Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
The Seniors loved the "Giving Mini Cupcakes". Some even remembered 99 yr old NICK. :clap002:

Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep tonight! And tomorrow is HUMP WEDNESDAY in case anybody needs to continue naming each day of this week. Ha Ha.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A colder, windy start to today. And the silly temps are supposed to drop and feel colder throughout the day.
Those little desserts look amazing Kathie. Bless your heart for bringing a smile to the folks at the seniors Home.
Our friend Gil came through his heart procedure well. Once they got inside he had two bypasses, a valve replaced and one repaired. That keeps me ahead by one bypass. :p Can’t wait to tease him about that.
So, right now I’ve not got much more. I heard that collective sigh of relief!
Everyone have an amazing, safe day. See you later.


2nd Officer
Amanda being next up for a liver transplant. That's FANTASTIC KC! Just keep us updated. It's also great news that it'll only be 150 bucks to fix your stove.

Other good things on the news; A couple of "Oath Keepers" were found guilty of seditious conspiracy yesterday for trying their stunt on January 6th, 2021. The U.S. soccer team won yesterday and moves on to the next round of The World Cup. And gas is now $3.33 in Massillon.

I find it interesting that almost every one of you Bunnies, who mentioned it, picked an older movie for your favorite Christmas movie, that was originally filmed in black & white.

If I were you BB, I'd tell Bert to GO FIND that owner's manual for your stove.

Lee; I think it's a hoot that Katie has her own EU passport. Pleased to hear that she did good at the Vet.

Only thing that's pretty sure for me today is doing a half hour on the stationary bike.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I will start packing for the cruise. I also have one load of laundry to do.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie - Those mini cupcakes are adorable. I just bet those old ladies loved them.

Lee - Glad your friend Gil's procedure went well. Typical male competitiveness showing too ... That keeps me ahead by one bypass. You guys are all alike!! LOL

Dave - Why should I get after Bert to find the manual for the oven when he's so willing to clean it by hand. He's a perfectionist and when he gets done, I know the oven will look brand new. I also like to supervise his work and point out any spots he might have missed.

Karen - Hopefully there will be a liver coming for Amanda very soon. Having her in the ICU gives them a chance to keep a close eye on her and get to know her a bit.

Not a lot happening here today. We're having steaks for dinner, so there's not much to get ready to do that, aside from sticking the potatoes in the oven and hour before we want to eat.

Have a happy hump day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Hump Day GIF
YUP, that's the best I could do for naming WEDNESDAY! Enjoy if you're up to it!
Ha Ha.

Lee: Good to know that Gill made it through the surgery. I can see you two comparing scars!

DAVE: I cheered when I heard about those 5 guys getting a good amount of JAIL TIME for the Jan 6th invasion! Too bad everyone but the MORON who orchestrated the invasion is either in jail or going to jail. Sure would be nice to see the TEFLON man in jail.

The little mini cupcakes are always a hit. Glad you all liked the picture. Too bad we don't all live closer so you could try them! :emoticon 0100 smile:

Today I am making Pierogi's. I've started the fillings and will start the dough making next.
This will be
an all-day job. But I love to be able to take them out of the freezer and fry them up and have a quick GOOD meal.

Nancy: I envy you getting ready for yet another CRUISE. Good for you being able to go so often and liking it.

BB: Don't get down on BERT too much while he cleans that oven. Good help is hard to find these days!

So, we went from 52F in the middle of the night to 34F right now. And tomorrow it will be in the 20's. The WIND that was promised is out there big time. Art and I both stood in front of the doorwall looking out at the yard and watched all the Maple Leaves and Willow leaves FLY BACK and FORTH with the gusts of wind. Unreal how Mother Nature makes sure all the leaves are off the trees sooner of later.

Back to the kitchen.

Karen: Still keeping Amanda in my thoughts and prayers.

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Amanda has been transferred to the hospital that will be doing her transplant surgery around midnight tonite. She will be in the hospital for 7-10 days following her surgery. Will update tomorrow after I hear more news


Wacky Wabbit
dr johnson GIF
Keeping Amanda in my thoughts and prayers. Good to know she doesn’t have to wait too long for this important surgery.
Thinking of you Karen and your sister too. Take care.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: FYI: Just want to let
Lu-Ann know that around 12:30 A.M. I got another weird strange message. I “BLOCKED” it and deleted it.
I will change my Facebook password again as a precaution.

Off to bed. Everyone be safe!


2nd Officer
December, day number 1.

OK Ladies, is there something kicking in your hormones this time of year to make you want to mess with your stoves???

Add Kathi to that list. Yesterday she decided to clean ours. (The easy way, using the self-clean feature.)

Lee; I would be surprised if your friend, Gil, recovers from his heart procedure as quickly as you did. Although at the time, you were thinking it was anything but quick. Or he gets back the energy you have now, as soon.

I'm with you K2; I sure would be thrilled to see the Buffoon indicted and found guilty of SOMETHING. It's as if in his whole life he hasn't been held responsible for his behavior. If there is justice, all his cons will catch up to him.

Oh goody, another day starting off in the mid 20's and only getting into the mid 30's.

Since all the turkey is gone now, this morning's breakfast will be a stuffed crust pizza with double pepperoni.

I have a feeling you'll never hear me say I had oatmeal for breakfast.


Wacky Wabbit
Dog GIF by Sealed With A GIF
DAVE this is for Kathi! Sure hope that the cleaning of the stove went well! :emoticon 0100 smile:

Yup, it's DECEMEMBER and already Thursday. These weeks can just keep FLYING BY this fast as far as I'm concerned. It's
29F right now here in Pure Michigan.
(I can just hear our Tony 'groaning' every time I post Pure Michigan!) Miss that guy big time. Still hard to believe he's not with us and Marcia is gone too. I miss her stories about her Aunt and her guns! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Yesterday I made dozens of Cheese Pierogies and Potato/cheddar Pierogies. I still have 2 trays in the freezer to package up with the trusty FoodSaver vacuum machine this morning. It was a lot of STANDING in one place and my "dear hips" are letting me know they didn't appreciate it. 2 small pkgs will go to my dear friend Elaine who is Polish and will totally love getting them. She has so many health issues there is no way she could make her own.

I received a Pkg yesterday delivered by Fed-X and I must say they are really very informative when dropping something off. They let me know it arrived by sending a message to my phone and a PICTURE of the PKG sitting by the front door. WOW. Now that was a first for me. (I don't order much online)

I do have some yarn coming from JoAnn Fabrics and can't wait to get it to finish up a LAP Afghan for a 94 year old lady at our church. It was suppose to be done last year, but for some reason I gave up on it. I must tell you that this nice lady has known me since I was born and LOOKS BETTER THAN I DO! Ha ha. She dresses to the 9's and her hair is always perfect, and jewelry matches. Love this gal. She lives with her sister who is 96 yrs old in a lovely Senior Living Center. They live on separate floors! I thought that was really funny. The sister moved here from South Bend, Indiana. Okay, end of story.

Karen: Sure hope the surgery went well for Amanda. Now for the recovery.

How is Jane handling all this? Thinking of all of you.

That darn Kitchen floor is in need of scrubbing after all the work I was doing in it yesterday. I want to get that done and then go downstairs and find the MINI little ornaments for the darn Christmas Tree. I have so many boxes full of "THEMES" for Christmas trees. All of that stuff is going to get out of there by NEXT YEAR this time. It's too late to be trying to get rid of it this year and too COLD to have a garage sale. Just hate to throw it all out. I'd rather GIVE it away than throw it away!

You all have yourselves a good day. I'll be back to see some NEW CHATTER later.

Nice Day Flowers GIF by Daisy Lemon

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone!

Karen - Continuing to keep Amanda in our thoughts and prayers, as well as the rest of the family. Keep us posted when you get any news.

Kathie - You cracked me up when I read that your have different THEMES for Christmas trees. Heck, I'm lucky to have enough ornaments to do one tree without having whole separate themes. Only one that I would consider a theme tree is my Gator tree, but that doesn't go up every year. Like not this year. The big tree is just a hodgepodge of all sorts of decorations. Your Pierogies sound delicious. I remember when Polish friends of mine had mothers who made them also. They always smelled so good and if we were lucky, her mother would give us one. Now I can buy them frozen, if I wanted any.

Dave - I hope you enjoyed your pizza breakfast. Yeah, I just don't picture you as an oatmeal type of person.

Lee - I bet it was pretty chilly taking the dogs for their morning walk, or did you skip it this morning and want to wait until it's a bit warmer later?

Bill - It was great talking to Rita yesterday. We're looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday when you get in for your mini cruise.

Made a trip to Aldi's yesterday to restock on cheeses for the next charcuterie board we do. They had cleaned us out of cheese over Thanksgiving. I only buy the cheeses at Aldi's, as they are so much better priced than Publix. The cheeses they have at Publix is way too expensive, like most everything else they have. Aldi's also carries a lot of imported German Christmas cookies and candies. I also bought a gingerbread house kit. I'll wait to do that in a few weeks.
We also stopped at Dollar Tree. I wanted to pick up some cheap holiday trays to deliver plates of goodies to our friends before Christmas. Also stocked up on Christmas napkins. Bert says that he can't understand why when I come with him shopping that he ends up spending so much money. Ha Ha!!

Our steaks last night were so delicious that we decided to have the same dinner again tonight! So with the leftovers from last night, once again, I don't have much to do to get dinner on the table.

Time to start thinking about lunch. While it's 71 here right now, that to me sounds like soup weather. Guess that's what we'll have.

Have a wonderful day and those of you up north, stay warm!


2nd Officer
Good Morning! Amanda came through surgery just fine! I was on the phone with her last night from about 9pm until almost 12:30, she pocket dialed me, but it worked out really well. I got to hear all of her discussions with her doctors, the nurses, the admitting office. As each one would come in she'd tell them, I'm on the phone with my Aunt Karen & she is authorized to hear anything we talk about. I got a really good feeling about her care team, everything was explained down to the smallest detail. One Dr. even told me that if I had any questions or concerns to please speak up. The same Dr. called me this morning after her surgery was over. Thank you all for the many prayers, she has a long recovery ahead & a major life style change but she's still with us Praise God & that's all that matters!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon.

Karen glad to here that Amanda came thru good.

Went to Publix this morning to pick up a couple of Rx's, one was ready and one the insurance company won't pay for, at least there is an over counter of it so I bought that. It is the gel for my hands and I have been using it twice a day for over a week now. My right hand just does not want to work very good, I can hardly grasp anything with it and being right handed it is not fun. Also started to use the gel on my knees and it is helping them.

Have gathered almost all of Bruce's clothes for the cruise, so am taking a break. In a bit will get it all in the suitcase.

All have a good day.


Wacky Wabbit
Excited Good News GIF by Dr. Donna Thomas Rodgers
Karen, so good to know that Amanda's surgery was successful. Nice that you were able to listen in on what the doctors were saying and that one actually called you with information. Give our love from this wonderful extended family to Amanda when you talk to her again. Get some rest now.


Wacky Wabbit
Pat, I just got back upstairs from the cedar closet area. You would FLIP over how much is on the shelves in big plastic containers full of Christmas decorations. I could easily decorate at least 4 trees or more! Years of collecting. Nice stuff too.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Karen - Wonderful news about Amanda. That was really neat that you were able to be listening to her conversation with her doctors. Ah the wonders of cell phones! Will keep the prayers going for a quick recovery for Amanda.

Kathie - We have a garage filled with lots of bins marked for Christmas. I could decorate a couple of houses with all the stuff in those giant bins.

We had wanted that cleaning gal to come in and do the house before we put out the rest of the decorations. We've left 2 calls on her phone, but she hasn't called back. I think she was pi$$ed the last time she was here. She thought she was going to only spend and hour here and still get $100. When Bert told her he wasn't happy with what she hadn't done, she had to spend an extra hour here. We had paid for 2 1/2 to 3 hours work and I think she was trying to pull a fast one. At this rate, we're going to be doing this cleaning ourselves and after the holidays, we'll find someone else.

Nancy - You sure are ready for your cruise.

Time to go sit on the lanai while the sun is still shining. I hate that it gets so dark so early. The night seems endless!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
BEST NEWS EVER KAREN! Big hugs going out to Amanda. Well, big gentle hugs. After that surgery we don’t want to squeeze her to tight.
OK Bunnies, everybody back to doing The Happy Dance.

Bill, CBS sports has Buffalo favoured by 3 1/2 points. Let The fun begin.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It seems, yet again, that a good night’s sleep is highly over rated.
I fear The Pats needed a few more points Bill.
Hoping Amanda is feeling a tad better each day Karen.
I’m gonna put my feet up and see if I can niddy nod a tad.
You all have a FANTASTIC Friday.