Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hey there folks.
After our usual walk we came home and had breakfast. Then I took Lu-Ann for a doctor appointment to review her bone density. We headed to Starbucks for a coffee and a slice of my beloved ginger loaf. I got the garage tidied up and we can put the van back in. YAY! Doug and I cut around the basement windows and loaded his tools in his pickup. Lu-Ann and Brenda went for a walk. Then we enjoyed a nice adult beverage.
It looks like the side airbags deployed as they should Karen. Again, thankfully, no injuries to your family. Katie girl is doing much better. By gosh it’s good to see you back. Thank you.
Hmmmm. Haircut. True Blue. I know where my vote would be Pat. Hopefully it’s all good news at the doctors office. Followed by a trip to The Grille.
Think of it as a mini vacation Kathie. Just like a real,hotel, no maid service for three days, food out…what a deal! We actually took less time for this part of the project than we figured. Now we’re waiting on the mud and tape guy.
As a matter of fact Dave, I did sleep well. I hope the link works here. It shows the carrier. So slick I could carry a 50 pound sheet of 4x8 drywall by myself! We have about 620 sq ft. of floor space that we’re doing. Grumpy Old Men…yes, that is a funny flick.

Quiche for dinner.
You good people all stay well.


Wacky Wabbit
10:42 pm Friday night.
I can’t remember the lady time I was in bed at this hour!
Thank goodness this room has a TV. Art opted to sleep in Eric’s room to avoid me having the TV on for hours! :)

This Puppy sitting is not easy for older folks! If it was a mature dog it would be so much easier. It sure does throw ANY IDEA OF GETTING A PUPPY out the window!

Lee: I was able to see the Gizmo for carrying the drywall. Do you just use your hand to hold the top of the drywall? It still looks like a major job! Kudo’s to you and the guys for getting all those panels moved downstairs.

BB: I sure hope little Jennifer gets to feeling better soon. She looked miserable in the photo Missy posted on FBook. Just glad she already got the Flu shot or it could be a lot worse.

You all have a good Sat. It’s suppose to rain here!
Now that should make it fun getting the Pup to go Pee in the rain!
Bless ALL of you with dogs!:D
Karen…be glad you have Kitties that almost take care of themselves. “ALMOST”!

Nancy if you need a place to invest your money I am more than willing to help you out! :)


2nd Officer
Thanks so much KC for the picture of Barb's van. It fills in the full story of it getting T-Boned. YUP, that vehicle is totaled. Not only what we see, I'm quite sure the frame got bent too.

And thank you too Lee for posting that link to show what a drywall-sheet carrier looks like. Ain't never seen such a thing.

I don't know about you BB, but sometimes a hot dog just hits the spot. I don't care what's in them. Good news from from the wound doctor?

Thought of you a couple of times yesterday, K2. 1st,about how it's going with Manny, and 2nd, Kathi's new hatred of squirrels.

Yesterday it was sunny and in the 70's so she decided to take the hounds for a walk. Suddenly both pooches saw a squirrel, and both took off at a full CHARGE. Which is when they pulled her down for a face-plant in the street. A few stitches in her upper lip, a chipped tooth, facial scratches, a bum knee, and scraped up palms later, and you know that the squirrel won that encounter. She's going to be one sore and bruised up lady today. Plus she's decided that because of that fall she won't be able to be a poll worker on election day.

As the bumper sticker says, "S" happens". It could have been worse.
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Holy Jumpin' Dave. Poor Kathi. Lu-Ann and I hope that she doesn't have other aches and pains pop out today! I'd say hug her for me but don't want to hurt her!
Yes Kathie, we always question people of ANY age who have to have a puppy and don't realize how much work they can be. sit until tomorrow morning when the clocks go back but Manny's internal clock doesn't reset! You and Art will be up an hour earlier!
We have our make-up uke lesson at 11:00 today. There's an inconvenient time! Still. Bethany didn't have to offer the make up class because she clearly states that if you cancel less than a day ahead it's on you. Even though the day ahead in this case was Sunday and she's not open.
When we get home I will head down to the basement and sweep things up as best as I can. I kicked up a ton of dust yesterday cutting around the windows! Oh well...
I'll pop back later to check on everyone. Hopefully you'll all have a GREAT Saturday!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy Saturday! Enjoy your last day with daylight lasting an hour longer than it will tomorrow.:( I hate this time of the year!!

Dave - OMG! Poor Kathi! I'm sure she's aching all over today. Plus having to get stitches and chipping a tooth. Bet she won't be in a hurry to take the dogs for a walk again any time soon. Lee - I had never seen one of those gizmos before either. What will they come up with next? You sure have been a busy bee these days. Enjoy your uke lesson. I hope you're practicing for that concert you'll be giving us.

Karen - Barb's van took one heck of a hit! As you said, good thing you nor Jane were in the passenger's seat. That would not have had a happy ending.

Kathie - WOOF! How often does your little charge have to go outside during the day? I bet he's keeping you and Art on your toes.

Ended up not going to the Grille last night after all. We stayed home and consumed the rest of the lamb shanks from the night before and topped the meal off with a piece of apple strussel that we had gotten at the German bakery the other day.

So what's on tap for today you may ask. First will be a trip to BJ's. I'm already stocking up on stuff needed for Thanksgiving & Christmas. Last year I felt like crap for both holidays and had just gotten out of the hospital shortly before Christmas. I have to make up for it this year with everyone's favorite cookies and candy. That gets expensive if you buy everything at once. Instead I'm slowly getting everything that I'm going to need. After we get back from shopping, we'll enjoy our last happy hour in the sun until next March. Then we'll top off the evening with some steaks. It all sounds good to me!

Have a super day everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Gosh KC, that photo of the car brings back bad memories of our Easter Sunday accident. In both cases, it is something of a miracle that everyone escaped relatively uninjured.
Weather here has been terrific and is supposed to continue for a couple of more days at least. Not that we have really been doing much to enjoy it, but the flu took its toll and has kept us
pretty much anchored at home. Feeling much better lately so it may have run its course. Won't complain if we actually get an extra hour of sleep tonight though.
Here it is early November and CBS is already showing reruns of some of the shows I watch. Between that and the proliferation of annoying political ads, it is hardly worth turning the boob tube on lately. Fortunately the Celtics and Bruins seasons have started off well so there is that at least.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. One thing I don't like doing is happening tonight, setting the clocks back an hour. I so much prefer having the hour of light at the end of the day. Oh well.

Will be watching the last race of the season for Xfinity this afternoon.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Quick hello before my PUPPY gets up from his nap. Nice that somebody is getting NAPS in this house. Thank goodness at 6:15 this morning it was 59F and nice outside. We’ve had lots of walks and outside play time with ball Tossing.

Dave: So sorry to hear about your Kathi’s horrible FALL. SHE JUST CAN’t win with falling. Sending Get Well wishes. She needs lots of rest.
I’m losing connection ….will be back later.

LEE: We are STAYING ON DAylight Savings Time while here. The kids can work on getting Mr Manny’s schedule worked out.
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Wacky Wabbit
Wind Umbrella GIF by Chippy the Dog
CAN i say that it’s EXTREMELY WINDY here right now!
Went for a coffee run in the small town not far from here. Yup…all 3 of us!
Art had a $10 credit from going there so many times on Tuesdays & Thursday's and we’ e been consuming Jill’s private stash. Thought it would be nice to replace it!
Dinner tonight is Meat sauce and Spaghetti w/ a mixed salad.

Negc: I hear even with the Flu shot ( that takes 2 weeks to kick in to be effective) people & kids are getting strong reactions. Good that you both are resting up. Hope you feel better by Thanksgiving.

And I might add that I’m TOTALLY this upcoming election advertising. The folks running do nothing but insult each other with TRASH TALK. None of them are telling us what THEY WILL DO FOR YOU & ME and the COUNTRY if they win. KIDS ACT BETTER THAN THESE KNUCLE heads.

Kudo’s again for all you FULL TIME PET OWNERS! Whew, I’m beat!



2nd Officer
No big winner in the Powerball drawing. We got all of one number.

I don't know about ya'll. but this clock changing thing is a pain in the butt. Pick Standard or daylight savings time and stick with it.

All week long they've been telling us to take back our clocks last night. As usual, I didn't get to them all. Hell, I can't remember where I bought half of them.

Update on Kathi; She was moving a bit better yesterday. But she did get a call from the medical clinic telling her that although she didn't have any broken bones, the x-ray showed that she had a crack in her right kneecap. I'm not sure there is anything they can do about that. Any of you Bunnies, know? She's going to call the family doctor tomorrow and see what she says.

You're going to be cleaning up drywall dust for months, Lee. Before the ukelele, did you ever play a guitar?

BB; I'm guessing that you bake and freeze a lot of your surgery delights prior to the holidays.

Am I sensing that you are already counting the hours and minutes before the end of your dog-sitting, K2? How's your sleep routine holding up? I can only imagine what it'll be when you finally get home. Put me on record for NOT wanting another puppy, and making it known. It was a lot easier when in my 20's & 30's.

KC; I thought about Barb's totaled vehicle yesterday. We and Bill have also had one that's gotten totaled. After they tow it to a lot somewhere, it's a pain in the patoot to go there and get your personal items out of it.

The skeletons are back. Yesterday it was sunny and in the 70's, but lots and lot of high winds. Often up to 50 MPH. So what few trees still had leaves on them are pretty much barren now.

But watching the trees wave to and fro, sure kept the attention of the pooches most of the day.


2nd Officer
A very early good morning. Got some sleep then woke about 12:30 and have not been able to get back to sleep. It is going to be a long day.

Other than watching the Cup race not sure what today will bring.

Dave, I googled cracked kneecap and found this:

Treatment for a Fractured Kneecap
  • A cast or splint to hold the leg in place while the bone heals.
  • Preventing or reducing weight-bearing.
  • Pain medications (opioid pain medication may be appropriate for the first few days after a severe kneecap fracture, followed by non-opioid options)
Guess Kathi probably should get a brace to wear.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
I didn’t get that extra “hour” of sleep. Haha. And I have to THANK MOTHER NATURE for not sending any RAIN and freezing temp here this weekend. Whew!

Dave: Hope everything works out for your Kathi with that knee. Ouch.
Tell her I was thinking of her on every walk I did with this Pup. He runs the show on our walks and I have to hold the leash short to avoid back and forth action.
Sending gentle hugs to her.

I was in my 3O’s when we got our pup. Much easier back then.

Nancy: I sure hope you can sneak in a NAP today. :oops:

Art just came down. He hit some extra sleep.

Again, bless you folks that have to get up rain or shine and take care of your pets!

I’ll be back hopefully later tonight!

Have a good SUNDAY. Loving this mild weather. And those horrific WINDS are gone this morning. I thought the roof was going to blow off last night. :eek:

FEBEDC99-3D3B-456F-BC81-CF81E1D7FA5E.jpeg We did a Coffee Run yesterday! He’s good in the car.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave, super ouch on poor Kathi's fall, that is never a good thing for women of our age!
We were lucky in being able to get Barb's things out of her car, the tow yard was close by & they let Jane drive back to where her car was. Barb had to stay with her car while Jane & I took turns getting her things out, and when we had everything we thanked the guy & left.

Kathie, sorry that puppy isn't being more accommodating to your sleep schedule. He sure is getting big already!

Lee, that drywall carrier is pretty neat looking, another fine example of work smarter, not harder! How are the uke lessons progressing?

Pat, how did the visit to the wound Dr. go? Hopefully you'll be released from care soon!

Bill, I noticed all the re-runs on CBS lately, seems like every year there are fewer & fewer new episodes on the shows I like.

Yard sale went ok yesterday, a fair amount of traffic but not a lot of buyers, and lot's of drive by, slow down & keep going cars. I made $40, Barb made $30 & Jane made $11. Actually, Jane was technically in the hole cause the $30 Barb made was from Jane buying her 32" tv. Just as we were getting ready to close up it started raining! I was hoping it was just going to be a brief shower & we could get stuff into the garage without it being soaked, WRONG!! It poured, stuff got all wet, we got all wet, in fact the clothes I had on still had not dried by this morning. We just got everything into Jane's garage as fast as we could & tomorrow I will go over & sort stuff, make sure it's dry & pack everything up. We will be taking a bunch of the leftover stuff to a local thrift store that sells stuff to help feed the community.
Got all the clocks changed last night except the one on the kitchen wall & the clock in my truck. Changed the kitchen one this morning, will do my truck later on when I go pick up Barb. Nov. 6th and she STILL wants to go in the pool, yep, she's crazy!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! An extra hour sleep? Ha! It was so bright this morning that we were both awake and up before 8. Only good thing that came out of that was that I had everything prepped and ready to make western omelets for breakfast. I even made fresh biscuits to go with the omelets. Best part is that I made a 6 egg one, so that we would have half of it leftover for tomorrow. Smart move, right?

Dave - How many times can we say poor Kathi? Just thinking about her accident makes me hurt. I don't think she will be walking the dogs any time in the not too distant future. I hope her doctor can give her something for the pain she is in.
I had 2 numbers on one ticket last night. Close but no cigar!

Karen - We had that rain move in on us yesterday also. We were just getting ready to go to BJ's, so we had to hold off for a while. This was the first time I have been in BJ's in at least a year. I could not believe the line for self checkout. It went all the way to the back of the store! I sure was glad Bert knew the trick of going around the other way to get to the line with real cashiers. Once the woman ahead of us with her $300.+ order was checked out, it was a breeze for us to get out of there. By the time we got close to home, once again we hit heavy rain.
Visit with the wound doctor went well. He figures I should only need to come back once more in 2 weeks. I sure hope so. This 45 minute ride in each direction, mostly on 1 lane highways is getting old. Only good part is maybe getting one more chance to go have lunch at True Blue Winery before Lu-Ann & Lee get to Florida.

Kathie - So you going to be ready to volunteer to dog-sit again any time soon? Does Jill have a fenced in yard or did you have to walk the dog every time he needed to do his business?

Lee - How's that dust cleaning up going? Do you have a shop vac? Bert has used that to pick up dust from a home project in the past.

Bill - So glad you're feeling better from the flu. Our Jennifer has had it the past few days, as well as our NC grandchildren. There certainly is a lot of it going around.

Nancy - Sorry you didn't sleep well last night. Enjoy your race today and try to stay awake for it.

So Bert decided yesterday would be a good day to start bottling up some of his homemade blackberry brandy. He decided this time to save some of the whole berries, instead of mashing everything up. Well let me tell you something - those vodka loaded blackberries can set you on your tush in a heartbeat! They are so delicious. I told Bert a few of them would be delicious over some good vanilla bean or french vanilla ice cream. This is by far the best blackberry brandy he has ever made.

Only thing going on around here today is to make a trip to the library. My copy of the newest Janet Evanovich book is waiting for me. That will help fill the long evenings we will be facing starting today!

Have a great afternoon, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Sunday evening everyone.
Our power went out last evening around 7:08. It didn’t get restored until 1:40 this morning. Now, when the power comes back on, all of the smoke detectors beep, the printer “whirs” and clicks, the TV comes back on…well, you get the noisy picture.
Vodka soaked blackberries you say Pat. Hmmm. How ‘bout mixing them in soft serve ice cream instead of a topping? Then a wee drizzle of the brandy over it all. I ordered a filter for my shop vac from Amazon. It’ll be here tomorrow.
I always feel so bad for folks who’s yard sale gets wet Karen. Did Barb give Jane the family discount? I looked back at the pic of the van. Good to see that all of the air bags seem to have deployed like they should.
Cute pic of Manny Kathie. Did I hear you clicking your heels together while saying “There’s no place like home…”. Winds were crazy here too. As was the temperature that was a tad above 70F! We went to the Windsor Film Festival this afternoon to see Boblo Boats - A Detroit Fairytale. An interesting documentary about the boats that ran between Detroit and Boblo Island. I bet you and Art rode on them back in the day.
Usually watching a NASCAR event doesn’t lead to a nap Nancy.
Agreed Dave. Stop this spring forward, fall back stuff. Hopefully the doc has a suggestion for a cracked knee cap for Kathi. Even the dust is covered in fine drywall dust. No, I never played any string instrument before. In high school I played the trombone and French Horn. Neither well.
Things are getting mighty tight in the AFC east Bill. Thanks to The Bills losing to The Jets.
Tomorrow is “Soup Day”. We have 13 friends coming over. Each couple is bringing a pot of their favourite homemade soup! I’ll try to pop in if I’m not cookin’ and cleanin’.
Stay safe and well everyone.



Wacky Wabbit
It’s so good to be home! We both said we REALLY MISS that little Rug Rat, just not enough to ever get a Pup of our own! Just too old for the responsibility.
We got paid in Downey’s Potato Chips from where Jill works! 6 bags @ $5.25 a bag! I would never spend that much for Kettle fried chips! Ha ha.

Lee: Bummer on losing power for so long! I must say sleeping in a Upper level home was spooky sounding. I thought the roof was going to be gone for sure. We have always lived in a RANCH/single level home.
Glad your power did come back as soon as it did. The Boblo event you went sounds like something I’d love to have been at. I did travel in the Boblo boat to the island. Decades and decades ago!

Karen: Has Barb started to look around for another van? With all the flooding from “Ian” she have a lot of competition. All the best in her search.

Bill & Rita: How are you both doing? They just said on the evening news that the FLU this year is a bad one. But then aren’t they all. Take care not to over-due it too fast once you start to feel really good.

BB; I vote to pour the Blackberry Brandy over Ice Cream!

Okay, I have a load of wash from our 3 day outing to get out of the dryer and fold.

2 more days and we see just how the GOP group will handle the ELECTION RESULTS. LORD HELP US PLEASE! :eek:

Sleep well folks.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Checking in to say good night. Took the easy way out tonight for dinner. Frozen beef ravioli with marinara sauce I had frozen. Surprisingly, it was really very good. Ate dinner while listening to 50s songs on the TV and enjoying a nice bottle of wine. Nice way to top off a good day. By the way, the new Janet Evonavitch book reads well and very fast.

See you all in the morning ... Sleep well, everyone. :sleep002: :sleepey smile:


2nd Officer
Good evening. We went to lunch and as usual we both brought home leftovers so we have lunch for tomorrow. The race today was pretty good. The winner is not a driver I really like but oh well. A bit before the race started they announced that the father of the driver that won yesterday died in his sleep. Coy was a co-owner of the team and COO , he was 49. Too young.

No nap for me today, 1 I would not have been able to watch the race and 2 if I did take a nap then I would not be able to get to sleep tonight.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Here we go again, another Powerball drawing tonight. But this one is worth 1.9 billion dollars. I've got my one ticket.

Well K2, now that you've had time to bond with Manny, I think it would be good for both of you to have occasional sleep-overs together.
He is SOOO cute. One of the toughest things to teach a dog is to walk at your side and not out front.

Thanks for checking on a cracked knee-cap, Nancy. I'm betting that since it's just got a crack in it and not broken all the doctor will suggest is a knee brace. Which is pretty much like a compression sock for the knee.

Kathi's gait is better and she said it didn't hurt as much to walk yesterday.

It is amazing KC how much personal stuff and just plain junk we keep in our vehicles. And about the only time we're aware of it is when we get a different vehicle or when our old one gets totaled.

Vodka soaked blackberries almost sounds like health food to go with breakfast, BB. I'm still deciding on whether it's "homemade blackberry brandy" or blackberry moonshine.

Did you ever find out why your power went out, Lee? or was it just from the wind? I love the sound of all the wind instruments, but I just couldn't play one. Spit-valves creep me out.

Hiya Bill!

Should be a quiet day around here.