Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well dang those egg bites look good Kathie! Just like everything you make. It was cold here today too. Close to the temps you saw just across the river.
It did warm up enough to get the outdoor furniture off the patio, on to the back porch and covered up for winter. Because of the basement work I’m a tad behind on my seasonal chores.
I’ll mention the Starbucks Ginger Loaf again Pat. Just because. We don’t have Dunkin’ here and Timmies quality is not at all consistent. Join Starbucks free reward program. At the very least you get a freebie on your birthday. We’ll be looking for a turkey shortly. It’s our turn to host Christmas and this year we’ll be adding Peachy’s Mom and Dad too. For sure I’ll have to check the price of eggs here! I don’t think they’re nearly that pricey! I know what you mean about blinking and the day is gone.
Hopefully the dermo doc gives you a pass this time around Bill. How quickly Buffalo has slid down the AFC East standings.
Seems that not only do the days disappear Nancy, so do the months.
Did you get your weed work done Karen? I did look at mud and tape tutorials and I can assure you that’s not going to happen. My gosh, you need a ton of specialized “knives”, trowels, tape and so on. At least I had two guys talk to me today. They’re all busy trying to get jobs done for customers before Christmas. I never even thought of drywall and Christmas in the same sentence.
A bungalow is a single story home Dave. Likely one of those “regional” language differences. I think that the position of the home on the lot, the location main entry and so on differentiate a ranch from a bungalow.
Time to take the pups out for their after dinner “outsides”. They’re quick when the temps are hovering around the freezing mark.
See you tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Actually, I think just trying to explain making the Mini Bites makes it sound like a lot of work, but it really wasn't that bad.
The trick to making them Fluffy and a creamy texture inside is using a HIGH SPEED BLENDER to mix the Eggs, Cream and Cream Cheese, and I did add a teaspoon of that Gueye cheese in the liquid part to make sure it tasted cheesy. THE STEAM helps in making them fluff up. Just don't over cook them. They do get stiffer as they cool from the cream cheese.
Try it... they are good and last 5 days in the refrig wrapped in saran. Not sure if you can freeze them, but they won't last long enough for that here. Ha Ha.

They actually sell a silicone gizmo that you put inside a deep Pot w/a lid on it to get the STEAM. I'm just too cheap to order one when I can use mini jelly jars and put dish rags in the bottom of a deep pot and cook on the top of the stove and with a cover on the pot get enough steam on a low flame.
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Wacky Wabbit
Ooops... I took too long and it wouldn't let me add everything to my original post.

Lee: I think the drywall and mud/tape guys are busy trying to get recreation rooms and other rooms done for people who are having parties.
Lee: I know that even Art had somebody do the tape and drywall mudding in our basement. It's a job and a half. You have to do a LOT of REPEAT mudding and sanding to get it just right. And the corners have to have those metal strips on them. Etc, etc, etc. Just slow down. It's not like you don't have enough room upstairs for your Hosting of Christmas. Just take it one day at a time.

Lee: If you can get to your Costco perhaps they have the same DEAL on Butter Ball Turkey's @ $.99 cents a pound. Most were about 16-18 pounds that I saw today.

I'm with Dave on the Bungalow description. It's a smaller house and it has a peak at the top that usually can be made into a bedroom or a lovely storage area. Most people on the Eastside of town have a bathroom installed when they remodel their bungalows from the 1950's. Some even Square out the roof to make it have a higher ceiling. It's amazing what some of the younger generation kids do to those older homes on the East Side.

I took over a batch of the Mini Egg Bites to Jill and her gang tonight. I got to play with Manny. He's great at fetching the tennis ball and bringing it back. That dog seems to grow taller every time I see it. :emoticon 0100 smile:

The Arizona results are just too close and SCARY for me to watch. Hopefully, by tomorrow they'll have the results.



2nd Officer
Rise and shine Bunnies!

Way to go KC & K2, you've given me the hungries for those Egg Bites. They do look yummy. That quarter in the picture really shows how small they are.

Speaking of pictures, thanks K2 for sending me the pictures of your step from the garage to the house. It makes sense to me now.

And bless you KC for NOT turning on your Christmas lights till after Thanksgiving.

Bill; That sure is a lot of travel time bouncing from home to Florida twice.

So you say BB that there IS turkey jerky. It's funny that about anything you can think of can be found on Amazon.

I appreciate you explaining your definition of a bungalow, Lee. Here in Buckeyland, you live in a ranch. I was pleased to read that you backed off from doing the drywall mudding and taping yourself.

Since this is the first winter for Jack, when it's really cold outside he's learned to lay down in front of a furnace register when he comes in. He's only got a sweater while Fuzzbutt wears a fur coat.


Wacky Wabbit
Tuesday Morning Love GIF by Chippy the Dog
You'll all love this.......I have NOTHING for you right now. :emoticon 0100 smile:

Enjoy your day Wrabbits and bless you all for NOT turning on your Holiday Lights. Ours are up, but don't get put on until sometime in early December.

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Been up since 6 and feeling good. Have both the SUV and Chevy moved to road and moved some flower pots so am ready as I can be for the tree trimmers. They will be here between 10 and 10:30.

The last time we were at BJ's I bought a package of their brand tissues and have decided I don't like them at all. They are a two ply but they come apart when pulling out of the box. I will use them up but sure won't buy again.

Last night Jennifer called and while talking I told her I could not find the key for her house. Well I found it a bit ago so am fine.

While I am glad that I don't live up North with the temps you all are having I do wish the temps here would cool down.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Cold down by the river this morning.
Here we tend to think of a ranch style home running parallel to the street line and a bungalow at more of a 90 degree angle to the street Dave. Then there’s so many variations of each style. If you look at the Amazon logo you can see it’s designed to suggest “everything from A to Z”. Pretty clever I think.
Finishing the basement had nothing to do with room for Christmas Kathie. Lu-Ann and I decided that, with both of us exercising daily, we’d like our workout area to be brighter and cheerier. We really like the pre stuffed Butterballs. You just have to remember to account for the stuffing when selecting the overall weight.
It’s good to locate stuff like keys that you thought were misplaced Nancy!
Lu-Ann has a hair appointment today. I’m going to get our hotels booked for our trip. I hope!
Everyone take care, stay safe and put on those masks if you’re indoors. With Covid on the rise and so many kids being sick I think Ontario is about one sneeze away from mandating masks indoors again.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another rushing morning around here. I have an appointment with the cardiologist today. I only see him every 4 months, so it will be different from seeing all the other doctors I've had to deal with in recent months.
On Friday I go to the wound doctor for what will, hopefully, be the last time. Everything is finally all healed up. I already told Bert that to celebrate, we'll go to True Blue Winery afterwards for a late lunch.

Kathie - Your mini egg bites look really good. I too might have to give them a try. Unfortunately, no one here eats breakfast, so not sure they would get eaten. At the price of eggs, that would be a sin to have to throw away.

Lee - Good for you not to want to take on the mudding. That is one nasty job, if you don't know what you are doing. Bert has done it and everything has to be just right for it to stick and do what it is supposed to do.
What is with you all getting Butterball turkeys? We don't like them due to all the stuff they inject into them. I would never buy one. If we get one *free* from BJ's, we'll give it away. Publix has their house brand turkeys for 49 cents. Tried one once, but they're tough and had no taste.
By the way, our Starbuck is now officially open!

Dave - Poor little Jack getting to experience cold for the first time. Just wait until there's snow on the ground. He'll never move from in front of the furnace register until springtime!!

Nancy - We only buy Puffs Plus from BJ's. They're the best we've found and if you have a cold, you don't get to look Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. They've very soothing with lotion in them.

Karen - Nice to know you are still taking care of your neighbor's yards. Just hope you aren't overdoing it these days. Keep warm in the next few days when the temps are going to take a nosedive. It's going to be real chilly up your way.

Bill - It was great talking to Rita last night. Can't wait to see you before your cruise!

Time to run. After the doctor visit, it's time to hit Publix. Bert's not going to like this as I have a long list of stuff. LOL Have a great day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
BB: Just saw your post.
Do yourself a HUGE FAVOR and just have Bert go to your new Starbuck's and pay for a order of the Bacon/Cheese Mini Bites. (2 for $3.95) Try them first. If nobody eats breakfast and eggs are so expensive it would be a waste to buy that expensive cheese, eggs, cream and cream cheese and bacon and find out you don't really like them. Much better just to get your first taste from Starbucks. And like Lee mentioned download the Starbuck's App on your phone so you can get "reward points" that you can use for all the various drinks and bakery items once you accumulate enough points. They make some mighty tasty "Refresher drinks" that don't have coffee in them. I love the Dragon Fruit-Mango made with lemonade.

It's 37F here and cloudy. I just downloaded the Kitchen TV manual that I couldn't find. I need to go to Comast office and see if they can send somebody out to the house to shorten all the cable wires attached to this 14" flat screen TV. I love this little TV from back in 2002. I just want all the cables shortened so they're not seen as much. FAT CHANCE THAT WILL HAPPEN. Ha Ha.

Later gang. STAY WARM if you live above the Kentucky border and try and get cool if you live in Florida. Ha Ha.

BB: Hope the Dr's appt works out good for you.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the tree trimmers were here for 3 hours, both oaks trimmed very good and no more coconuts.

Pat, I usually buy regular Puffs, as I will use them to wipe glasses. And our BJ's has not had either Puffs the last two times we have been.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Big day for us, here. With love and excitement in the air. I'm taking Kathi out on a date. To a show? To a play? To a fancy restaurant?

Heck NO, not romantic enough.

I'm taking her to a newly built, giant grocery store about 6 miles away. By noon, she'll be putty in my hands. (Are you taking notes guys? I'm available for any other love advice you may need.)

It's kind of interesting where it was built. On a portion of a big old fancy golf course that's been here long before I was born.

Any golf course owner will tell you that running a golf course is tough, and they are not a good way to get rich. So the owner of this one decided to cut it up into blocks and sell the blocks separately. Some will be for new housing allotments, others for businesses, and some were purchased by the county for a large park.

It's all normal change with the passing of time. But I sure miss these wide open places of manicured lawn and greens.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy You Can Do It GIF by Hello All
Yup.... it's Hump Day (Wednesday)

Karen: I hope you "Remember" how to get to the Memory screening appt. :emoticon 0100 smile: I give you tons of credit for doing this test. I just don't think I'd pass it. I can't remember what I ate last night and can never remember people's names. Let us know how it went!

DAVE: How fun.... a Grocery Store Date! I hope Kathi enjoys her special outing! :emoticon 0140 rofl: What is the NAME of this big new grocery store?
Our new Meijer's, that had tons of controversy when it was presented to the Township, is almost ready to open. They must have 150 workers cars and trucks in the parking lot every day. Busy little Bee's working on getting this store open before the end of the year. The TRAFFIC and ACCIDENTS will begin as soon as it opens. We can barely get out of our subdivision NOW.... yet alone when this store opens. We have to drive thru 2 subs that attach to ours to get to a TRAFFIC LIGHT to use to get out onto the street. Or you have to TURN RIGHT and go up a few blocks and then TURN LEFT into a street to TURN AROUND and wait to get out by TURNING RIGHT AGAIN. I think you get the picture. A pain in the butt.

It snowed here last night enough to have it STICK to the grass. Suppose to RAIN later today, so that snow will be gone. Way too early for SNOW.

I went to our local Comast/Xfinity store and got SHORTER cables for the kitchen TV. Art is going to remove the old ones and attach the new shorter ones. I am not giving up my 10" Sharp TV that works just fine for me. Everything I've looked at is huge and basically a "monitor type TV" that you have to use 2 remote controls to get it to work. Just too much TECH stuff for me. I just hope these new cables will tuck behind this little TV and not look as bad as the LONG ones that are there now. I could have had all the cables put into one of the cabinets when we were remodeling, but I didn't want a HOLE in the Quartz counter.

Art and I had some of the Starbuck's knock-off Mini Bites for breakfast this morning. Yup, they were good warmed up in the microwave. Might have to make another batch of those soon.

Nancy: I was told years ago by an Optical shoppe employee that using Kleenex or tissues on glasses is not good. It has tiny fibers that can and will SCRATCH the lenses or any coating you might have on the glass. They say to just use those nice smooth squares they give you when you get new glasses. Not even supposed to use those new Micro-cloths because they can scratch the glass too. But how many of us ever listen to what we're told. :cool:

You all have a good day and come by and let us know how it went! Be safe and I hope everyone that wants to got their Flu Shots. Seems like here in our area the hospitals are reporting lots of FLU cases showing up in the ER.:oops:


2nd Officer
Good morning. Have an appt at the hearing place to make sure the aids are working correctly. I am going to ask if the top volume can be set higher than it is because of having to turn the sound up so high on some tv shows. Then I plan on going to Stuart to a special shoe store to see if they have any good, for me, sandals as the ones I have are not that good anymore.

Time to get ready for the day.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! I'm happy to report that we didn't get any snow overnight. Just had some fog that the sun has already burned off.

Karen - Good luck today at that memory center. You definitely need to tell us how you made out. Is this a one shot deal or will you have to keep going back?

Dave - Oooo ... a new grocery store! How exciting. I'm sure both you and Kathi will enjoy checking it out and seeing what different stuff they carry. We had to stop at Sam's yesterday. Bert tried to get me one of the scooters they have, but the only one available had a dead battery, so he got the wheelchair. I tell you what, with him pushing that store was just a blur. He went only to the things we needed and raced to the checkout counter. I caught sight of a couple of things I wanted to look at, but Bert couldn't hear me when I told him to stop. Or so he claims. I already told him that I want to go back gain real soon. They had beautiful LIVE table top Christmas trees which I would like for out on the lanai. I hope they still have them when I get back there again.

Nancy - I agree with Kathie about only using the little cloth that comes with new glasses to clean them. That's all I use, even for my sunglasses and they get no scratches. Bert needs to go back to the hearing aid place one of these days. Either he has a lot of wax in his ears again or the hearing aids need an adjustment. He can't hear squat these days and instead he's reading lips.-

Kathie - Who knows when we'll ever get to Starbucks. I hinted about going there, but once again, Bert claims he didn't hear me. Are you seeing a pattern here?
Good for you to want to make another batch of those mini egg things, if you both like them so much. Seeing as how Bert was up early this morning, I wanted to make bacon, egg and cheese English muffins, but Bert never took any bacon out of the freezer to defrost. Instead we just had English muffins.

Lee - Did you get any of that snow Kathie was talking about? Now that it's gotten so cool, are your fur-babies wearing their coats already?

My visit with the cardiologist went very well. He was very pleased with how I'm doing and I don't have to see him again until some time in March. He's really something else. He knows we like to cruise, so he had to ask if we've been on any cruises recently. Unfortunately, I had to tell him no. He also told us that he took his kids on a Disney cruise and now they ask every week to go back. Ya gotta love little kids!

M&J and company are coming for dinner tonight. I'm making tacos, which are so easy to prep ahead of time. Less work for the mother. That's my motto when possible!

Time to make a list of the last things I am going to need for dinner next week. I'm doing something different this year. I hate jellied cranberry sauce that Bert likes. Instead this year I'm making a cranberry salad with fresh cranberries, orange juice, celery and chopped pears. Who knows, I might even like it!!

Have a wonderful hump day, gang!


Chief Security Officer
Not like cranberry sauce, BB - blasphemy in this neck of the woods where cranberry bogs are only a few miles away. But then again, I am definitely in the majority here in my negative opinion of Starbucks which I find bitter and ridiculously pretentious with its special language instead of simple, descriptive words like "large" and inflated titles like "barista". Give me Dunkin, or Honeydew, or Tim Horton's or even Krispy Kreme anyday. Heck, I even prefer the coffee that my Keurig delivers.
No luck getting a pass at the dermatologists the other day, Lee, but the good word is that there were no questionable spots that required a biopsy and I am free for another six months.
The other day I saw a photo of a snow-covered car in Traverse City and last night parts of Massachusetts (not here luckily) got their first snowfall. We escaped with cold rain. When I left the house around 10 am yesterday to take the Prius for its maintenance, the temperature was 37 degrees and the rest of this week at least will have similar or even lower temperatures.
After two mornings of relatively early rising in order to make appointments, today seems to be a good day to hunker down inside and relax.
Well into the new John Sandford book- a much faster read than the Bachman book I just finished. Both are very good. Will have to check out the David Balfour book soon although I have been a bit disappointed in some of his last offerings.


Wacky Wabbit
Best time of the season to buy Fresh Cranberries and freeze them when you can’t them in the stores. They are so seasonal. I imagine the bulk of cranberries get sold to canning companies to put on shelves in stores.

I’m making mini 4” round Pizzelles for our choir’s Pre Thanksgiving Bake Sale.
I’m actually doing the 2nd batch of these thi gs SITTING DOWN at the Kitchen table! Easier on the knee caps!

New TV cables are switched out and it looks much better than it did. And the TV actually still works! Art did a good job!

BB: I think you need to get Missy to take you to Sam’s Club one day. Bribe her by telling her you’ll buy her lunch! If Sam’s is like Costco they might have those huge Beef Hot Dogs w/ a large soda for $1.50.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well the hearing aids are good to go. Have a new app on them, tv, so I can set the tv to a decent level and turn the aids up, Bruce will be happy. Also got new tips, as I have been having such a problem getting them in the canal, these new tips are much easier to get in, the size is XS.

Went to the shoe store in Stuart and found a pair of sandals I like, but they have to order them as they did not have my size in. Hopefully they will fit good when they are in.

Anymore I don't use any tissues to clean the glasses except in rare times.