Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good Wednesday morning, Wabbits!

I'm curious too Bill if you have to pay extra for breakfast at Chops. We've never had much luck on getting a good internet connection on a ship.

BB; You sure lucked out having a spare oxygen concentrator, plus the Inogen. At least this adventure got your main concentrator serviced. Hope your new glasses work out.

A mini pizzelle sounds interesting, K2. It's good that you have more cabinet space now for your new gadget. An eye exam for you too. That seems quite common for us Bunnies lately.

I've never been to the Henry Ford Museum, Lee. But from what I've heard, I figured that you'd enjoy your visit. And yes, they still publish the Readers Digest. We have a subscription to it. It's a great little read to have next to the toilet, because of all the short stories.

After our hot summer I'm not yet used to the extra cold weather we've been having the last few days. Nor am I used to seeing everyone bundled up in winter coats. Heck, I saw a kid riding down the street yesterday who had a blanket wrapped around him.

When you sign up to work at the voting polls in our county they can assign you to any place in the county. Kathi found out yesterday where she will be working. A little town called Brewster. It's only about 15 minutes from here. And it'll be at a church. Population of this town is 2,000. But hey, they've got TWO traffic lights. And I'd bet that there will be a rail at the church where people can tie up their horses.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I wondered if the administration would allow me to post a picture of a big Weiner on here.
I just can't imagine the looks one would get driving this around town. Especially a town like, say, Brewster Ohio. Where with my luck I would have to stop at both stoplights!
I wanted to post this photo from The Henry Ford yesterday but it kept showing up on it's side.
Cold and rainy here today. I'll pop back later.
Be good everyone.


Chief Security Officer
No charge for breakfast in Chops for Suite or Pinnacle guests and it is a much better experience than fighting the crowds in the Windjammer. We are docked at Coco Cay today and the skies are full of gray clouds and it is raining lightly. The prediction is "showers" but there doesn't seem to be signs of movement so we may still get off. We both have scooters so it is much easier to get around both on the ship and ashore.
Rita's phone is on airplane mode which is why she hasn't responded, Pat.
If anyone is still wondering what happens in Central Park on Oasis when it rains, the answer is "you will get wet". There are umbrella's available at both entrances to Central Park so you can stay dry when going to one of the restaurants in the Park.
Kevin and Jamie just called from the pool on Coco Cay so we will be off shortly to join them. Take care everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I actually made it here before noon today!!

Let's talk about cold. It's ONLY 55 here this morning. That's 20 degrees less than this time yesterday! I found out a little while ago from Bert that he put the heat on during the night. When I woke up this morning, he was snuggled under the heavy crocheted afghan I won years ago. He also had his trusty socks on. I can't imagine what he would do if we were still up north!

Bill - Thanks for letting Rita know that I've been looking to talk to her. We had a nice chat a little while ago before you got off the ship. I hope you enjoyed your day at Coco Key and that it didn't rain too much.

Lee - We have actually seen the Weiner Mobile driving down the road a number of times, especially when we lived in NJ. It really is cool to see it on a highway just cruising along. Down here we have the Lobster Mobile from Boston Lobster Fest. It's a VW bug with a huge lobster on the top. 1666191238598.png
That's a lot scarier than a hot dog on wheels!! LOL

Dave - It was a good thing that I had the spare O2 concentrator. Guy didn't get here until almost 6:00! Without the spare, we probably would have ended up possibly having to go to the hospital. By the time the guy got here, the concentrator was working again as it should. He still changed it out and gave us a new unit. I checked and I've had an O2 concentrator here at the house for 9 years already and Medicare pays for it each month.
Didn't manage to get to the eyeglass place yesterday waiting for the guy referenced above to get here. For that same reason, we never got to Publix to get our flu shot either.

Never did go out for dinner last night, so we had a frozen Red Baron pizza. Not exactly gourmet dining, but that was ok. Now tonight we will have the last of the meatloaf for dinner.

Bert's off to the dermatologist for his usual burning of spots. Maybe afterwards we can get those flu shots today. It's raining lightly right now, but that should clear, hopefully. I hate being in the wheelchair when it's raining. I can't use an umbrella or Bert can't see anything.

While things are quiet around here, I think it's time for another cup of coffee. I need it to keep warm!! Have a great day, everyone!:happyhn:


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.'s a tad BRISK outside, but a least it's NOT SNOWING here.

Good you could take in a little of The Henry's fantastic museum! We've been there a few times. The last was for a wedding reception right in the museum. Lovely set up and we got to stroll around with our wine glasses and look at all the HUGE (and I mean HUGE) train locomotives. Fascinating to say the least! The museum is a special TREASURE. Thanks for the Weiner pic. So many neat things to see and read about in there.

Negc: Thanks for getting on here and keeping us informed of how things are going on this cruise. Bummer about the rain. Nice pert to be able to have breakfast in the Chops for free. Ha Ha.... you PAID FOR IT with that Suite or Pinnacle cabin!

Nice to have a scooter to get around the ship. Do you rent those or do you two own your own scooters?? Have fun at Coco Cay. You really need to POST a few pictures on here for us.

BB: How'd things go last night with the O2? Hope everything was working for you. Bummer you couldn't go get your new glass lenses today. Enjoy your day off from errands.

Dave: I think it's great that Kathi got a voting station in a church. Hopefully, it will be a safe place! :emoticon 0111 blush: And the fact that there are only 2,000 people living there is even better. Our township is expanding by leaps and bounds into the surrounding farm/sod country and our election voting places are starting to grow too. We've been moved out of the school down the street that we use to go to and into the Township Community Bldg. Lots of room there with all the basketball courts to set up voting machines in. It's only 4 miles from the house.
And that new GADGET is only 5" wide! Won't take up too much space. :smiley24:

Off to pay our Water bill in person and save 3% fee that they would charge if you called to pay by credit card. Since the offices are only 4 miles from us it's a WIN DEAL for me.

Later gang.

YUP.... sure hope I didn't hurt your feelings Karen. If so, I'm so sorry! :emoticon 0101 sadsmile: We all know you have to have to be THICK SKINNED to put up with everything we sling around on this thread! At least let us know you're okay and that goes for your kitties and sisters too. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer

We’ve seen the lobstermobile a number of times in around Kissimmee Pat. It always cracks me up! But it did make me think of that song. You need to get a big, clear umbrella that would protect you and give Bert a sight line. Maybe even protect him too! Right now we’re “enjoying” 40F under an ongoing drizzle. By Monday we’re expecting 70F. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that weather presenters (being politically correct) lie like cheap rugs. And keep their jobs! Hmmm. Kinda like some politicians…
That museum is one beautiful building Kathie. There’s even an Anderson Theatre in there. We caught a glimpse of the locomotives. You are spot on. They are gigantic! As are a couple of the aircraft on display. I stayed away from the race car displays and simulators or I’d still be there! You mention a credit card fee to pay utility bills. That has been in place here for a while. Last week it became legal for any businesses to charge a fee if you use your Visa or Mastercard. AmEx wasn’t part of the court case. Some businesses say they will post the required signage and charge the fee. Some said they will just raise their prices to cover it. It seems for now most are not going to add another “tax” to purchases.
Too bad that you’re getting a little rain Bill. Rita told Lu-Ann and I about our level of cruisers being able to eat in relative peace and quiet away from The Windjammer. Her tip added even more enjoyment to our cruise.

It's a great little read to have next to the toilet, because of all the short stories.
I’m glad you specified the “read” part Dave. I used to hate delivering Readers Digest when I was with Canada Post. Just about everyone had a subscription. If they had those little teenie mail slots there was no way to get them through without bending them! Funny, there’s a young couple who walk a French Bull Dog at The Navy Yard every day. This morning we were chatting about having to be in long pants, “light” winter coats and HORROR OF HORRORS…socks!
We’ve done our music practice for today. Now it’s time to hit the gym equipment.
The guys are coming over in the morning to redo the material list based on our changes. I picked up the electrical stuff this morning. I’m gonna bake either blueberry or cranberry orange muffins to go with our coffee.
in the meantime, everyone stay well.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Lee - I have to admit that I have never heard that song before. How do you manage to find these little gems?
Bert still gets Readers Digest. It has gotten so thin now that Bert bends it in half and sticks it in his back pocket when I have a doctor appointment and we're in the waiting room.

You really don't want to get me going about the politicians here in Florida this go round. Between deathSantis, whom they are ready to canonize as a saint and little Marco running for reelection to the senate, just to name two. They are all repubs and all of their commercials say the same things about every democratic candidate. Most of it is all lying slander that everyone knows is not true, except the faux news people. Little Marco even claims that his opponent, a congressman (or should I say woman) and a former Orlando police officer, is trying to change boys into girls (?). How do you do that? Oh yeah, that's also without parental consent. That's just one hateful point they keep making and their low mentality sponge absorbers just soak it up. Unfortunately, with the money they are spending, they will probably win all the spots they are running for. God knows what deathSantis will come up with over they next 4 years to ruin Florida further! :( He's worse and more dangerous than lil t ever was!

See what you made me do? One last thing ... deathSantis only approved emergency help after Ian for Rep counties and nothing for the Democratic Central Florida counties.

OK, I'm going back to my corner now. Enjoy the rest of your afternoons!


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: A butcher shoppe I go to charges 3% if you use a credit card and if you pay CASH you get a discount. Amazing.
There is a New York Deli restaurant that we go to every so often and I've learned that we need to have CASH for it, because it charges a fee if you use a credit card. They do give Senior Discounts if you use CASH. Amazing.

BB: You have a "SH*T Load" of rotten Politian's in your state. But then, don't we all.

Got our water bill paid and picked up our Absentee Ballots for the Nov Election. Saves us standing in line. They were so polite and helpful at our Township offices.

Off to do some baking.
Cranberry Shortbread cookies. I happen to have a bag of FRESH cranberries in the refrig. Love this time of the year when you can buy the berries fresh and make relish from them or bake scones or cookies.

Later gang. I was just passing through. Ha Ha


2nd Officer
How COOL, we got to see a picture of not only the Weiner Mobile but also the Lobster Mobile! Plus a "fishy" kind of song.

Oh joy, another day beginning at the freezing mark. But like you Lee, by the weekend it'll be 70 degrees.

Bill, I'm surprised that they didn't design a retractable roof over the Central Park on the Oasis, like they do at some sports stadiums.

You're so right BB, the Readers Digest has gotten thinner and thinner over the years. You Floridians sure have had a run of bad luck recently, and now there's lots of a flesh eating virus in the standing water.

Like you K2, we are again using absentee ballots. We requested them on the computer, and soon should be getting them in the mail. To be honest, I don't know if we can just go into some county building and pick them up.

Speaking of voting stations; I don't know if it's because of all the school shootings but all the voting stations I can think of have been moved from schools to community buildings or churches.

This election can't come soon enough. I'm sick of all the political commercials. With almost every one using the phrases, "TOO EXTREME", "DANGEROUS", OR "RADICAL".

Oh yea; Yesterday morning was interesting on our street between 9 and 11:30. No water. A water main, just up our street, must have blown. So they were out with heavy equipment digging up the street to fix the problem. So no cooking, loads of laundry, no showers and no washing dishes.

And knowing that you only had one flush of the toilet.



Wacky Wabbit
36 degrees right now! And to think that on Friday it will be 70F. Crazy, but I'll take that combo anyday.

YIKES DAVE.... you were UP and POSTING REALLY EARLY. Bless you.

I'm up at 7:00 a.m. and getting ready to go for a RE-CHECK at the Dermo Dr! That skin burn issue healed amazingly well. NO SCAR at all. I just want to make sure to thank the Dr for prescribing the right meds.

Later Wrabbits.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Time only for a quick post as we're getting ready to get out of here. We have an appointment about 2 hours away from here. No fun being in traffic that long. Glad I won't be the one driving!! LOL

I'll try to get back here later. In the meantime, have a wonderful day!


Wacky Wabbit
Dermatologist appt was quick and timely.
7:50 am signed in.
8:00 am (my appt time) Taken to room
8:02 am Clerk comes in and asks if there were any changes for my case file. Nope!
8:03 am Dr's Assistant comes in. Checks my face. All good. She Zapped a wart (twice) on my thumb High Powered
Nitrogen Spray that hurts like heck for a second and then goes away.
8:06 am I check out in the front office by handing them my paperwork slip. Make a appt for NEXT YEAR JAN for a full body look over!
8:08 am I'm in the car on my way home.

MY KIND OF Doctors appt! :smiley24: :smiley24:

Getting ready to take Mr Art to get his MRI & CT-Scan done.

NOTE: Might have a buyer for my 8x10 wool rug. Lady coming by tomorrow to look at it.

She wanted to come today, but we had appts and she had one too that just wouldn't
make it work out for either us. So Friday is the day! Let's hope she buys it. I hate to see it
trashed. Just too good.



Wacky Wabbit
Neighbor brought these over from under his tree. I watered them all Summer and he thought I should enjoy the last blooms before the FROST gets to them. He even put them in a VASE with WATER in it. Too cool. He's a great neighbor.
I gave him some of my freshly baked Cranberry cookies to take to work with him. He's on an afternoon shift.


We had a tad bit of SLEET going on outside. Mostly rain and a little snow. YIKES, just too early for this stuff.

Safe driving Pat & Bert.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Of course, my mind wondered what kind of tree you got delicious cookies from Kathie. Then I reread your post. :D It sounds like a top notch doctors visit. I hope Art‘s went as well. We had a major snow storm here this afternoon. It pretty much melted as it hit the ground though.
Hopefully your day and drive went well Pat.

I should have taken the few quiet minutes I had at 5:30 am to pop on too Dave. Our municipal elections are Monday. By this time next week will have a new Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a couple of new councillors. We took advantage of the advance polls and voted Saturday. In Ayr we could cast our ballots on line. Funny how we take turning on a tap and getting water or flushing the toilet for granted. Until it’s not available.
So, the guys were over today and we moved the downstairs fridge into the sump room. Then we tried to figure out just how things were wired. Our most used phrase was “Why would they wire it that way?” I sure did wish Art and his electrical knowledge lived closer! I have another list of supplies to finish the wiring and framing. Once that’s done I’ll order the drywall to be delivered.
And with that, it’s time to turn on the magic light box, tune in to Netflix and watch “Somebody Feed Phil”.
Have a fantastic evening everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Art MRI & CT SCAN went just fine. They were a LITTLE behind, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and be happy you got a earlier appt and didn't have to drive in the dark to get home! Ha Ha.
The OWNER/DOCTOR of this multi million dollar operation is a little old guy that saw me admiring his plants that he had EVERYWHERE in the building hallway and office and windowsill. He said to me: "Would you like one to start to grow at home"? And I said REALLY........he said I'll get one ready for you to take home. While he was away from the waiting area, I looked up the plant and it requires little water and indirect light. Hey, I can handle that.
I'll try and post a picture of it from my iPhone. Can't seem to do it from this laptop. Don't ask me why.

Lee: Tell me something. Are you guys going to have one of those OPEN Ceilings that are painted black so you don't see everything up there or are you going to enclose the ceiling with Drywall material? Make life easier on yourself and SPRAY the ceiling Black. :emoticon 0115 inlove: :smiley24:

Okay, I'm out of here for tonight.


Wacky Wabbit
This about 6” high right now. The Doc had some that were at least 5 ft high in clumps of about 20-25 in one huge pot. The man has a GREEN THUMB for sure!
This also nicked named “mother-in-laws” tongue!


2nd Officer
"Who's That Lady?" Or in your case KC, it should be WHERE'S That Lady?

Hot dog, it's one day closer to the election. 18 days, if I'm counting right. Our mail-in ballots showed up in the mail yesterday.

37 degrees at the moment, but it'll climb from there into the 60's with sunshine.

You lucked out K2 on not getting a scar from that skin burn. And being in and out so quick at the dermatologist. Art better watch his P's & Q's with the neighbor guy bringing you flowers. Love that "Mother-In-Law Tongue".

So how'd your appointment go, BB?

Lee; Looks like you're the first of us Bunnies to get some snow. You were so lucky in Ayr to be able to vote on line. I wish it were that way all over. No reason it couldn't be done.

Grocery shopping day. Smaller store. They're going to really like us today. A big long, long shopping list. Sometimes it seems that we run out of everything at the same time.

Enjoy the more normal fall temperatures.