Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good Monday morning Wrabbits! Going to be a nice day here in my area! Sun is shining and that makes a big difference!

Dave: I think that Mr Manny will be coming over for Christmas Day. Still to little to leave at home for a long time without potty breaks. Just not fair to do that to him!

Somebody asked if my daughters yard was fenced and it is not.

Hood to hall have a fantastic day. I have to work on paying bills!

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Good morning from Belleview! Not a lot going on around here today, going to Jane's in a little while to pack up the yard sale stuff & hopefully get to the thrift store in time to drop stuff off.
Looks like we are going to be having another unwelcome visitor later this week by the name of Nicole. From what I'm reading so far they expect her to mainly bring us a lot of rain. Will keep watch & decide later if I want to drag everything back on the porch again.

Have a great day all!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Got a good nights sleep last night. I will b e going in a bit to see about getting a haircut, it has been 2 months so it needs it. Also will take the bags to the Salvation Army.

Tonight I will fix scalloped potatoes with ham, we do like it a lot.

Karen it sure surprised us yesterday morning when they said we would maybe get a hurricane this week and today it is named so we will at least get a lot of rain.

The other day I ordered some food things for Bruce for Christmas and because of the total dollar amount am getting a pecan pie so that will be going to Jennifer's for Thanksgiving and I will make a pumpkin pie to take too.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Anybody else getting a HUGE AD's in between POSTS. Time to ask the "Monitors" to cut back on some of the HUGE AD's.

I posted this earlier and I see it said something totally different. Hate when that happens.

Hood to hall have a fantastic day. I have to work on paying bills!

Should say: You ALL HAVE fantastic day. :emoticon 0104 surprised:

Hope that NICOLE doesn't dump too much rain on you Southern Belles!

Got the bills paid on this computer and just thought I'd stop by and check you Wrabbits out.

I saw a sale on "Pencil-Skinny" Artificial Christmas trees and might go pick one up before the sale stops. I just don't feel like doing the BIG 7.5' tree anymore. A nice skinny easy going tree would be fine with me. I sold 34 - Pewter Kitchen cabinet knobs yesterday evening and also sold the 8 x 10 oriental type wool rug last week and the money is burning a hole in my pocket as the saying goes! Ha Ha.
A Dentist came by yesterday after we got home and picked up the KNOBS. Nice to know that there is a wise and thrifty dentist around.

Lee: You busy working in that basement today???

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! It's another PURE FLORIDA day here today, but as Karen said, we're going to be getting an unwanted visitor by the name of Nicole starting late tomorrow and through Friday. Not going to be doing very much outside with that much rain coming.

Dave - I kind of feel the vodka soaked blackberries do taste like moonshine. Didn't have any for breakfast today. Instead with our western omelet we had pomegranates and they weren't soaked in vodka. LOL

Kathie - I know a number of people who have those skinny Christmas trees. That wouldn't work for us, as the tree goes in front to the 3 windows overlooking the lake. We need to have that 7 1/2 foot tree to fill that area. I do have a 5 foot tree also that is my Gator tree that has orange & blue lights with all Gator ornaments. I haven't put it up for a few years and, depending on my mood and energy, I may put it up this year.
Good for you getting rid of those kitchen cabinet knobs and the run. Now go get that tree. I am not getting any ads on here. I really should keep my mouth shut before I start getting them.

Karen - We can just hope Nicole doesn't turn into a major storm. We still have some areas where flooding has not gone away completely from Ian. Just what those people need is another rain maker. I'm hoping Bert won't have to clear off the lanai again this year. Speaking of rain, it's raining here right now. This is supposed to be our mostly sunny day! Bummer!!

Nancy - Enjoy your haircut. There's just something about a fresh haircut that makes us feel good. What kind of food things did you order for Bruce? I'm always trying to come up with something new for Bert and after all these years, that's getting harder and herder to do.

Lee - You sure were a man of few words this morning!

Bill - Did you see where "Saint Tom" set an all time passing record yesterday?

Not a lot planned for today, except to go get my lottery tickets for tonight. I just hope the line at Publix isn't too long. We decided to make some more steaks tonight to go along with the leftover peppers, onions & mushrooms and extra baked potatoes from the other night. That means less work for me, as Bert grills the steaks.

By the way, the book I picked up at the library yesterday is definitely going to give me something to do with the time between it getting dark and anything we want to watch on TV at night. So far, the story is good.

Have a wonderful day, gang, and be good!;)


Chief Security Officer
Wish someone would finally hit the Powerball number so we could all go back to deciding that a few hundred thousand $ wasn't worth purchasing a ticket for.
It isn't bad enough KC, that the networks are already airing reruns this early in the season, but yesterday I noticed that TBS or TNT was showing "A Christmas Story", "Elf", and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation". Bad enough that the stores are already full of Christmas decorations, but even the tv networks are rushing the season.
Feeling better but not 100% just yet. Overall I'd say we had a mild case of the flu.
Lee, I feel that I have to apologize on behalf of my Patriots for the way that the J E T S, Jets,Jets, Jets treated your Bills yesterday. If the Pats had treated Wilson and his teammates a bit better last week and hadn't intercepted him so many times, perhaps he wouldn't have felt the need to take out his anger and embarrassment by treating Josh Allen and the Bills so disrespectfully. Well, while the Bills seek to recover from Sunday's loss, the Pats can rest up and recuperate during their next week's bye week.


2nd Officer
Pat, I got him assorted roasted seeds, some nuts, granola and muesli. Also some chocolate covered pretzels. He has all the tools he needs, has more than enough clothes. He is definitely hard to buy for.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Popping by quick to say "The Soup IS On". Everything is tidied up and ready for 13 folks to descend upon our humble abode for a fine selection of home made soups and stuff. I made roasted red pepper and heirloom tomato soup. We have Potato Leek, Chicken Noodle, Beef Barley and Lord knows what else coming. I bet I'm not hungry later.
Pat, I was. ;) Now, if you do have to wait for a ticket BUT it comes with a large payout then it's well worth the time. Tell Nicole to go away.
You too Karen. Simply tell Nicole she's not welcome. Did you get to the thrift store today?
Good to hear that you're feeling better Bill. Josh has to stop thinking that he can do it all. He can't. There's 10 other guys on the field too.
We have a skinny tree Kathie. We quite like it because we have a good place to put it. We did have a HUGE big tree that filled our bay window in Ayr. Even though the window didn't look out on any kind of bay. Sometimes when spell check kicks in it reminds me of Ruttie.
Good to know that you had a good nights rest Nancy. I'm trying to figure out how the guy with 40 points, Logano is the champion when other drivers had more points. And you said Formula 1 is hard to follow! AND, if you'd stop breaking scalloped potatoes you wouldn't have to fix them.
Any word on what the doc has suggested for Kathi Dave? Now who gets to walk Jack? You have a treadmill...maybe he needs to be taught to walk along on that.
Never Ending Running GIF

Best be off. We want to feed the pups early tonight. Hopefully we don't get another unplanned power failure.
Good luck to everyone with a ticket for tonight. And if you haven't voted in the advance polls, don't forget to vote.
See you in the morning!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Nighty night, fellow wabbits. See you all in the morning. Last night to have to listen to all these political ads., thank goodness/

Nicole looks like she's going to mess us up for the next couple of days. UGH!!!

See you all tomorrow! Sleep well, wabbits!


2nd Officer
Checking in from Belleview. Made it to Jane's & got the yard sale stuff all loaded up & back to my place. Sorted thru everything & have 2 tote bags of stuff to donate. By the time I got everything sorted I was to tired to go out again. Will drop them off later this week. Tomorrow I'm making a trial run to a research center in the Villages, it's the one that sponsors the free movies we go to. Next Wed. at 9 in the morning I have an appt. for a memory screening. I want to make sure I know where I am going ahead of time.
Lee, your soups sound delicious!
Night all!


Wacky Wabbit
breaking news trinity GIF

Powerball announced Monday night that the drawing "has been delayed due to a participating lottery needing extra time to complete the required security protocols."
"Powerball has strict security requirements that must be met by all 48 lotteries before a drawing can occur. When the required security protocols are complete, the drawing will be performed under the supervision of lottery security officials and independent auditors," a statement said.

There was no time frame given for the drawing.
No one has won the jackpot since Aug. 3.

A winner who chooses an annuity, paid annually over 29 years, would get the estimated $1.9 billion payout. Nearly all winners instead opt for cash, which for Monday's drawing would be $929.1 million.
The odds of winning a Powerball jackpot is 1 in 292.2 million.

I hope NOBODY WINS! I FORGOT to buy my 1 ticket! Ha Ha.

Karen Posted: I have an appt. for a memory screening. I want to make sure I know where I am going ahead of time.

Well, that should help you pass the Memory Test doing that test run.

Can't seem to get rid of the QUOTE Box. Ooops. :eek: :eek:

Lee: So how much SOUP did you folks have leftover and what happens to it all?

DAVE: We have a gal in one of the Serbian church communities in Chicago that tripped over a one of those GRATES that cover a steam release opening in the sidewalk. There was a rusty old bolt stick up and her shoe got caught by it and she ended up in the hospital with a fractured kneecap and broken wrist, etc. Anyways, because of your Kathi I asked her what they were doing for her knee and she said they're putting some sort of CAST on it. She said her knee doesn't hurt half as bad as her wrist and shoulder. She had a picture of the grate and it was a nasty rusty piece of metal sticking up from it. She said she never has sued anybody, but is really thinking about Sueing for all the pain she is in.
How is your Kathi doing today? (Tuesday)

Bill: The Detroit Lions really put it to that Aaron guy. He looked a tad frustrated at his teams loss on Sunday. I can't stand that guy.

Lee: I remember you saying you guys got a Pencil Christmas Tree. Well, after I was in the store and looked at all the trees they had on display I went for the SLIGHTLY (fatter) tree that was called a "SLIM
". It's not much wider than the Pencil, but it does tapper a very slight bit from the top to the bottom. I liked the fact that it was FLOCKED. Decades ago, in our old house, we had a REAL TREE that was sprayed with the white flock stuff. It was a beautiful real tree. Haven't had one since then. Art liked my choice. (like it really made a difference) Ha Ha.

Nancy: Nice assortment you picked out for Bruce. I find it harder and harder to think of something new and different to buy Art at Christmas.

Negc: Good to know you and Rita are getting better from that Flu. Keep drinking lots of water. You know it's a cure all for lots of things. Seems like the hospitals around our area are full of Children with that RS flu. They have posted that NO CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED to come into any of the hospitals to visit family members to help avoid them getting any Flu germ. It's quite a serious issue for the kids getting sick.

BB: Tuesday would be a good day NOT TO TURN on your TV or RADIO. All you will hear is the "PROJECTED" WINS! That can drive somebody crazy as all the AD's. And then on WEDNESDAY we get to hear about all the RE-COUNTS. Seems like there are hundred's of law suits already in the works about Voter Fraud and the votes haven't even been counted. It's a crazy world we live in since the T-man lost his re-election. I can't stand that P.O.S.! :mad:

Finally feel sleepy enough to go to bed. Have a good Tuesday everyone!


2nd Officer
As of this moment they still haven't decided what the Powerball winning numbers are. Heck of a way to run a lottery.

The doctor set Kathi up with a "knee" doctor tomorrow. Interesting that it's the same day she sees the dentist to replace her front crown. 2 & 12 hours in the chair on that one. They make the crowns right there in the office.

Today.....In case you forgot, it's election day. Expect a few days before a winner is decided in some states. (How many politicians do you figure will declare that the election was rigged?)

Also today; There is a total lunar eclipse, with a rare "blood moon. That is, if you can see through the clouds. It's an event that won't occur again for another 3 years.

Sucks to live in Florida this week with that hurricane approaching.

Yes, I too get those large adds in-between posts on here.

I just want to know who brought the nuts to this "soup to nuts" shindig.

There's good news today; The last day of political adds, for a while. YEA!!!

Oh yea.......Bill, Lee, and me....People magazine has elected the "Sexiest Man Alive" for the year. And it was none of us. STOP THE STEAL!!!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Got my haircut this morning, feels good. Doing a load of laundry right now and probably will do another later. This afternoon have an appt at the bank.

Bruce called some people this morning about putting up hurricane shutters.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
breaking news GIF

Trump Says He Will Make ‘Big Announcement’ on Nov. 15 in Florida!

BB: I have it on good word that the T-man is thinking of making that announcement at the GRILLE! Get there early to hear what he has to say! :emoticon 0140 rofl::girly:

Dave: I think the Lottery folks are going to have a lot of folks asking for a RE-COUNT since this is the BIGGEST EVER PAYOUT coming up. They're trying their best to RIG the DRAW to make more commission money for the stores that sell the tickets. That HIGH of a PRIZE should not be allowed. It will ruin anybody who wins it. I think I'd take the money and LEAVE the USA for at least a few years until people forgot about who won to avoid the people wanting a handout. When the prize gets into the Billions it should be spread among at least 20 winning numbers and not just one.

Not much going on over here. I have a load of laundry waiting for me to fold. And then it's a free day until Mr Artie comes home from his bike ride.

You all behave. So far I have yet to turn on a radio or TV! Lord give me strength to wait out any results.

Voting Election 2020 GIF


Chief Security Officer
K2,consider yourself $2 to the good, since there was, again, no winner in the Powerball drawing last night. Who knows what the expected payout will be when a winner finally hits the right combination? We had only the Powerball # so I suppose that counts as some sort of win, though we won't go on a crazy spending spree.
Election Day and at least it is dry and sunny if a bit chilly. We mailed our ballots in last week and will see tonight what the results are. Not very many close contests expected here so our primary local interest will be the results of the questions on the ballot. So much misinformation by special interest groups opposing some of them that it is hard to predict what the results will be. Won't miss all the nasty political ads so now all we have to put up with for a while longer are all those medicare plan ads.
Have to make an appointment next week for 135,000 mile service for the Prius.
Rita's new car has only 3000 miles on it but it is due for a service call this week.
Lee, hope that the reports of an injury to Josh Allen are exaggerated and that he will still be available when the Pats meet up in a few weeks.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Sitting here watch the rains, complements of Nicole, coming down. Also watching a bald eagle sitting on a roof standing guard in the rain and hoping to see a fish it can grab. It's now mating season for the eagles and they have returned to the neighborhood hoping to raise their families. I love watching them for the next few months before they're gone again.

I invited G&E to come stay with us if they'd like. Nicole is going to make landfall not far from where they live. Not sure if they will take us up on the offer or not, but at least I was nice and offered. Schools here have already announced that they will be closed on Thursday due to the storm. That means they get another 4 day weekend!

Lee - Your soup gathering sounds so good. Nice that you can get together with your friends to do this. What kinds of soup did you end up with? I could make soup my whole diet. I like it that much. Back when Bert was still working and was on the night shift, most nights I would just have soup. I don't think I have run into a soup yet that I don't like. Unless it has liver in it, that is!

Dave - How did Kathi make out today at the knee doctor? Did he give her a brace or just some compression stockings?

Nancy - Nice selection of stuff you got for Bruce. I do have to place an order with Swiss Colony to get some of the stuff Bert likes. He sees it when the package comes in, so there's no surprise in it for him though. Still trying to think of something that would be a complete surprise to him Last time I got him a personalized tray for when he's grilling food. It would have been so easy if he wore any kind of jewelry other than his watch and wedding ring.
Karen lives in the Ocala/Bellview area and I'm in Kissimmee. Where exactly are you and why are you now looking into hurricane shutters?

Kathie - So now that you have the tree, when are you planning to put it up? There are people in the neighborhood who are already lighting up Christmas lights outside. Must be newbies as this early is a no-no here.

Karen - SO did you find the place you have to go to next week for that memory study? I just hope you remember where it is!! LOL

Bill - Glad you and Rita are feeling better. You did better than me on the Powerball. I did have 2 of the numbers on one ticket, but that did no good. I'm glad someone finally hit it though. Now I can stop wasting my money on lottery tickets, unless I buy some scratch offs, that is.

I will be so glad when tonight is over and done with. I am not expecting a good outcome of the major elections here in Florida, including not getting rid of DeathSantis & Little Marco. :mad: Can't imagine how much worse DeathSantis is going to make this state, but I'm sure he will!

Well the rains have stopped for a while. May as well go outside and enjoy it while I can. If the rains come back shortly after 4, Bert has to go pick the kids up from school. If it's not raining, they walk home in the afternoon.

Now for some ME time around here!!


Chief Security Officer
Just saw that there actually was one winner of Powerball last night- someone in California. Hope that wasn't the state which caused the delay in announcing the numbers or there will be yet another conspiracy theory to listen to. At least, now we can go back to ignoring the Powerball drawings until the payout again reaches some unbelievably high number.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill thanks for the UPDATE on the Power Ball not getting a winner YET AGAIN. I’ll have to try and remember to buy a Power Ball ticket this time around. Hey, if you DO NOT BUY …..YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN!

BB: You posted just as I ended my post. Too funny. Hope the Nicole skips you Southern Belles.

STILL HAVEN’T turned on the TV.
I have music on here in the kitchen while logging paid bills into the checkbook!

I saw a neat recipe for a stuffed baked potato that had all the things you would put in Shepherds Pie. I might have to give it a try. Just need to make it for 2 servings.
Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit
BB: The new Christmas tree won’t get out of the box until December.
We have a radio station around the Detroit-Metro area that has started it’s continuous 24/7, no advertising, Christmas music. THAT’s JUST CRAZY.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon from breezy, make that WINDY Belleview, wind chimes outside my window have been going nuts all afternoon.

Pat, Ha, Ha! I found the memory center easy-peasy, but was glad I made the trip because they have 2 offices in the same complex, I have to go to the welcome center on Wednesday, the other office is for people who are in the clinical trials they do.

Dave, poor Kathi doesn't sound like a very fun day for her today. I hope you will at least have a nice dinner & glass of wine waiting for her when she get's home!

Kathie, glad you found the perfect tree you wanted. And yes, it is MUCH to early for Christmas music!

Bill, so how much does having the power ball number pay off anyhow? Probably not even enough for a cup of coffee, I'm guessing.

Nancy, nothing like a fresh hair cut to make a girl feel all "prettyfied".
Lee, you still resting up after the soup gang left yesterday?

Not much going on here, I really should go out & bring in some of the hanging things, "just in case".

Tomorrow we are meeting Wendy & her daughter at Cracker Barrel for an early birthday lunch, her birthday is Sat. but since Barb has to work & CB will probably be busier then we decided to do Wed. instead.
Dropped off 2 bags of yard sale leftovers at St. Theresa's thrift shop on my way home this morning, and that's about all I got accomplished today.