Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks for the update Pat. Both on yourselves and Karen. Can you download any Netflix stuff to your laptop and watch it from there? You can always, if you have the cables, charge phones and the such from the car.
We picked up the pups food, toothpaste and flea / tick meds. While we were out we took them for another walk at The Navy Yard. We bumped in to Dave who was there walking Simon and Emmy. They headed back towards Fort Malden and then we bumped in to one of our morning dogs, Stella. She's a sweet little Maltese. Her Mom was walking her and couldn't figure out what she (Stella) wasn't barking. Usually her Dad walks her. Funny how Stella didn't feel she needed to protect her Mom because she knew us.
I have to practice my music lessons. Bethany expects Lu-Ann and I to know Frere Jaques AND Mary Had a Little Lamb by next week. I suspect we'll be playing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in no time.
Everyone continue to stay safe and sound!


Wacky Wabbit
Looks like these boards are a tad screwy tonight. I see duplicate posts! Anybody else see LEE’s duplicate post?? Maybe Ian is messing with this site??

I’ve been watching the various cable stations a out the storm.
11:00 ‘ish and Our Mama Bunny (Pat) is getting hit with buckets of extremely windy rain. Just SHEETS OF IT IN THE LIVE PICTURES.

Be safe Belles!
Karen that goes double for you if you’re able to read along. Take care & keep in touch how you and your sisters are fairing through this hurricane.
:emoticon 0152 heart:

Will be saying extra prayers for my extended Florida family. Safe night to all of you.


2nd Officer
Such a sad night, as today will be too, for all those effected by Hurricane Ian. It's heartbreaking seeing the damage, injuries, deaths, and lives changed forever. And the worst part is that there's very little we can do about it. Mother Nature is fully in charge.

All you Floridians take care, and take no chances.

You're so right Lee, not a good time to be in the middle of a Disney vacation. (Still waiting to see a video of you and your bride playing your ukuleles.)

Sucks to be in the insurance business.

Changing topics for a minute; For you northerners, have you noticed that some trees have begun changing color? Subtle, but they are changing.

Thanks BB for the update on KC. It's nice to hear that she's OK. That girl sure gets involved in a lot of things. I know that I wouldn't be able to keep up with her.

This morning I'm off to get a haircut. Kathi has been bugging for a while to get one. Even put the barber's business card in the middle of my desk.

I read this somewhere yesterday;
"Well it was proven that touching things does not spread Covid....". I wonder if Doctor Fauci is aware of this. Could this be "alternative facts"? If it is true, then all that talk about hand-washing and using hand sanitizer must just be a hoax.



Wacky Wabbit
Morning Wrabbits.
Saw a picture that Missy posted from the front of her house showing a small bush-like tree by the curb area uprooted. Same tree across her street uprooted. Street did not look flooded.
SAW news videos of downtown Kissimmee and it has areas in the streets that cars could not drive through. Other parts of the street just full of palm tree branches.
Fort Myers looks devastated and our dentists, Cape Coral area is ripped apart. Sad. I’m glad they just closed their doors and got on the plane Tues and came back home. They were lucky to have return tickets from a already planned return.

Watching some drone videos from various TV stations and my goodness it’s unreal. Prayers for those that did not evacuate or just couldn’t.

Take care my Florida friends.
Check on when you can.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well here in Central Eastern Fl we started getting big wind about 1 am and it is still going strong and will until this afternoon. Went outside a bit ago and we have small branches down and an old plant stand broke but that seems to be it.

This article states that while you can get Covid by touching things it is rarely done: and the article is almost two years old.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Watching the Weather Channel on our stateroom TV and thinking that Jim Cantore is just plain crazy to be out in this storm but better him than me. For years one of the news reporters on a Boston TV channel, Shelby Scott was well-known for being outside reporting on the worst storms but watching Jim Cantore makes me think that she was a wimp.
Sunny in Saint John today which is a big change from what we experienced last week. Yesterday we had about 40 people participating in a slot pull and it was the most successful one we have ever participated in (everyone ended up with $10 more than they started with). Later I had some good results and got one big win on my first pull (after which I cashed out). "Take the money and run' was my motto.
Heard from friends who live in Stuart, Fl and weathered the storm without any serious problems. Hope we get similarly good reports from Karen, Melissa, Pat and Bert.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! We survived Ian with no damage and never lost power. Only thing we lost late last night was DISH Network due to the torrential rains. At least one of the boats in our neighborhood is no longer there. I saw one all the way by the other end of the lake!

Not going to stick around here now. Still have to check up on family. Missy called and told me how Bellalago fared. They'll be over later. I'll try to stop by again later.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well now, with the exception of our Karen, everyone seems to have checked in and weathered the weather pretty well.
Our friends staying at WDW said they are OK and see little evidence of damage from their room but have been advised to stay on property until given the all clear. Tough when the restaurants and store is closed and aside from snacks things they have no real food. Our friends that were on storm duty at WDW are OK but haven't had a chance to check their home in Davenport.
We can't get Cantore unless we're in the US Bill. I get a kick out of him. We did see him during Sandy. We were staying in Rehoboth, DE and he was at the end of the street.
We have seen so much damage to. our east coast from Fiona Kathie. The Ian damage in Florida seems mild in comparison. But it's all perspective and, sadly, what network is chasing storm coverage ratings.
Yes Dave, the colours are creeping in to the leaves around here. I have heard that drinking hand sanitizer made by distilleries allows you fight covid from the inside. Or is that drinking gin and then using hand sanitizer... Now go get your haircut you hippie!
I don't see a double post Kathie but why I do see are way more ads than I used to see. One even looks like it's imbedded in my post! We may yet resort to tossing another log on the fire to take the chill out. But not quite yet...
Almost time to head out for our walk. We popped down to Kingsville for breakfast at The Beach House. A dandy place that gives us enough breakfast that we can bring some home for lunch. Maybe even dinner. And breakfast tomorrow. OK, I'm kidding. About breakfast tomorrow.
If our Belles and their families have to go out today just plain be careful.
See you all later.


Wacky Wabbit
Good to know the SUN came out over your way BB! Enjoy it. It's 59F here in Pure COLD Michigan! :D

Lee posted: We have seen so much damage to. our east coast from Fiona Kathie. The Ian damage in Florida seems mild in comparison.

I've been looking at pictures taken from folks that stayed in their homes and condos and mobile park areas and they got HIT BIG TIME.
I feel sorry for areas like Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Downtown Punta Gorta, and a few other areas. Cars floating around. Boats tossed over the break-wall. A older fella getting
rescued out of his SAIL BOAT. What the heck was he thinking?? Tree's fallen on the homes, entire Lanai's ripped away from the houses. Water in the post office up to the top of windows and the fire dept's new big fire engine with water into the cab area up over the seats. It was sad to see the fire fighters trying to save equipment before the water got much higher.
The Gulf from Key West up to Tampa St Pete all got a good beating. SAD.

Lee that breakfast sounds really good. Always like a good breakfast, but these days it's at least $37 bucks and that's just a little bit much for me. Have to save that for when we're out of town! (Or maybe in the A-Berg) Ha ha. That's considered OUT of Town!

And the ADVERTISEMENTS that just won't go away are annoying. BIG TIME. I let it play out until the end and was able to CLICK the "X" in the corner and it finally went away. Good thing it was a quick Ad. Always something.

Wonder how PQ (Chris) faired at her place?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes Kathie. As more footage comes in the damage is way beyond the original clips that seemed to mostly flooding and water damage. The reporters Also said that many folks who live right on the water can no longer get insurance. That’s just wrong.
Friends from Ohio were supposed to be going to Sanibel in a month. At the very least getting there is going to be a concern with the only bridge out. Not to mention any possible damage to their rental. Pete had a heart procedure at the same time I did and shoulder surgery in July. He and Beth so needed a getaway.
Breakfast was right on $35 for two. We had an order of apple granola pancakes, a western omelette and coffee. Crazy!
Enjoy the ads. :eek:


2nd Officer
Lee, check out this article of one cities damage: and I am sure there is even more there. And then there are so many other places with at least the same amount of damage if not more. Cities and towns that have not yet checked in because there is no power. The total damage for Florida will be in the high Billons.
I know that some places in Canada got hit pretty bad by Fiona but
the 99 mph winds there do not compare to the 155+ that hit Florida. Of course for Canada the 99 was very extreme. And some places I know don't yet have power back, have a friend in Pictou, NS and she is still without power and water, and while here property is not in the city rather in a very open area she only has one semi small tree down in the very back of her property and some branches tossed about.

Parts of Vero Beach are flooded, parts of my county are flooded. Parts of State rod 60 are closed due to trees down.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
The TV stations are still covering Ian 24/7. NE Florida still is feeling the effects of the storm with high winds and heavy rain. They have said that this is one of the worst storms every to hit Florida and will be one of the most expensive storms ever! They announced that it's the 4th worse storm to hit Florida!! We've checked in with everyone we know and all are well. Now it's just time for the flooding to recede on roads and ponds.

Hopefully, tomorrow places will begin to open up. The Grille will be closed until next Wednesday. Need to find somewhere else to eat out!!

M&J are coming over tonight for dinner. Making salmon and veggies with fettucine alfredo. I'm also making it in the house, Kathie! We love it baked in the oven.

I'm out of here for tonight. See you all tomorrow! Stay safe, gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As more footage comes in the damage is way beyond the original clips that seemed to mostly flooding and water damage.
Nancy, I knew I heard this somewhere else. The original footage we saw was of rain and water. Lots of rain and water. Later reports, that we got to see, showed the ”damage way beyond the original clips”. We weren’t getting the 24 hour nonstop coverage across every channel on the dial.
Pat, we were quite concerned for you and you families with how close you are to Toho and the original track of the storm. Where does the water go when the ground is so saturated?
Our friends who own their late Mom’s house in Zepherhills heard from neighbours. All is well. They were prepared to head down ASAP if need be to tend to things there. Jim even wondered if the Old Guy Contractors might make a road trip if they needed help.
The only people we still haven’t heard from are our friends in Anthony, FL. But having said that, living in a more rural area, their internet and phone go out if it looks like rain.
Here’s to better days ahead for everyone.


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Wabbits!

Good to hear that you Florida Bunnies came through the hurricane pretty much unscathed. I spoke with KC last evening, and it sounds like the storm was pretty mild in her area. So mild in fact, her sister in the mobile home never left it. KC was more concerned to hear how BB made out.

On the lighter side; I'd mentioned a local mechanic that keeps changing the sign in front of his business. Now it says, "Healthy, gluten free, car repair."

Magically, the DVR came alive last night. But now we've got to reprogram again all the TV shows and movies we want to be recorded. Figures that it would start working one day after AT&T said they'd mail us 2 TV boxes. With new shows starting up now, it's nice we can go back to recording them.

When I was taste testing all those name brand coffees, I'd always have a little bit left over in the can or bag. So I dumped all these leftovers in a can. So now I'm drinking this mixture. And guess what? This mix, of all of them, makes the best coffee.

Right back at you Lee.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
What a difference a day makes ... Woke up to beautiful cloudless blue sky and temps in the high 60s. We haven't had that for many months now, but we'll take it after the past few days.

Still a lot of flooding in the area. Heck, Jennifer yesterday, using a net, caught a mud fish swimming in the street in front of their hours! They put it back in the pond near them and hope it stays there.

Lee - With as much rain as we had, they open the locks from Lake Toho to let the water flow toward the gulf. It drops very quickly and thus, our lake drops too. Our lake must have come down about 8 inches since late yesterday! The runaway boat from a few doors away is still up against the property at the other end of the lake. The owner of the boat isn't here right now. Some neighbors tried to tow it back, but for some reason never did it. Maybe they'll try again today.

Dave - Glad you got to talk to Karen. They didn't get nearly the rain and wind that we did. By the time the storm affected their area, it was already back out to see. An area not far from Karen, Dunnellon, got less than an inch of rain from the storm. I like what that sign says and thanks for this morning's music.

Waiting for M&J to come over. They are going to pressure wash the lanai before anything gets put back out there. They already got their advance payment - the salmon dinner last night!

Speaking of food, it's time now to find something for lunch. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Ran 4 errands this morning. Now doing a load of laundry and this gets me completely caught up for a few days.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon Wrabbits. Where does the time go??

This morning I was smashing MOTH BALLS and sprinkling them around the flowers by the deck. We might have a Squatter under our DECK! The neighbor saw a Ground Hog go towards one end of our deck. He let us know that it had dug a hole by the lattice that is around the deck. THEY ARE KNOWN DIGGERS! We can't close off the hole until we actually see this thing out in the yard. We saw it the other day chewing our neighbors lawn. And remember we had a dead Possum near the same area where the opening is. So it must have been protecting it's "den"! :supris: I poured Ammonia through some of the cracks in the deck, but I'd need 20 gallons of that stuff to make any difference. We just don't want it to have BABIES under there in the Spring! Always something. We did walk over to our neighbors' huge deck and saw 2 places that look like it might have dug under to get in. Always something!

DAVE: So good to hear that you got to talk to KAREN. Thrilled to know that she and her sisters didn't have any storm damage. One less job for Karen to have to tackle.
Hope she knows we all miss her on here. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

BB: So good to know that the lake right at the edge of your yard didn't overflow or cause you any damage. Thank goodness.

Okay folks, I have nothing more for you. Be safe and thank the Lord for the little things in life.