Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Kathie, Barb did take the online course so that is supposed to help keep your insurance rate from climbing to much, but who knows with Florida. Jane got the renewal bill for her house insurance the other day & it's $3,000!! It went up $1,500 alone because of an "approved" rate increase, thank you very much DirtSantis!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well Jennifer, Bruce and I went Small Shopping. Normally we go to the 6 that are needed to enter your card to maybe win a prize, but today we went to 9 or 10. Some were new stores and so nice. Jennifer and I bought things at 4 or 5 places. And not everything I bought is Christmas gifts. One place we went to is a cactus and succulent store and they had things I have never seen before, I bought one cactus for Jennifer for Christmas, which will stay here. And Jennifer and Bruce bought gifts for me.

When we were done with the small shops we went to Trader Joe's and outside they have a bunch of plants. We bought an Amarillis and another white flower bulb, for 9.99 and 3.99. Once in the store we bought some frozen things and a couple of cold things and some mix crackers. I had wanted another Trader Joe's freezer bag but they did not have any.

Once we got back to the house, I put the water bottles in the freezer so we will have them for the drive home.

We just watched the new Christmas Story movie, it was pretty good.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
There was no joy in Ohio yesterday afternoon as THE Ohio State Buckeyes got their butts kicked by "that team up north", Michigan. DRAT!

Kathi awoke yesterday SCREAMING. Which made me and the doggies jump. For whatever reason she was having a nightmare. I had to shake her quite a bit to get her to wake up. What was she dreaming? That she was in the top bunk of a bunk-bed and some big guy was using a gigantic vacuum to try and suck her out of the bed. Very strange.

We made it to the smaller grocery store yesterday morning. As expected, not that many shoppers. But just a bit later Kathi went to the large grocery store to get something the smaller store didn't have. And she said it was packed.

Although most of you Bunnies probably didn't do much shopping on Black Friday, it seems that millions of people did. Breaking record sales figures for that day. Sadly, it seems most of those people used credit cards instead of cash or debit cards.

It seems by your posts that Kathi wasn't the only one craving more turkey. So she got a boneless, sliced turkey out of the garage freezer yesterday and made some TV dinners. She has little trays that have lids and they separate the turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. So now she can just take them out of the freezer, pop them in the microwave, and have a turkey dinner.

Oh no, I hear a stationary bike calling my name. Either that, or it's some waskely wabbit on "Looney Tunes" on the cartoon-channel. Yes, even at this hour there is something sane to watch.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave - You sure were up early this morning. Heck, I was just rolling over at that point on my way to another couple of hours sleep.
I often wonder what triggers some dreams. They seem logical at the time, but when you start to think about it, ya gotta ask yourself what brought that on? I come up with some real doozies once in a while. I like Kathi's idea of making TV dinners that you can just pop in the microwave.

Nancy - Good for you to do all that shopping yesterday. We were out most of the afternoon running around, but I never got to do any "real" shopping. My biggest purchases of the day were made at Publix - 4 bunches of fresh kale and a jar of jalapeno pepper jelly. That was it!

Karen - Those insurance rates here in Florida are really through the roof. DeathSantis maintains that he's calling a special session of the legislature to look into the rates. I'll believe it when I see it! He doesn't give a crap about the little people of this state, unfortunately.

Had some hot turkey sandwiches last night for dinner with the last scrapings that Bert took off the turkey carcas. They really were good. I really don't feel like cooking today, so we might go out for dinner or just order a pizza from our favorite place. Beyond that, not much planned for today.

I just looked at the close. No wonder I'm getting hungry. I didn't have anything for breakfast today and now I'm starving. Time to see what we've got available. Have a great day, everyone!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. We will be going to the Christmas shop in Clearwater in a bit, after Bruce's banana bread is done.

Pat, you are so right about insurance. This year I changed our auto insurance and for 3 vehicles we are saving at least $1500 a year for the same coverage, and with a large country wide company. And of course you are so right about desantis (I can't stand him so i won't capitalize his name).

I am almost completely packed so when we get back from Clearwater it won't take long to pack the SUV.

Lee that song has nothing to do with flowers.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good SUNDAY almost afternoon!
Good Morning Reaction GIF
Coffee's on me today! Just keep pouring!

FYI: I watched a HBO movie/series "White Lotus" and the opening scene was the main guy character examining himself (down there) thinking he was dying. Lordy, when they said "nudity" that was a TAD MORE than I was expecting. Cracked me up thinking this guy had to rehearse for that scene!
Here's the real 'kicker'.... we are NOT signed up for HBO. They must be giving it to folks for FREE during this holiday week to lure you into adding it to your bill. NOPE... free is good, but I pay way too much for Cable as it is.

Karen: YIKES, that's one heck of a hike in insurance rates. All that damage from hurricanes and tornados makes that happen. I know that's why we aren't going to Longboat Key again this year. All the RATES for RENTALS are out of sight when you want to be close to the Gulf waters. Sure glad we had all those years of fun when things were still reasonable.
I hope all you gals in Florida can get a break on your insurance rates.

Nancy: Safe driving back home once you get started. I envy you for all the shopping you have done already. I haven't done a thing. But then.... I can't stand shopping anymore. Use to be up and at the stores before they opened the day after Thanksgiving. And the day after Christmas, Jill and I would meet up at the big stores and Hallmark to get the sales on wrapping paper, etc, etc. Doesn't happen anymore.

Speaking of BIG STORES. They are going to LEVEL yet another huge enclosed mall over here and make it into a Village of apartments, houses, condos, grocery store, etc. The plans look fantastic, but I bet it will cost a small fortune to live there. The property is HUGE. I'll see if I can find the picture of the proposed plans and post it.

I thought that today was MONDAY. I have my annual Mammogram on Monday at 7:00 PM. Lucky me, I get to wait one more day! Ha Ha.

It's drizzling rain here on and off and I think it will be a GRAND DAY to get our Shingles shot. One of Two from what I hear. When that vaccine first came out it wasn't covered by our insurance and was like $275 bucks each. Now we will pay $5.00 co-pay. Yippee! I just hope I don't get a horrible reaction.

You all have a good day. Be back later. I saw this slipper/sock that lets you walk around your wood or tile floors and it picks up the dust while you're walking. What will they think of next. Karen, I thought of you with your Kitties and thought it might work for you! :emoticon 0100 smile:


2nd Officer
Not much to yak about today. I watched a You tube video the other day on how to clean in between the glass on your oven door, cause mine had a long streak of something white on it. The video looked simple enough, but one of his first comments was to "not let the rails on either side of the glass come off". Well of course, guess what happened when I took the handle off & the outer glass dropped down, the rails came off!! And being cheap plastic that they were the tabs that hold them in place broke off too. Now I'm just debating on whether I'm going to try to order the parts & fix it myself or bite the bullet & pay a repairman to do it. Have a feeling a new stove would be cheaper than the repair man:confused:


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Geez, just not what you needed to happen. I’m thinking a new stove might be your best bet. The guy that came out to check my new stoves thermostat settings wanted $125 just to walk in the door. After I told the appt center the stove was only a few months old and should be under warranty it was No Charge. Whew! Everything is crazy HIGH PRICED these days.
Got our Shingle shot and SO FAR SO GOOD! :clap002:
Still drizzling ver here. Just glad the temps are holding in the 40’s.

Dave: That Ohio State game was fantastic. Sorry your school didn’t win, but it still was an exciting game.

We’re watching Mich State vs Portland basketball right now. I’m almost SPORTS OUT for this long weekend!

Karen: Still keeping good thoughts for Amanda’s result to find something the doctors can cure. Do they have someone to help with the kids?

Out of here for now.
Sleep good everyone,


2nd Officer
Good evening. We are home and been home for 45 minutes. SUV unloaded, food put away, suitcase unpacked.

Traffic was on the heavy side but it kept moving along.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Reality Show GIF by The Circle Netflix (US)

LEE: Can you ask
Lu-Ann if she was texting me after MIDNIGHT?

I think her Facebook was HACKED.
I’m changing my PASSWORD just in case since I actually thought it was Lu-Ann and replied.

Please let me know. Thanks.



2nd Officer
Either I dreamed it, or the lowly Cleveland Browns beat Tom Brady and his team yesterday. PLEASE tell me I wasn't dreaming!!!

Geesh KC, you've been on a roll of bad luck recently. I'd lean toward a new stove.

BB; I'd wager that you can get caught up quickly on your shopping today on Cyber Monday.

"FREE" is real good, K2. Our TV package includes about half a dozen commercial free premium channels. And there ain't no way I'm paying extra for more.

For some strange reason you Floridians are united in disliking DeathSantis. I wonder how it could be?

Since not all of the turkey went into Kathi's TV dinners, for the second day in a row I'll be having turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and tons of gravy for breakfast. Honest, no hot sauce.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Another stoopid sleepless night and early morning. I dreamed that I drove all night and not only did I not find any Amarilis by morning I was nowhere near Amarillo.
Good job by The Browns Dave. A number of the mighty QB’s have fallen this season. Brady and Rodgers come to mind.
I’ll ask Lu-Ann for you Kathie. I suspect another hack courtesy of Farcebook.
Back later.


2nd Officer
Good morning! For the first time in days I can actually look out my window & see sunshine! It's been some grey & gloomy days the past few

Dave, if the stove wasn't just 3 yrs old I'd most likely consider replacing it, but right now $700 or more really isn't in the budget.

Kathie, what were you doing wandering around facebook after midnight last night? I'm not really sure who is taking care of Alyse while Amanda is in the hospital, most likely the grandparents, but I don't know for sure

Lee, how is the drywall project progressing, time for a visual update, hint, hint!

Pat, what did you end up with for dinner last night? All this talk of turkey & gravy is making me hungry for turkey & with no oven that's not going to happen anytime soon. I have a 3 lb turkey breast I could do in the crock pot, but I don't think it would have the same taste & texture.

Well, hopefully Barb will be able to get some re-assuring news from her insurance company today, it's sure been a stressful weekend for her waiting.
Have a few errands to run today, hopefully the stores won't be to crazy. Make today a good one!


Wacky Wabbit
Coffee Monday GIF
Cyber Monday! Lordy what day is tomorrow (Tues) going to be called? Ha Ha.

I really wasn't up and on Facebook after midnight last night. It's worse..... I was binge watching that free HBO movie White Locus. Ha Ha. I finally gave in and went to bed after
3:00 A.M. Silly me!
Wishing Barb a lot of good luck today. I can just imagine how swamped places like insurance agencies will be after a long holiday weekend.

Not sure if you have stores that only sell appliances in your area, but if you do they might have "slightly DINGED" or scratched stoves that are perfectly good except for a scratch on the sides where you wouldn't see it and they DISCOUNT the item just to get rid of it. Might be worth looking into. But I know these days nothing is REASONABLE anymore. Good luck.
And I'm with you about ALMOST wanting to buy a small breast only of Turkey to make with all the TURKEY TALK on here lately. Ha ha.

I have nothing for you guys right now. Off to fill up my coffee cup and chill out.
It's gloomy outside without the sunshine. Mild temps, but would be so much better with SUNSHINE. Wednesday it's suppose to be REALLY REALLY WINDY. That's the day Mother Nature gets rid of the last of the leaves that are hanging on.

Enjoy your day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! After all the hoopla over the past few days, I took advantage of a lazy morning and slept in until 9:30. It was wonderful not having anything planned for the day and to just roll over an extra time or two.

Karen - That really stinks about your oven door. What happened to you is why I haven't thought about taking the glass out to clean, even though there's lots of grease between the panels of glass. Heck, just trying to clean this oven is a chore. I can't even reach the back of the oven when you open the door. Bert is the one who has to clean this oven. Good thing I don't use the bottom oven for much, so that never gets dirty. Now after Thanksgiving, the top oven really needs a cleaning, but I dread even mentioning it to Bert. He's got a long list of "jobs" he has to do, or so he tells me.
We ended up going to our new favorite Italian restaurant, DiCarlo's, for dinner. They just got voted the best all around and best Italian restaurant in our county! We've recommended it to so many people, I guess they all agree with us. When I congratulated the owner's son, he wanted to buy us another drink, but we were just about finished eating, so he said they owe us one next time we come in. Great customer service!!

Lee - Sorry you had a bad night's sleep. Too much on your mind these days? That messes up my sleep very often. Maybe you could get in one of Dave's BEloved naps this afternoon.

Dave - There's really nothing that I NEED to buy for anyone. We take the easy way out and give parents the money for their kids and their own Christmas gifts. Not seeing most of the grandkids on a regular basis, we just wouldn't know what to get for them any longer. It used to be great to get a list of "wants" when the kids were little, but that doesn't work any longer. What they want is just too darn expensive these days. We will pick up lottery tickets for everyone and we'll give them that at Christmas, so we won't be totally empty handed when gifts are exchanged.

Kathie - I'm with you on thinking about buying a small turkey breast in the very near future. I actually have an 8x8 pan of sausage stuffings in the freezer that I saved when I made it last week. I already cooked that kale we bought the other day and now I have to decide do we want to use any of it now or do I freeze it until we have more turkey? decisions ... decisions!!

Nancy - Glad you and Bruce made it home safely. I can only imagine what a bear traffic was in some places yesterday. We once drove home from NJ one Sunday after Thanksgiving with plans to stop midway at friends' house in NC. What should have taken us 8 hours took us 13 hours instead. Bumper to bumper traffic all the way!

Nothing planned for today. I don't have to do any cooking, as we do have leftovers from last night. Not planning to do any shopping at this point either, so it might end up being a very boring day for me, at least. I'm sure Bert will be using his "list" of things he has to do around here.

Well, I see I missed the morning post, so now I'll say Good Afternoon and go find something for lunch. Have a terrific day, everyone, and if you're out and about, stay safe!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Back from our music lessons. Bethany has the patience of a Saint. She says we’re doing well considering neither of us has played anything musical since, well, for a long time.
I hope your annual smashing went well Kathie. We cut out most cable stations. Like your area, many have “free previews“ on now. Pat mentioned DiCarlo’s which made me think of Yvonne DiCarlo playing Morticia Addams which made me think of the 8 episode show “Wednesday” on Netflix. A dark but very witty show - so far through episode 5 - that focuses on Wednesday Addams.
Hey there Pat! I see you popped in while I was pecking away here. I guess I best find out more about DiCarlo’s for our trip south. Lots on my mind? Between concern for Lu-Ann’s PD, Katie, the van, the new vehicle coming, the drywalling, getting the basement project finished, Christmas, our trip south…no not much on my mind.
Welcome home Nancy.
Oh geez Bill. Why do the Pats always lose a game and get “hungry” before they play Buffalo.
I hope that Barb gets GREAT news from her insurance company Karen. What a thing to have hanging over all of you. Good luck on getting your oven door all sorted too! Well, here ya go. The top pic is the framing and boxing in of the hvac and water pipes. The bottom is where we’re at with the drywall up, taped and mud. Once sanded I’ll wipe the surfaces down before I prime and paint. Then I’ll put in the receptacles, the light fixtures (the big led bulbs are temporary), the flooring and lastly the trim.

OK everyone. You all have a fantastic rest of today.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Looking good, Lee! Job is progressing nicely and I can't wait to see the finished product. DiCarlo's is where Tarantino's used to be. Great small location with food prepared to order. I love getting chicken parm and hearing them pound on the meat while preparing our dinner.


Wacky Wabbit
Great pictures Lee. Looks like the Shawn or YOU are cleaning up things as it progresses.
Do you use a "Sweeping Compound" on that cement before sweeping to keep the dust down?
Here's a video I saw about an easy way to dust off the walls before putting on the Primer coat. Not trying to get into your head, just passing it on for reference.

With all you have on your mind I'd be stepping back big time on the basement project. Don't want to wear yourself out or hurt yourself. You'll be in that house for a LONG TIME. You'll have enough to do just getting the new vehicle all ready and packed for your trip South.

I finally got all the STUFF (basically items that will be in a Spring Garage Sale or thrown out) into boxes from Costco and into the basement. Nice to have the spare bedroom looking like a bedroom again and not a Flea Market. We had an old bathroom door on top of the long dresser and all the STUFF was on it. GONE. Yippee.
Slowly, I'm getting rid of things that just need to be GONE! :supris: :emoticon 0100 smile:

Need to make a quick Costco run. And then make us something for dinner.

My Melon Smashing is at 7:00 P.M. The hospital annex where I get it done is 1 mile as the Crow Fly's from our house. In early years, I actually walked to that place. Those were the days!

Still dreary and NO SUN here. But 42 degrees and no wind today is okay with me. The weather folks are promising HIGH WINDS on Wednesday. Joy, Joy.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Testing to see if I read the posts Kathie? Hmmm?
I don’t see the link.
Both Shaun and I sweep. Sometimes there’s a little mud on the floor that I let dry, scrape it up and then sweep. When it comes to the final sweep we’ll use the sweeping compound.
I recall a bunch of us going to Tarantino’s Pat. Wasn’t that out by the UNO hotel? Didn’t they have a fire?
Have a good evening my friends.