Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Just lost a long post.
Will chat tomorrow. It was one crazy day….from 8:00 am until now! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme::eek: Nothing horrible.

Here’s the new puppy at his new home! I’ll try not to post too many pictures! Ha ha


Good night all.



2nd Officer
Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

We got something neat in the mail yesterday. Maybe you got one too.

Remember the Sears Christmas Wish-Book catalog? Well Amazon now has their version. They call theirs "Amazon's Holiday Kid's Gift Book". It's only about one tenth as thick as the Sears one used to be. But it still has over 600 toys and gifts. Neat.

We can blame Hurricane Ian for one more thing. Gas prices in some parts of town jumped yesterday to $3.99 a gallon. They were around $3.50 a gallon.

Any word on your glasses, BB? And you never have said what your "important shopping" on Saturday was. Hint, Hint.

You're right K2. Polling locations used to be happy, friendly places run by mostly retired people. With bake sales at their entrance. SUCH a cute little puppy. Keep the pictures coming.

Hey Lee; Did you hear that Lebron James has bought a professional pickle-ball team? Don't remember the name of it or where it is. I never knew they had professional teams. Keep practicing, our resident athlete.


2nd Officer
Good morning. I just put the arm rests back on the wheelchair, it was pretty easy after looking at the photo on the paperwork that came with it. I will have Bruce check that the nuts are good and tight.

Today I have to pick up a Rx at Publix and a couple of other things. Also will go to PNC Bank about my IRA's and what to do since I will be 72 in two weeks.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Taco Tuesday GIF by Tap The Table
YES.... it's TACO TUESDAY! How did this ever get started? Art is having his Taco's with his biking friends at their noon rest stop! It's one guys B-Day today and that was his request! He does have a fun group to hang out with.

I'm off to pick up 12.5#s of BEETS and will boil them (on the basement stove) and can them for Winter. LOVE pickled beets with hearty Winter meals.

We had a kitchen sink PVC pipe disconnect yesterday. It must have been leaking for years (drip/drip). The kitchen contractors were able to come out within hours and fixed it. All the work was done on the outside Bay. Good thing it happened now and not in the dead of Winter. Art found it when he was going to replace a piece of wood that was rotting. Well, that's why it was rotting. (Drip/Drip for who knows how long) All the shaking and moving of PVC pipes during the remodel/install by the sink area must have shaken up the PVC under the BAY and hence that's what alerted Art. We thought it was the HOT & Cold pipes and that the cabinet floor would have to get cut to get it fixed. That's why we called the Contractor. NOT THEIR FAULT AT ALL. No need to cut cabinet. We paid a nice price yesterday to get it fixed, but it saved ART a LOT OF WORK. He just has to put back the facing on the Bay today. Sometimes you just have to pay the "Pipper" and take your losses. THANK goodness the contractor had an early morning cancellation and could come out within hours. BEST 2 guys we could have hooked up with. Gave us a discount for paying CASH. And said just drop it off at his house..... NO HURRY. When does that happen anymore.

Part 2 of Monday: I went to
an emergency Dermatologist appt yesterday A.M. Just walked in and showed the receptionist my issue on my face and she said they would fit me in. Had I called who knows when they would have saw me. Thank goodness I got to see the OLD MAN HEAD Doctor. He's got to be older than Art and still going strong. Gave me 3 prescriptions and sent me on my way. He works only MONDAY's and if you need to make an actual appt with him his earliest appt is in JUNE of 2023! I cracked up when I heard that. I was extremely lucky to see him! :eek::emoticon 0115 inlove: OH, I burned the skin by the side of my mouth area when I washed/rubbed it too hard and then thought that ALCOHAL would work to fix it. NOPE... it burned the heck out of my skin. DUMB, DUMB move on my part. Always something!

So that was my MONDAY. Sorry it was so long. But I know you all can deal with my chatter.

Karen: If you're reading along. I personally MISS your CHATTER! Hope you have a beautiful day girl.

The rest of you Wrabbits enjoy your day and WEAR YOUR MASKS in crowds. Covid will be with us forever!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Here's a neat fact about this October - There will be 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and 5 Saturdays! How cool is that and very rare. Just a little tidbit of useless information!

Kathie - That puppy is just too darn cute. What's his/her name? Not sure if you told us already.
I see you posted while I've been typing. I love pickled beets too. I also like them hot with butter. I could have bought 10 lbs of them at Restaurant Depot, but Bert didn't want that much and he rebels when I suggest canning anything. Glad Art found that leaking pvc pipe before more damage could be done. OUCH! on burning the side of your mouth. I'm sure you won't do that again, right? No taco Tuesday here. I'm making corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

Dave - The glasses trip didn't turn out too well. The eye doctor I go to does not do glasses, so you have to take your prescription to a place that makes glasses. No problem, you would think. Not so! Seems like the optometrist there found out what the problem was, but she can't change the prescription without permission from the ones where I had my eyes examined. She (female optometrist who used to live here) called the other office and left a message. She called me back later in the day to tell me that the other office suggested I not have progressives and should have 2 PAIRS OF GLASSES - one for distance & one for closeup. My answer way NO WAY! I had only gone to the eye doctor because reading the computer screen was hard at times. I told her this and she was going to get back with them today. I wish I hadn't bothered getting the glasses made and just got a pair of "cheaters".

Not a lot planned for today outside of sticking close to home waiting for UPS to deliver wine that we ordered. Should have gotten it yesterday. Delivery was scheduled for between 5 and 7. We got home from the glasses adventure before 1 and there was a notice on the door. We were mad that they didn't follow their scheduled delivery. Got the same times for today, so we're not going anywhere.

Hoping to get some time outside on the lanai today with this beautiful weather. I'd hate to waste it staying inside. Time to see about finding something for lunch. Have a great day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Hey there everyone! Back from errands. And there were lots. Have 2 more for later when traffic slows down. They have our main road (23 Mile Rd) down to 1 lane for another week or more and you just don't want to be going EAST on 23 Mile Rd these days. So where do they all move to....
24 Mile Rd. Ha Ha Just try making a LEFT out of the subdivision. Near impossible unless some nice driver waves you by! :eek::emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

BB: Nice to know you like Beets too. I love them.
progressives glasses. It's a FINE LINE (no pun intended) to being able to tilt your head the right way to see above or below the invisible line. You might think about just getting good READERS or CHEAP readers that you don't have to worry about losing! :cool:
Have you tried to ask for ALL YOUR MONEY BACK?

I made mini cupcakes last night and homemade choc frosting and took about 15 of them to the Veggie Stand that was kind enough to split a 25pound bag of beets to 1/2 for me. The owner was so sweet and the saleslady was a dream to go to bat for me to get a 1/2 bag, that I just felt like letting them know I really appreciated it. Met the MAN/FARMER/OWNER today and he saw the box of cupcakes and took one and popped it all into his mouth at one time. Ha Ha.

Okay, off to go outside and garden because it's just beautiful here in PURE MICHIGAN! :clap002::emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Wacky Wabbit
By the way: One of my prescriptions should have had 20 pills in the bottle and it only had 18. I called CVS and they said stop by and we will make the correction. I make a practice of COUNTING prescriptions for that very reason. Our CVS doesn't use a machine to dispense the pills into the bottles ..... they hand count and MISTAKES can happen.
Just passing this on in case it helps one of you fellow pill poppers! Ha ha.


Wacky Wabbit
DAVE: Went to Krogers this evening and was going to buy the plain Choc Ice Cream that was on sale. BUT SAW the one in the picture attached and just thought of you and Kathi and said “Oh what the heck give it try”. It’s very Pumpkin and has pieces of cheesecake in it. Not bad for a seasonal flavor!



2nd Officer
Good morning from a fellow "pill popper". It pays to count how many pills you're given at a pharmacy considering the price per pill of some of these prescriptions.

Did you ever get your taco on Taco Tuesday? Sorry, but I'm not a fan of beets. In any form. So nice of you to make thank-you cupcakes for that farmer.

"OLD MAN HEAD Doctor." Now that's quite a title. If I were him that would be on the door of his office.

Pumpkin cheesecake ice cream. Hope Kathi doesn't see that picture. :)

BB; Sorry to hear that getting a new pair of glasses has turned into such a mess. So are they going to change the prescription or not? You mentioned "cheaters". In the last few years I've needed them for reading a book. But for some strange reason, in the past year my close-up vision has changed and the book is clearest without any glasses. And that includes the new glasses I got last month. (But I'm still not throwing out those cheap drug-store glasses.)

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to the grocery store we go, this morning. The smaller one. One of the nice things about this store is they've still got bag boys who also take it out and load it into your car.

Morning to the rest of you Bunnies.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Later today I have to go back to Publix for my Rx as it was not in yesterday, even though I called it in on Sunday. Their distribution center was affected by Hurricane Ian, so deliveries are taking longer.

I will start to pack today for Saturday's cruise, 14 nights. All to relax, as I have not booked any excursions. Probably will once on board.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! A perfect fall day here with temperature at 71 degrees and a bright cloudless sky. I would love to get outside for a while, but for some reason the nurse from health care called and is coming by before noon time. By then, it will have warmed up too much to be perfect any longer ... The heat will roll in.

Dave - I have no idea what I'm going to do with these glasses. Optometrist is supposed to call me back, if anything is decided. Funniest part is that her father was our lawn guy. I say was because Bert hired someone else yesterday. The old one used to just charge to cut the grass. Then he charged extra to trim the bushes. Last time it took a little over an hour to trim the bushed and he sent us a bill for $185.! He raised the price each time we had the bushes trimmed and you didn't know the price until he sent you a bill later in the day.
Have fun at the grocery store. Publix still has bagboys and they will assist you taking your groceries out and putting the stuff in your trunk.

Kathie - That ice cream looks interesting. Bert would never buy something like that though. He's not that crazy about pumpkin, except for pumpkin bread. Go figure???

Nancy - Happy packing!

Need to go do some shopping after the nurse leaves and we finish up with lunch. I think we need some more Halloween decorations, don't you? ;)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick note to say I haven't fallen into the river and drowned. In spite of Lu-Ann trying to push me. LOL!
Just been busy with visitors for the past couple of days. It's hard to fit in my exercise, ukulele practice and guests while maintaining my sanity! We were invited out to play pickleball this afternoon. Look out LeBron, here I come.
Dang that little pup is a cutie!
You all stay safe and well.


Chief Security Officer
Just add Taco Tuesday to the list of days I won't celebrate.
BB, when I had progressives, I had problems adjusting so I understand your situation. Since my second cataract operation, I only need reading glasses so things are simpler and only Rita needs the multi-purpose solution for her contacts.
Loaded a couple of books on my kindle before our cruises and only managed to read a few so I should still have enough to read on the upcoming sailing. Heard that there are two more potential tropical storms brewing and hope that they don't develop and effect our itinerary, Don't want our cruise to Coco Cay and the Bahamas turn into a cruise to Canada.
Raw and rainy out today but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny with temperatures in the 70's, so I will wait until then to take my car in for it's annual safety inspection.
Watched the first episodes of Amazing Race and pleased to see early elimination of Rex Ryan. Thought that the producers might arrange things to keep him in the mix for a while but clearly they didn't, although the yodeling segment was (to me at least) painfully long.
Sad to read about Loretta Lynn's death. Seems all too many well-loved personalities have passed in recent months.
Hope you get everything set for your upcoming cruise, Nancy. Did you say what ship and what itinerary is involved? If so I must have missed I while we were sailing.
Went to a travel industry lunch yesterday and discovered that one of our luncheon companions will be on Oasis with us. Its always nice to get onboard and see some familiar faces.


2nd Officer
Just add Taco Tuesday to the list of days I won't celebrate.
BB, when I had progressives, I had problems adjusting so I understand your situation. Since my second cataract operation, I only need reading glasses so things are simpler and only Rita needs the multi-purpose solution for her contacts.
Loaded a couple of books on my kindle before our cruises and only managed to read a few so I should still have enough to read on the upcoming sailing. Heard that there are two more potential tropical storms brewing and hope that they don't develop and effect our itinerary, Don't want our cruise to Coco Cay and the Bahamas turn into a cruise to Canada.

Raw and rainy out today but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny with temperatures in the 70's, so I will wait until then to take my car in for it's annual safety inspection.
Watched the first episodes of Amazing Race and pleased to see early elimination of Rex Ryan. Thought that the producers might arrange things to keep him in the mix for a while but clearly they didn't, although the yodeling segment was (to me at least) painfully long.
Sad to read about Loretta Lynn's death. Seems all too many well-loved personalities have passed in recent months.
Hope you get everything set for your upcoming cruise, Nancy. Did you say what ship and what itinerary is involved? If so I must have missed I while we were sailing.
Went to a travel industry lunch yesterday and discovered that one of our luncheon companions will be on Oasis with us. Its always nice to get onboard and see some familiar faces.

We are on the MSC Seashore, with Western for a week then Eastern for a week. MSC sells two week cruises at very good prices, we do return to Miami for a day between the two but it is no problem as all will go off and get back on right away and there is a special lunch while in Miami.


2nd Officer
Morning Wabbits!

I have no clue what woke me up at this hour. But you can be sure that I'll be back in La-La land shortly.

Happy that you liked that pumpkin cheesecake ice cream, K2. I think Kathi was looking for it when we were at the grocery store yesterday. Didn't find it. But she did spot one called Lemon Ice Box Pie. It's got lemon ice cream, lemon flakes and graham cracker pieces in it. It was really good. Which I know I'll be buying again, if its' available, since it's marked as a limited edition.

BB; Sounds like your old lawn guy got greedy, and priced himself out of a job. Any decision made yet by the optometrist?

So Lee, in spite of what Lu-Ann says, you don't normally swim with a cinder block tied to you leg?

That would be such a bite Bill if the developing storms turned the cruise north to Canada. And yes, it's sad that so many singers and movie actors we've enjoyed for years are dying off.

Australia's seasons are opposite of ours, so they are studying that country's flu statistics as they come out of their flu-season. Not good. Infections started earlier than normal, with lots of infections. So the doctors think it may hit us the same way. Phooey.

But this more potent senior flu vaccination should help to protect us better. Plus it lasts a bit longer than the regular flu shot.

Yippee, it'll be in the 70's again today. But tomorrow it will be dropping about 20 degrees.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I will pack Bruce's clothes for the cruise. Have to go to Publix for my Rx and decided to get us a sub for tonight's dinner, they have a turkey and cranberry sub for a good price, good and easy.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Hello GIF by Mauro Gatti

Dave: I was up at the same hour you were and just stayed up and balance the checkbook and paid bills. I think the meds the Dermo Dr has me on are keeping me up. At least my skin issue is SO MUCH BETTER ! He did say by Thursday it would look better!

I canned 12 pints of BEETS yesterday.

We went to see little “ Manny” ! He is a cutie. We get to watch him in Nov when his family goes to a wedding in Traverse City, MI. Lordy hope we can follow his schedule. :oops:

You all have a good day. I’m going to work outside since today will most likely be our last 70’s temp day!

Okay just had to share these pics. We brought Manny some chew sticks and some toys! Those toys are pricey! Wow!


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone! Not a lot going on around here today and not a lot to talk about either. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive!!

Kathie - Those pictures of the puppy are adorable.

Dave - I haven't heard anything yet from the eye doctor.

Time for some lunch.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A beautiful day here in The Burg. I hope it’s as nice where all of you are.
That little Manny sure knows how to capture the camera lens Kathie!
Not a cinder block Dave. 100% pure bag of rocks. Everything everywhere seems to be pumpkin freakin’ spice. I am not a fan of punkin’ spice. Anything.
I’d want to see something from the eye doctor Pat. I prefer to hear things from the audiologist. ;)
Agreed Bill. There are more holes, so it seems, left in the entertainment world every day.
I wait every year for Starbucks turkey dinner sandwiches Nancy. Turkey, stuffin’ and cranberries. I also wait patiently for their ginger loaf. BUT, we have to wait until after US Thanksgiving for those treats.
Uke lessons were fun. I had trouble today getting confused with chords, notes and tabs. When we got home I got the front raked and Scott’s lawn patch spread. The hot, dry summer has not been kind to lawns.
I think we may take the pups for another tour of The Navy Yard. Or maybe Fort Malden.
Whatever you fine folks end up doing today enjoy it!