Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Happy Veterans Day! And a big THANK YOU to all that served, whether in a combat zone, in combat, or in the rear with the gear. From cooks to drivers to desk clerks to supply departments, ALL are important in keeping us safe through their combined effort.

(I always hated that you couldn't hand in a 2 week's notice. :) )

Now comes the question of what civilian services are still available today in your area? I was talking with my Arizona daughter last night; No mail tomorrow , no banks open, and no trash pick-up. Around here, all I know is that we will have trash pick-up.

Oh goody.......Even before Thanksgiving, yesterday my favorite local FM radio station began to play Christmas music 24/7 until New Year's Day. They do this every year. Drives me nuts.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A cold wind this morning. It always seems to be that way on Remembrance Day as we refer to the day. A day to remember and thank our Veterans for their service. Everything used to stop for one minute at 11:00 a.m. on this 11th day of the 11th month to pay our respects. I don’t know if it still does or not.
Memorial Day Thank You GIF by Vinnie Camilleri


2nd Officer
Good morning & Thank you to all who served! Dave you summed it up beautifully all who served were important!

Kathie, great pic's, I for one appreciate them being "big", I'm finding it's getting harder to see on the computer with the glare. Hopefully that will change after the surgery

Dave, No banks or mail service here, not sure about garbage pick up as our regular day is Thurs.

Lee, hope you were able to get in & out for Ava's nail trim yesterday. Ginger is due for a trim also but I can usually only get 1 paw done at a time before she gets to wild.

Mike, lemon cake travels well so I've heard, just in case you need to get rid of some of the leftovers.

I did manage to snag one of the items I had my eye on, a small set of hot rollers my niece mentioned Allie would like to start curling her hair. And yes, I did make a donation instead of just taking them. The lady in charge had already given me a cute resin cat sign so that was my "treat". Current total for the sale is $2,600, there were a few higher priced items that Linda took home with her to try & sell at her community yard sale rather than just donate them to the Salvation army.
The back brace Linda loaned me worked wonders, after the first day my back hardly hurt at all! I have since ordered one thru my insurance over the counter benefit plan! I think it will come in handy for doing yard work too.

They are having a craft session at the clubhouse this morning to make Christmas wreaths, all the material is supplied all we need to bring is a glue gun & scissors. After that Jane, Barb & I are meeting Wendy for lunch, her birthday is tomorrow but she plays cards on Tuesdays with some church ladies so we are meeting today. She will be 91! Hope everyone has a great day, right now I am enjoying a cool breeze coming in from the back door.


Wacky Wabbit
Air Force Thank You GIF by Animanias
Lots places to get a free coffee or special meal. I made my Navy Vet eggs and a English Muffin & coffee this morning. :usa1::canada:
Karen: Glad you got the one item you were looking at. Really nice total $$$ on the rummage sale! Good job. Good for you ordering the back brace! Now make sure to use it when it come in.
Wow, WENDY has had a nice long life. Wishing her many more birthdays.

We plan on ”gathering“ some leaves later. Might not happen if the WIND keeps up as strong as it is right now at 9:46 am. :eek:
Nice write up Fr Dave on the Vets. It takes a village to keep this country working. Come Jan 21st, 2025 it will take the WORLD to keep us SAFE! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
Have a good day.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
I hope you gathered all the leaves that you wanted K2. Is that from Forrest Gump??I have no idea what the picture is about,
Kc, glad you snagged an item that y ou wanted and the back brace helps. Left over lemon cake, I guard it with my live.
Dave, the commercial people seem to start Christmas earlier every year. The black fridays have been going on for over a week, at least I think that is what I'm reading on the computer.
Lee. pausing for 1 minute is a wonderful thought. I know it is impossible for everything to stop, but for those that can would be nice.
Thanks for the tributes to all of our service people.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hmmm. Tuesday already.
No early walk today. Ava clearly wanted to go in the yard, then back in and into her bed. The weather guessers said it felt like 28F so I guess I don’t blame her.
It sounds like The Church rummage sale was a success Karen. With more to come! I’m sure The Salvation Army will also appreciate the donation of goods and clothes. Enjoy your birthday lunch with Wendy.
Did you manage to corral any of your leaves yesterday Kathie? That’s a heck of a long flight for Mark. I’m guessing you offered to pop in and check on Mr. Manny while he’s away. Like you need an excuse! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Add me to Mike’s group who doesn’t get the picture.
Yes Mike, when there was a lot less “hurry” in the world I remember stores, schools, businesses, heck, just about everything would pause for a minute at 11:00 on November 11. People took that minute to reflect on the meaning of the day.
Once again I hope Dave either forgot to hit the “post“ button or he’s having a bit of a sleep in.
Oh lucky me. I’m headed off today for my annual visit with the urologist. Hopefully he won’t feel the urge to go probing where the light don’t shine! Especially when my PSA has continued to drop since my radiation.
Have a great day everyone.


2nd Officer
Earlier, the computer wouldn't come up.

How funny, K2! I DO remember that scene from the movie. AND the "secret" ingredient of her delicious pie. But I can't remember the name of the movie. Something about maids.

Good for you KC on finding relief with that back brace, and ordering one of your own. And good for your church in making a bundle on that rummage sale.

Lee; "Remembrance Day" in Canada, instead of Veterans Day. I kind of like that. It reminds you of what we should be doing on that day.

Mike; You mentioned growing up in a coal mining town. Which got me thinking about heating a home with coal. Quiet common not all that long ago. When selling real estate it wasn't unusual at all to see homes that still had those small coal-chute doors in a houses's foundation for the coal going into people's basements. Or coal furnaces that had been converted over to burning natural gas.

Nothing much planned today. Just another one of those semi annual doctor tests.



Wacky Wabbit
DAVE: The name of the movie where the PIE was made with the special ingredient was called
Best movie ever! Ha ha

You all have a good day.

The leaves are all back again today as if we never did anything!
45F outside right now. Not going to do any leaf gathering unless it warms up.

I took Art to “Villages of Rochester last night to get his free Veterans dinner at BRAVO restaurant. We walked in and low and be hold George & Marie and Milan & Helen where there! They just sat down!! So we joined them and had a yummy meal. The guys got their meals free!
We had been to the same restaurant LAST YEAR
on Veterans Day with Milan & Helen. Fun evening.

You all have a great day.

Karen: I envy the fact you are having some beautiful warm weather. Enjoy.
Hope the B-Day lunch was fun.


Wacky Wabbit
I just spent over and 1/2 hour emptying my VOICE-MAIL messages on my Comcast acct.
I was amazed at how many calls were saved over a few years. I even had a message from my late brother George. I saved that since I could hear his voice again. Kind of sad, but glad it's there.

Sunny and still only 49F here.

My goal for today has been to pay bills online. (done)
And now I'm going to venture out to Starbucks and buy my 1st Cranberry Bliss Bar of the season. I've given up on their coffee, but I still love those darn Cranberry Bliss bars. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Later gang. You Northerners stay WARM. It's going to be a LONG WINTER.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
I will double check today to see if have a big space at the bottom of this post.
Lee, I Think Ava is smarter than the average dog. I think that maybe we should pause for a minute but don't see it happening.
I hope you enjoyed your Cranberry Bliss Bar K2. Glad you enjoyed your dinner.
Dave, the house that my Father had b uilt had one of those coal chutes and a coal section in the basement, after we got a gas furnace that is where I kept my pet rabbit that would not let anyone touch him except me. He was a baby wild rabbit when I found him. The house that we rented from t h e coal company also had a coal chute to the basement and that is where my parents kept some of the chickens.
Fay and I had our RSV shot today. We checked with our family doctors and they recommended it. I think we are thru with t he shots for a while.
All of the moom isn't shining but most of it can be seen, very pretty,
No big space at the end, will post while I'm ahead.
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Oh goody, I'd hoped that the stress and chaos coming from the Buffoon's White House was over. But the election proved that wrong. It seems that every person the Buffoon now picks for his cabinet is nuts in one way or another.

It's going to be a LONG next 4 years.

"Chilly". That's a nice way of say it's damn cold outside this morning. Upper 20's.

Hope your urologist visit went well, Lee. With the dropping in your PSA numbers, there seems to be no way to invade your tush, Lee. I ticked off my vascular doctor yesterday, who implanted a vein in my leg that is now plugged up, when he found out I'd gotten a 2nd opinion from a specialist at a large hospital in Cleveland. All buddy-buddy until that was brought up. He said it's all fine, but his tone and volume changed considerably.

K2; That egg trick of moving just one egg to reversing the order of numbers made me feel like a dummy. It was so simple, but I couldn't see it.

Those coal furnaces were GIANT by today's standards, Mike. But I'd bet a lot of them are still in use today.

Any chance you got your new back-brace already, KC?


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A good and final visit with the urologist yesterday. We had a nice chat and seeing as everything is doing well and I am being followed by the oncologist he felt keeping me as an “active” patient meant someone else who needed him was facing delays. He asked me my thoughts about that. I said “You were there when I needed a good urologist. I think it’s only fair to turn my “spot” over to someone else who needs you.” That said, if the need arises he would take me back in a heartbeat. He’s a good guy.
There are cases here Dave where people seek a second medical opinion without their primary care physician’s knowledge and they are dropped from the practice! Such is the state of our healthcare system.
Yes Kathie, your egg trick made me feel a little bit like a dummy too! It would be great to try to pull on friends. But only once. All the ladies had a day shopping trip to The Village at Rochester Hills. They said there were nice shops and a Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods nearby.
I do recall a couple of the houses we lived in had sealed up coal chutes and a coal “crib” (I think that’s what it was called) in the basement. I remember the big old furnace in my Grandma’s basement looked like a monster. And yes, I was scared to go down there alone.
Have you had a chance to put your feet up after a busy few days Karen?
Time for Ava to get her teeth brushed and then her breakfast.
Everyone have a really, really good Wednesday.


2nd Officer
Morning, no chance of putting my feet up yet! Yesterday Pamela & I went to the church to help the rummage sale director load up all the leftovers into the Salvation army truck, only it turned out only Pamela, I & the 2 SA men did any of the work. Lesson learned for next year, don't volunteer!
Was supposed to be having a ladies day with Pat & Pamela to get pedicures & lunch but Jane called me a few minutes ago & Hansel is not feeling well, so she is trying to get him a vet appointment. She's been there plenty of times for me in pet & human illness so no way am I not going to be with her. Hopefully it's just a touch of old age & nothing serious. Will update when I know more


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning. Brrr 46 F here, BUT REAL SUNNY.

DAVE: I'm glad you gave the PUZZLE a TRY. I starred at it for a long time and when I saw how easy it was to solve, I was dumbfounded.
I've stopped watching CNN, MSN, CBS and any other station that has nothing but CHATTER about the Trump idiot and what he's doing. Only time I get a few minutes of the horrible news is watching the evening news. At least that only lasts for about a minute of two. I did hear that Melania will not be at the White House on a permeant basis. The staff will more than appreciate that. But I'm thinking NETHER WILL TRUMP. He'll be on the GOLF COURSE like last time. :rolleyes: All his HIT MEN & WOMEN will be doing the work.

Lee: How nice that the ladies got to go to the Village of Rochester Hills and shop. That's where the Bravo restaurant is that we had dinner at on Monday with friends. That's a nice drive for those gals.

Karen: Hope that Hansel gets better after the Vet check-up. You're a good sister for backing her up by going with her. And YES, we all learn the hard way that everyone's good intentions don't always come to pass! Volunteer work has its up's and down's. At least you were able to try out a BACK BRACE and get one ordered for yourself. Should help you with all the gardening you do around your place and others.

Waiting to see if the WIND will die down in a few hours and then both Art and I will try and tackle the leaves. It's supposed to RAIN on Thursday, so we'd like to gather as many as possible while they're dry. And Friday is trash day. Still a TON of leaves hanging on all the trees.

Mike: We had a Coal burning furnace in the house I grew up in. I remember when they took it out of the basement, they taped up all the doorways to keep the dust down from the
WHITE ASPESTOS that was plastered all over the huge furnace.
When I went back to the house last year and the nice owner let Art and I in to see it I pointed out the room where the COAL use to be stored and the Metal Window Shoot. They had no clue what that was. Fun remembering all that from so far ago. (
don't ask me what I had for dinner last night) Ha ha.

Out of here for now. Enjoy your day folks.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hopefully it’s not too much to worry about with little Hansel Karen. Put a note on your calendar to remind yourself not to volunteer for the loading day next year. Nah, that’s not like you.
Back when I was in grade 6 our school was heated by a coal furnace. Mr. Bold (no, I don’t know how or why I remember his name!) was our school caretaker. He would shovel the spent coal cinders out of the furnace and put them in cans. Now, can you see this part happening today… The grade 6 boys would “volunteer” to hook the cans up to a chain in the basement, haul them up to ground level where other boys would swing them out and unhook them. We were “honoured“ to make the cut to do that work!
Back to my previously scheduled coffee.


2nd Officer
Back again! The vet thinks Mr Hansel jumped out of bed wrong or did something to hurt his neck. They checked him for a UTI & that was fine. He is on pain meds & muscle relaxer for the next few days. When I got to Jane's I could tell he wasn't his usual peppy self, by the time we got to the vets & while we were waiting he seemed much better. Just glad it was nothing more serious.

Dave, how dare you question your doctors massive intelligence by getting a 2nd opinion. Refresh my memory, did the 2nd doctor have any recommendations or
treatment plan?

Kathie, I saw bits & pieces of that movie but never the whole thing, I did know however what the "pie" was. Hope you are able to gather most of the leaves before the rain comes.

Lee, congrats on a good report from the doctor & kudo's for giving up your spot to someone who may need it more. I doubt very many young people today would be as eager for the privilege of emptying ash canisters

Mike, I noticed the moon around 1:30 this morning while on a trip to the bathroom, it was shining brightly thru the bathroom skylight.

The house I grew up in had a coal bin & the door outside to shovel the coal into the basement. More often than not we were unloading logs of wood rather than coal because we could go out & cut it for free. The coal bin/room was where we would go in the summer time if there was a tornado warning.
No back brace yet, I'd love if it were here before Sat. for the work day at church but if not I'll survive.
Miss Reba called the other day & she has a plant by her door she needs me to look at, she thinks it needs cut back. I will do that tomorrow on the way to Barbs.
My eye doctors office called yesterday to change my appointment from Nov. 20th to this Friday, at first I said I couldn't go Friday because I planned to work at Jane's, but she said if I couldn't make it Friday his next available appt. is MAY! I quickly decided I could make it, the appt. isn't until 2:20 so I can still get done what I need to do at Jane's. Always something, I do hope he will be able to schedule the procedure fairly soon as it's getting harder & harder to see on the computer. I tried to balance my checkbook the other day & just couldn't read the figures I wrote in pencil so I gave up & went with the banks balance. Once I can see again I will go back & find the mistake. Enjoy the rest of your day all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That’s fine news about little Hansel Karen. Like most fur kids he seemed to get better as soon as he knew he was at The Vet Clinic.
I bet that old basement was a fine place to head during a tornado warning. I always wonder about medical appointments THEY can reschedule in a short window but they’re months out if you can’t take what they offer. :mad:
It looks like we’re in for a couple of days of rain. Compared to the other seasonal 4 letter weather word rain is OK.
See you in the mornin’.

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