I sure have. And it hasn't been pretty. YIKES on the price of paint. Glad you got a 50% discount. And glad you didn't decide to slam out your paint job in just a couple of days.

Grocery shopping in a bit. The larger grocery store.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Once again this will be a relatively short post. We're off to Buc-ee's to stock up on our favorite things from there - fudge, brisket sandwich and Beaver Nuggets. All good for the waistline NOT!!!

Karen - Glad to hear Amanda made it home. Now it's time for her to rest up and heal.

Lee - Nice that you caught that BOGO on the paint. Brian was telling me last weekend that they paid $84/gallon for Sherman Williams paint. I thought that was ridiculous, but apparently that was not out of line. We have to do some painting inside here and I really dread what that will cost.

Kathie - That afghan is beautiful. You do nice work, lady! I'm sure that elderly lady will treasure it.
Dave - Loved your song this morning. I too was impressed that he gave a concession speach. He was better than the orange guy in that area.

Today is Bill & Rita's last day on the ship. How time flies when you're having fun!! I hope they do well in the casino where I know they like to spend a fair amount of time.

So now it's time for me to run. It's about an hour and a half trip each way. Then when we get home, it's time to get out more Christmas stuff. What we'll have for dinner will be anyone's guess at this point.

Have a good day and, if you're out and about, stay safe!


Wacky Wabbit
Day Week GIF by Titounis
40degrees and Sun in and out at times.

Thanks for all the compliments on the Afghan. It kept my knees warm while doing it! :emoticon 0100 smile:

Karen: Good to know that Amanda is home. Now to rest and heal.

Dave: Love your choice of that song. It actually did rain on Election Day in Georgia and was cold. Well, cold for people in Georgia. Ha ha.

BB: Hope you find all the goodies you're looking for.

Lee: I hope you take REST BREAKS and for
heaven's sake DON'T SPILL and of the expensive paint.

Bill/Rita: That sure was a quick 2 day cruise. I hope that was free! Long way to go for 2 days in my book. But, then you know I'm not a cruise person! Give me sun and beach
any day! Ha Ha!

Out of here for now. I'm really going to do my best to finish up the LITTLE DECORATING I'm doing for Christmas around here. Just don't feel like digging and dragging too much STUFF upstairs this year. Bah Humbug!

Later gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Before and after. The light casts funny shadows but it is all white. I’m leaning towards keeping the sterile operating room look. :eek:
The priming got finished this morning before lunch. Tomorrow I will sweep, again, and prep for ceiling paint on Saturday. It’s neat stuff. It goes on pink so you can see where you’ve painted and dries white.
Good to know that, while late, Amanda is home Karen. Funny how an AGM can go so smooth without the “rabble” there.
We’ve got to get some “Christmas“ put up here too Kathie. What with the basement, the van and the such that’s been the last thing on my mind. You just have to watch the prices on every flippin’ thing these days. I’ve touched base with the dealership on a couple of things. Squeak, squeak.
I was wondering if paint may have been less expensive across the border Pat. I guess good paint isn’t. I hope Brian didn’t need a lot.
I always liked Brook Benton Dave. What a great song. Hopefully the large grocery has what you need and at fair prices. Oh, funny coincidence…I hit the link to the tune and up came a Subaru commercial.
Lu-Ann is making pralines to take to her cookie exchange tomorrow evening. They sure do look good! I’d like try one as soon as I get my knuckles to stop hurting after they got rapped for trying to take one off the tray.
Have a good evening friends!


Wacky Wabbit
GREAT pictures LEE. Love the PINK paint that turns white. Art used that once in our old house for the ceiling. Really helps keep track of where you are.
YOUR "lower quarters" look fantastic.
OUCH on those knuckles. You need to be a tad more creative when grabbing samples! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Kitchen floor swept and washed. Nice feeling to get that job done.

I'm going to go to CHOIR PRACTICE tonight. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: There's a short meeting afterwards and I want to find out the final tally from the Bake Sale. I also want to find out our balance in the treasury. We have about $9,000.00 bucks that's sitting in there. Saturday is the Choir X-Mas Party. I'm NOT going. I'm PROTESTING the fact that the choir has so much money and we still have to pay for our dinner and drinks. What the heck are they holding on to it for? We haven't gone on a "Out of Town Choir Trip in years. Okay, enough of my RANTING! :p;)

I made an appointment for the Eye Lid surgeon to see what he has to say about my ridiculous drooping eye lid. I filled out all the papers (9 pages) online and printed them off. Sure made it easier than writing in those tiny spaces.

It's not until Mid-January 2023. That's closer than I think!

BB: How'd you do with all your shopping at Buck-Eee's?

WHO is BRIAN by the way?

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Busy day of running around so this will probably be short, ok, stop cheering now!

Kathie, I'm pretty sure Brian is Pat's son who lives in North Carolina, or South Carolina, not positive which one.
Good luck with the choir meeting, I don't blame you for skipping the party if they have that much money & can't spring for 1 meal a uear.

Dave, love that song, always reminds me of trips to & from Florida when we still lived in Ohio, always seemed to rain in Ga. either coming or going, sometimes both

Pat, we still haven't made it to Buckees yet, there was a rumor one was being built here in Ocala, but so far I haven't seen anything. And remember, the less Christmas stuff you put out, the less you have to put away!

Lee, the paint project is looking good! I've used the ceiling paint you mentioned. They have another one that goes on purple & dries white, either one sure helps with seeing what's been painted.

Dermatologist visit went well, no new spots, but she did scrape & cauterize the spot that was cancerous a few months ago. Didn't hurt when she did it, but a bit tender now. Still in & out in under 30 mins. is a pretty good visit I think.
My sisters & I picked up lunch at Sonny's BBQ & took it to a local park to eat because we had Hansel with us. It was nice & peaceful except for being a hang out for local homeless people. I was planning to stay at the park with Hansel while Jane & Barb went grocery shopping, but decided against that pretty quickly.
Gas is dropping ever so slowly here, but we paid $2.69 a gal at Sam's club today, best price we've seen in a long time.
One of Amanda's friends has started a go fund me type post for her to help raise money to cover her medical expenses & living expenses, Leon is taking a month leave from work to take care of her until she is more healed. Amanda is a very private person,so I was really surprised she agreed to let the friend post for her.
Time to put my feet up & chill a bit, it was only 77 degrees here today, but in the bright sun that was still to hot for the 8th of Dec!


2nd Officer
With everything going on lately I don't think I mentioned the guy was not able to fix my oven door last week. The parts house ordered 2 right hand trim pieces instead of a left & a right. He tried for over an hour to get them on & it just wasn't working. He finally lined them up side by side & realized the problem. Really nice guy told me not to worry he would not be charging me any extra for the 2nd service call & apologized over & over for not noticing what they'd done. So tomorrow morning he is coming back with the right parts & hopefully it will go smoothly this time. he did tell me it was ok to use the oven without the trim so that was good to know


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: I hope that Amanda gets a lot of response on the GoFundMe acct.
There was a gal in our Arizonia Serbian church choir that had back surgery and she
started her own GoFundMe acct to pay for her medical bills because she didn't have
very good insurance and no sick pay. Long story short the account got over $8900.00 dollars.
I don't know how much she actually ended up in her hands, but she said it helped knock down
the hospital bills and surgeon costs big time.
I hope Amanda does good.

Choir rehearsal wasn't bad. We had a meeting afterwards that ran too long. Getting too old for all that technical stuff. Ha Ha.

Home now and in my J's and robe. Hope to find another good FREE Netflix movie.
The one called "A Dog named Christmas" was really good last night.

LEE: Hope you're not hurting too much.

Karen: Speaking of GAS PRICES. I filled up for $30.06 tonight on my way home from choir at our KROGER's. I used $1.00 a gallon from my Fuel Point Rewards.
$1.99 a gallon. Cheapest gas I've gotten in years!

The prices are strange around here.

Kroger - $2.99
Costco - $2.93
Other places on my drive tonight were still at $3.23 a gallon. Crazy.

Winnie The Pooh Night GIF


2nd Officer
It was so nice to have 2 happy news stories at the top of news stories, yesterday morning. First there was that woman basketball player being released from jail in Russia. And second, gas prices being lower now than they were a year ago at this time.

Gotta know.......What did you buy at Buc-ee's yesterday, BB?

K2; You are so right that Lee shouldn't spill any of that expensive paint. PLUS he and his bride shouldn't stand back and decide they don't like the color.

And thank you so much Lee for posting the pictures. And when exactly do you get that Subaru?

KC; With all the different brands and models of appliances I'd bet it's easy to order the wrong part. And it's only right that you won't get charged for a second service call.

Tummy troubles developed for Kathi yesterday morning, so today is our grocery day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good FRIDAY Morning Wrabbits! Get up and enjoy the day.

Here in Pure Michigan it's Gloomy! In other words, NO SUN! 32F Could be worse! So far NO SNOW!

Dave: Does your Bride (Kathi) still have her Gallbadder? I wonder if that's what's going on with her reoccurring Tummy Aches?

I went to grab a Blueberry Muffin from the freezer this morning and they were ALL GONE! So yes, I made us a fresh batch. Waiting for them to bake as I pound away on this computer.

Later I need to pay BILLS.... AGAIN! After that I'm not sure what I'll do.

This computer is strange this morning. As I type words appear that it thinks I might use. I really don't like it doing
this but have no clue as to how to stop it. ALWAYS SOMETHING.

BB: Yes, how many bags of Beaver Nuggets did you end up buying? And was the place crowded?

Lee: PACE yourself today. Rome wasn't built in a
day, and neither is your paint job going to be done any quicker. Take care!


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Same old, same old with the weather today. It sure doesn't feel like Christmas is a little over 2 weeks away with the temps we are having.

Kathie - Those blueberry muffins look fantastic. I'm almost tempted to bake a batch too, but I know Bert will remind me about all the goodies we got at the German bakery that we still haven't eaten. Gary & Ethan will be here for dinner and I know they love blueberry muffins. It would be nice to surprise them with some.
Karen was right the other day. Brian is our son in NC. He and his wife, Sara, and their 2 kids will be here for NYE and New Year's Day. Got to be careful though ... They're a bunch of repubs, so politics will definitely have to stay out of any conversations.

Lee - I do hope you are not overdoing it with all that painting. Continue to take it slow and do not work too hard. I know that's easier said than done. Good that you keep checking with the dealer about your new wheels.

Karen - I remember hearing that they were supposed to build a Buc-ee's just north of Ocala. Bert and I were talking about that yesterday while on our road trip. Knowing how things work in Marion County, I bet they knocked it down due to the salaries Buc-ee's pays. Cashiers get $17. an hour to start. The carwash workers get $21. an hour. If they work nights, they get $2. more per hour. Slightly more than the typical Marion County wages for those positions.

Dave - I hope Kathi's tummy is feeling better today. Have fun grocery shopping. To answer your question about how many bags of Beaver Nuggets did we buy - 5!! Each family will get a bag for Christmas. Now I have to decide if I want to wrap the bags.

Now to tell you about our adventures yesterday. We haven't been to Buc-ee's in over a year and a half, so I should be excused for directing Bert to Port Canaveral instead of Daytona.
Man, Would Tony have had a blast with this story!! We didn't realize it though and got on I-95N as we were supposed to. We knew it was only a short drive to get there, so we headed there. Suddenly we saw a sign for Buc-ee's that said it was 51 miles away. Our thought was that we did something wrong and had missed the right exit, so we turned around and started to retrace our steps. Got to Cocoa and the light lit in my head and I told Bert we were nowhere near Daytona! Sooo ... we had to turn around and retrace our steps, pass that sign again and finally get to Buc-ee's. The hour and a half each way trip ended up taking us 6 HOURS!!! We laughed so much when we realized what had happened. I had been telling Bert for weeks that it would be nice to take a road trip. He told me I got my wish yesterday! LOL
Aside from the Beaver Nuggets, we picked up a jar of pickled jalapenos and a jar of pineapple habanero salsa. I also bought myself a Christmas throw blanket to snuggle in watching TV. We also did a bit of shopping for Missy. Got Nathan a Buc-ee's onesie for Christmas and a jar of pickled quail eggs for Wesley. By the time we left there we dropped about $100 on stuff. I told Bert that we can tell people that we did our Christmas shopping at Buc-ee's this year. Next year it will be White Castle!!!

Sorry to have bored you with my long tale.

Time now for a cup of coffee and to decide what we're doing until Gary gets here around 4. I think I see a trip to Sam's in our future!!


Wacky Wabbit
Slowly starting to look like CHRISTMAS around here!
Amazing just how much I DID NOT BRING UPSTAIRS!

I enjoyed your story. Nice you were able to laugh about the WRONG TURNS! :D
I found the movie on Peacock called “A DOG NAMED CHRISTMAS”. I watched it the other night and wanted Art to see it too. Just a good old simple Christmas movie. If you can find it it’s worth watching!

Okay, time for me to start our dinner!

LEE: Hope you didn’t over-due things with that painting job. You really should do a good long HOT Epsom Salt soak! ;):emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

BB: The Muffins, except for 2 of them, are in the freezer. Always nice to grab one to go with our coffee! Make a batch.

Later gang!