Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Heading in to another week.

GREAT turkey joke, K2!

At least your chili made it into the "OK" category, KC. And when in doubt, throw in more hamburger. I detest throwing out any kind of food or leftovers, so something has to be pretty nasty for me to pitch it.

Happy belated birthday Bill. Funny, my fingers wanted to type "you old fart".

Time to learn Spanish, BB. Half the people I run into in this mid-western farm country can barely speak English. (It's so easy to spot the Buffoon voters.) I see that we have a new season of "As the Grille Turns".

You're a bad influence on your friends, Lee. Going for a stress test and ending up in the hospital for surgery. All sorts of bells & whistles on these new cars, but ask yourself, if they are so modern why don't they have a cassette-player?

Pool party is canceled, due to a shortage of margarita mix.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Still a bit brisk here in Belleview but the sun is shinning which is a welcome change from yesterdays nasty rainy day!!

Lee, you men are sooo competitive :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: now your friend is auditioning to be on next years Hunky Men with cardiac scars calendar! Sending good thoughts for him & his upcoming surgery!

Kathie, sounds a nice bit of money was made from the sales of the baked goods. And kudo's to you for braving the cold & snow to make it to church for the delivery!

Dave, yeah luckily I've never cooked anything that was so terrible I wouldn't eat it at all, a few things I won't make again, but choked them down. The chili wasn't bad just not quite as good as I'd hoped. My sister's each got a container & 2 went into the freezer,which I'm sure will tasted better later on

Pat, that's a shame to hear about the Grille going down hill already. It seemed like they were off to a good start when they first opened.

Nothing much planned for today other than doing laundry. I've debated about starting to wrap Christmas presents, but decided it can wait a bit longer.
I talked to Barb & she said she would be my study
partner if Jane doesn't want to, she is more comfortable with computers & video chats than Jane. Both of my sisters are hoping the request becomes a moot point because I don't have the protein & don't get in the study, and to be honest it wouldn't bother me that much either.
Time to toss the clothes in the dryer & add another load, have a great day all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Off to Uke practice.
About the salesman and the brakes Kathie, I was pulling your leg. Or was I?
A scar is like a tattoo except it usually comes with a better story. I saw that on a t-shirt once.
I’ll pop back later. After games afternoon and before Shaun gets here to start the drywall stuff. No, my day isn’t full at all…Not now that the pool party has been cancelled.
In the meanwhile you all stay safe and sound.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Got a decent nights sleep. I went to bed a bit before 6, because I was sitting in the living room and falling asleep and slept for about 45 minutes then was awake until just after midnight.

Doing laundry now so it will be done for the week.

Tomorrow I will be baking pies, 2 pumpkin and a pineapple/coconut/ pecan, which I will take on Wednesday to Tampa. None are very big and i also have a pecan pie to take. There will be nine of us so I want to make sure to have enough.

Yesterday it rained most of the day and today we have had rain and it will rain again.

All have a great day.



Wacky Wabbit
Happy Monday GIF by Chippy the Dog
I see a few OVEN's getting turned on and baking starting! Nice way to warm the kitchen and in some cases the "Open Concept" houses! Enjoy. I'm done baking until it gets a little closer to Christmas. You all, by now, know my feelings about Christmas. Bah Humbug. Too
commercialized and nobody remembers the real reason we celebrate these days. Pfttttth (as Tony would say)

Florida Belles........sorry for your wet and somewhat chilly weather. Suck it up gals and be glad it's not 25F. It has climbed up to 34F right now.

I'm waiting to order some Essential Oils that are on sale for my defuser. I'll be back to finish this soon.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Those Buffalo Bills liked it so much here in Detroit that they're coming back for the Thanksgiving Game on Thurs. I just hope they don't feel like it's their HOME FIELD and take over the game. The Detroit Lions have 3 WINS in a row to their name. Hasn't happened in decades. Should be a good game to watch.

Lee: All the best to your buddy Gill and his heart issues. Never a good time to have heart surgery, but right before the holidays is a bummer. Is Gill part of the OGC group? If so, how is the 3 guy in that group as far as heart issues?
Hope the Uke lessons go well. I can't wait for the recital. We could actually come across the border and see you and Lu-Ann in person. Keep us informed.
And now about Shaun the drywall tape and sanding fella. Hope you covered all those vents. Might be a good time to wear a lightweight mask around the house. Better yet. When he's gone for the day.... open the windows, direct a fan to the outside and take the pups and Lu-Ann into the car for a ride and let the place air out. You can run back in close the place up and then after it heats up again take the family back inside! Ha Ha. Yup... I know this is OVER-KILL! Just pulling your leg buddy.

Nancy......seems like we're all doing laundry today. I threw some bedding into the washer then dryer yesterday before I left for church. Today I just need to fluff it up in the drying again and do some folding. Good to know you had a good night sleep. I did too. I took a sleeping pill! :sleep002:

Karen: I once went to a Mexican grocery store in downtown Detroit Mexican Village. They sell all kinds of things I would never know what to do with, but they had Mexican Chocolate. I bet it would do the trick for your chili next time. Let me know if you want me to send you some next time I'm downtown! Chili always tastes better 2 days later. All the flavors blend.

BB: So what's happening in Kiss-my_A today? Hope the rain stopped and you can get outside on the Lanai and enjoy your view. Bummer about the Grille going down hill AGAIN. It's the holidays and maybe folks just spent too much money on food they'll need for Thanksgiving. Get your butt over to Starbucks and buy the Cranberry Bliss Bar. You can actually buy a small tray of them. But be warned they won't last more than a few hours. Those things are SO GOOD. Pikes coffee is decent too. Overpriced, but decent. Ha Ha.

Time to check out the Essential OILS I'm trying to order for my defuser.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Looks like I'm one of the last to check in this morning, even though I've been up for hours. Way too much email to go through today.

Lee - Will definitely keep your friend in my prayers. Are you guys in some sort of competition or are you looking for a new t-shirt design? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Nancy - That sure is a lot of pies for just 9 people, no matter how small they are. I already have one of Sam's huge pumpkin pies, but I may also make a key lime pie for the non pumpkin people between Thanksgiving and Friday's dinner.

Kathie - How good of you to brave that freezing weather and go to church with your baked goods. You raised a good amount too.
No rain here today, thank goodness. We're back to the 70s and on Thanksgiving, it should be about 80! Definitely my kind of weather!!

I see you just posted before I finished this. No Starbucks for us. I'm not that much of a coffee fan, so I can't justify spending the money on something I can make just as well at home. Surprisingly, the times we've passed, they aren't very crowded. There were a few cars in the drive-thru lane though. Now get those essential oils ordered!! LOL

Karen - Sorry your chili didn't turn out as well as you expected. Neither did my creamy turkey rice soup. It seemed very bland to both Bert & I. I did hold off with salt, but even after adding it to his dish, Bert said it still tasted bland. I felt like there was something missing from the recipe. We have some leftover, so maybe the taste will be better as it's had time to blend better, or so I hope. That will be for lunch.

Dave - I had 3 years of Spanish in high school and do still remember a lot of the vocabulary. Trouble is I learned Castilian Spanish. People here speck very fast Puerto Rican Spanish and you can't understand a word they say. I had someone on Nextdoor agree with me completely about how the Grille has slipped in recent years. The people in charge have no imagination nor charisma.

Bill - So how did the birthday celebration go? I'm sure everyone had a great time sharing your big day.

Time to see about heating up that aforementioned soup and then head out of here to do some shopping and running around. Have a great day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Birthday celebration went well. Thanks for all the birthday wishes.
Tell me Lee. How in heaven's name did the Bills ever lose to the Jets? Yesterday's game between the Pats and the Jets was less than vintage football but that 84 yard punt return that gave the Pats a last second victory was certainly thrilling. Still the Jets and their QB revealed that they are "not yet ready for prime time".


Wacky Wabbit
Success! Got my order in for those Essential Oils for Young Living. 65% off!
I love turning on that
diffuser in our bedroom during the Winter months and closing the door. When we go in there to sleep it's like walking into a SPA! I told Art all I need is the nice lady that use to give me massages before Covid hit. I really need to look her up again.

You all have a fantastic day. I'm just about to PAY BILLS here online. Joy, Joy! Later gang.


2nd Officer
Kathie, thanks for the chocolate offer but the shipping would probably cost more than the chocolate. We have a couple Hispanic stores here in Ocala I'll check there to see if they have it. I agree that it would probably be good in the chili


2nd Officer
Good evening. We have had a misty rain almost all day. Got the laundry done and cleaned out the fridge.

Tomorrow is pie baking.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good Tuesday morning!

So how's your drywall guy doing so far, Lee. Hope his work is up to snuff.

Happy to read that Barb will be your study partner, KC. You can stop twisting her arm now. I'm guessing that as such, she will be the one to rat you out if you start acting goofy.

I'll be honest K2, since I've never had one I had to look up "defuser". A smell (stink) machine. I think a batch of warm chocolate chip cookies left on the table would be even better.

"Castilian Spanish". Never heard of that one, BB. Is that a slow spoken Spanish with a southern accent?

Other than breaking our toaster I didn't do much of anything yesterday. Let's put it this way, it worked fine until I cleaned out the crumb trays. When nice and clean, neither of the 2 slice slots would stay down. Some of the crumbs must have gotten into a place they shouldn't be.

Amazon gets another sale.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well it is raining, it can stop any time.

Will be baking the pies today. And so we don't have leftovers for dinner it will b e breakfast for dinner.

Yesterday when I looked at the weather for Tampa it showed that Saturday would be pretty cool day but today it shows the lowest high temp will be 76 and that is for Sunday, when we come home. so glad that I waited until today to pack our clothes.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! No rain for us here, but still cloudy. Sun is trying to come out, but so far, no go! Good day to decorate the Christmas tree and to make the cranberry salad.

Karen - So glad Barb will be working with you on this study. So who's doing your Thanksgiving dinner this year? Missy just informed me that we may have extra people here for dinner on Thanksgiving. One of her coworker's mother just passed away recently and his father got Baker Acted last night. She's not sure if there will be children too. Leave it to Missy to mess up my planning!! She knows I can handle it.

Dave - Castilian Spanish is what they speak in Spain. One big difference between that and what they speak here and in PR is how they pronounce the letter C. In Spain it's pronounced TH and in PR it's pronounced as an S. Thus 5 is pronounced THINKO and in PR it's SINKO. Got that now? You should know by now that you never ask a teacher to explain something. It's always going to be long and boring!! LOL

Nancy - Sorry you 're getting rain down your way. Have fun baking those pies. I bet your house will smell great.

Lee - So how's the spackling coming along? I hope you don't end up with too much dust on everything.

Kathie - So now that your got those essential oils ordered and the bills paid, what's next? I've never gotten into essential oils but a number of my friends are real big on using them. I know you have to be real careful if you have a pet in the house. Some of the smells can make a pet sick.

Time for some coffee and then I have to get to work. Aside from everything else I have planned for today, I'm making veal parm for dinner, so I need to make a pot of ... get ready for it ... gravy.

Get any last minute shopping done today. By tomorrow the stores will be a madhouse. Take care if you are out and about. Have a wonderful day, gang!


Chief Security Officer
Oh for the days when the lowest temperature was 74 degrees. In fact, oh for the days when the highest temperature would be 74 degrees. Tomorrow we may actually reach 50 degrees which will seem like a heat wave. Enjoy those temps Nancy and have a great cruise. We are counting down the days until we head down for the cruise on Wonder.
Terrible situation in the Apple Store yesterday, a few miles away from us when a car going at high speed drove into the store and injured 17 people, killing 1. Driver has been arrested and will be arraigned in court this morning.


Wacky Wabbit
Good AFTERNOON. Where in the heck did the morning go??
disappear once upon a time GIF by HULU

DAVE: If you've ever been to a SPA and somehow I just don't think you have, the Diffuser has that type of effect. If I put out a plate of warm cookies out on the end table in our bedroom ART WOULD EAT THEM ALL before any smell could ever linger in the room. :emoticon 0140 rofl: Bummer about that toaster. We still have the Sunbeam toaster from 57 years ago that I got at my Bridal Shower. I've tried others through the years and this one still makes the best toast. It got serviced about 10 yrs ago when the toast wouldn't go DOWN automatically. Best service investment I ever made. It hasn't failed us yet. I bet you could tinker with your toaster and get it to work. There's not much to those things!

BB: GOODNESS........added people to your Thanksgiving dinner. And then you have the G&E coming the next day. That part is just crazy. They should be having YOU and BERT over to their place instead. And we all know you're more than UP TO THE CHALLENGE! PACE YOURSELF. Weren't you in the Hospital last year?

Nancy: Have fun making the pies. Nothing better than a good homemade pie! Are you really going on another CRUISE? Where and when do you leave.

Just got the best phone call: Our Lawn man called to let me know that HE or his SON will be doing the SNOW REMOVAL this year! YIPPEE. It's like buying into an Insurance Policy! If you don't buy into it the Winter will for sure be a SNOWY ONE. Ha ha.
He's having knee surgery, again, Dec 11th and said his older son will do any removal until he's up to it. Whatever works is okay with me.

Negc: Just horrible about that crash into the Apple Store. I think ALL STORE Fronts that open towards a street should have those CONCRETE ROUND pillars to prevent such an accident. I know that one smaller mall by us has HUGE ROUND CEMENT BALLS painted red in front of TARGET just for that reason. Also, the Kohls store. It should be mandatory.

And what a shame about the Q-Club murders. That MURDERER had yet another AK-14 gun and extra
ammunition with him. I'm so glad that the BRAVE Solider was able to run and tackle him. And it's nice to hear him say that he beat the heck out of him to keep him from reloading. It put him into the hospital. P.O.S. Just keep selling those guns. :mad:

FYI: Art needed some heavy duty cooper 3 wire cable for the stove project he's doing for me in the basement. He priced the wire at Home Depot/Lowe's and it would come to $65 bucks. I mentioned the lighting store on our main drag (M-59/Hall Rd) (Lee knows that
street) and said I would call their contractors dept and ask if they had it and would sell to us. SURE ENOUGH the nice man said he had it and would give us contractors prices! It was HALF the price. We asked for 10 feet and the guy cut 12 feet. Came to $34.50. Amazing the price difference at Home Depot. Anyways, I was proud of myself for looking just a tad further and getting a better price. Pays for my "Essential Oils"!

LEE: Just before picking up your new vehicle make sure to DISARM the garage door opener program in the car if you have one. If not make sure to GRAB your Garage Door Opener! I always make sure to grab the STICKER for the PARKS & REC that is on the windshield. Use to have to remember to grab CD disks and cassettes, but they don't put those in most newer cars these days. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile: Hope the DRYWALL TAPING is going smoothly. (no pun intended) How's your friend doing?

Later gang.


2nd Officer
K2, the cruise is an Eastern Caribbean and we leave on Dec 3rd, for 8 nights.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just finished making the cranberry salad and all I can say is OMG! It is so delicious. Tastier than the jellied stuff I hate and not as sweet. This also had toasted pecans, Bartlett pear, pineapple and celery in it. I found a beautiful depressions glass bowl in one of the kitchen cabinets to put it in and it looks so perfect. Now I just hope the rest of the family will like it. I'll put a can of the jellied junk in the refrigerator, just in case.

Time now to make the veal parm and then to watch Bert's a FBI shows for the evening. Have a good night, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well aren’t you all busy little Bunnies!
We had a busy day as well. The nice weather gave us a chance to get the pups out a couple of times. We headed to a new grocery which we won’t be going to again. It’s a gussied up version of one of the chains here.
Shaun started on the basement last evening and worked for a couple of hours. He’s just come back again tonight for another couple of hours. He reckons he’ll be here for about 7 evenings. That’s OK with us as long as it works for him. It’s tough when you branch out on your own and start a new business. He’s trying to build a reputable business that relies on word of mouth recommendations.
Did the new toaster arrive before you got off of the Amazon site Dave?
As good as that toaster may be Kathie, sadly aside from you and Art, no one likely would appreciate it. Well, maybe the curators at The Smithsonian.
Pat, that cranberry salad sounds amazing! I’m willing to bet that the bowl won’t be depressed once you put that in it!
Even if that driver’s foot did get accidentally get stuck on the accelerator as he claims Bill, what a tragic incident.
Glad Barb is going to partner up with you Karen.
Safe travels to Tampa Nancy.
I‘m going to get going here. Doc’s appointment at 8:15 to follow up on his removal of a couple of cancerous spots from my cheek. My face cheek people.
See you all tomorrow.