Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon Wrabbits. Where does the time go lately. I can see now what Karen meant about not having time to get chores done and be on here too. But still would love to know she's doing okay and how Scooter is doing these days. Kind of left us hanging on that one.

Dave: Not sure what to say about Michigan State Univ lack of winning FOOTBALL games lately. It was a sad situation for sure. And did you see that the U of M coach passed out on the side lines had to be taken out on a stretcher. They said he'll be okay.
Not sure I could get BOTH Covid & Flu vaccine shots on the same day. If I had a reaction I wouldn't know which one it was from! :eek: Thanks for the info update on them.

Lee/BB: I use the FoodSaver for bulk meats that I buy at Costco or at Kroger that are on SALE. Split them up in one meal servings and
Vacuum Seal them to avoid freezer burn. Also, for big batch sauces and soups. Makes for a quick meal when I don't feel like doing all the prep and cooking. I NEVER freeze meal 'leftovers'. Not a fan of 'leftovers' to begin with.
The trick with the FoodSaver machine is you have to have a dedicated space close by in the kitchen work area that it is easy to get to. Otherwise, it's a pain to dig or look for it. I have such a space on purpose! :smiley24::)

Negc: Ooops on sending you off on your cruise too early. Ha Ha. Nice that you'll be able to go see the Winter Rental after your 2 day cruise. How will you get back home? I suppose it will be fly... right? You sure are a master of travel these days!
Detroit Lions play your old favorite team today. Lions try their best and are playing better, but still need a few WINS!

Lee: Wow.... Ava is 2 yrs old with you folks already. Time goes by quickly. She is a cutie. Saw a picture on Facebook.

BB: How nice that Wes will be moving back home. Hopefully, that will work out good for him. Never easy coming back after being on your own for a long time. But family is
family, and it helps being around them.
How long of a drive time-wise is it to Gary's place? You guys should get in the car and go see his place. Can you do it in one day?
Speaking of CARS.... how is the old Caddy doing these days? Did it break the bank again to get it fixed this last time around? Now with all the hurricane cars that will be on used car lots it will be a horrible time to buy a replacement used car. Buyer beware. They'll be shipping cars everywhere to unsuspecting buyers. They say to pull back the carpet and look for SAND to know if it's been in a flood!

I put 2 items on a GIVE ONLY local site. One lady said she wanted the vanity type stool/seat and I still haven't heard back from her as to when she could pick it up. That's why I HATE listing anything on those sites. I don't have time to baby-sit the site to see when the people want to pick up and give out all the information. And it's too late and cold up here for a garage sale.

Later gang. Hope you're all having a good Sunday.

By the way, the drugs the
Dermatologist gave me have done the trick of clearing up the skin infection on my face. THANK GOODNESS no scar. Lesson learned.... don't pick your face and don't try and use alcohol on it! Burned the heck out of that area. Ha Ha.


Chief Security Officer
Well we tried to be nice to the visiting Lions-even had our rookie third string quarterback take the helm, but the Patriots still managed to shutout the Lions this afternoon. From the number of Lions injuries during the game, I hope that they will be able to field a team in two weeks. The bye week certainly didn't come any too early for them, K2.
We will be flying to and from FL for our cruise on Wonder of the Seas and our trip to see our new place in Vero. Glad to see that our FL bunnies made it through the storm relatively unscathed. Can't believe the amount and extent of the damage that Ian did in the Ft.Myers area. If we were planing on returning to that location this winter, I don't know what we would have done. The fellow whose house we rented a few years ago, reported that his damage was limited to his car port, but I suspect that many of the region's restaurants and businesses that we frequented may not even be open or operating in the foreseeable future. Haven't seen any news concerning how the Red Sox' Jet Blue Park made out in the storm. Hopefully it was far enough away from the shore and from the Caloosahatchie River to escape serious damage. I did see that the eagles have begun rebuilding their nest in the same tree that they have called home for the past several years.



Wacky Wabbit
Negc: SAME old SAME old with the Lions! Bummer game!

Today, Monday October 10th is our
Eric's 21st Birthday! And to think that most of you have known him that long! :) Dinner out and then cake & ice cream and gifts at the house. Yippee, we get to see the puppy again! :smiley24:

Have a good day.

FYI: John sent me a message that he SHUT OFF the ANNOYING AD's! I replied with a HUGE THANK YOU! Life is Good Again!
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Monday is back bunnies! So say a little prayer for the working-folk, then go back to bed.

Lee, I too wanted to get the flu shot in one arm and the Covid booster in the other, at the same time, but Kathi wanted no part of it. So how did the doggy meet & greet go yesterday?

Does Wesley have a job lined up, BB? No fear of us running out of that Lemon ice cream, at least for a while. We've got a container of it in the kitchen freezer, and 2 more in the garage freezer. And since it's only available for a limited time, every time we go to the smaller grocery store I'll grab another one.

Thanks for the reminder of the documentary series on the "Holocaust", Bill. The DVR is now all set.

Yes KC, we'd all like to hear from you.

Happy to hear that your skin infection cleared up K2 without any scarring. I too had wondered how many cars in car lots have flood damage.

Two stops for us this morning. The first is at a clinic to give a blood sample for my doctor's visit next week. The second is to find out where Kathi's training will be done for her election pole work.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another beautiful morning here, but there's a chance of some rain this afternoon. We've got some shopping to do, so I'm glad we're planning to get out of here early enough.

Kathie - Bert is never going to change how he does things. I gave up long ago. Right now he's in the process of organizing all the medical supplies I was getting from Advent Health and all the hoses needed to help me breathe. The stuff is spread out on the dining room table, an extra table he set up in the living room and in boxes he hasn't even gotten into yet on the sofa and love seat. He has his own way of organizing things. I know better than to try to help, because my mind works differently than his ADHD/OCD brain does!!
Happy 21st birthday to Eric. You're right - We have known him just about his whole life!
Gary lives about an hour and a half away from us. They're 2 blocks from the ocean. We can't take a ride there because we don't even know the address. I don't think they want us to see it before it's finished. By the way, our Caddy is doing great!!

Lee - A belated Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and Lu-Ann. Did you make anything special for dinner to help you celebrate? I saw the picture of the pups second birthday with you walk. Looked like a pretty day you were having.

Dave - Wesley doesn't have a job lined up yet. His biggest passion is photography. He does a lot of spreads for rock groups. Just before he left Texas, he met a rock group from Florida that would like him to put together an album of pictures he'll take while they are performing. He also is very talented doing graphic art posters. Neither of those jobs will make him rich though. He's got a lot of experience working at a micro brewery and is very knowledgeable about what goes into different beers and their tastes. I'm sure he'll find something he'll be happy doing.

Bill - I haven't heard about any damage to Jet Blue Park. I'm sure that if it was damaged, we would have heard about it on TV. All of our stations still have daily coverage of some aspect of the damaged areas and the people involved.

I haven't a clue what we're having for dinner tonight. It can be anything from veal parm to a Red Baron frozen pizza, plus anything in between!! LOL

Time to see what's taking Bert so long to get ready to go out. Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
I didn't quite follow your advice Dave. Instead I just stayed in bed a bit longer than usual this morning. Once I am up, I tend to stay up no matter how much I want to go back to bed.
Happy Thanksgiving, Lee and LuAnn and all our Canadian friends and Happy Columbus or Indigenous(sp?)
People's Day to the rest of us.
There are 30 people in my football pool this season and guess who is currently number 30 in the standings with the fewest correct picks?
Hoping that once we get settled into our new location in Vero Beach in January, we can take a road trip and visit you and Bert, BB. Also want to check out that restaurant that has taken the place of Tarantino's.
Have only a few things to do to get ready for next week's cruise- stopping the newspaper and mail delivery for that time are the most essential.


Wacky Wabbit
Blooming Beautiful Day GIF
It's fantastic outside today. 63F SUNNY, and NO WIND! Perfect FALL DAY>

Art and I just got though taking down the canvas awning. It's so LITE compared to the old one we had that we didn't need the kids to help us get it down. Art washed the top surface off to get all the ACID RAIN and DIRT off of it and it's now in the basement storage area until next Spring. Kind of SAD to see it off the deck. It means OLD MAN WINTER is CLOSE BY! :eek:

Got my Sirus Car Radio program extended again for 6 months at the same rate I got last Spring! If you don't call just before the contract is over you pay the FULL PRICE. I paid $42.00 with all the taxes and fees for 6 months. If I didn't call and ask for a bargain it would have been $137.00 for 6 months. Pays to mark it on the calendar and save some big bucks!

Negc: Hang in there on that football pool. I'm sure you'll get better as the season move on.

Lee: Saw the picture of Ava and Latte at the park on Fbook. They looked like they were behaving! :)

Out of here. Need to do a few things and soon we'll be off to the B-day dinner celebration.

Enjoy the day folks.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Julia Child Dance GIF

Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!
Eric is 21 Kathie? Are you sure?? Happy Birthday to him.
I’m pretty much the same Bill. Unfortunately. Once up I’m up.
Not a whole lot of special today Pat. It was a beautiful day for a couple of walks in The Navy Yard. We know a gal who does photography for music acts. Whitney is darned good at it.
I thought of you today Dave. The Waterfront Ice Cream Shop was doing a booming business. This may have been their last day for this season.
The pups did well on their get together. We’re not sure how old they are but yesterday we celebrated their second “gotcha day”. The day they came home.
Time for an early night. I’m still not sleeping past about 4:00 am and usually get up by 5:00.
See you all tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
Short and sweet.
Party was great for our Eric. He got "CARDED" at the restaurant! Ha Ha. He loved pulling out his license! This was, if you can believe it, his first alcoholic drink! Some kind of sweet nothing type lemonade drink! Eric was never into beer or booze. Whew! Neighbors bought him a 6-pack of beer and left it on the front porch! :) Got all kinds of Hard Sota canned drinks and his sister paid for something called GREEN TEA SHOTS at the restaurant for everyone! It tasted like peach schnaps with some kind of whiskey in it. Way too sweet for me. All in all the kid had a good 21st birthday.

Got to play with the puppy and at 9:00 pm these two old folks headed home. Long day.

I have a sewing project for Ashley. Sewing up a canvas bag to hold her newly painted Tail-Gate Table that she painted with the Michigan State Univ logo's on it. Hope it turns out okay for her. I really have no clue how to do this the right way. DUH!

Lee: I'm right there with you about not sleeping LONG ENOUGH! Hate it.

Have a good day all. I'll be back later in the day.


2nd Officer
It's back to school day for Kathi. She has to go over to Canton, it's about 8 miles from here, for a 3 hour class on how to be a poll worker.

Since the county election board usually only has an election every 2 years, they just rent out a storefront for training new poll workers. This time it's in a big ole shopping center.

As of yet, she still has no idea where she'll be on election day.

"By the way, our Caddy is doing great!!" You'd better knock on wood, BB. Once Bert gets all your medical supplies organized will YOU be able to find anything?

Any turkey left for sandwiches, lee?

So you are last in the standings, Bill. Now you know how a Cleveland Browns fan usually feels.

K2; Yesterday was a nice day here too. But today and tomorrow should be better. Both days should be at or above 70. That yearly Sirius radio BOOST, to double its' profit, is a pain. Because when you call they always roll it back to the price you paid last year. Makes you wonder how many people they catch in their net who don't call. Eric's 1st drink.......Yea, the first one Granny knows about.

I've nothing in particular I need to do today, but since it'll be sunny and warm I want to fire up our lawnmower one more time before winter. Since we've had a lawn-crew for the past few years, it's kinda dumb still keeping the mower.......But I can be kinda dumb too.
So I fire it up once in a while to make sure it still works.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, y'all! I think summer is returning to Florida. It's supposed to get up to about 90 today with a small change of rain after 4. I can live with that!

Bill - We're looking forward to seeing you and Rita this winter. It's been too long since our last get together. Maybe we can convince Lee & Lu-Ann to join us for that Italian dinner, if we're lucky.

Kathie - Sounds like a nice birthday celebration you had with Eric. Never had a drink before last night? Do you really believe that? There's not a kid I've ever known who hasn't had a drink before their 21st birthday, including yours truly!!

Lee - How far away from your house is the Navy Yard? Must be close considering how often you go there.

Dave - I hope Kathi-s training goes well today. Did you watch the debate yesterday between your 2 senate candidates? I read about it this morning. Sounded like a real battle going on there between them.

Not much planned for today. Need to make a stop at Restaurant Depot to pick up a few things, including Alaskan king crab. They have it at a fantastic price right now, but it's a 10 lb box. Too much for us, so we'll be sharing it with G&E.
Then once we get home, it'll be time for me to start a pot of gravy for me to make veal parm for dinner tonight. Got home too late yesterday to make it.

But for right now there's a cup of coffee calling my name! Whatever you're doing today, make it a good one!


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon! Nice day here again today! Yippee. It won't last, but I love that sunshine for now!

BB: What's the location of that Restaurant Depot? I'm wondering if they SHIP any of their seafood? Sounds like a wonderful dinner coming up at your place again tonight. Enjoy!

The restaurant we went to last night was across from the college. They don't hand out menu's. You use your cell phone to click on a card to look at everything from drinks to food. Not the easiest thing for us OLD FOGGY's. We got help from the kids and were able to finally see it on our phones. Modern times are starting to OVER POWER things for us older folks! Ha H

Off to get started on my sewing project.

Karen: Hope you are doing well. Miss you on here. Stop by and give us a HOOT soon!

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - Restaurant Depot is a restaurant supply warehouse that you have to own a business to get a membership to. Our former neighbor had a membership and she gave us one of the key fobs. As long as we go there once in a while, the key fob will be good. They do not ship seafood or anything else. Sorry ...

Got our 10 lbs of crab legs and a beautiful 6 lb eye round that I'll use for a family dinner one of these days. Now it's time to start that pot of gravy I mentioned earlier.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening Bunnies.
I too miss Karen popping by. If you are reading along please say “hi”.
Actually Dave, we didn’t have any turkey. :( The gang got together on Saturday and had a nice baked ham. Everyone brought a side. Needless to say we didn’t go hungry. How was it for Kathi to go “back to school” for a “three hour tour” of all things election.
Pat, we’d love to see you, Bert, Bill and Rita at a restaurant. That way Bill can bring my winnings from the Bills / Pats games. (Never too early for smack talk) We’ll still want our afternoon at True Blue too. Did Bert get all the medical supplies sorted and stowed away? I admit to liking things in an orderly fashion too. Fort Malden and The Navy Yard are about a five minute drive from here. We enjoy seeing “the regulars”, feeding the squirrels and being able to stroll by the river. This morning there were two huge freighters, a beautiful bald eagle and countless blue jays (who also love peanuts!)
It sounds like you all had a fun time celebrating with Eric Kathie. During the pandemic when restaurants were allowed to open they had the QR codes
Mobile Phone Scan GIF by Storymaker
on the tables you could scan to see the menu. We saw a small cruise ship heading up river towards Detroit yesterday afternoon. It is VERY pricey to sail from Toronto to Milwaukee.
Tomorrow morning the OGC’s are coming over to look at how we will finish our basement. We have to frame around the ducts and put in a couple of doors. We’ll put together a materials list which I’ll cost out. From there we can decide if we’ll proceed and I can order the material.
OK friends, you all have a super evening and we’ll see you tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Damn! Another famous actor and TV star that we all know has passed. Angela Lansbury. Any more, I'm more familiar with the dead celebrities than I am with the living ones.

As expected, the Toro mower fired right up yesterday, and is back in the shed for winter.

BB; That Senate race here in Ohio between Tim Ryan and J.D. Vance has gotten very "lively". I'll be voting for Ryan, if for no other reason, the Buffoon has endorsed Vance. Ten pounds of crabs.......WOW.

I'd be out of luck with my phone K2 at any restaurant that had its' menu only on a QR code. I don't have a smart phone. I've got a dumb but reliable one. But I'd bet that somewhere in that restaurant there's a menu that is printed out for old farts like me.

Lee; By the way you are lining up your social calendar in Florida this upcoming spring, I'm guessing that everything is a Go for your trip. Still running the 10 K this year? A lot of people just love those river-cruises. Never been on one, as I'm more interested in the ocean-cruises. Your squirrels sure will have a nice stash of food for winter.

Kathi enjoyed her 3 hour poll worker class yesterday. They learned how to set up and tear down the voting machines. Rules and restriction on what you can say or do when you're there. They sent her home with 2 booklets to study. And on voting day they team you up with another poll worker of the opposite party.

They also have to be at a polling stations the day before the election to set up voting machines.

And yes, almost all are retired old ladies.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
You’re up early too, eh Dave?
We too saw Angela Lansbury had passed. What a long and storied career she had. I fear that the world is running out of real entertainers.
Interesting how the polling stations operate in the US having a representative from each party at the booth. Yes, Lu-Ann and I are running the 5K again this year. We were thinking of the 5K and 10K but by the time we got registration for the 5K all sorted the 10K was sold out! We got in to the “virtual line” about 20 minutes before registration opened. Our friends went in after we did and even the 5K was filled.
I may as well quietly fire up the coffee machine. I’ll pop by later after the guys leave. I also have to call Ma Bell about our 4K PVR. It ain’t PVRing entire programs!
See you all later. Have a great day folks.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Quick good morning, gang. Off to the vascular surgeon this morning. Should have gone 2 weeks ago, but with Ian aiming for Florida, I rescheduled the appointment. I just hope the office isn't too crowded when we get there. I like the days when no one is there when we arrive, but since the nurse who used to take care of me left, now I see the doctor each time.

I too was saddened hearing about Angela Lansbury's passing. I always enjoyed her in Murder She Wrote.

Talking about cell phones, I ordered a new one yesterday. It's another android. I refuse to pay the price of an iPhone. While I was on the phone with the gal, I also ordered a basic flip phone for Bert. He had not asked for one, but I want him to have a phone with him when he's out and about. He was happy to hear I got it for him for when he goes to Publix and doesn't know which version of different products I want.

Now it's time to run. Doctor's office is about an hour away. We have to go past Sea World to get there, so there's always a chance for heavy traffic.

Hove a good day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits! Just a quick HELLO for now. I'll be back later. Artie is sitting here waiting to read the Detroit Free Press online. I have to continue with my project for Ashley.

You all behave. NICE CHATTING this morning.

LEE: That Mini Cruise Ship you saw is expensive to be on. The cost could pay for both our stays in Florida. Crazy expensive.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Planning and material list for the basement is done. I have to run the lines for the additional receptacles and lights before the drywalling starts. We can frame around the ducts and such while I do the electrical.
One hour later Bell has decided to send me a new box. The gentleman spent a full hour starting and restartin, remotely, the 4K receiver/ recorder. It’s running but he is concerned so he feels another box is in order.
Pat, the specialists here are still in “phone“ mode. How a urologist, cardiac guy and so on can really address issues without seeing you is beyond me BUT come January they say they’re going back to in office visits. Until the next wave of Covid hits… Hopefully your journey isn’t too slow. You should have got Bert a phone with a camera so he can take pictures of the items in question and send them to you for a thumbs up or down. Hey, don’t laugh…I’ve done that.
Yes Kathie, at $7500 to $20,000 PER PERSON to sail on a Ponant ship we could easily pay for everyone to have a nice vacation somewhere! I saw on our news feed that since Ian Florida rentals have jumped another 30 - 40 percent - if you can find a place. Many people are already booking 2024!!
My exercise is done so now it’s time to hit the music lessons… Lu-Ann has gone out for the day with the girls. That’s my fault because all of the guys were here eating muffins, drinking coffee and looking at the basement.
You all have a fantastic day!