Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
I’m almost done with the Afghan I’m making for the little older( 94) lady at church! 4 more rows and then just have to tuck in the ends!

BB: Sorry the event wasn’t all that great. You win some and loose some!

I made the Starbucks Cranberry Bliss Bars. They turned out good.

Good Night Baby GIF by Bilbareed


2nd Officer
"Go to your liquor cabinet. Choose your favorite libation. Open, swig, repeat. And that Dave is how you get Holiday Spirits to enter your body."

Spoken like a wise philosopher, Lee. I believe that I'll take your sage advice.

BB; If everyone in your neck of the woods needs to clean their mission tile roofs every 2 years to clear off the mold from their roofs, at 600 dollars a pop, I can only imagine what the price is for those that also have siding.

I feel your irritation K2 on having to change your prescription companies. Not knowing if the new one is any good or reliable. Our family doctor's practice decided last year not to accept our medicare supplement. So we had to find one that would.

With all my high priced prescriptions I'm going to have to refill as many of them as I can before January first, when it's a whole new year for that insurance.

Update please,KC...Hint Hint.

Not a bad day yesterday, even though it started off with a small speed bump. Got into my SUV for a quick run to a store, BUT dead battery. So I called the AAA and had them come out and jump it. (Even though I've got jumper cables and a battery charger, I decided last year I ain't doing that crap anymore, and got a Triple-A membership.)

Since the battery is less than a year old and under warranty, I left my vehicle at my mechanics's to swap out the battery. (He's closed on Sundays.)

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave - None of the houses here have siding. They're all stucco. That too needs to be pressure cleaned once in a while, mainly before you paint it again. That doesn't happen very often though.

Kathie - Your cranberry bliss bars look delicious. Who are they destined to go to? Nice that you got that afghan almost finished. With the cold weather up your way, I'm sure it will be appreciated.

Like I said last night, Winter Wonderland was a bust, as far as we were concerned. There were not many people there and those that were we didn't know a single person. They had 1 Latino food truck show up late and had to get into his space with people going in all different directions. Prices were much too high for food I don't like anyway. They had music playing, but none of it was Christmas music! We stayed for about an hour and then said the heck with it and walked over to the Grille for food. Mainly it wasn't the food that we were there for. It was a very special hot chocolate made with Bailey's and vanilla vodka. It was soooo yummy! Too bad they were $8. each or we would have had a second one they were that good. We did get some food to go with the hot chocolate. That saved the night!!

Got home in time to watch the Christmas movie on CBS. I had to laugh. Bert thought I was watching a Hallmark movie like I did all the time when I was in the hospital last year. When I told him it wasn't, he still took off for his computer room, never to be seen again until after the movie was over!!

Got more decorations to get out today and that's about all that's going on around here today. I'm going to make (sorry, Dave!) peppers, onions and sausage sandwiches for dinner. That'll be good for 2 nights. I'm also putting together a list of what I need to make Christmas cookies this year.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good AFTERNOON. Where did the MORNING slip away too????

Doing the bedding in our room. Had Art help me turn the mattress around. Can't FLIP them anymore, but at least we can turn them from one side to the other. Not sure what that will do for the mattress, but it's done and over with. It'll be nice to have the mattress pad and all that lovely bedding nice and fresh to sleep in tonight. Gotta love a freshly made bed!

BB: I did manage to finish the last 4 rows of that Afghan. Tonight I'll weave the ends in and hide them securely.
The Starbuck Cranberry Bliss bars are now tightly wrapped and will go into the downstairs freezer to be put out for Christmas! I want to share some of that pan with Jill. She & Mark are hosting his family get-together this year before Christmas and I'll cut up a plateful for her to have. Also, making some Baclava and will share that too. That's so easy to make.
Not doing a lot of little cookies this year. Trying to make different things.

Off to change out the laundry and keep cleaning this house! :emoticon 0140 rofl: Gotta keep going when I'm in the mood! Ha Ha

LEE: So, did you start priming those walls yet? I bet you have half or more done already. SLOW and EASY buddy! If you did start you might want to dump 2-3 cups of Epsom Salt into the tub and do a soak before going to bed tonight. It sure did help my muscles the other day when I did it. I just hate to see the WATER BILL for filling up our big tub!
Margot Robbie Champagne GIF
If I brought WINE into that tub area I'd never be able to get out of it! :oops:

Karen: Hope all is still going good for Amanda. How is Elise handling her Mom not being around? Thinking of all of you.

:emoticon 0100 smile: Later gang.


2nd Officer
I really don't know how the day's manage to get away from me so fast, but for some reason they do!

Dave, Kathie pretty much nailed it when she said Amanda's biggest lifestyle change will be the anti-rejection drugs she has to take, along with all the follow up Dr. visits. She isn't one for going to the Dr. or taking medicine.

Kathie, those cranberry bliss bars look amazing! I did a google search for the recipe, but for some reason everyone I found was in video format, with no option to actually print out the recipe. I'd love to be able to make some & take them to our community Christmas party. Alyse has been able to see Amanda a few times since she's been in the hospital & it helps that she has been staying with friends who have kids to help keep her occupied.

Lee, just so it's a unanimous vote I too am hoping you pace yourself on the priming & painting of the basement. I know once you get so close to the end of a project it's hard to slow down & take your time.

Pat, bummer about the Winter Wonderland event, the hot chocolate does sound delicious though, pretty sure it's time for me to re-stock my Baileys!

Bill, Bon Voyage to your & Rita, nice of the state of Massachusetts to add a little extra jingle to your pocket & just in time for Christmas!

Got my tree up & decorated on Sat., so yesterday I went over to Jane's & helped put hers up. Then went to Barb's after that to take her shopping. I'm getting to old to do all that running in 1 day.

I talked to Amanda yesterday & she did get moved from ICU to a room on the transplant floor. She is doing pretty good, but is still complaining about not getting enough to eat. She is still on a somewhat restricted diet, but has been up & moving around quite a bit. It's all a balancing act that they are still working monitor & adjust as needed.
Wed. night is our annual HOA meeting here, we have 2 positions open & 3 people actually running so for the 1st time in 2 yrs. we'll have an actual election. This is my last year on the board & while it hasn't been to bad, I'm looking forward to turning the job over to someone else.
And's that's about all the news from Belleview, enjoy your evening gang!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Monday evening everyone.
That’s too bad Winter Wonderland was a bust Pat. The hot chocolate sounds darned good though! Mmmm. Sausages and peppers.
Those look exactly like Starbucks Cranberry Bliss bars Kathie! Yes, I remember back in the day flipping AND turning mattresses. Being Monday we had ukulele lessons in the morning and games day this afternoon. In between I got the walls wiped down to remove as much dust as I could. Tomorrow I will prime. HEY!!! How’d you get a picture of Lu-Ann in the bath tub?

I believe that I'll take your sage advice.
I not only give that advice Dave, I imbibe in it. Um, I mean abide by it. Good that your battery was under warranty. When AAA (CAA here) works like it’s supposed to it’s worth it!
Hey there! Karen popped in. What great news about Amanda! It still does boggle my mind that she is up and about so quickly. I imagine many folks in your complex will be sorry to see you step down.
Well, that’s about it from this neck of the woods. Everyone have a good night. See you tomorrow my friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Good to hear from you Karen and Lee!

Karen: Here's the recipe I used. The only thing I would change is LESS Cinnamon. In fact I would use ground Ginger and only a little of that.

And even if it doesn't look TOTALLY BAKED.... don't overbake it. It gets hard while it cools!

I used parchment paper in a pan and still sprayed it with Pam.

Sorry I misspelled Alyse's name. One of my former bosses spelled it Elyse. Good to know she got to see her Mom. Sure hope someone keeps ON TOP of Amanda taking her meds and going for regular check-ups. This isn't something to play around with.

The bedding took up most of the day because it's a Queen bed and had to let it stay in the dryer in BATCHES in order for it to dry. Going to be some good sleeping tonight. I already turned on the Infuser with Lavender oil in the water. :emoticon 0100 smile:

Lee: Lu-Ann gave me the picture and told me I could share it. Ha Ha.

Take it slow and easy tomorrow with the primer job. You don't have to do it all in one day. Going up and down is going WAKE UP some muscles that haven't been used in a while. Halfway through I'd be taking a Tylenol or Aleve!

Okay, off to work in the ends on that Afghan.

Checking out for tonight.
Sleepy Good Night GIF by Fuzzballs


2nd Officer
GREAT cartoon, K2! After rotating the mattress yesterday, did you smell Art's feet as you were slipping off to dreamland last night?

Now Georgia, get that damn Senate race over with already. And the worse Walker loses the better.

Sorry that the Winter Wonderland sucked, BB. It really had to be bad for you to leave before it was over.

KC, thanks for the update on Amanda. (How old is she?) Good to hear that things are running along smoothly for her recovery.

I know for certain Lee that it wasn't Lu-Ann in the tub drinking wine. How do I know? The glass wasn't big enough. Now take it nice and slow with that painting today. Or just like your coloring books, you'll get outside the lines.

The first paint job sets the tone and quality of paint jobs to follow.


Wacky Wabbit
Tuesday Morning Color GIF by Justin
Enjoy your day Wrabbits.
Winning Election Day GIF by #GoVote
START PRAYING FOLKS. If Walker wins even though we don't live in Georga it will effect all of us. The man is a MORON Plus!

I have nothing for you as of to see the Oncologist! Hope their machines are working this morning. They draw your blood and have the machines right there to get the results before you get your Calcium injection. "Sometimes the dang machines are not working"! :oops:

Lee: One brush stroke or roller stroke at a time. Slow and easy buddy.

Later gang. It's 43F here right now. That's like a HEAT-WAVE for us Northerners!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Went to bed last night with the sad news that Kristie Alley had passed away. She was a favorite of mine on Cheers and will be missed by many people. Another one gone. So sad!

I too will be so glad when today is over and we no longer have to hear about that d*mned Georgia election. I will sort of miss Walker's stupid comments though. It was pure entertainment to listen to an idiot!!

Haven't got too much for you this morning. Waiting to hear from Rita and Bill so we can go and pick them up and go get some food.

Time for a cup of coffee and read the newspaper. Have a good day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Mornin‘ make that afternoon everyone.
Ah, the best laid plans…
A parcel for Christmas that was supposed to arrive December 16 arrived at the P.O. yesterday. An interesting feature from Amazon that allows packages to be delivered to a pick up centre. Plus, being a Prime member I saved $7 by having it sent there.
So, after walking the pups we headed to the P.O. to pick up the item. Seeing as the van was running we fuelled up and went to the grocery store. The van’s been finicky lately so once she’s running we don’t shut her off. Not prepared to put a new fuel pump in her at a cost of about $900. That Subaru can’t land soon enough!
Anyway, the priming will start after lunch which will force me to make it a two day job.
Well Kathie, as long as Lu-Ann sent you that picture…I’ve saved the recipe too.
Say hi to them for us Pat! What I liked about Walker running was that he seemed to be talking but you couldn’t see little t’s lips moving.
Best part about priming Dave, there are no lines! No masking of baseboards, receptacles or other trim either. Good catch on the size of the wine glass.
Time for lunch and then let the painting festivities begin.
Have a great rest of your day!


Wacky Wabbit
BB: Give our HELLO's to Bill & RITA! How nice that you get to see each other!

Lee: Fingers crossed that your trusty VAN can make it for a few more weeks. Have you called the dealership and asked for a UPDATE as to just where your new vehicle is? Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Maybe it's a good thing that the PRIME job will now take 2 days. Keeps you from over-doing it.

Got into the Dr's office and done at a very reasonable time. I seem to be a tad tired after my injection for some silly reason. Of course, trying to take a NAP will never work for me. DUH!
I thought for sure that I'd be OFF of the one pill I've been taking for the past 5 YEARS! Well, they have to run a test on the "Cells" that are frozen at the hospital to see if the type of Cancer I had needs me to be on that pill for another 5 years or not. JOY, JOY. I'll find out in
4-5 weeks. Amazing that some of my CELLS are actually frozen somewhere in that big hospital. All sounds so SCIENCE - FICTION to me! :oops:

Off to try and put up a few decorations on the fireplace. I'm trying to do WAY LESS than most years. We'll see how that goes.

Later gang. 44F cloudy and dry here. I'll take it.


2nd Officer
Just got a message from Amanda & she is going home tomorrow!! Amazing what the power of prayer can do! They were expecting her to be there 7-10 days post op and she will be leaving on the 6th day! I'm sure Leon & Alyse will be thrilled to have her home again

Pat, enjoy your visit with Bill & Rita & tell them Hi for me too!

Lee, fingers crossed the van will keep going for a few more weeks. Are you trading it in when the Subaru arrives?

Kathie, thanks for the recipe, I printed it out & picked up most of the things I need to make it. Thought I had more dried cranberries, but I don't so need to pick up some before I can make them. It's ok on Alyse's name, she goes by Ally most of the time & that can be spelt multiple ways too

Dave, Amanda turned 41 last Sept. so she's still a young pup. Did you get those presents wrapped & shipped yet? Times moving fast ya know!

Went to the local tag office & picked up Barb's sticker for her mobile home, it's like a car tag, she has to buy a new one every year. And since the office is right around the corner from where I live I offered to get it. Then went to Wally world grocery shopping. I went to one I don't usually go to & most likely won't go again. You can barely get thru the aisles with all the workers filling their little online order buggies, but when you get ready to leave there is ONE check out lane open. I refuse to do self check out with a cart full of food, so I waited. Luckily it was early & the line wasn't super long, but that's just crazy!

Came home & wrapped a few presents, mostly stocking stuffers & the things for Hansel. I have everything else sorted, boxed & taped so all I have to do now is wrap. Maybe Friday,maybe not, Lol


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks Thank You GIF by Creative Courage
I’ll sleep better tonight knowing Georgia voted for the right man.

Great news about Amanda going home! Now to keep her on her meds and Drs appointments and a good amount RESTING!

Karen make sure to chop up those cranberries. And if you need the frosting to be STIFFER, don’t be afraid to add a little extra powdered sugar! :D

Night gang!


2nd Officer
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

WOW, that was an unexpected short stay in the hospital for Amanda, KC. And NO I didn't get the presents wrapped and shipped yet. Pacing myself like a trained athlete.

K2; I find it interesting they've kept frozen cells of yours containing cancer for the past 5 years. Very futuristic science.

Lee; It sure is nice to buy at Amazon, and not have to face and fight all the people at stores and their germs and viruses. My Arizona daughter also uses the PO addresses for package pick-up. You sure are going to feel relieved when your new SUV arrives. HOOP-DEE-DOO, FOR MY SUBARU!!!

So clue us in BB. How did the pick-up of those 2 Yankees go?

Oh lucky me, I got a letter in the mail yesterday informing me I've got jury-duty in mid January. First time ever for a Massillon court. Before, it's always been in a county court.