Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good to knw that us Floridians made it through Nicole. Now it's time to get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Who's ready to put up their Christmas tree?

Good night for now. Time to watch some TV. See ya in the morning.


2nd Officer
Happy Veterans Day! I give a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to all the men and women who have served in the armed forces. Past and present. So few of the population serves, but is asked to protect all of our freedoms.

Geesh, some nasty videos of damage done by Nicole in parts of Florida.

Imagine KC how freaked out the kitty's would have been if you lived right by the ocean.

I agree with the others Lee, you NEED to take a day or two completely off. It seems your body is calling you to take a break. Pick it up!

K2; Your weather is pretty similar to ours. One Cleveland weatherman sure was a Debbie-Downer yesterday. He said that yesterday's temperature in the 70's was probably going to be the last 70's we'll see this year.

Hey Bill, I gladly pay the "millionaires tax", just to be in that tax bracket. Oh yea, Kathi too reads Janette Evonovitch books.

Brilliant, BB. Bert is brilliant in using a painted bowling ball as your gazing-ball. Can't break that one with a baseball bat.

Explain to my weak mind Nancy why you gave K2 the definition of "savanna". I looked back over her posts and keep missing a connection.

Nicole sure has been moving fast toward the north. Heck it'll be raining here all day. But it'll all have passed through by Saturday. I'm not going out of the house today.


Wacky Wabbit
American Flag Pride GIF by enCOMPASS
We owe our Veterans a big Thank You for all they did to keep America SAFE!

Dave: I had asked Nancy what a Savanah was when she said it was between her area and the coast when she mentioned how far from the coast she lived.

BB: Good to know you and the rest of the gang made it through Nicole’s hurricane. Amazing how much shore damage happened in Florida’s East Coast. 5 dead and houses falling into the ocean.
How was the Beef Stew?

Negc: It would be a sad phone call to get telling you your Winter retreat is too damaged to live in. Glad the place you and Rita rented is okay.

Karen: How are you and the Kitties doing today? Did you get much wind over your way? I’m watching the cable Weather station Live right now it’s unreal how much damage the surf did to the coast line and beaches. Houses falling into the water and high rises being evacuated because they may collapse. Crazy LATE hurricane. Take care.

Hair cut day for me. Need to get ready to head over to the East side!

Lee: Listen to your body telling you to SLOW DOWN AND REST! Since you don’t have a mud/tape person yet you can afford a few days off to rest.

Dave: Your weather person is correct in saying we WILL NOT see 70 degrees again this year. Bummer. The overnight LOWS this weekend will be around 29 F. Brrrrr.
I actually had shorts on yesterday when I was raking and blowing leaves around here. NOT TODAY.


2nd Officer
Happy Veterans Day! I give a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to all the men and women who have served in the armed forces. Past and present. So few of the population serves, but is asked to protect all of our freedoms.

Geesh, some nasty videos of damage done by Nicole in parts of Florida.

Imagine KC how freaked out the kitty's would have been if you lived right by the ocean.

I agree with the others Lee, you NEED to take a day or two completely off. It seems your body is calling you to take a break. Pick it up!

K2; Your weather is pretty similar to ours. One Cleveland weatherman sure was a Debbie-Downer yesterday. He said that yesterday's temperature in the 70's was probably going to be the last 70's we'll see this year.

Hey Bill, I gladly pay the "millionaires tax", just to be in that tax bracket. Oh yea, Kathi too reads Janette Evonovitch books.

Brilliant, BB. Bert is brilliant in using a painted bowling ball as your gazing-ball. Can't break that one with a baseball bat.

Explain to my weak mind Nancy why you gave K2 the definition of "savanna". I looked back over her posts and keep missing a connection.

Nicole sure has been moving fast toward the north. Heck it'll be raining here all day. But it'll all have passed through by Saturday. I'm not going out of the house today.
because she posted this "Nancy: Tell this Northern just what is a Savannah that you mentioned."


2nd Officer
Good morning. I just talked with Bruce's Dr for his neck and they did not get my message last week so today they will send in a ne Rx for him.

I wrapped the nuts, seeds and granola that I ordered for Bruce for Christmas and the band for the Fit Bit I ordered him, that will come in tomorrow. Then there are 3 more things to come in.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY! I too am adding my thanks to all those who have served or are presently serving. All the men in our family served, except for Brian (the republican), so I am very proud of them all.

Can't spend too much time on here right now. G&E are getting ready to head in our direction for the day. That means work for me! Planning to fix a charcuterie board, but not sure what else I'll make. Maybe tacos.

Bill - You asked about the new Janet Evanovich book. I haven't gotten that far into it yet, but the usual characters are there and it should get interesting.

Kathie - Nice haircut! The damage from Nicole on the coast is really heartbreaking. Ian took away most of the sand dunes in front of those high risers and homes. Nicole just finished off the job.

Dave - Sorry you're just about out of 70s days for this year. Now you have something to look forward to next year.

We finally got that closet organized again. Bert put everything where HE thinks it should go. I know darn well, I'll be changing some of it around very soon. At least that job is done. Now I'm ready to start getting out the Christmas stuff. I can't believe how many people already have their Christmas trees up. It's going to be a long holiday season this year!!

Time to run. Have a wonderful day!


Chief Security Officer
Thanks today and every day for your service to all the veterans out there
Speaking of reading, BB, I am having a hard time getting through the new Frederik Bachman book and I'm not sure why. Perhaps it is because there are so many characters and story lines that all intertwine. I enjoy his writing style and especially some of his insights into the human condition. I'm finally about 80%through the book, Beartown, so I hope to finish up by this weekend and get on to a couple of other books I have on my Kindle.
Not hearing positive news about Josh Allen's injury, Lee. Hope it doesn't impact the team's results this week as they seek to recover from last Sunday's loss. Want him well when they meet up with the Pats in a few weeks.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Memorial Day Thank You GIF by Vinnie Camilleri

I too would like to add my thanks to all those who served and continue to serve our countries.
Today is Remembrance Day in Canada. Every cenotaph across the nation holds a service at 11:00 am. I haven’t seen as many poppy’s being worn this year. It is such a simple way to honour our veterans.
I‘m happy to hear that our Belles all seem to have made it through Nicole relatively unscathed. Still need to hear from Karen.
Thank you all for your concern over my doing too much. I do have to learn to pace myself but with the basement, music, exercise and life in general sometimes I feel like I’m in a rat race and all I see are the rat butts in front of me. :eek:
No Bill, it’s not looking good for Josh but maybe taking this week off vs The Vikings isn’t such a bad thing.
No wonder I think the the world of Bert Pat. We think alike in so many ways. A place for everything and everything in its place.
It was a dull and rainy day here to Kathie. That on the heels of shorts and golf shirts for one last time yesterday.
Dave, you didn’t let us know how Kathi is doing today. That young lady needs to take it easy for a bit too! You guys need to hire a dog walker for a few days.
Effective immediately Nancy there will be no more wrapping of Christmas presents before Thanksgiving.
Well now, Katie and Ava are ringing their dinner bell so we best tend to them.
Have a good one my friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Extending you and yours a Happy REMEMBERANCE DAY in Canada.
There were a lot of FREE perks for Veterans at various coffee shops and donut places today.

Not sure if anyone in this group is interested, but Michigan State Univ is on a Navy aircraft carrier Ship docked in California playing a basketball game against Gonzaga. GO GREEN. The Ship is HUGE. IT's on TV. Channel 13 here in our area.

That's it folks. Enjoy your evening and sleep well.

Winnie The Pooh Night GIF


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Enjoyed our visit with G&E. After they left, we decided to go to the Grille for dinner. It was very good, but we didn't know anyone else there tonight. Went at 6:00 and were back home by 7:15. They had entertainment tonight, but Bert isn't a big fan, so we left right after finishing dinner. I came home and wrote a negative review for the Grille for not having any kind of special for veterans. I'm sure I'm going to hear about that, but to me that was just wrong. There were specials for veterans all over the place and when I asked at the Grille, our server checked and said there was no special for vets.

Time now to turn off the computer and watch some Friday night TV on CBS. See ya all tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning Wabbits!

Weather-wise around here; Good news, it quit raining around 9 last night. The bad news is that it'll only be in the mid to upper 30's today and tomorrow.

Thank you Lee for joining in during yesterday's vocabulary class. You made me look up "cenotaph" to see what the heck it is. And Kathi is feeling a bit better with every passing day. That gal still needs to perfect her landings on her short "flights".

No Christmas tree or trees up here BB.

There's no such thing as a small aircraft carrier, K2. Even if it was designed mostly for helicopters.

Only things on my to-do list today is picking up a prescription at Walley World. And then head to the nearby Lowe's to get a grab-bar. This I'll mount vertically on the right side of the door going into the house from the garage. It's only 3 steps, but it will be nice to hold onto something.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Woke to a thick fog this morning, we normally don't get very thick fog but this is thick.

No plans for me today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy Saturday, everyone! It's an absolutely beautiful day here. We'll have to find some reason to get outside for a while to enjoy it.

While G&E were here yesterday, Gary decided that they, and their sons, are coming HERE the day after Thanksgiving to finish off leftovers. There is no way what we have leftover would be enough to feed them, especially the boys. I need to send Bert to Walley World to buy a canned ham. I'll Virginia it with cloves, pineapple and a mustard sauced bake. Hopefully, a 5 pounder will be enough, but Bert will get a second one, just in case. Then between turkey leftovers and ham leftovers, I shouldn't have to cook again for the better part of a week!!

Dave - Smart thinking getting a grab bar. Steps can be so dangerous. That's why I'm so glad we live in a one story house with just a small step from the outside into the house. I cannot do any steps any longer. Found that out a few years ago getting on a shuttle bus where I fell twice on the 3 steps! No more steps for us.

Bill - Glad there was no damage to the house you are renting for the winter. Nicole came in right by Vero Beach, so the owner was very lucky to not have any damage. Sad to hear that the ones you stayed at in Ft. Myers did sustain damage, especially the tree on the car & golf cart. That's going to get expensive to fix.

Nancy - No fog here. Did you hear the sonic boom this morning? I understand it was some super secret rocket (?) returning to earth after 2 years. I heard it while I was still in bed and thought someone had banged something outside. It was very loud here.

Lee - A belated Happy Remembrance Day to you and Lu-Ann. I don't think they do the poppies any longer. Weren't they sold for Memorial Day. At least here they were, but you don't see them being sold on street corners any longer. Years ago, everyone would have one hanging from the car's rearview mirror. Another custom gone.

Kathie - Glad there were lots of free perks for vets in your area. When I commented on Nextdoor about the Grille doing nothing for vets, I had people ready to bite my head off! I swear they were all people who never had anyone in the military. One person even claimed that everything had gotten too expensive and that restaurants couldn't afford to give anything away. I guess they didn't see the long list of places that were doing something for veterans.

Bill - How's the weather up by you? Has Nicole come to visit yet?

Our TV news programs are still showing the dozens of places on the ocean that are no longer safe to enter or have already collapsed. So sad to see and each picture seems to be even worse.

Not a lot on tap for today. We still have the stew from Missy, so that will get consumed today along with the leftover ribs I made the other day. Not having to cook will leave lots of time to watch the Gator game this afternoon!

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper which is so depressing. Aside from hurricane damage, I am so sick of seeing DeathSantis' grinning face all over the place! He makes me sick!!

Have a fantastic Saturday, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Saturday morning Wrabbits. 39F degrees here in PURE COLD MICHIGAN!

Gonzaga WON the Aircraft basketball game. But I'm sure just being able to play a BB-game on an Aircraft Carrier was an enough of a win for MSU players. Something they'll remember forever.

BB: YIKES.......that's a huge amount of cooking you have to do for Thanksgiving and the day after. Such a shame G&E just couldn't come by on Thanksgiving and save you a lot of work.

But we all know that if anybody can pull it off YOU & BERT can!

Dave: Good idea for that GRAB BAR. Especially when Winter comes and there might be a little drifting snow or ice on the steps. Just make sure to buy a LOT of salt or that white bead stuff to put on those steps. You guys don't need anymore FALLS.

Karen: Any word on Barb finding another vehicle yet? I hope she gets a decent payoff from the insurance company. I know it all takes time to get settled. All the best to her.
Hope the Kitties are nice and calm now that the winds and "Nicole" have passed.

We did not get any rain here yesterday or last night like was predicted. Would have been nice to help get the last of the leaves down off the trees.

I'm off to
vacuum carpets and then wait awhile and DUST. Hate doing either of those jobs, but Art is going to be watching a football game and he's the one that usually does the vacuuming. Can't wait for him this time.

Negc: Can you do me a favor and hit the "BOLD" button to make the words DARKER. These old eyes have a hard time reading your LIGHT print! :cool: :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Enjoy your day. Lee.... hope you're taking a weekend off.


2nd Officer
BB, no sonic boom here this morning, must have come in close to you and from the west.

Took the shutters off the front windows this morning. Bruce said if we get another hurricane it is all on me, that is okay.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! I thought for sure I had posted yesterday, but since I don't see it & it's not still in the reply box, I guess I didn't!

Pat, your family sure knows how to keep you in the kitchen! I think I would have told G&E that any leftovers from Thanksgiving were going to be consumed by you & Bert, with their crew of teenager's they had to know you'd be making a full new meal.

Dave, Not sure how much you shop Home Depot, but I just found out this morning that the stores in the Midwest give an 11% rebate on all in store purchases, you go online & fill out the form & they will either send you a plastic gift card or an e-gift card.

Kathie, Michigan Home Depot stores also do this rebate. And just why didn't Mr Art run the vacuum BEFORE he watches football? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Barb is taking her time looking for another car, she'd like to find one she can pay cash for or have a very small loan. Problem is she wants a car as nice as the one she had & those are not cheap, so for now she's still looking.

Lee, I can relate to your Rat Race comment, only my thoughts are, I'm in a rat race & the rat's are winning. Made it thru the storm with no problems, never lost power thankfully, just a lot of rain & wind

Nancy, it was quite foggy here this morning when I got up, when I left to go to town it was bright & sunny, but the farther west towards town I went, the foggier it got. All bright & sunny again now though

Bill, that is good news to hear your rental is still ok & available, hopefully this will be the last hurricane for Florida this year.

Not a lot going on this weekend. I had to go to Barb's this morning to pick up a harness she had bought Hansel for Christmas, it wasn't going to fit so I sent it back to Amazon for her. Then I wanted to get to Walmart for groceries before it got crazy busy, I picked up groceries for the next couple weeks, plus the things I needed for Thanksgiving. Wendy is having Thanksgiving again this year so we will be going out there. I'm doing the green bean casserole.
I may start wrapping some of the stocking stuffers I've bought, but it just feels to early for that, so I'll probably wait. Now I'm off to find some lunch, have a great day all!


Chief Security Officer
Hope this is dark enough for you K2.
Nicole was pretty much a no show here, thank goodness. We did get some rain overnight but little or no wind and today is warm and sunny but with a lot of white clouds in a very blue sky. I think the storm was well to the west of this part of the state so upper state NY and VT may have seen more effects.
Kevin, Jamie, and Taylor stopped by last night and we made
preliminary arrangements for the trip to Florida after Christmas. Kevin and either Taylor or Brandon will drive the RAV 4 to Florida while we fly down a few days later and meet them there. No way would I want to attempt the drive ourselves.
A breakfast bash at the Club house tomorrow morning so we will have to be up a bit earlier than we have been over the past couple of days. Then on Monday I have an appointment with the dermatologist. Have been pretty good about avoiding the sun the past few months (not that difficult considering how much rainy weather we have had) so maybe he won't need to zap me too many times.
Finally finished the Bachman book and just starting the Sandford one but this looks likely to go much more quickly.


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks Thank You GIF by 大姚Dayao
THANK YOU BILL for the darker print! I really appreciate it. Nice to read that you're getting everything lined up for your Florida vacation. I think you have a really good plan and a FANTASTIC FAMILY helping you out. Enjoy the brunch. Art went to the Dermo Dr last week to have him check the spot that got DUG OUT. It's amazing how well that healed on the top of his head. You can barely see it. BUT THEN.... the Assistant Nurse

Practitioner came in with the liquid nitrogen can and ZAPPED him all over his head and ears. He looks like a Patchwork Quilt! Art should be good until his Spring visit. :emoticon 0104 surprised:

So, I was in the bedroom changing the sheets, etc and I looked out the window and we have SLEET going on over here. It's 42degrees and Mother Nature decided to do a Pre-Winter MIX of rain and snow. It's not sticking on the ground.
Sure glad our lawn-man got here earlier and cut the grass in the lawnmower catcher. Got up all the leaves I didn't get to on the lower half of the yard. that saved a LOT of WORK.

He was supposed to have had his knee done on Monday and was at the hospital on time, etc, etc and the surgery got delayed and then they came into his cubicle and told him something was wrong with the paperwork to the INSURANCE company. :eek: :supris: So, his surgery is now postponed until the 1st week of December. He actually thought he'd be done with his grass cutting for all his clients because of the surgery, but now has a few more weeks to do it. Needless to say he was really TICKED OFF about how somebody dropped the ball and didn't notice it until right before his surgery hour. CRAZY.

Karen posted: Kathie, Michigan Home Depot stores also do this rebate. And just why didn't Mr Art run the vacuum BEFORE he watches football?
Mr Art......was busy biking! Ha ha. And if I had to wait until he got home it would slow down my entire planned cleaning day. It wasn't too bad doing the vacuuming. I got a lot done in this place today. I still need to wash the kitchen floor, but that's not happening today. I know when my KNEE tells me ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Karen: Thanks for the heads up on Home Depot discount. We get 10% at Home Depot and Lowes with Art's Military discount right now. But 11% is better! I wonder if they are trying to compete with Menards??

Out of here to throw the bedding in the washer.

And I think it will be a eat out at our favorite Greek restaurant tonight. My treat to MYSELF..... Oh wait.... I'll take Art along too. Ha Ha.