Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Dropping by to say good night. Jimmy's surgery was successful. I'm waiting to see if they're headed home yet. They may need to borrow my scooter for a few days until they can get a knee scooter. They didn't find out they needed this until last night. Now they have been scrambling to find the knee scooter which is covered under their insurance. It's just a matter that none of the places they checked has any available.

See you all in the morning!


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: What's the NAME of that John Sanford book you just finished. I might have to look into it. I'll need something to pass these Snowy days this Winter. :supris:

BB: Good to know that Jimmy's surgery went well. Now to keep him OFF that foot until it heals.

Did some baking today for the choir Bake Sale. Will finish up tomorrow morning. Just didn't want to push doing any more tonight.

Good Night Time GIF by Kochstrasse™


2nd Officer
My thoughts this morning are on the millions of people currently getting clobbered by massive amounts of snow. And all the power outages that go with it.

And especially those that have to work out in it. The people with the power companies no sooner getting a power disruption restored when 3 more areas go out. Or the first responders just trying to respond. And the long list of people needing to work out in the elements just trying to earn a living.

May the gods protect them.

I'm hoping Lee that your new Subaru is 4 wheel drive. Kathi's Chevy is but my Saturn is just 2 wheel front drive. And in the snow that's coming to us this winter, we know the 4 wheel drive is better.

Problem is that no matter how much better the traction is on the move, the braking is the same.

BB; A bar in the grocery store would be cool. It might help you forget how much you spent on the groceries. Hope the visit to the wound doctor went well.

Yes K2, the flu is running rampant already this season. From the flu to Covid to that respiratory infection mostly affecting kids, there are more people in the hospital now than were in during the peak of Covid alone.

You've got a good memory KC. Kathi is known for putting chocolate in her chili. Can't say I've ever heard of someone putting cinnamon in it. Did it come out good?

Is this winter blizzard headed your way Bill?

Another day in the fast lane for me. Another trip to Walley World for 5 prescriptions. I don't know if I can handle all this excitement.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Yes, yesterday simply got away from me. As I was toddling, something usually reserved for Chicago, off to bed I realized that I had started to catch up with my cyber family a couple of times but was distracted by something or other.
I do have to reread the past day or so and WILL pop back later in.
Hopefully if you have family or friends where the crazy snow has hit they are safe, sound and warm. The same goes for all of you good people.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! A pretty but chilly morning here, but it will warm up to the low to mid 70s later today. This is just a tease. Tomorrow the temps will drop again, but will be accompanied by rain. Chilly rain really stinks!!

Dave - Looking at those pictures from Buffalo are so unreal. Can't even imagine that much snow. I feel so sorry for those who have to go out in it, but also feel for the rest of the people who live there. They'll probably have this and more snow around until next summer!
Visit to the wound doctor went well. I have been discharged!! One less doctor to visit. We are surely finishing up with most of them and I hope and pray it stays that way.

Lee - We never made it to True Blue after all yesterday. The doctor's office was very crowded and by the time we got in to see the doctor, it was getting too late for lunch. So we just came home and had cheese & crackers. That created another problem ... We ate so much of that stuff, that we weren't hungry for any dinner for which we planned to go out for. So we ended up having a hot dog for dinner. Bummer all around for food yesterday.

Kathie - So I gather that you are not making nut rolls for the bake sale this time, right? I've never gone to a church that had bake sales. Only schools had them and even those have been pretty well eliminated for fear of that some ingredients can cause allergic reactions to the kids, namely peanut allergies. Sad how times have changed.

Karen - Missy is coming over shortly to pick up my scooter for Jimmy until he can get a knee scooter, probably from Amazon. His foot is in a cast and it has to have ice on it 24/7! The hospital sent him home with only 1 pain pill and a prescription for more. Trouble is that by the time he got discharged, all the pharmacies were already closed, including ones that advertised they were open 24 hours. Closest one that was open was over an hour away. Missy called me last night and was very frustrated.

Speaking of Missy, she just pulled in the driveway, so I better close this for now. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Once I got to sleep last night I slept good. Woke to Bruce having opened the front and back doors and one living room window so am wearing long pants.

Visit with the Dr went well. After that I went to the bank and got some cash to have in case I need it next week in Tampa. If I don't use it then I will have it for the cruise on the 3rd.

Pat, glad that you have one less Dr.

Yesterday, when Bruce was heading to BJ's to get new sensors put on the van he ran into a very bad road block. It was miles long and took so long he missed his appt. And when he finally got to the spot of the accident there were 10 cars on the side of the road with the people in but engines off.

Don't have any plans for tonight.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Weather tomorrow is supposed to be cold and messy but I don't believe we will see any measurable snowfall.
Righteous Prey is the title of John Sandford's latest book in his "Prey" series which feature Lucas Davenport and, in this book, Virgil Flowers, who is also in his own Sandford series, K2. In Sandford's books, Virgil Flowers is usually referred to as (expletive Flowers). Sandford is almost as prolific writer as James Patterson and has written several series based on characters who originally
appeared in the Prey books. As far as I know though, Sandford actually writes all of his books himself. Most recently he has begun a series featuring Davenport's adopted daughter, Letty. As I mentioned his books are generally fast reads and his characters are interesting.
BC takes on Notre Dame this afternoon but I don't have high hopes for the outcome. Have higher hopes for tomorrow's Pats game.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Snap is it cold. No, COLD! We cut our morning walk short because of the wind chill along the river. It’s not much of a night for the town to flip the switch on for RiverLights.
Yes Dave, all Subaru SUV’s are full time AWD. Yet they still manage decent mileage. There are many safety assists built in, including braking, which I hope we never need to try in anger! Hospitals here are bulging and our local station has even gone back to reporting on Covid numbers. Yet still people go unmasked.
Well there’s a trip to True Blue that needs to be made up in the future Pat. Did Jimmy have any luck finding his knee scooter? Good news being discharged from the wound doctor.
I still don’t know if there will even be a ”Detroit Bills“ game Bill. It will come down to the players getting to BUF and their flight getting out.
If you have extra cash kicking around after all these adventures Nancy, just send it to Dave and I. What sensors does one find and have installed at BJ’s? Good report from your doc too.
You are indeed in the wrong business Kathie. You should have a quaint little bake and coffee shop.
Why do people have to be so danged snippy with clients Karen. Especially someone like yourself who is so pleasant. You should do a FaceTime or Facebook messenger call with Jane so she can get comfortable with a video call.
We weren’t all that taken with “Pickled” either. On the other hand it kind of reflect real play that you may find between players of different skill levels on any given court.
Hmmm. I wonder if there are any Hallmark Christmas movies on? I need a nap…
Take care everyone.


2nd Officer
The sensor is a tire pressure sensor. They have a no replaceable battery in them so you have to replace the whole sensor. The sensor will tell you if the tire pressure is too low. And of course when you change tires they have to be rest. But when he replaced the tires they found that at least one needed to be replaced so he was told to get 4 new ones.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Time for me to check out for the evening. We're meeting M&J down at the Grille. They just realized that kids eat free on Saturday! I think only the 2 little ones qualify. Wesley is a bit over the age limit!! I need to see how Jimmy handles my scooter until the one he ordered arrives.

Have a good night everyone. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes Nancy the TPS is just one of many safety sensors on vehicles these days.
Who popped in?
Ah Pat. I hate the kids eat free thingy. I always feel I’m kinda payin’ their share. And whenever I tell the server I’m somebody’s kid they throw that age thing at me. But I reckon I may eat less than some kids! ;)


Wacky Wabbit
COLD here all day. 29f now and seems to be dropping.

Necg: Thanks for the info on the author and book name. Do you have to read them in any order or can you just pick up one of the books and be alright with it?

BB: How did Jimmy do with the scooter? I personally think he should be at home with that leg elevated and resting. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Lee: I don’t like going to a “kids eat free night” because of the noise! :emoticon 0104 surprised: Regarding the BRAKING feature in cars these days.Our Eric is always asking me to TEST the Auto Braking in my car on him. I TOTALLY REFUSE to trust it with his life. The kid is insistent that it would work if he stood in the street and I just kept driving towards him. NOPE….not something I want to test.
The WARNING SOUND when I get to close to a car and haven’t attempted to apply the brake is enough to scare the “poop” out of me!

Karen: Bummer on the Dr’s office being rude. I hate when they send messages to my
e-mail and it goes into the JUNK area that has a lot of trash messages in it almost everyday. I’m real good about looking through them, but if you miss a day or two it takes forever to catch up. I don’t open ANYTHING I’m not familiar with. Sometimes the doctors messages come from a name that has nothing to do with the office’s name. Drives me nuts.

I have all the pastries arranged on trays and covered with Saran Wrap. I just have to hope it doesn’t snow too much by morning! Not a fan of driving that far in snowy WINDY weather.

I did a UPDATE on this iPhone last night and HOLY CRAP it sure changed a lot of things. One is the TIME showing when you unlock your phone is HUGE! And two the auto correct anticipates what you are typing and is constantly making the changes before you even get through typing what you started. I need to find out how to stop this. Also, the CLICKING of each letter is driving me nuts too! I turn down the sound, but I can still hear it even if it is softer.

Art is watching FR Brown on PBS station. I have to have the Sub-Titles to catch all the conversations with the English accents!

Okay gang. I’m going to try and watch Fr Brown. Not much of anything else on TV right now.

Sleep well WRABBITS!


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning Bunnies!

Went to Walley-World yesterday. Big mistake. Even though it was before 10 AM, the place was a ZOO. Not just in the grocery section, but the whole store. I knew when I pulled in the parking lot that it was going to be "interesting".

But while there I ran into my first Salvation Army volunteer with his kettle, for the year. This guy had to sit next to it outside the store. Damn he must be dedicated since it never got up to freezing. (Yes I donated.)

Very nice of you BB for sharing your scooter.

All sorts of beeps, buzzers, and safety features to get acquainted with Lee. Next time you are in a snow covered, empty parking lot and going a good clip, just jam down the brake and you'll see how the brake system works. And will stop the car faster than us humans can.

Who is Fr Brown?

I'm outta gas.

Have a good day Rabbits.


2nd Officer
Good morning. got a real good sleep, so am ready for the day.

We will be going to lunch and not sure what else we may do.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning, actually slept in till 8:30 this morning, it's so grey & dreary didn't even feel like morning!

Dave, my Sat. was very similar to yours, went to WW, saw the Salvation army bell ringer & then the hordes of people inside, what was I thinking?? Luckily I only needed a few things so it didn't take to long to get out but I will for sure be staying out of stores the rest of this week. The chili was ok, not quite as rich as I like, may add more choc. next time.

Pat, Glad to hear you are finally released from the wound Dr. that was a long time coming for sure.

Lee, did you brave the cold for the lighting of the town or stay snuggled warm inside? Hopefully inside, plenty of time to see the lights when it warms up a bit

Kathie, sure hope the weather doesn't delay your bakery delivery, but I know if conditions are to bad you'll stay home & tuck them in the freezer for another day, no sense being out on the road if it's unsafe!

Bill, a little notice popped up on my facebook today, so just wanted to say
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! Hope you & Rita have a fun day planned!

Nothing at all on my schedule today other than putting some chicken & veggies in the crock pot for dinner this evening & then maybe getting the Christmas dishes out of the buffet & into the dishwasher. Or even quite possibly going back to bed for a little longer, make it a good one gang!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, everyone! It's a real crappy day here in Kiss-my-a$$, Florida. It's raining and going to be raining most of the day. Plus temps will be in the low 60s. Might have to put the electric fireplace on at some point.

Bill - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I already wished you HB over on FB! Getting together with family today for a celebration?

Dave - We rarely go to Walley World due to the people who frequent the store near us. There are times you're very lucky if you can find an associate who speaks English. Announcements are all made in Spanish. It's all self checkout now and they have someone at the door checking orders as you are leaving. They only seem to stop those who speak English which makes me so angry. I think we need another trip to Sam's tomorrow. I just realized that my vino supply is running low and will not make it to Thanksgiving!

Karen - You're right about how dark and grim it was this morning. Definitely would have been a good morning to sleep in, if possible. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. That's some list of possible things to do today that you have.

Kathie - So are you going to be able to make it to the bake sale this morning or is the weather going to keep you away?

Lee - Y'all keeping warm up your way? I bet your fur babies don't like going out in the cold. I wouldn't blame them. I don't like going out in the cold either. There definitely is another trip to True Blue planned down the road. Jimmy has a scooter on order, but in the meantime, he's using mine and it's working out quite well for him.

Nancy - Glad you got a good night's sleep.

We went to the Grille last night at 6:00. Aside from 3 guys at the bar, the place was totally empty. After an hour or so 2 other families came in. I could not believe the lack of business on a Saturday night. There definitely is something wrong there. We have over 2400 homes in our subdivision and unless there is something going on, the place is empty. The place has lost it's friendliness. Aside from our server, no one else says anything to you. I think the biggest problem is that the food is not very good and for what they are charging for food, you can go anywhere and get a better meal. So sad.

I think today is a good day to go ahead and make the stuffings for Thursday. While I'm at it, I'm going to make a creamy turkey rice soup using chopped up turkey from our last bird that was frozen. In the meantime, I think Bert is looking at getting the Christmas tree up. Decorating will come another day.

Time now for a cup of coffee to get me energy level up. Have a good day, everyone, and stay warm!

Duck hunting season opened yesterday in our area. It was barely dawn this morning when I could already hear the shooting on Lake Toho. The good old boys love an opportunity to fire their guns!


Chief Security Officer
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Rita and I went out to my favorite breakfast place this morning and later today the kids and grandkids (minus the two grandkids at Maine} will go out somewhere for dinner then back here for cake and ice cream.
The Prey books stand pretty much on their own so it isn't necessary to read them in order, but it is interesting to do so just to see Davenport's transition from a Minneapolis police detective to US Marshall and the introduction of various characters, some of whom at some point get books of their own.

Hope that the Bills make it out of Buffalo and can play the game, Lee. Saw pictures of the Bills stadium buried under white stuff. Not looking forward to a similar experience here any time soon.
Thinking that when we get together next month, we won't be dining at the Grille, BB. Speaking of which, in Sandford's latest book, he mentions a restaurant: "a grill that called itself The Grille, a sure sign of mediocre food" Seems appropriate to your situation.
Didn't have high hopes for yesterday's BC-Notre Dame game but never expected to see BC massacred 44-0.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon.
We woke up to about 1 1/2 inches of the snow we‘re not getting. Well played weather guy.
Happy birthday Bill. I’ll raise a toast to you later on to your health and many more to come. Both birthdays and glasses of wine. I’m surprised how full Ford Field looks for The Bills game on such short notice.
The sales guy went with us for a test drive Kathie. He said to get up to speed, approach the wall of the showroom and hit the brakes. Well, I did just that. When we safely came to a stop just inches from the wall I said “do you know what that smell is?” He said “I sure do. I’m sitting in it!”
I’m here all week folks. I updated our Apple stuff too.
Father Brown is a British program Dave. He is a pastor in rural England with a penchant for solving crimes. We too enjoy his antics. He’s been on since 2013. Yep, I reckon there’s a lot to figure out with the vehicle. Jeez, early aircraft didn’t have the many bells, whistles and gauges!
It’s a shame to hear that The Grille has slipped from being a nice gathering place for the community Pat. We are staying warm but did forgo The Navy Yard this morning in favour of staying warm. How long will Jimmy be off work?
With no NASCAR are you feeling any withdrawal symptoms Nancy? My F1 season ended this morning with their final race.

No Karen, we didn’t go to the park last evening. Staying warm seemed so much more appealing than freezing any given body parts! What kind of chocolate did you use? I’m thinking a nice balsamic would enhance the chocolate too!
I would ask that you keep my friend Gil in your thoughts. He went for a stress test and they sent him to hospital for at least a valve replacement. I think he’s jealous that I have such a neat cardiac scar. He’ll know more on Tuesday.
Have a great Sunday everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I laughed out loud reading what the salesman said about the STOPPING of THE CAR. Did that REALLY HAPPEN? Art said he would question that it happened!!

To all you Wrabbits: As cold as it was I made it to church. 26F. Brrr. We did good considering church wasn’t very well attended. We sold ALL but a few pieces of the pastries. So far we’re up to $800 and some bucks! Some members that were unable to be there are sending in checks as a donation. So the final amount should go up.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES BILL. Sounds like you had a good celebration.

It’s late and I’m off to bed right after the news.

BB: If it gets any colder in Kiss-my As——you’ll have to add SOCKS to those sandals. Ha ha.

Tomorrow ALL!