Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
GO GREEN! MSU wins in DOUBLE OVERTIME. WHAT a game. Wisconsin was favored to win and MSU has been losing big time. They needed this game and to win in DOUBLE OVERTIME is amazing.

DAVE: You have some mighty creative and thoughtful daughters. JUST LOVE THAT T-SHIRT. Now make sure to wear it. So Fuzz-Butts real name is Zoey! Interesting!

I think it's a EXCELLENT IDEA for you to ship the car and fly down to Florida. Your family will appreciate your choice too! Have a safe and fun cruise.

PAT: Lucky you to have Wes & Missy setting up your phone. We can get new iPhones under our plan. The new ones are just SO BIG and HEAVIER than our current iPhone, I just don't know if I want to upgrade yet. We'll be forced to do it soon when they don't support the old versions.
ALWAYS SOMETHING.... to think about.
Have a Good Crazy glass of wine for me and the sandwich too. Sure would love to be there this coming Winter, but we spent lots of money on that kitchen and it's time to cool it.
Not to mention
ART's BACK is acting up and he can't walk long without having to sit down.
He won't go see the Orthopedic doctor because he knows he'll just tell him he needs another surgery. Time will tell what happens. If he is BENT OVER HIS BIKE HANDLES he's fine. Amazing!

Here's hoping everyone gets a GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP and has a interesting safe SUNDAY!

Lee: You forgot to come back. Ha Ha.

Hey there KC! Miss you.


2nd Officer
It's Sunday morning, and in just a few hours Bill WILL be on his next cruise. (Cruises.) Of all of us, there's no doubt that him and Rita have been on more cruises than any of us. I'm curious as to what the number is.

A bit on the chilly side this morning, 41 degrees.

Actually BB, I'd rather watch a recorded TV show. Such a joy fast forwarding through the commercials. As a matter of fact yesterday we watched quite a few of them from last week.

It's interesting that most of the shows we record are on CBS.

K2; Yup, Fuzzbutt's real name is Zoey. But it just doesn't describe her. I feel so bad for Art and his back pain. That can just shut you down. In spite of Art's aversion to it, maybe another surgery is just what he needs. In my case, I know when the buildup of "stuff" is removed from my spine, it's lasting relief is only good for about 5 years. Congrats on the MSU win. That was one long game.

Yea Lee, where'd you go?

Today, no big plans.

Will the Browns tube it again???

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, everyone! It's a beautiful morning to start off a beautiful rain free day with temps in the mid to high 80s. We need to enjoy this as come Wednesday they high will be 71 :oops: with a low around 55!!! Up by Karen it might be in the 40s overnight. Too much like sweater weather as far as I'm concerned. As I'm sure you've figured out by now, I'm an 80s-90s type of person. I love hot weather!!

Bill - By now you're either already on the ship or just waiting for them to turn you lose onboard. I forget - Which ship are you on this time?

Dave - Nice to know what Fuzzbutt's real name is. How did you every come up with that nickname? I think Zoey is a really nice name for her.
Most of the show we watch and/or record are on CBS also. Bert just loves his law & order shows like NCIS and the 3 FBIs. Tonight will be no different. He reminds me of my father, when we were growing up. He watched every western series.

Kathie - Sorry to hear Art's back is bothering him so much again. I can understand his reluctance to go back to the ortho man as it might mean another surgery. Poor Art to have to live with the pain or face another surgery. Not a great decision either way. Congrats of MSU's win. Unfortunately, my Gators lost. Our offense has really come together, but our defense is totally awful. They can't stop anyone, be it a run or a pass. We need a new defensive coordinator NOW!!!

It's going to be a lazy day around here for us. I'm making a meatloaf for dinner. I haven't done that for quite a while. Hope I remember how - ha ha!! Also making a new asparagus recipe as a side dish as well as mashed potatoes and another veggie to be determined.

Now it's time to enjoy a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. Have an awesome day! :winkhn:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Lee: You forgot to come back. Ha Ha.
Yea Lee, where'd you go?
Was that YESTERDAY I said I'd be back? Wait, like Pat, I'm going for a coffee. 10:44 am.
10:49 am. I'm back. With coffee.
Sounds like shipping the car and flying is the way to go Bill. I've heard a rumour that we're all not as young as we used to be. Where (or when) did that start? Enjoy that cruise!
What a great picture of you, Bert and Wes Pat! I thought that I spied a glass of crazy good but you did say True Blue open this coming Wednesday. I have a recipe for brown sugar meatloaf. It's pretty darned tasty if I do say so myself.
I believe, from what I could find, that the ships are built by VARD in Norway Dave. Count us in on the recorded vs live programs. We can't believe how many commercials they cram in. To the point that I get angry when they interrupt my commercials with 6 minutes of the show! A good one we have PVR'd is on CNN tonight. Stanley Tucci's Italy. No wonder we prefer streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, Acorn (British and Aussie programs) and so on.
Poor Art! I don't doubt that he gets relief on his bike. When my back was so bad many moons ago I could only get relief when I stretched it out. I had to have a wire coat hanger close by to pull up my pants! I'm sure emotions on the Spartans sidelines (and fan's homes) ran high after they never gave up through two extra quarters. Good win. Nice the bin man took all of the glass. Of course it likely didn't hurt that you had labelled everything and met them to apologize.
Lu-Ann is out with Brenda (Peachy's Mom) for a wander with their walking poles. Lu-Ann would like to do more pole walking (WALKING Dave, NOT dancing!) but I'm just not a fan. We did around the Navy Yard though. Not quite as cold as it was with yesterdays wind. I tossed in some laundry and did my stationary bike while she was out. Yesterday I started drilling through the floor joists to run wire for the outlets and light we would like to put in in the basement. I realized that I wasn't as young as I used to be (see comment above) when I was fair tuckered after only 8 holes. Only 8 more to go. After I do my music practice.
Music is tough this week as we're learning chords and my short fat fingers don't move up and down the fret board with the grace of a true musician. LOL!
Everyone, I hope that wherever you are it is a sunny as it is here in The Burg today. Just warmer.
Take care my friends and have a good safe day.


Wacky Wabbit
Did anybody, other than Art and I, watch the 18 innings of baseball yesterday. WOW. What a a long, long game.

FABULOUS DAY here in PURE MICHIGAN. WOW. Trees turning colors, sunshine galore and we even went to a CAR SHOW so Art could see some MUSTANGS he knew would be there. He wore his trusty back brace from previous surgeries and said it helped support his back. Of course, if I had said "Let's go to the Apple Orchards and pick some Apples" I can bet he would have said ... "Oh, I'm not sure how long I would last out there"! Ha Ha.
He lasted almost 3 hours at the CAR SHOW! Go figure.

He really just wants to go see his Ortho guy to have him do a MRI and tell him just what's going on in that back. If its "arthritis" causing all this discomfort, then may a PAIN DOCTOR instead of SURGERY would something to look into. At least he is willing to go see what this doctor will have to say. Lord knows how long it will take to get an appointment! :eek:

I have CAR SHOW Pictures to post on here and if you folks think I OVER-DID-IT.... just skip over them.

PAT: We saw lots of great cars for you and Bert to consider buying. I'll try to post those first and then the others.

We are so lucky to have the old PACKARD PROVING GROUNDS with historic buildings still intact on the property. They have wedding receptions inside one of the old buildings.

Okay, time to make us Sunday dinner.

I'll be back to post pics ..... unlike some others on here.


Wacky Wabbit
If you're bored this should keep you busy for at least 1 hour. Amazing Jewels the QUEEN 'had'! You can't take it with you....... Ha Ha! Interesting stories with each picture.



Wacky Wabbit
Skip over if you’re not into Old Autos! This Property is where they have Sat Farmers Mkt that I go to from time to time. 4 mikes from our house.
A nice historic property that has survived suburban development.


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Wacky Wabbit
The following are PACKARDS and engines the were in that huge Speed Boat that were inside one of the bldgs.
I kept these pics all small. So if you really want to see them bigger you’ll have to TAP the pic!


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Wacky Wabbit
More cars. Some that might be a good replacement for Pat & Bert’s Caddy! Note the For Sale sign Pat!


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2nd Officer
In answer to the question I posed yesterday more; YES, the Browns did tube it again.

But Lee, your Bills did pull out a win at the end. You've got some splainin to do on what "pole walking" is. Practice, practice, and more practice and you'll soon be giving us a concert on your ukulele.

I can't figure it out BB, but every time I hear this song I think of you.
You're complaining about a low temperature off 55? Today and tomorrow we're only going to get a high temperature in the mid to upper 40s. "Fuzzbutt" isn't that bad for a nickname. Jack is getting real close to being called, "That Little Rat".

K2, at least Art is willing to go see his Ortho guy. (A sign that it's really hurting him.) Cool bunch of pictures. Especially got a kick out of the sticker for the Pinto.

Yesterday Kathi made those root beer cookies. They came out real good. A small, soft cookie. I told her to eat some vanilla ice cream with them and see if it tastes like a root beer float.

Oh goody....In a bit I've got a check-up with the prostate doctor. I, like most guys, have an enlarged one. I'll always remember this one doctor who explained it best; If you are 50, you've got a 50% chance of having an enlarged prostate. At 70, it's 70%. And at 90, it's 90%.


Wacky Wabbit

Good "Mid-Morning".... since I've been up since about 6:30 a.m. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile: (by choice)

DAVE: All the best for your "Doctors visit". Not exactly one of your favorite doctors to visit, but just put yourself in his shoes..... having to do those EXAMS all day! :oops:

I wanted to be up so I could call Art's Ortho doctor's office for an appt. They open at 7:00 a.m.
And the EARLY-BIRD call got him an appt with the doctor he has seen before for TODAY
at 3:20 pm! And it's at a location 20 mins from our house instead of the main office which is a 45-55 min drive on a good day! Yippee!

So Dave... is JACK not behaving these days? He's still a puppy ..... !

Hey folks, sorry about those last 3 car pictures being so HUGE. I forgot to click 'thumbnail' for size.

10:00 a.m. this morning we get our FLU SHOTS at our local Krogers. They were more than willing to schedule the new Covid booster, but I'm like Daves Kathi and said NO WAY. One shot at a time.

It's a brisk 43F here and mostly cloudy. Miss the bright sunshine we had yesterday.

You all behave and have a good day. WEAR YOUR MASKS in CROWDS. Be back later.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Not even going to bother saying good morning. By the time I finish this post, I'm sure it will be afternoon. It's so easy to get lost reading stories on the internet. Before you know it, hours have gone by!

Dave - Thanks for the bit of Bob Marley this morning. Actually, that's one of my favorite songs. Nice way to start off a Monday, for sure. Good luck with your visit to the prostrate doctor.

Kathie - You wrote
DAVE: All the best for your "Doctors visit". Not exactly one of your favorite doctors to visit, but just put yourself in his shoes..... having to do those EXAMS all day!
That cracked me up. First when was the last time you had your prostrate checked? So how would you know he's not exactly one of your favorite doctors? Second of all, if you replace the word shoes with the word hands, sounds even worse to have to do all day!! LOL
Thanks for the song to remind us what day of the week it is. Good luck to Art in his visit to the ortho guy today. I hope it goes well for him.
Great car pictures, but thanks anyway. I'll keep our Caddy instead of one of them. I loved checking out all those crown jewels. We saw them when we were in London. I told Bert there was so much there that the queen wouldn't even know it we took one or two as remembrances of our trip there. Absolutely stunning stuff.

So what's Lee up to today? Starting work on the basement, I bet!

I really don't think Karen likes us any longer! :( I see where she posts on FB, but not here. I wish she would at least drop by and say "HI".

As usual, nothing planned for today around here. Our meatloaf dinner last night was delicious and we have plenty of leftovers for tonight, as well as a cold meatloaf sandwich for me for lunch. That's the main reason I made the meatloaf!!

Speaking of lunch, it's just about that time. Have a great rest of the day, everyone!:bigsmilehn:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Monday, Monday evening everyone. Back home from games day and enjoying a glass of red, red wine. Today we played “Exploding Kittens”. A fun and strategic card game. No kittens were harmed in the playing of this game.
Some great pics Kathie. Nice that at least some of the old Packard proving grounds have a place in today’s world. I noticed there was no fire extinguisher on the Pinto options list. My 1974 Honda Civic was $3400.00 and had optional sports wheels, sport steering wheel, air conditioner and an am / fm / cassette radio with two extra speakers in the roof. And yes, it was danged cold and wet here today!
That was a heck of a good game between The Bills and The Chiefs Dave. I breathed a sigh of relief with that last minute pick to preserve the “W”. We finished our first music semester today. Next week we start to tackle chords and even more strings and notes.
Good luck on that exam today Dave. No butts about it, guys should take care of their prostrates! By now your exam will be behind you.
We rejigged the basement plan and will tackle it again as a group on Thursday Pat. Tomorrow Lu-Ann and I head to The Henry Ford museum in Dearborn to see “Hero’s and Villains”. A collection of costumes from Disney movies. Wednesday I’ll drill some more joists and get ready to run the wire needed for the lights and receptacles. I too hope and wish that Karen would pop in to say “hi“. All we can hope for is that she and her sisters are all well.
Just watching our weather and for the next couple of days it’s not pretty. It’s not even going to reach 50F until the weekend when the sun will come out and temps will hover around 70F.
Not sure if or when I’ll be by tomorrow but we’ll see you when we see you.
Be good my friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Have a good visit over at the Henry Ford Museum. We really need to meet up when you come over or we venture your way! :smiley24:

Art got to see the Ortho Dr and they did a few of those in office X-Rays that really don't show much to make decision over.

Doc ordered up CT Scan and MRI of the Lower Lumbar.
Being the good WIFE that I am......I found a Scanning place that had a opening on:

Thurs: 10/20 at 7:00 pm. They can do the tests one right after the other and save us an extra trip to Royal Oak area. It's about 45 mins from our house. At least there won't be too much traffic at that hour.
He has a REPEAT APPT for next Monday to discuss the test and see just what's going on in that BACK ! Always Something.
Art made sure to ask if he could bike if he was up to it. And, of course, the DOC said NOT A PROBLEM if it doesn't hurt you while you're biking.

It rained on and off most of the late afternoon. COLD, WINDY and WET. Very dreary day. It was a good day to go to sit in a doctor's office.

Lee: Always good to look over major plans and sleep on them for a few days. Does Lu-Ann get to attend these Construction Meetings?? Like I really needed to ask that question. Ha Ha. She most likely 'runs' them. :emoticon 0111 blush: As it should be!

Okay out of here now. The furnace kicked on..... it's 40F outside. I guess it's okay to have the furnace on!

Hey Karen.......stop in and say HELLO!


2nd Officer
OK KC, what's going on??? Why are you ducking us?

As far as I know, you don't have a beef with any of us Bunnies. Heck, you did all the research and found out how to get us on Cruise Addicts, so we could talk more freely, and not be censored. We all love you Girl and miss your posts about you, your sisters, and the new friends you have in and around your neighborhood. You've gone on cruises and get together's with most of us. Clue us in if there's any problem we don't know about.

K2, I had a Vega. I think that was the Chevy version of the Pinto. Hope all of Art's testing finds something that can help him stop the pain. I'd forgotten about The Momas & the Papas. "So Dave... is JACK not behaving these days? He's still a puppy ..... !" Hey, I haven't killed The Little Rat.......YET! Cute only goes so far. I warned Kathi about people our age getting an untrained, high energy, not housebroken puppy

BB; I was totally surprised when the prostate doctor didn't do the finger up the wazoo check. Oh I have an enlarged prostate, but the PSA test and all the other blood tests came back fine. So he said, see ya next year.

You sure are one busy Bunny, Lee. And for crying out loud, stop watching HGTV. Today's trip today to the Henry Ford Museum sounds like lots and lots of fun.

OK, place your bets. Does K2, Lee, or me get the first snowfall? I'm betting on K2.


Chief Security Officer
I'd like to think those rumors about us getting older are just rumors, Lee but I have to admit that there are days when the truth is all too evident.
We are docking in Port Canaveral in a couple of hours but I expect that Rita and I will be staying on board. It has been very windy the past couple of days with intermittent showers and so we haven't spent much time on the outer decks but that should change now that we are going to be in warmer climes. One of the nicest features of Oasis is the Suite Lounge/Coastal Kitchen on Deck 14 where we had dinner last night with a couple from Virginia that we just met. On our first night we had dinner in Chops with Kevin and Jamie and their friends.
Chops is also where we have breakfast each morning and it is so much better than fighting the crowds in Windjammer.
Hope that they can determine what is causing Art's back problems and that they can do something to reduce or eliminate his pain.
Not sure how often I will be checking this board but will try to keep up with everyone. So far, the internet connection seems to be working well and, if it isn't, I at least have a good supply of reading material on my Kindle. Right now I am reading Steven King's latest, Fairy Tale. -about half way through and enjoying it.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, gang!

The past 12 hours have been very interesting around here. It started as we were going to bed last night. I noticed that having just walked to the bedroom, my oxygen level had dropped too much! He checked the concentrator and found that it was not putting out the correct level of O2. Not good. He got my handy dandy Inogen for me to use. Unfortunately, that battery would not last the night, so we were already making plans to get up in the middle of the night to change the battery. As I was lying there, I suddenly remembered we had bought another concentrator to take on trips. Bert got it out of the closet and i worked like a charm, so no getting up in the middle of the night. Yippy!!
First thing this morning, I got a call from the wound doctor's office wanting to change my appointment to Thursday, but that won't work for us, so they are supposed to call me back. Still waiting ...
I called for service for the O2 concentrator and they will come this afternoon. Weird part is that Bert turned it on this morning and it's working the way it should. Doesn't matter, as it hasn't been serviced for a couple of years, so it's due.
Then I got a call from the eyeglass place that they have gotten in my new lenses. I can go in any time or day to have the lenses changed out. I said we'd come in tomorrow, but they're closed that day, so we'll have to fit that in with everything else going on.
Killing part is that we planned to go get out flu shots today, but thanks to the O2 concentrator needing to be checked, that's going to have to wait at least one more day.
And that, ladies & gentlemen, is how my last 12 hours have gone. UGH!!!

Bill - Nice to see you check in while you're in Port Canaveral. Too bad we hadn't made plans to have lunch together. There's a great seafood place right next to where you are docked that we love to go to. When you get home, please ask Rita to give me a call. I've sent her emails, but I'm not sure she's gotten them. It's not like her to not answer my emails.

Lee - You sure are one busy guy. I've seen that Exploding Cats game and wondered if it was any good. Enjoy your trip to the Henry Ford Museum. Sounds like a great exhibit.

Kathie - Glad you were able to get Art those appointments so soon. I'm sure he appreciates your taking care of it. Bet he's also glad he can still ride his bike in the meantime

Dave - Weiner dogs can be very difficult to housebreak. I had one and she was so stupid. I could take her out over and over and she'd still come in and dirty in the house. When I asked the vet what I was doing wrong, he said it wasn't me. It was the dog. She was a HOUND and they can be very difficult to train. Hang in there, good buddy!

Seeing as how this day is not going as we planned, I might just have to change up dinner. We were planning to just have a frozen pizza tonight, but after everything else, we might just need dinner out tonight!! Time will tell ...

Off to do some minor things around here while I wait for the call as to when this guy will be coming. Or I'll just go out on the lanai and enjoy our beautiful morning before the rains come and the temps take a nosedive tonight.

Have a good one, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon Wrabbits. I've been on Ebay looking for YET ANOTHER Baking Item. I should be banned from buying anything new at my age. It was only $20 bucks and I couldn't find it in the local stores around here. So, Ebay was my next choice. This sellers shipping was only $5 bucks. I think she's taking a loss on that low charge. It's a Mini Pizzelle Maker!

Wow.... lots of good chatter on here!
Bummer on the windy deck weather, but I'm sure like you said that will change soon enough. Do you have to pay to eat in Chops for breakfast, etc? Nice that you have some family with you and that you all feel like you can go your own ways while on the ship! Send us some pictures of what things look like if you get off the ship and where you actually are.

PAT: Lordy that must have been a real scare when your O2 wasn't working the right way. Glad you had that spare. You made TIRED just reading all you have on your TO DO LIST. Glad you're getting new lenses in your glasses. "Progressive lenses aren't for everyone". I don't think I could handle them. Art has them and I see him lifting his head to look at different areas of the lenses. That would drive me nuts. I happen to have a full EYE EXAM on WEDNESDAY! (tomorrow)

DAVE: Only think I know about Jack's breed is that they are DIGGERS. We had watched a Dash hound for friends one time, and they brought blankets to put on the floor so it could dig its way into them and get cozy. It was funny to watch.
So far things are going smoothly for Jill's little puppy. It's very calm. Growing fast. Sleeps, poops, plays, eats, more sleep and GROWS! Ha Ha

Thanks for everyone's kind thoughts for Mr Art's back pain. I think he is relived just having seen the doctor and in line to get the CT-Scan and MRI to see just what the heck is going on back there. The doctor did say that its not unusual to have the kind of pain he is having after a 'back fusion surgery'! Always Something!

Art is working on the GAS LINE connection that goes to the fireplace and the stove in the basement. Putting in a connection that will make the fireplace pilot lite stay on so we don't have to keep re-lighting it.
If you don't see me on here for days..... it might mean he blew the place up! Ha Ha. (let's hope not)

Lee: Hope you and Lu-Ann had a good visit to The Henry Ford Museum. How were things getting through the 'border'? We need to make a trip to Goderich soon. But before that we really need to GO TO CHICAGO AREA AND VISIT MY BROTHER! Hate driving there with all the semi-trucks on the road.

Okay gang.... out of here for now. Have a good day.

Yup.... we sure do miss you on here Karen! Not giving up on you. Sure hope all is well with YOU and your SISTERS and Kitties. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening gang.
Let me say that if you ever get the chance to visit The Henry Ford Museum take it! Our primary reason to visit was to see a display of about 70 costumes from Disney movies and TV. After seeing that we did a Reader’s Digest (is that even still published?) tour of a fraction of the other displays. Will we be back? Oh, I think so.
Funny you mention the semi’s hogging the roads Kathie. The main three lane road to The Ambassador Bridge is clearly posted “trucks use middle lane only”. These illiterate morons were three abreast and clogging things up because the had to get back in to the middle lane to make the truck lane for the bridge. We turned about and went back to tunnel. We came home that way as well. A little further of a drive but no trucks. As you said, just knowing he’s in line and the pain is not unusual may make Art feel a bit better.
Did your O2 thingy get tended to Pat? We have to make appointments for our Covid booster AND our flu shot. I wanted to get them both at once but Lu-Ann thinks if we have a reaction it’s better to get them at different times. Once everyone figured out Exploding Kitties and the strategy we were having a ball. A good price on Amazon.

we might just need dinner out tonight!!
…with a nice glass of wine.
Oasis was one of our favourite ships Bill. We shared a glass of wine in Central Park on more than one evening.
We don’t even have HGTV as part of our channel line up Dave. I cringe just thinking about it! Good to hear that you didn’t have to endure the finger wave! I cringe thinking about that too. Puppies, especially high energy ones, sure can wear people out. There were flurries in the air when we were coming out of The Museum.
Speaking of high energy, I find that I really don’t have a lot of that to spare. It has been a busy day and “Somebody Feed Phil” is back on Netflix.
You are missed Karen. I certainly hope that someone or something didn’t wrong you.
You all have a great evening.