Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning. We don't give out candy on Halloween anymore. We are the last street in the neighborhood and don't get any kids. Last year Bruce decided to get candy so we got one bag and not a single kid came. So we won't have any house lights on and the front door will be closed.

Not sure if we will go out to lunch or not today.

But will watch the race this afternoon.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another beautiful day here in our area of Florida. We should be able to hang out on the lanai when Gary & Ethan get here, if it doesn't get too hot.

Lee - Loved the picture of the squirrel. What type of squirrel is Bob? The ones we have here are truly tree rats - scrawny little things. Up in NJ we had REAL squirrels with big bushy tails and good sized bodies. They were the size that some people eat. The ones here have nothing to worry about in that department. There's no meat on their bones!

Dave - Happy giving out treats to the trick or treaters today. We're giving out candy tomorrow night but with the candy, we also give them a small bag of Halloween shaped pretzels. Those are a favorite of mine, but we never seem to have any left for me.
That's very cleaver how those people dress their lions. It gives everyone a good laugh. Good for OSU win yesterday. I know I'll hear all about the game and how terrible it was from our friends who are there for most PSU games. They are not going to be very happy this week.

Kathie - Sorry about the MSU loss. Gators fared no better, but we were expected to lose big time. I guess this weekend was all the annual rivalry games from what I could see. Have fun visiting your fur baby grand puppy. Make sure you find out what his schedule is before he stays at your house to make it easier on you, especially if he's in the process of being housebroken.

We had a lot of fun last night at Hellalago. All I can say is that I am so glad we have a handicap license plate. We were able to park right at the event. Everyone else had to walk or take a shuttle to the event. Of course, there was that certain group of people who think the rules are not meant for them and they brought their cars and parked all over the main road tearing up the grass and making a mess. I guess some people think they are better than anyone else and they can do as they please. They better do a better job of arranging this in a month when we have Winter Wonderland in the same location.

Time to start prepping stuff for when our company arrives. How convenient that they will arrive just at lunchtime. I have dinner planned for later in the day, but Gary let me know that Ethan wants to go home early, so he can watch the NASCAR race. Good thing he doesn't live too far away. Then Gary can come back for dinner before heading home.

Have a fun day, everyone, but be good and stay safe!:bigsmilehn::smilehn:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Lu-Ann and the ladies were out for a walk while the guys started the drywalling today. Dave came up to cut a sheet out in the garage and called me. Katie was sick. Needless to say I dropped everything and called an end to the day. We have meds on hand. I popped to the grocery to get some chicken so she can have a couple of meals of chicken and rice. Anyway, I did read along but my mind is elsewhere right now.
You folks all have a good one. See you tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the race today was good. At the end one driver did something that no one else has ever done. He managed to speed up and rode the wall and was able to pass the one driver just ahead of him in the points and because he got one spot in front they were then tied in points and the tie breaker was most top finishes and he has two 2nd place so he is now in the final 4 for the Championship. And the winner needed to win to be in the final 4. What a race.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang!

LEE: Sure hope that Katie is doing better by the time you read this post. Will be thinking you all of you for sure. Never easy having an older pet get sick.

We will be watching the little Puppy AT IT'S HOUSE. They are still sticking to a schedule and routine and it's much easy when Manny is at home for now. Today we were over there and observed how to make his food and the time schedules. This is not going to be an easy 3 days. Watching a newborn would be MUCH EASIER. Ha Ha.
All I know is when that puppy goes to the back door one of us better be RIGHT THERE to open it and let him out. He's a fast PeePee'r! Ha Ha. :emoticon 0104 surprised:

I have one of those Dr's appts that is a TOTAL WASTE of my time and the doctors, but because of insurance rules I have to check in once a year in order to be able to get medicine refills. Back in the day this never happened when you were on a long-term med. Crazy, but I can't get around it.
I can't wait until the nice Dr comes in and says....And how are you doing today? And what are we in for today?? Ha Ha. DUH.... just to chat and make the practice a few bucks!

Out of here for now.

Hey Karen.... still waiting for you to pop on and GIVE US A HELLO! :emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
Good Moan-Day morning Bunnies. And Happy Halloween!

Got your winning ticket for tonight's Billion dollar Powerball drawing?

So Lee, how's Katie doing? And what's wrong with her?

So did you pick up something for the trick or treaters, K2? So which one of you will taking Manny outside during your 3 days of puppy-sitting?

Yesterday we had 52 beggars. About our normal amount. Kathi took the chips out to them while I held the pooches on leashes so they wouldn't slip out the door. (That was a long 2 hours.) It's funny that the closer to 5 o'clock it got the slower the trick or treaters walked. Especially their parents.

Speaking of doggies, Jack, in his short life has never had to deal with cold weather. And I don't think this short haired pooch likes it. On really cold mornings he often comes in and lays down in front of a heat register. I wonder how he's going to react to seeing and being in snow for the first time.

Have fun passing out candy and pretzels today, BB. It doesn't hurt every once in a while to test them for quality control.

While we waited for trick or Treat time to come around, Kathi ordered 3 half-baked pizzas from her favorite place. Then once they cooled down put them in Food Saver bags for the freezer. That Lady does love her pizza.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick check in. Katie seemed to have a bout of her pancreatitis yesterday. She has had it in the past. We got the meds into her once I got the carpet cleaned. I popped to the grocery and we picked up ground chicken and made some rice. That's to go to meal for Greyhounds with a tummy issue. She had to go out a number of times until about 7:00 pm when her meds seemed to kick in. I stayed up with her until the end of the Bills game and she was sleeping. She made it through the night (glad one of us did!) without having to go out. A good sign. We'll get another pill into her in a bit. If she's doing OK we won't call the vet. They're only going to tell us what already know.
I'd like to play Dave's tune with the volume turned up but I don't want to scare her. Or Lu-Ann. :eek:
Monster Mash Halloween GIF by Craft Recordings

I'll try to pop back later.

It sounds like everyone had a pretty nice Sunday. And that is a good thing.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I go to the Dr to get the results from last week's MRI, I already know that there is no problem. I will also stop at the bank to get an appt to go over my IRA's and set up a payment schedule for them. Also will stop at Walgreens to see about the Covid test I ordered, as I have not heard a thing and it has been a week. Then to Publix to see if there is a Rx for Bruce and if not then call the Dr again about getting it.

We will have the front door closed and the only light will be the auto one. As we don't expect any kids but in case. One parent on our neighborhood Facebook page suggested that kid some to our street and a couple of others, since two streets seem to get everyone. At least most of the kids that come don't even live in the neighborhood it should not be too many that may come.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
BOO! :lengua::oopshn::lengua: Did I scare anyone? Happy Halloween, everyone! Looks like tonight will be a perfectly beWITCHing evening for trick or treating. :winkhn: I am really looking forward to it because I was too sick to sit outside giving out candy last year. That's not going to happen tonight. Just need a glass of wine and a lot of candy to give out and I will be a happy camper!

Lee - Poor Katie! I do hope she's doing much better today. M&J have one dog with a very sensitive stomach who often has to eat rice and ground chicken. That definitely is a great combination to feed a sick fur baby.

Dave - Thanks for reminding me about getting tickets for tonight's drawing. I guess I'm going to have to go into the store myself to get them. If I let Bert buy them, I guarantee they will all be losers. His bad luck transfers to me, if he buys the tickets. I'll see how I do on my own for a change!
That was some way you had to do things giving out treats yesterday. Maybe you should have gone and sat outside with the dogs during trick or treating time. Just a suggestion for next year.

Kathie - I didn't realize you would be watching Manny at his house for the 3 days. That really will keep him on his schedule. So what are you going to do with your time while your puppy sitting? I bet Art will go off riding his bike, right?

Well dinner last night did not go off as planned. After Gary took Ethan home, he decided that he didn't want dinner after all. He headed home before 6 with some of the leftover Cajun food from the other night. That's one of his most favorite meals!

We decided not to make what I had been planning for dinner for just the 2 of us, so instead just had a salad and a couple of king crab legs. Worked out perfectly, so we could get rid of the shells right away for this morning's garbage collection.

Aside from tonight, we don't have much planned for today, but I'm sure it will involve some shopping!! Have a perfectly SPOOKY day, everyone!:bigsmilehn:


Chief Security Officer
Forgot to buy Powerball tickets yesterday so, as a result, we have a few more bucks in our pocket this morning. I have yet to figure out why we think that buying lottery tickets are worth it only when the top prize is hundreds of millions of $. As if a win of thousands or one or two million just isn't worth it. Heck I get excited when I win $100 at the casino.
Yesterday's college football results apparently didn't make any of us happy. BC had beaten UConn every one of the seven previous times they faced them, but not yesterday. Now we are watching a dismal performance by Mac Jones as the Jets are doing their best to embarrass Belichick and company. So far the Pats are doing a good job of doing that all on their own.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well, for those of you who got your power ball tickets, good luck. I can’t begin to imagine waking up and realizing I was a “gazillionaire”. I get giddy if I win a free ticket.
I sat out front tonight and greeted the trick or treaters. We didn’t have too many at all. There were some really cute costumes. And those were on the “Yummy Mommies”. The kids had cute outfits too. One family had their wiener dog dressed up with a bun, ketchup and relish outfit. Cute AND funny!
Katie had a good day. We called Bethany and skipped music class but everyone did come over for games day. Katie’s meds and chicken and rice seem to be working.
It may have been an embarrassing performance Bill but your Pats threw up a check mark in the “W” column.
How was your evening giving out candy Pat. Do you top up adult beverages too? Always good to get rid of “stinky” garbage (crab shells) sooner rather than later.
Our next door neighbour’s sister always comes in here to shell out Nancy. They live way out in the country and there’s nowhere to really go.
Dave, I like the idea of scheduled afternoon trick or treating. When we had the little dogs I wanted to call Henry “Ono”. Because with his little legs, deep snow and his, well, his weewee every time he went out in the snow I’m sure he thought “Oh No”.
Watching puppies is not easy Kathie. Nor is it for the faint hearted. They can get into mischief at the drop of a hat. Hopefully all went well during your doc appointment.
Pfizer bivalent Covid booster tomorrow. Hopefully neither of us gets too sore of a shoulder.
Have a good night everyone.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
6:30 and it’s still really dark. Kinda like when I got up at 4:55. I gotta figure out how to sleep in just a tad. Oh well…
Everybunny have a fantastic Tuesday!


2nd Officer
Running low on energy at the moment. So this probably won't be long.

Lee; Pleased to read that Ms. Katie is feeling much better. By the end of the Bills game, you both were feeling better.
I understand the bland food helping her condition, but what kind of pills did she also take? Happy that you snagged an appointment for the Covid booster shot.

Any big or small winners from last night's Powerball? STILL no winner of it all.

A good turnout of ghosts and goblins for you, BB?

WHAT??? The Browns actually won last night?


Wacky Wabbit
Cute Girl November GIF by Oh So Paper
Lordy the months are flying by.... except when it gets to Jan-March and the snow and cold hit us up here in the North. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

We didn't hand out TREATS to the kids yesterday. Good thing too, because it rained the entire 2 hours the kiddies were supposed to be out and about. I noticed a few groups towards the 8 O'Clock stopping hour when the siren goes off to let everyone know it's over walking around, but it was a good year NOT to have to sit outside and get wet.

After no lucky trick-or-treater scored Monday night’s billion-dollar Powerball jackpot, players will have to vie for the prize yet again on Wednesday, this time for a whopping estimated $1.2 billion.

The jackpot is the second-largest prize in Powerball’s 30-year history, according to the lottery, just behind the record $1.586 billion win in 2016. There were 10 tickets that won 1Million and 3 that won 2Million last night.

So far I've saved about $10 bucks not remembering to buy the darn Lotto ticket. I promise if I win I'll make sure to drive by each of your homes, (Karen's too) and drop off a envelope with a few bucks inside it! I just couldn't imagine after all these years not sharing with my "extended family"!

BB: Not sure what I will be doing all the while we are watching Manny pup! Most likely just making sure one of us gets to the back door in time to open it and let him out to do his 'business'! :emoticon 0101 sadsmile: Not sure if Art will take his bike with him for his Saturday bike ride or not.

Dr's appt went well. Waste of time, but oh well it was quick. She did order up a new med and when I got home and I googled it I realized she ordered a med I use to take back in 2018. She used the Generic name and I didn't
recognize it while at the office. Now I need her to just change the order back to the med I've been taking. There's nothing wrong with it. ALWAYS SOMETHING! Duh.
Try explaining that to the auto machine at the office. :emoticon 0104 surprised:

Lee: Good to know the Chicken & Rice combo is helping our Katie get things under control. It's as hard on the her as it is on you and Lu-Ann when she's sick. Hope today is a better day.

How about those crazy players on the Mich State football team ruining their college football chances by being BULLIES to a U of M player in the tunnel leading to the locker rooms. One is going to be sued by the player that got a concussion when hit with a helmet and all 4 players are suspended pending further investigations. SAD when players think they'll get away with something like that these days. It happened at Penn State last week. They need to make a HUGE EXAMPLE out of this situation to send a message to the other teams that 'you're OUT' if you do it.

Out of here for now. I forgot my CREDIT CARD at a restaurant owned by one of our church members yesterday on the way home from the doctors appt. Now I have to drive 30 mins to go pick it up. Silly me! At least when I called, they had it secured.

All of us NORTHERN FOLKS are going to enjoy temps above 65F the rest of the week. Yippee!

Have a good day all.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! This is another one of those mornings where we will be heading out in a short while with lots of stops to make along the way. I hate days like this with too much running around.

Lee - Glad that Katie is doing better. Nice that you had your afternoon game day. That's such a neat idea.

Kathie - Sorry you have to make that trip to pick up your credit card. How did you manage to forget it? I guess being it's so seldom that I use my card, I'm very conscious of getting the card back before I go anywhere else. Sorry it rained on the trick or treaters. That's a hoot that they blow a horn when it all has to stop. Talk about big brother!!

None of us got rich last night, unfortunately. I did have the power ball number on one ticket, so I won an amazing $4.00! That will go towards the next drawing, I guess.

We were disappointed last night with the trick or treaters. It was a perfect night, but we got less than half what we usually get. As I said to Bert, either they've gotten too old for this or their family moved away. Also very few houses on our block gave out candy this year. Missy brought the kids here and then did our block. That's how I know very few houses gave anything out.
Funny part was we had so much candy leftover, so Bert told the kids to take some. Miss Jennifer proceeded to empty a whole huge bowl of candy into her bag! She saw nothing wrong with that, as Grandpa had told her to take some candy. She did have to share the candy with the rest of the kids she was with. And we still have a big bowl of candy and lots of the bags of pretzels left.

Time for me to run and get ready to head out of here. Have a super day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. This morning went to the back and closed out an IRA, moved it all to the checking acct. Also set up an appt with the one person that does money market accts since that is my main IRA acct to see if all that I have it set up as is doing what it should. I am very conservative with it so hardly any high risk.

The did a bit of shopping at Walmart and then on to get the chest xray. If it shows either bronchitis or pneumonia the Dr's off will give me a call and add any Rx's needed.

Tonight we go to Benihana's for my birthday dinner.


Wacky Wabbit
Retrieved my credit card. 24 mins to get there.
BB I set the card down to sign the receipt and their were menu’s on the checkout area and I didn’t see it. :eek:

I saw that gas went UP overnight by $.34 cents everywhere and some place even by more. What the heck is going on! OH WAIT…ELECTIONS are coming up soon and they want to make sure to blame the hike on the DEMs so you don’t vote for them. Lord help us.
I heard on the radio the the ORANGE PUNK said the it was a INSIDE job as to Poloses hubby getting mugged. Crazy SOB. He causes all this stuff. :mad:

I went to Costco and this what 2 LEGS of CRAB cost. Not enough to even tickle your throat. INSANE. $59.26.

THATS crazy, like $30 bucks a stick.!!
Same ridiculous prices at our Fish Mrkt/ Veggie store.
Enlarge to see the prices.

Went to the bakery area and they want $13 bucks a pound for Italian cookies. They were high last year at $11 a pound.

A head of lettuce was $4 bucks. There was a sign that said they had issues in California. REALLY.

Okay I’m done complaining.

Sure was a beautiful day here in PURE MICHIGAN.


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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sure was a beautiful day here in PURE MICHIGAN.
Well Kathie, except for the price of groceries, gas and having to go pick up your credit card! We were looking at salmon in our grocery this afternoon. Prices are up a good (not so good?) 20%. The only way to really eat healthy is to win that lottery!
So Nancy, are birthday wishes in order?
Yes Pat, our games day started during Covid. We couldn’t go out or get together so we started doing “zoom” trivia. We‘ve just kept it going but now we rotate to each other’s homes. I wonder how many people are googling “left over Halloween candy recipes”? I am.
Katie is on Metronidazole twice a day for 4 or 5 days which takes care of diarrhea brought on by her pancreatitis. This stuff starts to work in about 2 hours! We have no idea what sets her off. She also gets a probiotic in the form of a small packet added to her dinner.
How are you and Rita feeling today Bill?
We got Covid shot number five this morning. So far no ill effects. Tomorrow the guys are coming over for more “Fun With Drywall”. I reckon we have a couple of days to go as long as things move along smoothly. Yes, I’m touching wood as I say that.
OK everyone, you all have a great Tuesday evening.


2nd Officer
Amen and Hallelujah, next week at this time there will be no political commercials!

Which means we go back to commercials trying to sell us Medicare supplements & cars.

Come to think of it, politicians make car salesmen look good.

I'll be awaiting you at the door after the next Powerball drawing, K2. I sure could use that $3.50. Sorry that your trick or treat got rained out. The prices at the grocery store are scary. Time to start serving Ramen Noodles. (They're actually quite good, once in a while.)

BB; Congrats on your big win from the Powerball drawing. Heck, you may get $8 on the next one so you can fully retire. I can imagine you having a lot of treats left over when only half the beggars you planned on showed up. But look at it this way, at least you got some Halloween pretzels for yourself this year.

Lee, coincidentally I saw a news story yesterday on what to do with leftover candy. Different deserts including pies. "Metronidazole", now that's a dandy long name for a drug. But if it works for Katie keep on using it. It's a shame that you can't figure what triggers her upsets. Happy that you got the latest Covid booster. Now be careful today with your backs moving around that drywall.

Hi to the rest of you Bunnies. EARTH TO KC!

In a bit, Fuzzbutt goes to the groomer to be beautified.