Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hello Bunnies.
So, who needs soup? There was plenty of soup, bread, more soup, laughter, more soup and a little dessert. Most folks had never been to a soup night and it seems that last night was the first of an annual event!
Still no real info about Allen’s elbow Bill. Fingers crossed that he isn’t going to be out.
Between the soup gang, the drywalling and the such I am trying to rest up a tad Karen. I need a good sized serving of your energy!

A number of channels on Sirius XM have started with the Christmas music to Kathie. Way too early! Your tree sounds neat! Of course we’ll need pictures when you get it up and decorated.
It would be simpler to tell you what soup we didn’t end up with Pat. In addition to the soups I mentioned above we had tortellini, lasagna, Hungarian mushroom and a delightful cold apple and fennel. No liver so I reckon you would have liked it. Hopefully the rains will hold off so Bert can get the kids.
This sure doesn’t sound like the kind of day Kathi had originally planned for mid term day Dave. I do hope that all of her appointments go well.
I’ve resisted the urge to put on CNN to see how badly messed up America may be after today‘s ballots are all cast (you all better have voted!) and counted.
I know. Hard to believe but we’re having soup for dinner.
All of you have a good evening.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Time for me to check out for tonight. Not watching any election results. Instead we have 50s music on SIRIUS radio playing. Brings back many many memories of those long ago teenage years. We have to laugh when we remember every word of most of those songs but can't remember why we walked into certain rooms!! Maybe we need a memory study also!!! LOL Right now Pretty Little Angel Eyes is playing. Anyone else remember that one?

See ya in the morning ... :sleepey smile:


2nd Officer
Pat, I am in Fort Pierce, 45 miles north of West Palm Beach. Our house is actually only about 2 miles from the ocean but we have an island, a river and a savannahs between us. They have made an evacuation set and we are between two that should evacuate but we don't have to.

Bruce did a bunch of shutters today and tomorrow he has more to do.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
So proud of myself. I am sitting up in bed watching House Hunters Intl. Art is in the Family Room flipping channels between all the Election result stations. The only thing they can say is PREDICTION!
Our former Church President is running for a seat on the Michigan State University Board of Directors. And that’s about the only result I’d really like to know about. Hope he gets wins a seat on the board.

Nancy: Tell this Northern just what is a Savannah that you mentioned.

Dave: Wishing your Kathi all the best at her doctor & dentist appts.
Art was up for his 2:00 bathroom visit last night and opened the shade by his side of the bed and got to watch the Lunar Eclipse from the comfort of the bed. I slept through it all. He said it was great to see.

You gals in Florida be real alert to this potential hurricane getting closer to you all. BE SAFE and evacuate if they tell you to. Get your important papers and things into a bag to be ready to take with you.

Lee: Sounds like the SOUP EVENING was a success. Neat idea.
Out of here gang.


2nd Officer
Not much to gab about this morning.

Kathi is going to have a long day. AM dentist visit for a cavity unrelated to the chipped tooth, that's another day. Then a PM visit to the knee doctor.

Anymore she is more inclined to have a beer. But on occasion will have wine.

Hope none of you Floridians have any water or structural damage from this storm going through your state.

K2; Enjoy your soup. I worked with a guy who had to have soup every day with his lunch. The only soup that trips my trigger is a thick chicken noodle soup.

For me it's just a day with Fuzzbutt and the "Rat".


Wacky Wabbit
Wednesday Hump Day GIF by Chippy the Dog
It's the "HUMP DAY" again! Don't get excited guys! It's just a term used to say it's the middle of the week! No effort needed on any of your part!! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Well, I need to turn on the TV and see if our current Governor is still going to be "Fixing the DAMN ROADS" as that was one of her big campaign strategies.
How did Ohio and Florida do? I dread to find out if the "HOUSE" is going to be run by the Republicans, but I need to know what my future is going to be like. Not sure how we will live without Social Security and Medicare if they take over. Just lucky I don't have too many years left to worry about all this crap! Life, POLITICALLY, has never been this big of a mess. We can all thank the POOR LOOSER for all this happening. And for the SPINELESS men (mostly) in Washington that won't stand up to him and speak the truth.

Dave: Thinking of Kathi this morning. Not a fun day for her at all. I think you need to go out to your local grocery store and pick up one of those small mixed bouquets of flowers and surprise her with them!

Art is off to the Eye Doctor, the regular eye Dr and not the Retina specialist. This is the same Dr I go to for eye exams. Thank goodness it's only 1 mile away. She's got both of us on INTENSE EYE DROPS for DRY EYE! Those drops are expense in those tiny little bottles.

It's 34F here and there was FROST on the lawns across the creek this morning. Brrrr.

Be safe and I'll be back later.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I think it's time for us to move out of Florida! First getting 2 hurricanes less than a month apart and second having the 2 worst people get reelected!!! What is wrong with people here. That's all I want to know.

Dave - Kathi is not going to be having a very good day, for sure. You better be nice to her and as Kathie suggested, I think flowers would be in order.

Nancy - You and Bruce stay safe there. Our son & DIL live in Melbourne Beach. They are less than 2 blocks from the ocean. I offered to let them come stay with us until Friday, but so far I haven't gotten an answer.

Lee - That was some selection of soups you had the other day. Some of them sounded interesting. Personally, I think there's going to be some soup in our future around here very soon. Temp is a lot less than usual and for some reason the AC still keeps running. If it wasn't raining, I could open some doors & windows. That's not going to happen. I did that once when it was raining for a few days in Ocala and we got mildew on some of the furniture. What a mess that was to clean.

Kathie - So tell us how you really feel about politics? LOL I'm with you thinking we are really in trouble if the repubs are running the show. I am really afraid that DeathSantis is going to run for president and could actually get elected. He's so worried about what books are allowed in school and he can't hold a conversation without throwing in WOKE this and WOKE that. My question is WHAT THE HE!! IS WOKE???????? It 's a totally made up expression that he loves to use. A-hole that he is!!!

Bill - How's it going up your way?

Karen - You all set for this storm? We haven't cleared off the lanai, but I do want Bert to put some of the flower pots down on the ground. Otherwise they could get blown off the baker's rack or the high top table. It's raining and is rather windy outside, but the worst won't come until tonight into tomorrow.
Bert & I were talking last night and I brought up the beautiful gingerbread houses they used to have at Publix. Remember them? We got one every year and the kids loved eating it Christmas Eve. I wonder why they stopped making them???

Speaking of Publix, Bert is there right now picking up a few things. I bet these crazy people are cleaning off the shelves once again. I do hope he can get bread or I won't have to make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.

Bert just pulled into the driveway, so I'm out of here before I have to change my initial greeting on here. Have a good day, everyone, and stay safe and dry, Floridians!


Chief Security Officer
I guess it could have been worse. The expected Red Tide turned out to be more of a trickle and at least, some of the more rabid election deniers lost their bids and the results in a few tight elections are still too close to call. Mass set several records with the election of a large number of women to state office including governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and treasurer.
Results in Florida were very disappointing especially in the normally Democratic areas where DeSantis prevailed. I suspect that it was not only democrats who were disappointed by the vote, Trump can't be pleased that "Desanctimonious" fared so well. I expect that for at least the next several days we will be subjected to the political analysts explaining what the results of the election "really meant".
Now, if we can get through the next weeks of Medicare plan ads, life may return to something close to normal.
Nancy, Pat, and Karen please stay safe and may Nicole not do any serious damage during her visit. Forecasters are predicting that she may be in our vicinity by Saturday with winds and rain. Enough already. We have had serious drought conditions for most of the year but the last months have had so much rain it is hard to remember when things were that dry.
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Checking the calendar it does say November 9. But the bright sunny mid 60‘s suggest a different season.
I too hope that Nicole doesn’t amount to too much. Our Florida Belles have had more than their fair share of bad storms and worse politicians.
Here it seems there is a shortage of qualified drywall mud and tapers. After we went to Costco this morning I sent out emails to a number of contacts. Most guys are way behind or are charging way too much. Either way, I have a couple more calls to make.
Other than that I don’t have a ton of stuff.
I hope that everyone, especially those of you in Florida, are safe and sound.


Wacky Wabbit
Well Wrabbits........Pure Michigan made out just FINE in the elections. We had a Trifecta! The most important thing is our current Governor got RE-Elected. :clap002:

BB posted: I am really afraid that DeathSantis is going to run for president and could actually get elected.

There's not a doubt in my mind that DeathSantis will run. That's all he thinks about. And you can add PENCE to the list who will most likely give a try.
It's time to move out of the USA. If only we were all YOUNGER, we might just be able to pull that off.

Karen and your family, Pat and Nancy. Be safe the next few days with this crazy hurricane on its way to visit you gals. Hope you all put some bottled water into your freezer section in case you lose power. Open the bottles and let some of the water out first. You don't want them blowing up in the freezer and making a mess. I read somewhere that putting the water bottles in the freezer helps keep things in there COLD longer if you lose power.

DAVE: How did Kathi do today? (Wednesday)

Bill/Rita: Hope you're feeling better and don't get slammed with too much wind from Nicole.

Out of here for now. It's suppose to get up into the 70's tomorrow (Thursday). I told Art we are putting up the X-Mas lights on the Sargent's crab tree either tomorrow after he comes home from biking or Friday for sure. None of this waiting until it's FREEZING COLD to string up the lights. Bah Humbug on the entire idea.

I drove over to see little Mr Manny this afternoon. And he actually was happy to see me. Wagging his tail and all. We went for a nice long walk and he was a good boy and "pooped" along the way. Good thing I had the Poop-Bag with me! YUK. Way too much info! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Good Night Baby GIF by Bilbareed

One more thing. I went to a new Aldi store over by Jill's house. Nice store and they had ButterBall turkeys for $1.09 a pound. I called my brother and told him and he went right out to his local Aldi's and picked one up. Aldi's doesn't have everything a big Kroger's or Publix's has, some of the things are really nice. I bought fresh Salmon and we had it tonight and it was absolutely delicious. Cost HALF of what I pay at the Veggie Mkt's fish dept. I'll keep that in mind next time I need some good fish.


2nd Officer
Saying good night from Belleview, so far no rain from Nicole but it has been very windy. I got very lucky this afternoon when I went outside to bring things into the garage I notice my red glass gazing ball was not on it's stand in my flower bed. It had blown off, luckily it was still in the bed unbroken, it's a wonder it didn't roll down the hill & end up in a million pieces. Larry bought it for me forever ago & I'd be really upset if it got broken. Will check in with you all in the morning if I have power.
Pat & Nancy, stay safe !


2nd Officer
Are you Floridians doing OK so far? Got a feeling that some aren't.

It dawned on me last night when we watched a recorded show that the only time for quite a while we'll only see those damn political political adds is when we watch a recorded show. Unless you live in Georgia.

It took a twist at the knee doctor yesterday for Kathi. Nothing done for her kneecap except for taking it easy on that leg for a month. No working at Bingo or getting on a treadmill. No extensive standing. But she did mention to the doctor that the little finger side of her right hand was hurting and getting a bit black & blue. After an X ray, sure enough, she has a broken bone in her hand. And she left his office wearing a brace on her right hand.

With turkey prices skyrocketing I saw a news story yesterday that mentioned that a lot of grocery store chains are really cutting the price of turkeys to draw people into their stores. All good, if the only thing you buy there is the bird.

Thanks for the video K2. It is weird that we can remember the lyrics from a song 40 years ago, but can't remember where we put our sunglasses. What ya getting Manny for Christmas? Make sure to mark the tag, "From Santa Paws".

I did look up the word "Woke", BB, since I didn't understand it either. : "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) But we will only succeed if we reject the growing pressure to retreat into cynicism and hopelessness. …. We have a moral obligation to "stay woke," take a stand and be active; challenging injustices and racism in our communities and fighting hatred and discrimination wherever it rises." I still don't think I'll ever use that political term.

Lee; I never would have thought you'd have trouble getting a qualified drywall mud & taper.

You sure lucked out with that gazing ball, KC. Those things are fragile.

Us northerners are lucking out for a couple more days. We too will be sunny and around 70 today.

Hi to the rest of you Bunnies.

Grocery shopping in a bit.
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2nd Officer
Quick check in from Wet & Windy Belleview, so far I still have power & cable so I was at least able to make a pot of coffee this morning. Everything seems to be holding together ok & the kitty's are freaking out so I think we're going to be ok. Hope all is well with Pat & Nancy!
Pretty much the whole state is experiencing tropical storm force winds

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Pat, Karen and all take good care and hunker down as required.
Karen, I like to think that the reason your gazing ball is OK is because Larry was looking out for you and it.
I "woke" up early again this morning and don't know why. All I know is I'm wearing down a tad.
We've cast our lines out to a couple of mud and tape guys Dave. Poor Kathi!
I saw that Ms. Whitmer got back in Kathie. She seems to be a pretty savvy politician.
Heading out to The Navy Yard with the kids. then it's music lesson day and I have to do a little more wiring in the basement when we get home.
Everyone, no matter where you are, please be safe and sound.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Friday Summer GIF by Yevbel
Just in case you forgot what day it is today! :girly:

KAREN: Yikes on that MAP! Sure does look like "ALL" of Florida is going to have the chance to have NICOLE stop by and blow things around. Please be safe BELLES!

Like Lee said....... Larry was there to catch that Gazing Ball and keep it safe. Time to think about putting a bead of putty or something to keep it secure on it's stand. Sure wouldn't want that to break after all these years.
I have one of my Mom's big bowls that she used for making Tortes (cakes) and I use it all the time. If it broke, I'd be really really upset. I even bought one when I saw it at a Estate Sale to have as a spare. (Yup, I'm nuts)

We're going to get temps up to 70F today! Oh, if only it would last all month! Dream on, that's NOT going to happen. But I'll be enjoying today and be grateful.

DAVE: Please pass on to Kathi that I hope she heals from all her sprains, fractures and broken bones. Good thing she brought up the fact that her finger was hurting and turning Black/Blue! If she ever actually WALKS either one of the pups again, she might have to wear a bike helmet for head protection. Thank goodness she didn't fracture her head. I feel so badly for her.

LEE: Don't be over doing things in that basement. If you're dragging it might be because your BODY is telling you SLOW DOWN and take a break. You'll be in that house for a long time and don't need to finish anything that fast. Sure hope you get a Drywall Mud &Tape person soon. Did you ask at the place you bought the drywall if they had names you could call?? You need to go to a new subdivision that has new houses going up and see if you can ask around to the trades people there if they know of anybody wanting a side job.

I'm out of here for now. FLORIDA GALS and GUYS be safe.


Chief Security Officer
How is that Janet Evanovitch book, Pat? The last one I read was a disappointment and really a pale imitation of her Stephanie Plum series.
Hope all the Floridians are hunkering down and staying safe during Nicole's visit.
The place in Vero Beach that we are renting this winter escaped Ian without any damage so we hope that the same can be said of this latest intruder.
Heard from two folks whose places we rented in Ft. Myers and both experienced damage from Ian. One fellow had something fall on his Corvette and on his golf cart and he had to call his renters and tell them that his place would not be available this winter.
The so-called "Millionaire's Tax" initiative was passed in Massachusetts on Tuesday so I guess I should be thankful that we didn't have the winning Powerball ticket..
Haircut on the agenda later today but after that my calendar is clear.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
CHECKING IN FROM "HURRICANE CENTRAL" We're fine and getting ready to have a hurricane party!!! LOL Just a lot of wind and some rain, but we've seen worse.

Dave - Once again, I have to say poor Kathi. A broken finger can be a real pain. Pun intended! Tell her to take care and from now on, just let the dogs out into the yard without taking them for walks.

Lee - You need to slow down on this basement job. You're not as young as you used to be. If you're feeling beat, it's your body telling you to take a break.

Karen - So glad your gazing ball didn't break. The landscapers we used to have broke 2 gazing balls on us. One just days after we bought it! Now our gazing ball is not made out of glass. It's an old bowling ball that Bert spray painted. It's not as pretty as glass, but it doesn't fall off any longer!

Kathie - Enjoy your mild weather while you can. So tell me - did you cook the salmon on the grill again? I saw those Butterball turkeys at Aldi's last week. I'm not a fan of Butterballs, so we didn't get one. I love to shop at Aldi's, especially for their cheeses and they get all the imported German holiday cookies & candies. I picked up a little of that stuff the other day, but will go back in a few days for the rest of the cookies & candies that we get every year.

BJ's has a deal that if you purchase $200. worth of stuff in one visit, you get a free Butterball after 11/12. We spent that the other day there, so we can get the free turkey. We'll take it and give it to someone who can't afford to buy one this year. We've already got 2 turkeys in the freezer, so we're good for this year.

Bill - We're not getting the Medicare ads here, thank goodness. We're back to our usual car dealer and lawyer ads. They run continuously. Hopefully, the remains of Nicole, when it reaches you, will not be packing much rain. We've only gotten about 3 inches this time, as compared to Ian's 12 inches.

OK, Nancy - Where are you this morning? Time to check in and let us know how you made out in the storm.

Bert decided yesterday afternoon to empty out and reorganize one closet next tot he kitchen. OMG!!! You would not believe all that was in that closet. He hasn't put anything away yet, so there is stuff piled all over the kitchen, including a full 6 foot long table that he opened to put stuff on. This is the clooset that I keep things like the crock pot, food processor, etc. Now he's got to figure out how to put it all back in. I told him what things to get rid of and what to keep, but now the organization of everything is his problem. I'm staying clear of the whole operation now,

Missy is going to bring us some homemade beef stew that she made yesterday, as soon as the storm lets up a bit. I'm also planning to make ribs for dinner tonight, so we should be eating good in the neighborhood today.

Now, back to our hurricane party ... Is it too early to start drinking?:smiley15:

have a good, safe day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well yesterday morning at 8:30 the internet and phone went out, and since the tv is all thru the internet no tv. IT finally came back this morning at 10:30.

The eye of Nicole hit about 15 miles north of us and two hours later than they thought.

I went to bed early yesterday and slept thru all of it. We got some rain but not a lot and I know we had to have had some bad winds but no problems at the house. Some small branches and pine needles fell but that was it.


  1. 1.
    a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees.

All have a great day.