Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Sure do miss SUMMER around here. The 50’s temps just aren’t cutting it for me! :oops:

The new puppy’s name is spelled:
MANNY. I like that spelling better than what I came up with!
Still off and on rain and cloudy. Need to get into another book. It’s that kind of day.


2nd Officer
Thanks to Kathi's and a very kind tech at AT&T our phone, computer, TV and internet is back to working. (Well Mostly.) So "Father" Dave is back on the air and in your hair. Still working on the TV being able to record, or play back recorded programs and movies. And sadly, it seems that all the shows we had recorded got wiped out.

By yimmeny, that puppy is SOOO cute, K2. He's got this "hug me" look all over his face. Are you too young to have a Grandpuppy?
I've never heard of a breeder that gives the pups some schooling and housebreaks them before being released to the new "parents". But I think it's great. Another possible reason that pooch costs a fortune. Kathi noticed in one picture the stuffed Lamb-Chop. That's Jack's favorite squeaky toy.

So tell me you Floridians; When a big storm is approaching, does everyone go out and buy brand new sheets of plywood and sacks to put sand in? It sure seems that way on the news.

"Manny-Petti".......GREAT pun Lee.

In a bit we're off to pick up a couple prescriptions for Kathi at Wally-World and one for me. Mine is one of my expensive ones. Just under $100 this month. But I'm not complaining. That's 40 bucks cheaper than it was last month.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just checkin‘ in to see if Dave was back “on the air”.
Now if we could only convince Karen to turn herself in…
I’ll be back later.
In the meanwhile everyone be good and stay safe.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's so grim outside. When I woke up, I thought it was just barely getting light outside. When I looked at the clock, I was shocked to see that it was 8:50! We're so used to bright sun at that time.

Bert got most of the lanai cleared off in the late afternoon. M&J came by after work to take the TV off the wall and help turning furniture over and just all the last minute stuff that needed to be done. For their help, it's costing us filet mignon dinners tonight. Bert did leave the grill on the lanai for just that purpose.

This is like the lull before the storm. Ian reminds me so much of Charlie before we built this house. There used to be a movie theater in downtown Kissimmee. After the storm and in view of all the damage to the area, they posted a sign that said NOW SHOWING: GONE WITH THE WIND!

No boarded up windows or sand bags for us, but our next door neighbor put up his storm shutters. Now their house is as dark as a cave! No thanks.

Bert is taking the Caddy to the dealer we bought the car from. The AC went out again. The dealer is about 40 miles away. He has an appointment for 1:00 this afternoon. I won't be going with him, as I couldn't get into the area where you go for service. No way I could do that trip with no AC either. I just hope the heavy rains hold off until he gets home again.

Dave - Glad to see you and your sense of humor are back!

Kathie - Want to trade some cool weather for a hurricane?

Karen & Nancy - Stay safe with this storm headed our way.

Everyone else - You all stay safe too, no matter where you are and what you're doing. If you don't hear from me for a few days, it will be because we lost electric. I'll keep you updated as soon as I can.


Wacky Wabbit
Ghosts Reaction GIF by CBS
We left the LIGHT ON for you DAVE. Good you're back! Whew! Sorry about your AT&T issues. Always something.
Yup, the puppy looks like it will be a lap dog for sure. I just wonder how they will let it out to go do it's business?? When they open their "doorwall" it opens to the deck. Then you have to walk to get to the first set of stairs to walk down to the grass. The back of the house faces WEST. And that's where all the UGLY WINTER WINDS and SNOW blow from. Good luck with that! :oops: Better them than us! Ha Ha. Did you ever show Kathi that picture/recipe of the Pumpkin Brownies. They sure looked moist.

Someone just posted. Let me check WHO IT IS! PAT updating us on how they are getting ready for Ian.

FLORIDA BELLE's please know we're all thinking and praying that "Ian" doesn't do damage to you folks. From what I've been seeing on the internet weather stations..... he's packing a huge BUNCH. BE SAFE and PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH. You know we will be worried big time.
BB: I hope Bert has enough fuel cans filled for the generator. I know you need it for your oxygen. Take care.

Nancy/Bruce: Hope you're feeling better today. REST and stay home. If you can sit outside the open air might be better for both of you. All the best.

Today is a cleaning day here. Gotta get the bed ready for WINTER covers. Then Art's bathroom needs a big-time cleaning on the tile grout. I washed the throw rugs yesterday and refuse to put them down until I give the tile a good scrubbing with a brush. Sometimes you just have to get down on your hands and knees and SCRUB! But I hate it!

Bill: Not sure you're reading along while on the cruise, but I sure hope the waters are SMOOTH and you're winning big in the Casino.

Later gang.......that bathroom floor is calling me. IT'S A LIFEtime sentence. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

work pirate GIF


Chief Security Officer
Greetings from foggy Halifax, Nova Scotia.Fog horn was blasting every 90 seconds last night from about 12:30 until 4:00 a.m. and our stateroom is forward, one deck above the bridge so it was quite loud and actually accompanied by vibration. As we approached Halifax this morning it was still quite foggy, which is not unusual for this location, but it is beginning to lift and could end up to be a sunny day (if it doesn't decide to rain instead) Casino has been reasonably generous, Dave, but so have I and usually give back whatever monies I have won. Most of the time I have been playing with their money and so am staying within the amounts I have set aside for the slots.
We are meeting a couple here for lunch. She was our waiter on a couple of cruises and is now married, living in Halifax, and recently had a baby.
I think it is interesting that our room steward on deck 7 for our last week's cruise was from the Philippines was named Itupu, and this week, our room steward on deck 12 is from the Philippines as well and is named Tupu.
A day at sea tomorrow and then Saint John, NB, another day at sea, and finally Portland, ME on Saturday before arriving back in Boston on Sunday.
K2- had a Covid test onboard before this second cruise. All of the crew is still masked and some passengers.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - Bert filled 3 or 4 gas cans. He did tell me that what he got cost $50. Definitely need to keep the generator running, if we lose power. I do have 3 tanks of oxygen in the house, plus the Inogen with 2-6 to 8 hour batteries and 1-4 hour battery. We're in good shape. We're better off weathering the storm here then going to the special needs shelter where you have to bring all your own supplies and you get 20 sq ft as your area!

Bill - Good for you playing with the ship's money in the casino! I always loved the sound of fog horns. On our inaugural trip on Brilliance there was one morning that all you saw was a wall of white all around the ship until the fog finally burned off.

This hurricane looks like it will be coming in between Tampa and Fort Meyers and then travel right through the middle of the state, possibly still as a hurricane That's us!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well I got some sleep then woke and stayed awake for about 3 hours so it was late when I got up this morning. Am feeling better today. I do have to go to Publix later for some Rx's and a few other things. I will double mask again.

Bruce had his tele appt with the Dr and is being prescribed a CPAP machine. He did ask about getting the one Rx for Covid but she told him it was too late and to keep with the OTC that I have bought and need to buy more.

Since we did test positive Jennifer and family will not be coming here to get away from the hurricane but they have put up the shutters we gave them, thought they found they are short two but did a work around, so they are set. She said that Max is back an forth about being okay and panicked a bit, as he does have anxiety issues. Michael and Clara are home as this is a normal day off and tomorrow but the restaurant is also closed on Thursday, at least. Since we should not be getting much more that winds 25 to 35 mph and rain we are not putting on the rest of the shutters, after the last hurricane possibility and all the shutters up we left a bunch on except mainly the front of the house. We have the clear plastic ones so no darkness for us. The ones we gave Jennifer are the metal so it is darkness for them but much better than worrying about the windows.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen just sending "BE SAFE HUGS" to you during the next few days of this hurricane. Hope your sisters will all be okay too. Love ya.

Just got a message that a gal tested positive for Covid and got the Paxlovid meds. She said this is the 2nd time of getting Covid. YIKES. And she has 2 little kids & a hubby in the house. Feel bad for anyone getting once, yet alone twice. WEAR YOUR MASKS FOLKS and try and just stay home. The Covid is still out there big time along with all the other ones they talk about.

Okay........gotta get dinner going. I did manage to get some good cleaning done today earlier.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Nancy - Not sure if you ever told us and I may have forgotten, but where in Florida are you located? Here we're expecting to be hit with a Cat 1 with lots of rain.

Missy just found out that Amazon will be closed for the next 2 days. Bet they all end up over here!!!


Chief Security Officer
Bill - Good for you playing with the ship's money in the casino! I always loved the sound of fog horns. On our inaugural trip on Brilliance there was one morning that all you saw was a wall of white all around the ship until the fog finally burned off.

This hurricane looks like it will be coming in between Tampa and Fort Meyers and then travel right through the middle of the state, possibly still as a hurricane That's us!!! :oops: :oops:

I usually loved the sound of the fog horns but not when they are blasted every 90 seconds from 1:30 to 4:00 am, BB. It was foggy again as we sailed into Halifax harbor and the horns sounded again but we were already up and dressed so they weren't as annoying. Madonna and Scott and their baby picked us up and took us around Halifax and Dartmouth and we took them to lunch and caught up on news about them and Madonna's sister and brother-in-law who were also our waiters on several cruises. It was great to see them and their 3 month old daughter is precious. It has rained all day so we came directly back to the ship and are back on board. A sea day tomorrow. I'm hoping that the fog horns are silent tonight, but I suspect that the heavy fog will make that unlikely. Hope that Ian doesn't follow the projected path and impact you, Pat. Right now it appears to be just NW of Havana with 120 mph winds - not good. Aside from a lot of tree branches in the streets of Halifax and Dartmouth, Fiona didn't seem to do too much damage here although Madonna and Scott did lose their power for a couple of days.


Wacky Wabbit
BB: Nothing like having your "Boarders" back for a few days. I bet they would come so they could keep an eye on you and Bert. After all they live in the same subdivision and will get the same effects from Ian that you will. JUST BE SAFE PLEASE.
I've been reading on my Longboat Key Fbook sites and Anna Maria Island and some of those folks are leaving or have left (especially on Annia's flat and very narrow to the gulf) others on LBKey that live in those huge tall high-rise condos are staying. It's not going to be pretty.

Dinner is all but on the table. Well, as soon as I get back into the kitchen. Ha Ha.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Told ya I’d be back.
Even just to say G’nite.
Keeping everyone in FL in my special thoughts. More so than usual.


Wacky Wabbit
LEE: I sent a old fashion e-mail to Lu-Ann’s address. Have her show it to you! Do you get charged for Text Messages? IF NOT send me the phone number so I can add it to my contact list.

I’m watching the Weather Channel and my stomach is doing flip flops for all my extended family in Florida.
Nancy I would put up those storm shutters ASAP all around where you haven’t put them up if I were you. All the best To you & Bruce. Hope you’re feeling better.

I pray that Karen and her sisters are sitting this hurricane out together in the strongest one of their homes.

Pat: I can only hope you and Bert and Missy and her family and Gary & Loni are all going to hunker-down and make it through this hurricane. Freeze some water in zip-lock bags so you can have fresh water handy If needed. I can bet that all the grocery stores are totally empty of bottled water by now.

Take care and fill us in when you can. You know this group worries about each other in trying times. :smilie2:

Extra prayers tonight for all of you.


2nd Officer
There's hardly a spot now in Florida where you can feel safe, with hurricane Ian barreling down on the state. And it's still getting stronger. Not knowing exactly how it's going to effect your area is the worst. Good luck to all you Florida Bunnies.

Nancy; Knowing that you have Covid, and you STILL go out into the public shopping??? Don't you care about infecting someone else? I don't care about your double-masking, how many things did you touch like a shopping cart, items you put back on the shelf, or the credit card machine? And don't tell me you don't have a friend, neighbor or relative who can do the shopping for you, and drop it off on your front porch.

Pleased to hear that you tested negative for Covid Bill, right before your second cruise. And that the casino has been relatively kind to you.

So what's the current diagnosis of the Caddie's air conditioner, BB?

Hands and knees scrubbing with a brush. You have my sympathies, K2. And nothing is worse than cleaning a bathroom that's mostly used by a male. (Sorry guys, but it's true.)

Hiya KC!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Time for a quick post from me while we still have power. Actually, things should not get bad until tonight. That figures. I bet I don't sleep a wink tonight worrying that if the electric goes off, I still need oxygen. Jimmy will be over later today to make sure our generator still works.

According to one weather site, Ian is going to come right through Bellalago! I'm glad we have M&J living close to us. They can get here within 5 minutes, if needed. We all have our cell phones fully charged.

Time to turn on the TV and see what this crazy storm is doing now. I'll be back later. By the way, I sent Karen an email this morning, but so far haven't heard from her.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another quick Good Morning to all of you.
I tried to get an appointment with the
dermatologist ahead of my scheduled one in November. The receptionist said that they have to reschedule a week's worth of appointments as Dr. Toth has an emergency. So in short, be glad that you have the one you've got.
That got me to thinking about all of the rescheduling that the hospitality industry in Florida must be dealing with.
Aside from my cyber family, we have Disney Vacation Club member friends who are in the middle of their week at Old Key West in WDW. We have friends who live in Davenport, work at WDW and are on hurricane duty. Ya, to say I'm concerned from a distance pretty well covers it.
Anyway, after our morning walk we headed to COSTCO for an hour or so of fun. Lu-Ann and I were in the, maybe, 20 people in the whole place who were masked. It's damned silly that as numbers and deaths in Canada continue to rise our government has decided to ease restrictions effective Saturday.
Not much else to go on about right now.
Just one thing...PLEASE, all of you and especially my Florida Family, stay safe.
ps...Kathie....Lu-Ann did read me the note and as soon as we get home from our walk I'll send you an email.


2nd Officer
Dave said "Nancy; Knowing that you have Covid, and you STILL go out into the public shopping??? Don't you care about infecting someone else? I don't care about your double-masking, how many things did you touch like a shopping cart, items you put back on the shelf, or the credit card machine? And don't tell me you don't have a friend, neighbor or relative who can do the shopping for you, and drop it off on your front porch." Well it was proven that touching things does not spread Covid, so am not worried about that, second they say that after 5 days you are not contagious so am not really worried about that. And I am a person that has never been one to ask anyone else to do any shopping for me and unless I am in bed and unable to get up am not starting now. The double masking is the one thing that can keep someone else from getting Covid from me. Also I stayed away for people as much as possible. Considering that basically I have a head cold I don't feel bad about going someplace if necessary.


2nd Officer
A very late good morning. Well this morning Bruce decided to put on the shutters on the front of the house so that is done. I called in two Rx's for me to the Dr and when I went to Publix for a couple of things I decided to see is they were ready, well one was almost done so I did my shopping and went back, one was ready and the second was being done so got the first and waited for the second.

I also filled the gas tank in the SUV in case we end up having to go to Tampa after the hurricane.

Have to get more laundry done.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
So far so good in this area. Jimmy hooked up the generator and if needed, he will come over to get it started. Missy and the kids would also come here in that case.

Biggest PITA is that we may lose cable. That means we couldn't watch a local TV station to find out what's going on. One way or another, I really don't think I will be going to bed tonight.

I'll be back later, if I can.

By the way, I sent Karen an email and she wrote back. Here's what she said: Hi Pat, I'm fine, just not enough hours in the day lately.