Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I ended up making 3 pumpkin pies and 2 of the Island Pies, that is pineapple/coconut/pecan.

Will be loading everything in the SUV in the morning. Only things left to pack are the toiltrey bags.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
My goodness, all the cooking and baking going on. You'd think that there's a holiday coming up.

How generous of Missy to invite other people to your house, BB. And yes, I did have to look up "Baker Acted" to figure out what you were talking about. (It's a Florida law.)

Well, yesterday was the nutso day for air travel. Today it's suppose to be nuts for auto traffic. I understand it's the worst between 11 AM and 8 PM.

One of you mentioned those cement filled posts in front of stores so cars can't crash into them. Here in Massillon you're required by law to have them in front of your store if you have an ATM machine inside.

New toaster is to show up today. We've had to wait 2 whole days. Amazon is getting sooo slow.



2nd Officer
Good morning, looking like another grey & gloomy day here, and on the damp side also!

Dave, sorry you've had to wait so long for the new toaster, let that be a lesson to you, leave the crumbs alone!!

Pat, your cranberry sauce sounds delish! Barb gave me a stalk of celery yesterday so I may just give it a try, minus the pears, sorry.
I've seen how you cook & know that even 2 extra people won't make much of a dent in the mountain of food you cooked, Missy has a kind heart just like her Mama.

Lee, glad to hear the mudding & taping is progressing. Sounds like the young man will be getting a favorable review from you.

Nancy, safe travels to Tampa!

Kathie, I sent you an email with a list of my bills that needed paid, but I guess it got lost in your spam folder cause they're still there :emoticon 0100 smile:

Nothing much on the agenda today. My sister's decided yesterday would be a good day to do order's from Walmart. Jane called me at 8:30 am and had been waiting for 20 mins & couldn't even check in, no one would answer the phone & the voice mail was full. She finally left & cancelled the order
Barb had placed a delivery order & then called me later to ask if I could do a pick up for her because they were behind on deliveries & were going to cancel her's. I told her I would pick her up & she could go in & shop for her order so she said ok. Then we decided to "try" picking up her order and if we couldn't check in then she'd shop. She was able to check in with the app & about 15 mins. later they brought her order out, it was a different walmart and later in the day so maybe that helped. Either way I think they were both bonkers for even trying to order stuff 2 days before Thanksgiving. Later gang!


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Wednesday Morning GIF
Hope your day is a productive one no matter what you Wrabbits are up to!
I’m going to bore you guys with the PHONE CALL I just took while I was reading all your posts. Hopefully, it will let me VENT my frustrations!

Got a call from the EYE Dr.‘s office. I had gone for a eye exam a few weeks ago and had them tested, etc, etc. They were holding off on giving me my new prescription because of some EYE ISSUES. I’ e been using drops 3 times a day for “dry eye” in the left eye which has a issue. Long story short…the Dr I was seeing QUIT SUDDENLY and they called to reschedule my next weeks appointment with another Dr. I express my CONCERNS since I dug up all my MRA (yes, not MRI) xrays for her to review, etc, etc. I also, had concerns of the Co-Pay costs for more visits with the new doctor. Those will be WAIVED! (always remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease)! I was assured that the new doctor will review my xrays and chart and I will like her. Good to know. I asked where the original Dr went and of course they said they didn’t know. I then boldly said “ I’m sure you know, but professionally speaking you can’t tell me where she went to”! The Administrator said..”I wouldn’t lie to you Mrs Anderson, we really don’t know.” Okay, I guess I just have to take their word for it.
The original Dr, I must say, was ALL BUSINESS and very to the point. Didn’t give you much time to question WHAT SHE WAS TELLING YOU. Maybe, this new Dr will be better.

Anyways, if you’re still reading along THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!
I do feel better. :clap002: :clap002: :emoticon 0152 heart:

I’m off to peel 12#’s of potatoes! My donation to the dinner tomorrow.
I’ll be back later tonight to see how you are doing. Behave while I’m gone.

LEE: Both Art and I are happy you found Shawn to do your drywall work. Sounds like even though he is by himself that he’ll do a good job no matter how many evenings it takes. Not easy doing it all alone, but like you said he is trying to start up his own customer base. All the best to him.


2nd Officer
kathie, I totally understand how you feel about changing eye Dr.'s. I had the same thing happen with the one I had that I liked so well. He moved out of state & now I have to start over with a new one. I will keep the first visit but if we don't "click" I will look for another dr. closer to home as the office for these are about 30 mins. away

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Lots to do around here today, but I had to check in here first to see what everyone is up to.

Nancy - Have a safe trip over to Tampa. I hope all your pies get consumed.

Lee - Sounds like the guy you hired to do the mudding is very dedicated to starting his own company. Hopefully, he will maintain such a good reliable work ethic. So what was wrong with the new supermarket that you won't be going back there again? Inquiring minds need to know!

Dave - So tell us, what's the first thing that's going to be made in the new toaster? We have a lot of places that have those concrete posts in front of the doors, including day care centers. That became the law when someone drove into a day care center and killed a few children.

Karen - Next time I make this cranberry salad, I will dice a Granny Smith apple into it instead of the pear. I'm not a fan of pears, but figured I'd follow the recipe this time.

Kathie - Have fun peeling the potatoes. That's a lot of potatoes. How many people is that to feed? Are you going to cook them today. If not, how are you going to keep them from browning? I know - too many questions. Sorry about the change in eye doctors. That's a real pain.

Our turkey has been out of the freezer since last Thursday and it is still frozen. I just had Bert bring it into the kitchen and put it in a sink filled with water. Otherwise, we'd have frozen turkey for dinner tomorrow!!

Terrible news about the shooting in the Walmart in Virginia. So sickening to hear about all this violence against totally innocent people just going about their business. This is getting to be a hate filled country, unfortunately. It makes me sick to hear about one mass shooting after another.

Better get a move on. This Christmas tree isn't going to decorate itself. Have a wonderful day. Don't work too hard getting ready for tomorrow. Just remember what takes you hours to prepare will all be consumed in about 20 minutes!! LOL

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon Bunny Family.
I got the all clear from the dermatologist this morning. Mind you, how anyone can be 1/2 hour late for the second appointment is beyond me. That said, he discharged me back to my family doctor.

We generally make a recipe as written the first time to Pat. Then we know what to adjust or change up. We had an independent grocery back in Kitchener Pat. They were just that. Their products, meat and produce were top notch. This ”new” place sounded similar to Farm Boy. We headed out and when we got there they sell the Sobey’s ”Compliments” house brand stuff. At a premium. :mad: I can’t believe how long it takes a turkey to thaw.
Kathie, thank you for mentioning the garage door opener. It’s built into the visor on “The Wonder Wagon” so I will disable it and clip the portable one on. Lu-Ann and I never even thought about it! It is hard to believe that the administration doesn’t know where the old doc went. I do hope the new one treats you right.
Was that grocery orders your sisters were trying to place Karen? I’m pretty savvy but I don’t trust anybody but Lu-Ann and I to grocery shop for us. Mind you when we returned to two weeks of quarantine from FL the small local guy in Ayr did a top notch job for us. I know first hand what you mean about how much Momma Bunny prepares for guests.
Is your toaster there yet Dave? Sad that concrete pylons are required by law to protect / deter the idiot fringe.
Darndest thing Bill. Somebody paid all our bills this month...and then I woke up.
So today is “Tye One On Day”. A nod towards a drink or two? Nope. Because so many folks in The USA are cooking for tomorrow it refers to tying on an apron!
I’m gonna head down and give the basement a quick sweep. Shaun asked if he could skip tonight to spend the evening with his family. Of course he can.
See you all tomorrow.
YAY…The Wells Fargo Wagon just showed up with our “free” Dyson stick vacuum. We ordered it Monday and used our Air Miles. We noticed fewer stores are in the Air Miles program so decided to use ours before we lost them.
Again, see you all tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Made it to Jennifer's with no problems and got the SUV completely unloaded quick, but then there were 5 of us doing it.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Lee, it was indeed groceries that my sister's were ordering. I'm with you on wanting to pick out my own food items, but with both of my sister's seem to be fine with letting someone else do the choosing. To each their own I guess

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Well our Christmas tree is half way decorated. For the first time Bert is seeing how much work I always put into doing the tree. Poor baby needed to take a break from decorating the tree. Ha Ha!!

Just heard from Missy. There will be 5 additional kids here. UGH! Can I get away with feeding them frozen pizza? Just a thought.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A very good morning and a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of my American Cyber Family.
I wish you all a day filled with family, friends, food, fun and good health.


2nd Officer

All you gobblers.

Be thankful for all the food, friends, and relatives.

Now be on your good behavior and TRY not to kill any of the friends or relatives.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! May your day be filled with lots of food, laughter and love! We have so much to be thankful for, including our wonderful cyber family!

Well, Bert finished decorating the Christmas tree, but once he was finished, I noticed something ... he had put no ornaments on the side of the tree that faces the lake. When I asked him why, he gave me a typical male (sorry, guys) answer -"I can't see it, so why decorate it?"!!!! Now today I will have Missy move some of the very crowded ornaments to the back of the tree.

Almost time for a cup of coffee and to watch the parade, followed by the dog show.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Appreciate Give Thanks GIF by BrittDoesDesign
and VERY THANKFUL for having you all as my EXTENDED FAMILY. Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating today and to Lee & Lu-Ann enjoy your Turkey sandwiches! :emoticon 0100 smile: ;)

BB: The potatoes got peeled. Out of 15pound (3 bags) after peeling them there was 11.5 pounds of actual potatoes. Yes, I weighted the peels! HaHa. I boiled them added the butter, cream cheese and warm milk and used my big mixer (not attached to the stand) and whipped the buggers nice and smooth. Put them in various French White casserole dishes that can go from the Refrig to the Oven with no issues and put them all in the refrig. I took them out this morning and when it gets to be about 2 hours before we leave I will put them into the oven to heat up. It works every time and the potatoes taste just like I made them today!

Nancy: Glad you made it to Tampa. Enjoy your family and dinner.

Lee: Good to give Shawn the evening off. I'm sure he appreciates it. I'd tell him to come back on Monday night! ;) Let me know how you like that new STICK vacuum. I've been looking at models for months now and need to buy a CORDLESS one soon. I just don't think it will be a Dyson. Way too expensive for our kitchen square carpet and wood floors where I want to use it. My old Hoover self-drive is still the best for the rest of the house. They don't make them like that anymore. (metal and all.. not plastic)

Karen: There are a few issues with my left eye that I really am going to be PRO-ACTIVE with this new eye Doctor. You know me, I'm not shy on looking out for myself when it comes to my health. I've had way too much experience with "doctors and treatments" the past few years! Hope you like your new doctor.

I have one solution to all the shooting there have been lately. Do what some of the foreign countries do......once they have the SHOOTER caught... LINE 'him or her or them" in the public square and SHOOT THEM! Might stop some of the craziness that is going on in schools and shopping malls, etc. You almost can't blame people for having someone do your grocery shopping for you these days. Heck, you go in to buy a weeks worth of groceries or a jug of milk and you get shot is not my idea of living these days. I do look around while I'm in our grocery store. And I stay away from the CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK where the crazy people act up.

Sorry I can't help any of you out this week with PAYING your BILLS. I barely had enough funds to pay my own. The 2 CAR INSURANCE BILLS had to get paid. $$$$$

BILL & RITA: I see you popped in just now. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU BOTH!

BB: I'm with BERT on NOT decorating the LAKE VIEW of the tree. Waste of time, unless you have Peeping Tom's that would appreciate seeing the decorations while they look into your house! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile::emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Okay, you all enjoy your day. Art is doing a Traditional Thanksgiving Day Bike Ride with his bike gang. I'm off to pick out something to wear to dinner. Yup, exciting day over here! Ha Ha.

Later gang. Don't over eat on the Turkey meat. It will put you to sleep.


2nd Officer

Just finished breakfast. In a couple hours I will make my stuffing. I am cooking it in a crock pot, so easy and it comes out so moist.

Clara's ( Grand Daughter-in-law) sister and her husband will be coming over at 2 and we will be eating about 5. Once I have the stuffing cooking I will put the two bottles of Prosecco on the ice so they will be nice an cold when it is time to eat.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good evening!

There were 9 of us at Wendy's for dinner today, with enough food to have fed twice that many. Roast chicken, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cole slaw, corn souffle, an asian noodle salad, cajun turkey, deviled egss & cranberry salad, yeast rolls & probably a few more things I'm forgetting. Dessert was pumpkin pie, apple pie, choc cake & Elvis cake (yellow cake with a pineapple sauce & cream cheese icing with pecans on top) I'm still stuffed!
Please keep my niece Amanda in your prayers, she has not been feeling well for several months now & in spite of loads of tests, ultra sounds & other testing they can't seem to figure out what is going on with her liver. She ended up being sent to the ER yesterday for fluids & the Dr. there told her he was going to have her transferred to a hopsital in Baltimore to get to the bottom of the problem. She made it there around 5am this morning. We talked to her this afternoon & in spite of it being a holiday she said the Dr's have been in some additional tests done so they aren't wasting anytime with this.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Karen, of course we will keep Amanda in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us all know how she is doing.
We do hope that you are all enjoying your Thanksgiving.

We have a very old Dyson upright Kathie and it still does a good job. Problem is that it's heavy and somewhat awkward. We also have an old Dyson cordless stick which both Lu-Ann and I love. It's so easy to use. It was invaluable when we were selling the old place and we'd get a call for a showing. The "new" one is also a Dyson cordless stick. With having upstairs and downstairs soon to be finished we can use the old one on one level and the new one on the other. Likely the main floor as it has a special hard surface power head.
Here's Shaun. I should run!
Good night folks.