Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Hot Damn, I was watching CNN last night when they projected enough votes for the DEMS to hold on to the Senate. And so if Wornock wins in Georgia next month, it'll just be more icing on the cake.

NOOOO, our first snow in the air happened yesterday. Nothing stuck, but it was a reminder of what's to come.

An 11% discount would be a bit nicer at Home Depot, but I'm a creature of habit. I prefer Lowe's, where I get the 10% military discount. If for no other reason, I know where most things are.

Mission accomplished. The stainless steel grab-bar is mounted next to the door coming in from the garage. It's even nice for Kathi because of her current bummed up knee-cap. The door is inside the garage.

Yippee! THE Ohio State Buckeyes football team "squeaked" out a win yesterday. 56-14.

Hot wings or a hot burrito for breakfast? Decisions, Decisions.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yuk Pooh!
Stupid snow. It was supposed to be rain but I guess we were on the wrong side of the weather system.

Well, quite clearly I started this yesterday and must have been distracted by something shiny. I am such a donkey... No comments from The Peanut Gallery.

Speaking of the peanut gallery we're getting ready to head off to The Navy Yard. I suspect that Lu-Ann's "Chums" (the squirrels) will be hungry today. I know I am.
I'll be beck later on to check on everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good SUNDAY morning!
Happy Sunday GIF
I wonder if the new Priest even knows I haven't been to church in months? Naw.....he's most likely to busy trying to get the church board to give him MORE MONEY from what I hear. What ever happened to the "HUMBLE" priest, pastor or whatever your religion calls them?

Dave: Good job on the GRAB BAR. I remember when Art built the extended step (platform) before his last back surgery. It was needed because we never had the narrow cement step put in the garage entrance to the house. Back 30 yrs ago we were YOUNGER and could handle the extra few inches to step into the house from the garage. I LOVE the platform step he made. We carpeted it with indoor-outdoor carpet and I have WARNING YELLOW TAPE on the edges so you don't miss a step down. Works for us old folks.

We got the very LITTLE bit of SLEET more than snow yesterday. It melted as soon as it hit the grass. Today it is
34 degrees right now. YUP.........all those wonderful EXTRA DAYS of 70's are gone until most likely April! :oops: Hope I live through another Winter here in Michigan.

I'm off to our local Aldi's to buy the smallest TURKEY they have for $1.07 a pound. I figured it's cheaper to buy the whole turkey at that price than to spend $2.25 or more for just a breast of turkey. It will be for Christmas. Beef is just too expensive for my pocketbook this year. I already bought a nice piece of Masters Ham from Costco's and will make sausage with onions and various colors of peppers. They won't starve.

Lee: Bless you for getting out to Navy Yard. Are the Lights and decorations all up? I told Art we really need to get over there to see it one night. Let me know when they're done and ON!

Enjoy your Sunday folks and be SAFE. That FLU and Covid are still out there big time. Folks flooding the hospitals.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Just finished my shower. Not sure what today will bring, no races for 13 weeks.
It is nice to actually see out the front window and know what I am looking at.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! We've got a bit of light rain coming down right now. Not sure where this came from, as there's lots of blue sky out there. Sun was so bright this morning that it actually woke me up shortly after 7! This change in the clock definitely is not working for me so far.

Dave - Good for OSU yesterday. The Gators managed to squeak out a win against South Carolina too ... 38-6! It was Senior Day at the Swamp, so it was nice to see the seniors put up a good win at their last home game.
Nice that you got the grab bar installed already. I'm sure it will be a big help for both you and Kathi.

Lee - I hope you enjoyed your walk at the Navy Yard this morning. You were already heading out while I was lying in bed cursing out the bright sun! I guess we both have priorities!! LOL

Kathie - A little too cold for me up you way, so you can keep it. It's about 74 here right now and I definitely can live with that. Good luck on your turkey quest. Bert picked up at 20 pounder yesterday at Walley World for .99. It's a Jenni-O one. Same kind we bought at Restaurant Depot of $1.89/lb! So now we've got 3 turkeys in the freezer. That translates out to a lot of work for me! I wasn't planning to give G&E and their gang turkey the day after Thanksgiving, but with such a big bird, I think I will need to if I ever want to get rid of it. In the meantime, I haven't a clue what I'm making for dinner tonight.

Not sure what we've got on tap for today. Bert hasn't come out of the bedroom yet, so I don't know what might be on his agenda beyond getting all the plants on the lanai back where they belong. He had taken them all off where they were when Nicole came calling. He forgot to put them back yesterday, so today's the day. Plus they all need to be watered.

The coffee pot is calling me, so I better answer the call. Have a super special day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning...again.
It was cool down by The River this morning. But all of the regulars were down walking their dogs and feeding the squirrels. Somehow the fine group of folks down at The Navy Yard makes the weather seem less of an issue.
I was finishing up some electrical stuff yesterday and came up to find a "blinding' snow storm. I would have dearly loved to have some sun to curse at Pat! It sounds to me like the grocery store is offering turkeys as a lost leader to get folks in the door. Good for answering the coffee pot's call. They can get right ugly if you don't listen to them!
That's the
same feeling many of us have at the end of the NFL season Nancy.
Hope I live through another Winter here in Michigan.
Dammit lady, you better! The parks department has been hard at work getting things ready for RiverLights 2022 Kathie. It starts on November 19 and runs through January 8. I saw some humour in your mention of the priest trying to get more money from the church followed by "GRAB BAR" in caps. While I don't think that they should live in poverty they shouldn't be the richest people on the block!
So Dave, wings or a burrito? I was happy to see that Mark Kelly took the seat in Arizona. It will be interesting to see if that effects voter turnout in GA for the runoff. Good job on getting that grab bar up. One of the things that influenced our decision in this home was that it's a bungalow and there are no real steps.
Well Bill, it looks like The Bills aren't listening to me and are going to play Allen today. That is just plain Stoopid (I spelled it that way on purpose).
It was nice to see a note from you too Karen and that you fared well during Nicole's visit. Our friend Joyce, just. up the road in Anthony, was without power for a bit (they have a generator) and lost some tree limbs and, of all things, their mailbox!
Still no reply from the mud and tape guys. I do drive around the new builds Kathie to see if there are any trades people looking for a little cash job. Also checked with Lowes where we got the drywall, the local hardware store, the builder and three friends who had work done in the past year. It's like Florida! We can't even get a call back. Yes, I did some work downstairs by adding a new breaker, two more receptacles and a switch to control the back lights. I may just look at Dr. Youtube and see if I may try to tackle even one small wall to see how it goes.
Lu-Ann has gone to a "Steamed Pudding" cooking class in town. I understand it's a British dish "fit for a king".
While she's out I have to try to find hotels for the trip south. While not as soon as Bill and Rita's journey we are only 8 weeks out!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: The issue with "our Serbian Priest and priests" is that they get a really good wage, free cell phone usage, gas allowance, time off and paid medical for him and the family. They also, get CASH in HAND for doing weddings. Some of the folks getting married have parents that SLAP a HUGE amount of money into their hands for doing the marriage service. And that's after they pay the churches fee! Members are charged one fee and non-members another fee amount. They go around a few times a year and bless houses and get paid CASH in hand for that. They have these crazy days that they go to the local Cemetaries and bless the graves. People give them CASH for that. Also, there's the family Saint Day and people slap more money in their hand for doing a service in their homes or in church. So, you see they make a LOT of EXTRA money doing all these things. I forgot that I'm sure parishioners slap some extra CASH for funeral services. I don't feel sorry for our priests at all. Most live a VERY GOOD LIFE. The younger, newer priests, are just a tad more outspoken than the old priests and feel no shame in asking for MORE funds. They get a Cost of Living raise that is built into their contracts too.

Got our Butterball Turkey this morning and it fit very nicely in the basement refrig.
I like getting some of these items bought and out of the way early.

Lee: Thanks for the heads up on the Lights and decorations at Navy Park.


Chief Security Officer
I guess the Buffalo coaches knew what they were doing after all, Lee since Josh seems to be doing quite well in today's game. As long as the doesn't suffer another injury or do any damage to his current booboo, they should be in pretty good shape for the remainder of the season.
This morning's breakfast at the clubhouse was quite good and we got to meet a nice couple who are even more recent residents here than we are.
Now we need to sign up for the annual Christmas dinner. It is scheduled for the evening of the day we are due to fly home from Florida so, unless we encounter any travel delays we should be able to make it.
Cold and rainy today so I guess that we have seen the last of the 70 degrees day we experienced here last week.
No Pats game to watch today and the Bruins and Celtics both won last night so no local sports. Hopefully the networks will have returned to showing new programs tonight.


Chief Security Officer
But what a game, Lee. One of the wildest 4th quarters and OTs that I can recall. In my football pool, I picked the Vikings based solely on the point spread, but as it turned out that wasn't the deciding factor and the team I selected, won in an exciting finish. Despite that last minute interception, I thought that Josh performed well and didn't show any signs of a serious injury.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: Todays football was great. A couple of overtime games. And lots of excitement right within inches of the goal line. Wish every Football Sunday was like today. Heck, even the Detroit Lions won today.
I forgot that you and Rita fly back home for Christmas.
When do you fly down? You guys staying until the end of April? I envy you for going for so long.

I watched “Yellowstone” tonight and I’m not sure I’ll keep following it. Seems like just too much killing and Beth and her FOUL mouth can grind on you after awhile.

FYI: The Turkey I bought is actually in the FREEZER not the refrig area. :D

Sleep good! It’s going down to 24 degrees here at around 3:00 a.m. Brrr!


2nd Officer
Another week begins and is awaiting us. I may just go back to bed.

You've got me curious, Lee. You mentioned that you live in a "bungalow". In this neck of the woods, that means a ranch house, but in what would normally be the attic it's made into another large room. Usually with a window at each end. (I had one years ago. With the steps going up to it off the kitchen.)

Is that what you mean by your house being a "bungalow"?

Our current house is just a ranch.

I can feel your frustration with that new, young, and greedy priest, K2. We see too much of that, especially with a church that has a large congregation. They soon get used to being deferred to and respected solely by their title, whether it's deserved or not.

I've got a request; Could you post a picture of the "extended step (platform)" that you mentioned Art made? With the information you've given I can't quite picture in my mind what it looks like.

Got enough turkeys in your house, BB? And one of them being a 20 pounder. I see turkey, turkey sandwiches, turkey-noodle soup...... It makes me wonder if there is is such a thing as turkey-jerky.

Hi to the rest of you Bunnies!

I don't know about you, but the closer it gets to Christmas, I'm noticing that the more of a Scrooge I'm becoming every year.


Wacky Wabbit
Good MONDAY morning Wrabbits! And by the way....
The Grinch Film GIF by The Good Films
This one is for you DAVE! Bah Humbug! I'm right with you.
(I'll get you a picture of the garage entrance step)

I have NOTHING for you other than I am going to go and try and duplicate those Starbuck's Mini Bacon Egg Bites now! The cheese cost way more than I was thinking it would, but I wanted to make sure I used all the same ingredients. I'll let you all know how they turn out!

I hope you all have a great day. It's SUNNY and 29F here right now at 9:00 a.m. Brrrr.


2nd Officer
Good morning, a bright & sunny day here in Belleview, I'll take it! Yesterday was grey & misty and felt like fall, so I put up my Christmas lights, they won't get turned on till after Thanksgiving but at least I'm not trying to put them up in 80 degree weather, it's tough doing Christmas in Florida :emoticon 0130 devil:

Kathie, you'll have to let us know how the breakfast bites turn out, they sound good. I'm going to put together a breakfast casserole myself this morning in a little bit.

Dave, I actually did go back to bed this morning! Got up took my Bone pill, waited the required 30 mins & then back to dreamland I went, it felt great

Pat, that stinks that the Grille couldn't do anything at all for Veterans! At the very least they could have offered a free appetizer or drink with their meal, dang cheapskates!

Lee, after a few You Tube videos I have no doubt at all you could do a splendid job on taping & mudding, but do you REALLY want to add another plate to your juggling routine? I know the feeling though of wanting to get a project done & having to wait on someone, good luck whatever you decide!

Bill, I'd forgotten also that you were leaving for Florida before the holidays.

Not much going on around here, I need to go down later on & spray weeds in one of the lady's back patio that I take care of, I go about once a month but with all the rain we had I need to check it sooner. Now I'm pretty sure there is a coffee pot calling my name, make the day special!


Chief Security Officer
Just a quick trip to Florida in early December and then we will go back down at the end of the month and stay until early April. Would like to stay a bit later but for now three months seems to be our best option.
The point spread gives (Buffalo game) and the point spread takes away (San Francisco) so my results were not good enough to do much to improve my standings in my football pool. Still have tonight's game before the final result is clear.
Off to the dermatologist and hope he doesn't find many reasons to zap me.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Yesterday I boiled down the ham so this morning I made ham salad. Now trying to figure what to fix for dinner.

Hard to believe the month is half gone.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I woke up this morning, blinked my eyes and it's going on 2:00! These days are just flying by.

Didn't watch any football yesterday. Spent most of the afternoon on the lanai before dinner. I sent Bert for a box of Publix hot & spicy chicken wings and some side salads. I just wasn't in the mood to cook. Good part is that we still have plenty for tonight's dinner too.

Kathie - I too would like to know how those mini bacon egg bites turn out. sound good. I assume our Starbucks is having a soft opening today. There are a few cars in the parking lot but the COMING SOON! sign is still up. I'm sur they will be opening to everyone within a few days. Not a big Starbucks fan. They are just too pricy for my taste, but I want to try that gingerbread thingie Lee has mentioned more than once.

Karen - Good for you getting your house lights up already. I wish I could motivate Bert to get started. Whoever handles decorating the front gates and the Bellalago sign out ffront was very busy today. All the community decorations went up this morning. Private residents can't really do anything until after Thanksgiving, according to the HOA, but some people have decorated outside already.

Dave - Yes, there is such a thing as turkey jerky. Just google the name and all sorts of recipes will pop up. Or you can order it ready made on Amazon. How are Kathi's aches and pains doing today?

Lee - The supermarkets are definitely using turkeys as their loss leader. Everyone kept hearing that there would be a turkey shortage this year, so people are jumping all over any place that has a low price.
When Bert was at Publix yesterday, he check the price of jumbo eggs, which he always buys. There were over $7/dozen! That is ridiculous. I told him that it;s time to start buying smaller eggs, which are better for baking too. Now let's see if he does it!

Bill - Can't wait to see you before your short cruise next month. Lunch or dinner will definitely be in order.

Need to take a ride to the library. Bert got notified that they are saving a copy of the new Baldacci book for him. That's all he had to hear. Once he gets the book, I won't see him for a couple of days!!

I'm already getting the "Come on. Let's go!" look, so I better wrap this up and head out of here for now. I'll try to stop back later.


Wacky Wabbit
Dave you have. E-mail waiting for you!

Karen & BB: The Copy cat Starbucks Mini Bacon Cheese bits turned out really good. I made them in Tiny glass JAM jars. They were a tad bigger than Starbucks, but tasted just like them. I googled the recipe. There are lots of copy cat ones out there.

Funny thing happened when I put the 2nd batch in the water bath on a big 6qt pot on the stove. I heard a PING and when I turned to see what it was I saw all the egg mixture floating in the water. The BOTTOM of the Glass Jar cracked right off. Good thing I just started to put the filled covered jars in the pot. I should have known better than to put a cold jar in simmering hot water. I put dish towels in and cool water and started over and it worked.
I cooked the Egg Bites and Saran wrapped them and put them in the refrig. It was worth it buying the “pricey” Gruyère cheese. I left out the SALT in the 2nd batch. You just don’t need it with that cheese. My blender sure came in handy to make sure everything was nice and smooth.
SO THAT’s IT FOR MY EGG BITES w/Bacon & Cheese.
I did the bacon in the microwave between sheets of paper toweling last night.

Costco today had Fresh Butterball Turkeys for $.99 cents a pound. The guy putting them in the case pointed out that they were not totally FROZEN. The pkg even said FRESH Not Frozen. He said they feel
Like they are frozen, but that’s just the outside of them needed for transporting. The people were grabbing them like they were FREE! Good to
Know that I only paid $.07 cents more a pound at Aldi’s! Ha ha.

Wow, it already getting dark o we here. Bummer.


2nd Officer
Kathie, looks like a lot of work for such a little thing, wonder if you could do them in like a poached egg pan or muffin tip in a water bath in the oven? My breakfast casserole came out good too, even made fresh blueberry muffins to go with AND I have leftover casserole for breakfast tomorrow
I found this recipe for the baked egg bites, it got good reviews so I think I'm going to give it a try.
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