Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Thanks for the picture of BB's wine glass, Lee. Now I know why she only has ONE.......or TWO at a sitting.

I've got to admit BB that I've never heard of glasses like your new ones. Not for reading, not for distance, but something in between. And sometime you don't even need them.

It's interesting that our 2 most recent cruisers are back on dry land and immediately start checking their doctor's appointments for this week.

Manny is such a cutie, K2. Feel sorry for Art and his arthritis. Over time, that curse just seems to get worse. Around here, we've pretty much hit our peak for fall colors.

Some mornings I really dread turning on the news. Let's see; Another school shooting, upticks in kids getting that RSV virus, Covid, and the flu. Plus the death of Leslie Jordan. (Actor and very funny comedian.)

I'd change the channel to Rocky & Bullwinkle if I could find any channel that was showing it.

Oh well, at least it'll be dry and in the 70's today.

Any big winners in last night's biggie Powerball drawing?

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! No beautiful fall colors here, but a cloudless sky and temps around 85 sounds just about right to me. I'm willing to look at artificial autumn colored leaves in exchange for these temps!!

Bill - Welcome home to you and Rita. Hopefully, we can get together when you come down to Florida for your short Wonder cruise. Like maybe go out to eat.

Kathie - Sorry that Art is having problems with arthritis. Aleve usually will give a bit of a break from the pain. Manny looks like he was having a ball in those leaves!

Dave - I don't question the glasses. I just know that the first pair was causing double vision and using these on the computer screen works and that's all I asked.

Let me see what's on tap around here today? Oh yeah, we have appointments to get our flu & covid shots. I would have preferred dong them separately, but it was such a pain getting an appointment, Bert wants to get both over and done with. Nothing else going on today except I do have to cook tonight. It's going to be a Polish night here - Kielbasa and sauerkraut with boiled baby potatoes. I haven't made this in ages and am looking forward to it.

Time to make out a list of what I need from Publix while we're there today. M&J and company are coming for dinner Friday night and Gary & Ethan are coming for dinner on Sunday while Elaine is out of town for the weekend.

Have a super day, no matter what you're doing!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well the MRI went well. This time when the contrast was injected my arm was HOT, never before have I felt anything other than maybe a bit cold for a couple of seconds, also that area of the elbow is swollen, hope that goes down soon.

Just got a call about a delivery that is coming today, guess it is my birthday gift from Jennifer and family.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Got our shots. Easy peasy!!! In and our of Publix in less than 15 minutes. I didn't really even get a chance to look at anything on the shelves. Bert pushed the wheelchair so fast, everything was just a blur. I think that was his plan, so I didn't see anything I wanted!!

Have a great rest of the day, everyone. Time for me to make a phone call to J&J. We haven't talked in a couple of weeks!!


Wacky Wabbit
Hey there Wrabbits. I have nothing for you folks today.
I did take our Ballots into the Township offices. Nice big DROP BOX right next to the clerks desk. IN THEY WENT.

A gentleman came to our front door just now as I was starting to post and handed me a nice card with his name on it and said he was running for some office. I looked at the card and it said REPUBLICAN.... :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: I said as politely as I could..."We're Democrats, but I wish you well"! He said he understood and if he could ever do anything for us give him a call. I said I know these cards/fliers are not cheap so you need to keep this and handed him his card/flier back!
I give him a LOT of CREDIT for going door to door.

DAVE: I must agree with you about the SAD news we wake up to lately. Art and I said the same thing yesterday. It was ALL ABOUT MURDERS.... everywhere. We changed the channel on the radio after the 3rd report. :(

Hope you all enjoyed the nice day. Out of here for now.

KAREN.....still holding out hope you'll come back to the hutch if only once a month! :emoticon 0115 inlove:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bert pushed the wheelchair so fast, everything was just a blur.
Pat, Bert did that for your health. He didn’t want you in that nasty store with all of those germs floating around. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Is there anything that you don’t cook that doesn’t sound (and taste) great!
So right Kathie. There’s nothing like a puppy and a pile of leaves. The good news is all is well with Art and he’s on the mend. Good for you showing such class when the candidate for the other team came to your door.
Yes Dave, another day that makes you want to skip turning on the news. Leslie Jordan’s antics during Covid lockdown always brought a smile to our faces.
Nancy, I always laugh when I have an MRI and the tech warns me that I may feel warm AND get a feeling like I’m peeing. I said to one young tech “I thought you said I’d only feel like I’m peeing.” She wasn’t sure if I was kidding or not.
I have to be honest Bill. I didn’t see the blowout putting a “W” up for Da Bears.
It’s been a longish day here. Following our usual morning walk the guys came over at 9:30. After coffee and muffins (it’s in Old Guy Contractors contract) we headed downstairs. All of the duct work has been framed in, receptacle boxes are in and the wiring is just about done. Tomorrow we’ll get the wiring connected, tape up the vapour barrier and order the drywall.
Time to go practice my music. In good time I’ll record a session and post it here.
You all have a great evening and a fantastic tomorrow.


2nd Officer
I'm so pleased that you Bunnies are keeping up with your flu shots and Covid boosters. And getting your voting in early.

In the category of, "I didn't know they made these"; Last week Kathi made a bunch of apple pies for the freezer. One problem was the standard apple cutter we have wasn't big enough to handle many of the larger apples. "I wonder if they make a larger one?", and suggested she check on Amazon. Sure enough they do. Not only larger, but you can choose one that cuts the apples in 8, 12, or 16 pieces. She went for 12. It came yesterday. Slick!

I happen to like Bert's swift walking in the store. He was there to get the 2 shots, and that's it. Get them and get out. NO DETOURS.

Looks like our warm and sunny days are over for a while. Soggy and only in the upper 50's for us today.

The jackpot is over 700 million dollars now for the Powerball drawing on Saturday.

This morning it's grocery shopping for us at the smaller store. IF they still have that lemon pie ice cream I'll be snatching up a couple more containers of it. Since it's only going to be available for a while.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits! It rained through the night and the temps held at around 62F. Now it's dropping and at 56F. Trees are still full of beautiful leaves. The rain was a light one.

Lee: Nice to read that your O.G.C. are putting in some good hours in your basement. It'll be nice to have that all done and use it soon. Are you putting in a Wall Fireplace? Good time to think about that! Nice and COZY feeling when you're down there watching TV.
Do the pups ever venture downstairs? Are the prices of material much higher than the last time you bought supplies?

I have an eye exam this afternoon. Going to see a different Dr in the group. Art saw her for his exam. He told me she's ALL BUSINESS but will listening to you. Should be interesting.

BB: Hope your new computer glasses are doing the trick for you.

Dave: We still need to get the latest booster. The Kroger's we go to get them from only gets limited amounts of the serum, so the nice lady said to just keep checking back. I think I'll call Rite-Aid and see if they have the latest and greatest serum.

Out of here for now.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! I can't believe how many hours you can waste on this computer! I was trying to find a cell phone cover for my new phone. They have thousands of different covers for iPhones, but very little for other phones. I had bought a cheap one on Amazon that definitely didn't work on my phone. I finally found something this morning at Best Buy, but of course, I have to order it and wait for them to get in in next week.

I had to laugh at the comments made by certain people here who think the same way Bert does and that you should get rushed out of a store. Next time, the heck with being pushed in the wheelchair. I'll use one of the carts and drive myself around the store! What fun is it to go to a store, if you don't get a chance to look around? Bert shops just like a man!!!

Kathie - Cool way you handled that guy who was campaigning. That's one thing they can't do here. No soliciting is allowed. I even called security last week on a guy going door to dorr trying to sell solar panels. He didn't last long after my phone call!
Good luck with your eye exam this afternoon.

Dave - So did you find more of that lemon ice cream? Must really be good considering how much you're stockpiling. Enjoy it! Nice apple cutter Kathi bought. Have you ever seen the one they have for cutting watermelon? That definitely is something to behold.

Lee - Nice that you Old Guy Contractors have another project to work on. It will keep you out of trouble in the chilly weeks ahead. Do have fun!

Not much going on around here today. Might just be nice and treat Bert to a beer at the Grille come happy hour. They have complementary chips, salsa and melty cheese until 6:00. We've had no reaction to our shots yesterday. Friends of ours got their shots last night at Walgreen's. They are both very achy with chills and the being hot. I personally think they are being over dramatic, as they often are. Plus in spite of getting the Covid shots and boosters, both of them have had Covid twice. Go figure ...

Well, I started this right at lunchtime and for some unknown reason, I forgot to post it. Senior moment? Could be! Time to post this before I forget again!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So Dave, did ya get your lemon pie ice cream? I was thinking the apple gizmo was adjustable but it sounds like it just does the one number. Adjustable would be neat!
No Kathie, no fireplace in the basement. But you’re right. There’s a number of really nice looking ones out there now. I have found that the prices for some construction supplies is about 20% more than it was before my Covid and my trip to the hospital interrupted our plans. But, it is what it is.
Men are hunters Pat. We have been since the beginning of time. We know what we are after, we get in, get it and get out. Women are gatherers. You like to poke around. Touch things. Smell things. You know, enjoy your time in the store. :)
The OGC’s are not going to take too long to get things done here. The framing is complete, the electrical is in and the drywall comes Saturday. Once that’s here we’ll tackle a few sheets at a time. Mostly because we have to carry the sheets from the garage to the basement, they’re heavy and we’re not as young as we used to be. We will have someone come in and tape, mud and sand. Then we’ll paint and do the flooring.
It was a rainy day here in The Burg but we still got the pups out for their morning walk at The Navy Yard. The parks guys were out starting to put up the Christmas lights for RiverLights that starts next month. It’s supposed be beautiful by the weekend. For a day or two. Ah, welcome to fall.
We have a “free” day tomorrow. Then tomorrow night we have a presentation at the book shop that covers the haunted buildings and locations in Amherstburg and surrounding areas!
OK my friends. You all have a great evening. See you tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
EXCELLENT CHATTING on here today! Good job Wrabbits.

I went to the Eye doctor. Talk about a through exam. This Dr lady is very driven and ALL BUSINESS, but I got the best exam ever. She sent me to get blood work done regarding something to do with my Thyroid. She says it's a different blood test than the one my Internist has ordered. She's looking to make sure my one eye that droops doesn't have anything to do with the thyroid levels.
Then she asked for my MRA (brain scans) from a few years ago. She wants to see the disks and the "Study Results".
I must say having folders for all my doctors and tests sure saved me a lot of digging. I found all the items she asked for.
I have 75% DRY EYE. Need to do drops 3 x's a day for the next 5 weeks and go back and have her see if there is any improvement. Lordy it's ALWAYS SOMETHING!

Lee: Sounds like the OGC is moving right along with this project. And KUDO's to you all for hiring out the nasty taping and sanding of the drywall. SMART MOVE.

Thursday is suppose to start out in the 30 degree's and might get up to 50F. Next week is supposed to be nicer.

BB: You need to hire a Uber driver to take you to the store and get in one of those motor carts and just spend a few hours looking around. Ha Ha.

DAVE: Have Kathi post a good picture of that gizmo that cuts up the apples. Sounds interesting.

I got my new MINI Pizzelle maker today. Can't wait to give it a try. The size of the Pizzelle will be 4". Too cute.

breaking news trinity GIF
ART and I got the lates COVID Booster tonight. I'll let you know if my arm aches or if I feel chills or fever from it. :eek: :supris: So far so good. Don't even feel any soreness on the arm.

Nite all.


2nd Officer
The plan was to go grocery shopping yesterday morning, until Kathi woke up with a sour stomach. So once again, our plan is to go grocery shopping this morning. And yes, the lemon pie ice cream is VERY yummy.

You're right Lee, that extra large apple cutter isn't adjustable to different numbers of slices. Your basement remodel is really zooming along.

BB; I definitely would like to see a watermelon cutter. Neither Kathi or I got any reactions to the flu shot or latest booster.

Happy to hear you're pleased with your eye exam, K2. It's always nice to go a doctor that actually listens to you. Good going on getting your newest Covid booster shot.

I'm sick enough of political adds, and now they're jacking up the political phone calls. One lady who's running for Senate called here 3 times within an hour last night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Haven't got too much for you this morning. Got a terrible night's sleep and would love to go back to bed, if I thought I'd fall asleep.

Have a good day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well yesterday was a busy and long day. Started with an appt to get my hearing aid, that was at 10;30 but she did not even call me until 10:45 to get the charger, then about 25 minutes later asked for my other aid, then another 25 minutes before she gave the aids and both were working. Am set with an appt Nov 16 to see the audiologist to make sure everything is working okay, So far so good. Then I went to Aldi's and they did not have the mac n cheese I wanted but they did have Coho Salmon so I bought two packages. Then it was on to Publix to pick up two Rx's for Bruce and a couple other things, so it was well after 1 before I got home. And by then I was tired.

Bruce was home yesterday because he hurt one ankle and it was hard for him to stand on that foot. So he iced and kept the foot elevated, so today is much better. Have to do at least one load of laundry in a bit.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Where did the morning go? Oh wait…..I was busy making Mini Pizzelles with my new toy! Ha ha. It works great. You just have to watch it like a hawk so the Pizzelles don’t burn. Double recipe made 55 4” crispy Pizzelles. I put Conac in mine. I don’t like Anise flavoring.

Dave: Tell Kathi thanks so much for the pic of the Apple Slicer. I like the size of the bigger one!

BB; Sorry you didn’t sleep well.
Sunny here, but only 56 degrees. Brrr


Chief Security Officer
Saw my primary care doctor today. When I first began going to see him, I was told that he is quite prompt and it was suggested that I make sure to arrive on time for appointments with him. Never was something more true than it was today. Arrived five minutes early for my 12:45appointment, was taken relatively quickly to an examining room where a nurse took my vital signs and confirmed my list of medications, and at exactly 12:45, the doctor appeared and by 1:00pm, I was at the check out counter and on my way to the lab for blood work. Wish all medical appointments were as quick and efficient while still being thorough. Will see him again in April after we return from Florida.
Two more doctor's appointments next month and one in early December. Hope all go as well as today's.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Back from the “Ghost Road” chat at the book shop. Marty, the author and presenter, had a video presentation ready to go and it malfunctioned. Ghosts? He did a great job just “wingin’ it.”
It‘s so refreshing to get doctors that really want to stay ahead of things, are punctual or best of all, BOTH. It sounds like Kathie and Bill both lucked out in those departments.
You sure were busy with those mini pizzelles Kathie! I’m thinking how good they’d be with a little caramel spread between them. We get our flu shot tomorrow and Covid booster next week.
Thanks for the pictures of the apple slicers Dave. Or Kathi. I have seen those in kitchen stores. By the way, how is Kathi feeling today? Ice cream still in stock?
We’re you able to get a nap or two this afternoon Pat?
Drywall is being delivered Saturday. Tomorrow morning we pick up 50 boxes of flooring that Lu-Ann found at Costco this morning. Doug is coming over with his pickup because we never could get them all in the van! It is falling into place. (knocking wood!)
Time to catch up on TAR.
Have a good evening. You all stay safe and healthy.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Did a load of laundry today and I wrapped all but 9 Christmas gifts. One needs a box but I will get one. A lot of the gifts are small enough to fit in one good size box and about 8 more in another box. The rest I will see about wrapping tomorrow. Then I will only have to wrap as more come in, which should only be a few and mainly for Bruce.

Today I se up my Disney+ account which comes with the Hulu+. And we just watched Hocus Pocus 2, it was good.

All have a good night.