Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
No time like the present to start working on those leftovers, Bunnies.

Will be keeping Amanda in our thoughts, KC. Just be sure to keep us up to date on her condition.

Lee; I was still thinking of America's Turkey Day when you mentioned that Shaun come over to your house to work yesterday. DUH, not Turkey Day in Canada. I'd hate to have "Shaun" as my name. You'd probably have to spell it to most people. Kinda like all the ways to spell "Kathi".

Imagine K2 all the fried potato-skins you could have made. Maybe with all the Christmas sales, NOW might be the time to get that cordless vacuum?

Next year BB, buy one of those Christmas tree stands that makes the tree go around. No excuse for spots without ornaments. Plus you can just stand or sit in one spot to decorate the tree.

Of all things, we might be going grocery shopping this morning. (Smaller store.) I'd say it's a good bet that there won't be very many customers there.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
So how many of you wild bunnies have been to the door crasher Black Friday Sales and are just getting back home now? There was a time...just like Boxing Day. We'd be up, out and back before the street lights went out. Ah, we were younger then and thought we needed all the stuff that was on sale.
Any word on Amanda Karen? It sounds like they sure do want to get answers.
Our friend Gil is still waiting for his angiogram. It has been postponed twice in the last two days. Such is the state of our healthcare...
Actually Dave, making potato skins would sure cut down on wasted potato. Those potatoes aren't cheap any more. Add "Lu-Ann" to the names that have a ton of different "misspelled" versions.
I like, again, the way Bert thinks Pat. That's why I like to put our Christmas tree agains a wall or in a corner Pat. Less of it to decorate. And to "undecorated".
Kathie, I did tell Shaun to take off whenever he needs to or wants to. He works all day and comes here in the evening. He said that he's trying to build his business and is appreciative of being able to do a "side" job in the evening.
I'm thinking that Buffalo isn't a team for people with heart conditions Bill. A last minute loss flowed by a lot minute win! The Jets should handle the Bears and The Dolphins should down Houston to keep first place tight. But who knows!
When do you head back home Nancy?
Time to get the pups down to The Navy Yard. IT's not as cool as the past few mornings but it's still overcast.
You all behave and I'll check back on you later.
Stay safe.


Wacky Wabbit
If you all are reading this it means you survived another TURKEY FEAST! Congrats! Let the “gas” begin! Turkey has that effect from what I‘ve heard!

BB: I saw the picture on Fbook of your Thanksgiving Day feast! Nice spread for sure. Good luck today feeding the stragglers!
It’s in the 45’s F, but windy and still nippy outside. The wind is blowing towards the SOUTH which is always good. Those darn skinny WILLOW LEAVES end up flying AWAY from our property. They are so hard to rake up.

I’m going to attempt to put up the new Skinny Xmas tree today.

DAVE Posted: Maybe with all the Christmas sales, NOW might be the time to get that cordless vacuum?
Nope! From looking at regular and sale prices of the cordless Stick Vacuums I can tell you that ALMOST ALL those Black Friday Sales are a farce! If you don’t know your prices you could end up paying more instead of less. Might get a better deal waiting until AFTER Christmas.

Have a SAFE DAY Wrabbits and come back and let us know how your day went. Out of here for now.
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Wacky Wabbit
dr johnson GIF
Karen, sending prayers that the doctors solve Amanda’s health issue. One good thing is the doctor sent her to a bigger hosp for more testing. I’ll keep her and her family in my prayers for sure.
Keep us informed as to how she is doing. I know how much you love your niece and this has to be very hard on you. Take care friend. :emoticon 0152 heart:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Looks like we all survived Thanksgiving. Everyone has checked on except for Nancy. She's probably still eating one of those pies she made!

Karen - Of course I will keep Amanda in my prayers. Hopefully, at this bigger hospital they will get to the root of her problem.
That sure was a lot of food you had yesterday. I'm sure you went home with lots of leftovers, right?

Lee - I too was wondering why Shaun was coming over to work on Thanksgiving. I forgot that you're north of the border!

Kathie - Lee's right. You could have baked those peels. Actually, that's the best thing they serve at the Grille these days and they're really cheap - You get a huge plate of the skins with melted cheese and bacon for all of $10.! Best buy they have there. I get the potato skins quite often. They're that good.

Dave - Happy grocery shopping today. Actually, we could use a few things too.

G&E and company will be here in less than an hour. That means it's time to fix a charcuterie board, assemble pigs in the blanket and get out lots of snacks. I want to fill them up now so they don't eat all our leftovers.

Here's the picture Kathie mentioned that Missys posted on FB"

As you can see, Bert wasn't even waiting for everyone to sit down. He was hungry!

One last thing - Missy's coworker never showed up. He didn't call or anything. We had even held up dinner waiting for him. I thought that was very rude and I know Missy felt badly that he didn't show. Oh well. Lesson learned.

Have a wonderful day and don't spend all your money of Black Friday goodies!!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Well there is not much stuffing left over, but enough for maybe one meal.

This morning we went to the music store and Jennifer bought Max his electric guitar, which is his Christmas present and I bought him am amp and a stand, which is also Christmas gift. So right now he is semi playing it. Later will hook it up to the amp to make sure the amp is okay.

Not sure what else we will do today. Tomorrow I know that at least Jennifer and I will go Small Saturday shopping.

Lee, we will go home on Sunday sometime.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
New SLIM 7ft tree is up and I love it even without any ornaments on it. I told Art this tree will get so e old sheets sew together and slipped over it a d it will NOT be going back into the box. We have more than enough room to just put it somewhere doen there and avoid re-packing it.
This is a bad picture quality. I used my iPad and it doesn’t do it justice. :rolleyes:


BB: That’s a really nice picture. Glad you posted it!



2nd Officer
Just checking in with another prayer request, Barb just called & the guy who slammed into her in Oct. has hired a local Ambulance chaser Dan Newlin. They are asking for a $50,000 settlement from Barb's insurance and an ADDITIONAL $10,000 from Barb. They are claiming that she slammed into HIM going at least 50 miles an hour! She was making a left turn from a full stop & HE slammed into her going at least that. He is claiming he went to the hospital in an ambulance, if he did it was later because he was up & walking around the accident site while I was there with Jane. Barb is just sick over all this, so prayers are much appreciated. When it rains it pours, I did tell her I was surprised they only asked for $10,000 more, it could have been a lot worse knowing the lawyer he has.


Chief Security Officer
Punt returns that result in a touchdown are rare in the NFL but the Pats have seen two in the past two weeks - one in their favor and one against. Will there be a third next week in Round One of the two round series between the Bills and the Pats? Time will tell.
Sorry to hear about your niece's medical problem but hope that the docs can find out the reason and resolve the issue quickly. Also sorry to hear about Barb's legal issue, KC. I half expected to face a similar problem from our Easter Sunday accident but we, apparently lucked out and our insurance company handled everything.
Watching three NFL games in a row is exhausting so we were late rising this morning. It is gray and gloomy out so I think we will pass on any Black Friday deals for the present.
Saw pictures of the boarded up Apple Store and they have positioned bollards in the front to prevent a recurrence of the horrific accident of a few days ago. Both my Mac Pro and my laptop were purchased in that store so I could easily picture what happened. Doubt that they will be reopening for a while.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh Karen. Not the kind of news or stress Barb and the rest of you need. What a slug the driver and that lawyer are. You know we will keep all of you in our good thoughts and prayers.
It will be interesting to see the spread for the coming NE / Buffalo game Bill.
What a spread Pat! It all looks darned fine to me! That just wasn’t right of Missy’s coworker. I hope they have a darned good reason (not an excuse) for pulling a no show.
Was the grocery busy Dave?
I think that they make “tree bags” Kathie that pull over you decorated tree for easy storage. You need one of those little wheeled stands like, I think it was Dave, mentioned the other day.
That makes for a nice length visit Nancy.
As 4:00 approaches it’s time to get the pups out, fed and us fed too before Shaun gets here. He usually arrives around 5:30 or so.
I think with the weather, 50F and sunny, I’ll BBQ burgers for dinner. Nice to be able to grille stuff here in November!
Stay safe and well everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen I feel so badly for Barb. Just not what she or YOU needed to hear right now. Hopefully, the insurance company will have a good lawyer and take care of this situation.
We’ll all be keeping Barb, Amanda and you and Jane in our thoughts & prayers. Take care.


Wacky Wabbit
We had a VISITOR today! Manny came over for a surprise visit. We had fun in the yard tossing a ball around. I had bought a chew stick and he loved it!
I’m watching “The Crown” right now. What a totally mixed up Royal family. :eek: :rolleyes:
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These are a few of the Gnomes I’ve been making. I’m thinking they might be all this Slim Tree needs!:clap002:


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning.

And by the sounds of it KC, you and Barb need one. Damn these people that want to scam others out of money, all based on a lie. And emboldened by shifty lawyers.

Definitely lots of football now. College and NFL. THE Ohio State team takes on their all time rival, "that team up north" today around noon.

That definitely is a "SLIM" tree, K2. But, I like it. BUT I like Manny more.

I give BB; Who's the big fella in the picture with the orange shirt?

So nice of you Lee to give Shaun some latitude in being at your house. You need a good worker, and he needs understanding customers.

TODAY we will find out how busy the grocery store is. Yesterday, at the last minute, we both decided to wait till today.

Here's a hoot; After the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade they had the National Dog Show. Which we recorded and played back yesterday. First, Jack's eyes were glued to the screen, then Fuzzbutt joined in. No barking, just watching. So cute.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another Saturday. Which when you're retired is pretty much like any other day that ends with "y".
It was a little dark when I finished the burgers last night but still nice to have a BBQ a month before Christmas.
It was neat to see the little "Frenchie" win his class Dave. I always laugh that these pups all have registered names as long as the Canada / US border. But their call names are no different than what we call our pups. Ava has a little boyfriend, a Frenchie named Mozart, that we see at the Navy Yard many mornings. I'm sure that we all know that you get a lot further working "with" people.
So if I read it correctly Kathie, you kinda' like this little Manny fella?
Shaun has just arrived. He had asked last evening about coming over mid day. He called this morning and asked if he could come over about 10:30 instead. Well, Lu-Ann is out for the day with the "Girl Gang" so it matters not to me.
I'll find something to keep me occupied. Laundry comes to mind.
I'll be checking back on you all later so you best behave yourselves.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, everyone!

Karen - I really feel sorry for Barb. Was there a police report on the accident? Just looking at the picture of her vehicle should tell how the accident happened. That should help her case. That Dan Newlin is a real sleezy ambulance chaser! Maybe Barb needs to find her own lawyer to counter sue this guy. Might I recommend Morgan & Morgan, the other ambulance chasers? Let the ambulance chasers go head to head. I'd almost pay to see that!!

Dave - The big guy in the orange shirt is Missy's husband, Jimmy. He's big enough to scare the h*ll out of anyone, but he's really a pussy cat inside. When they got married over 25 years ago, he was nice and slim. His size now is a testament to Missy's cooking.
That little frenchie was just so cute. His owner/handler was beside himself with excitement when the winner was announced.

Kathie - Pretty tree. Our tree got decorated on Wednesday. Love your gnomes too. By last night we've got lights not working. They were fine the other day. I'm sure Bert will be checking it all out today. Little Manny is not so little any longer.

Lee - Glad you got to enjoy those burgers made on the grill yesterday. I guess we are so spoiled being able to use the grill year round. Might just need to find something to make on it in the next couple of days. Shaun sure wants a good recommendation after this job is finished. It's so hard to find people who really care about what they're doing these days. He's a real keeper.

Bill - We didn't watch any of the games on Thanksgiving day, but we did watch the UF-FSU game last night. While the Gators came up short at the very end, it was an excellent game and both teams played their little hearts out. It was the highest scoring game ever between these teams!

I have to laugh at all the recipes out there for Thanksgiving leftovers. My question is - What leftovers? By the time everyone left yesterday, there was nothing at all left. I think Bert managed to save a few slices of turkey for sandwiches for lunch today and that's about it. I might need to get a small turkey breast for just the 2 of us!

Not sure what's on tap for today, but I would like to get in a bit of shopping at the local stores. Have a super day and enjoy whatever you're doing!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid- Morning Wrabbits.

Dave: Save that video of the Dog show. You can always put it on when you want some peace from barking and are doing something else in the house!

Lee: Yes, I do like this little pup. Even after he nip’d my index finger while I was holding the LAST of the one chew bone so he wouldn’t choke on it. Note to self: Little pups have STRONG JAWS AND POINTED TEETH! :oops: Ouch.
Good for you being so flexible with Shaun. How did you find him?

Not much to chat about here. I have a handful of mail to open. One being a BILL (finally) from our dentist. It was from our visit of May of this year. I hate that it takes this long to ever get billed the co-pay charges from them. Almost hate to see what they will be! :eek:

Art is on a “Special Sat bike ride” on the East side of town. Better him than me.

I managed to blow the remaining LEAVES from the front and backyard yesterday. Took hours, but looks nice today. The next door neighbor with the UGLY WILLOW TREE came by at the end and helped bag them with me and Art who also came outside. I needed that help right a out them. It was a
2 - Tylenol evening when I went inside! :clap002:

You all enjoy your day. Later gang.
Just saw your post BB. I wish we had some leftover Turkey right now! Ha ha. Wait until Money to go shopping. The stores will be so UGLY CROWDED today. And if you take your scooter you’ll be lucky to get through the aisles.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - Today is Small Business Saturday. It's the day to shop local after Black Friday sand before Cyber Monday.

Bert's off to Restaurant Depot with Jimmy & Wesley. Wesley wants to get the meat to make Mexican carnitas. He loves to cook and is really good at it. I hope we get invited!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I would keep Shaun Pat, but I'd have to feed him. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: I am picturing Bert squirrelling a few slices of turkey away when nobody was watching. It's too bad that the officials screwed up calls during the final few plays in the FL / FSU game. Small Business Saturday can't be real. Hallmark doesn't make cards for it.
Believe it or not Kathie, Shaun was recommended by Bethany who is our uke teacher. She had some work done when she took over the shop and her cousin who hangs drywall suggested Shaun. It's a little cooler than it looks outside. I hope that Art is dressed nice and warm for his bike ride. Yep, those puppy teeth are like little pins! Nice that you got a little help towards the end of the bagging process.
Yep, I'm bored.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, there is an accident report & shows that Barb was cited for making an improper turn in front of oncoming traffic, so his claim that Barb slammed into him is pure BS. Even if she could afford an attorney I doubt it would do her any good since she was at fault. We're just hoping the insurance company will go to bat for her & that the letter from the lawyer is just scare tactics.

Dave, how cute the dogs were so intrigued with watching the other dogs compete. Bet they were both thinking we could do that, we just don't want to!

Kathie, your skinny tree is adorable! I agree it doesn't need a lot in the way of decorations! Manny is a cutie pie too, growing so fast!

Lee, sounds like the basement project is moving right along! Nice to actually have a worker who shows up!

Nancy, I thought for sure you would be done Christmas shopping! Have a safe trip home!

Bill, we have our fingers, toes & everything else crossed that Barb's insurance company is able to work things out for her too. Reading over the demand letter they sent not only are they asking for the $60,000 they want an interview with Barb, her cell phone records, her financial records, and a whole slew of other stuff, it's just crazy!

Amanda called me last night & they did her liver biopsy yesterday. She told me they went in thru her cardioid artery and I guess were checking her heart, kidneys & whatever else on the way to her liver. She said it would take 5-7 days to get the results, I hope she doesn't have to wait that long.

Went to Jane's this morning & put up her outside Christmas decorations. She treated me to lunch at Wendy's, we had a coupon for a Dave's Double combo for $5.99 but the girl only gave us 1 meal for that price. She didn't tell us until after we'd paid that you could only use the coupon for 1, I had a coupon too we could have used. Kind of ticked me off, but Jane said I worked hard so she didn't mind paying extra for my meal. She just wants to stay on my good side so I'll come back & help her put her tree up! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

After I got home I worked on setting up my Christmas village, I hadn't set it up in a long time & forgot how I used to have it laid out. I got it done but might play with it some more cause I'm not thrilled with how it looks....or I might not. I know for sure I'm going to just go sit on the porch for a while & relax!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Barb has to turn into a "Trump" and just DELAY, Delay, Delay and not give up anything. Plead the 5th. I feel so bad for her. But I really think the insurance company will deal with those horrible lawyers. (I just hate to see what Barb will end up paying insurance-wise on her next vehicle.