Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Tag Keyboard GIF by tagrestaurantgroup
AS PROMISED.... I am posting the site I found that you can list all your medications and see which ones have interactions between them and explains why.

Worth the time to set up a User Name & Password. In otherwards REGISTER. That way you can SAVE your list and add or delete to it. It was really easy to do.

When you open this site look for the area in the middle that says: INTERACTION CHECKER.

Let me know if you checked this site out. DAVE: I think Kathi would be able to help you set this up and then you could PRINT OFF the Drug Interaction Report and read it. :) :smiley24: :emoticon 0115 inlove:


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good day, eh?
Are you sit-in' down 'cause I'm gonna make you all tired just reading this. Lu-Ann is having a gals day with one of our friends from here and another friend who's visiting for a couple of days from Ayr.
After our walk at The Navy Yard (man was it COLD! and to Kathie's point, a sweater was in order!) I went for a 3K walk. I kept a pretty good pace that took me a tad under 33 minutes. When I came home I sent a note back to our friend in London, ON. Then I headed to LaSalle for a coffee and a chat with a fellow F1 Racing buff. When I got home from LaSalle I pulled out my ukulele and did my practice. Then I cleaned all of the windows on the inside and most outside. I didn't do them all because it was too cold and windy and the glass cleaner was blowing all over the place! Then I ran the vacuum around up and downstairs and made a nice cup of Nespresso while I caught up with all of you. WHEW!
I sure hope that Bill and Rita's journey isn't impacted by Fiona who's headed towards our Eastern provinces!
I rely on my pharmacist to know what meds I'm on and if I should be aware of any interaction Kathie. Kevin is really good and always asks if either Lu-Ann or I have had a certain medication before. Especially if it's a new addition to the seemingly never ending heart and PD meds we're on! It seems that you, Dave and I are having the same weather. Yesterday was so stink hot you could hardly breathe. Today is winter. Bah Humbug!
A-Fib. There should be a club. "Bunnies with A-Fib". We could have T-Shirts. I turned the alarm on my iWatch off because it kept sensing the irregular beats.
I hope that this new specialist is able to help you get yours all sorted Dave. Generally the ukulele is played without a pick but they do make felt picks for the instrument. Bethany is teaching us notes but said that most tunes are played by strumming chords. You can hear that in the video. How'd you do at the grocery?
Any word on the AC compressor or the eye glasses Pat? In both cases these people are professionals and should be able to diagnose the AC problem or have glasses made that correct your vision the first time! Just plain frustrating.
Karen, come out come out wherever you are. Don't make us come looking for you!! :mad:
Yes, we do love Hawaii. I especially love the language and try my best to properly pronounce the words made up with their 12 letter alphabet. Words like Iz's last name. And the proper moniker for Hawaii's state fish...

... humuhumunukunukuapua'a ...
You all have a
wonderful rest of this last day of summer and get your woolies out because from the forecast we're gonna need them!



Wacky Wabbit
I just got through getting a Hamburger Veggie Soup onto the oven. Using a lot of my new kitchen appliances. I'll be freezing some of this soup, since it's in a 16 quart pot full to the top. I doubled the recipe. It smells like Fall inside this house right now with that cooking.

Went to Kroger earlier to get of all things.... ONIONS and walked out with a $44.00 bill. I need to MOVE FAR AWAY from this grocery store. It's way too convenient. It would help if the sidewalks connected from our subdivision to the Kroger parking lot, but it doesn't. There's a open field that some farmer rents every year and it has soybeans growing in it. I'm sure it's a very valuable piece of property that abuts to a wooded area. When that gets developed they'll connect the sidewalks. I'll be DEAD or TOO FEABLE to ride my bike by then.
Anyways, the point is if I had to only ride my bike I would buy less. Ha ha!

WOW Lee: You
certainly are one Merry Maid doing all those chores while the women are off spending money! I'm guessing they didn't stick around the house and just watch you work! :emoticon 0104 surprised:

The local pharmacy, CVS, Rite-Aid, etc imput your prescription and I would hope if it conflicted with other meds you have on record they would let you know. Most all of my meds go through Express Scripts. I'm thinking they would alert me if there was a issue, but the site I posted broke things down so the average person can understand what's what really well. You should give it a try. It's FREE.

The T-man is topping himself LEFT and RIGHT with counter claims today. It's almost hard to believe anybody can be this STUPID. He gives any Prosecutor tons of Ammunition to use against him. CRAZY SOB.

Hello Karen..........did you fall into a sink-hole in one of your neighbors flower beds?? Hope not.


Wacky Wabbit
Dinner was fantastic. Nothing better on a COOL evening than a hearty bowl of soup.

Sure hope that Bill & Rita aren't going to get TOSSED AROUND while up in the Sydney, NS area.
CLICK ON THE Fiona paragraph below to read about the hurricane hitting close to NS.

Off to do the dishes and then settle in to read my book. It's another good one. You have to look at each new chapter to see WHAT YEAR they are talking about. It goes back and forth from this person's youth to being a grown adult. Once you get that trick down, you don't have to wonder what's going on. ;)

Hope you all have a good evening.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
ONIONS and walked out with a $44.00 bill.
More evidence that grocery prices are just out of control. $44 for onions? Maybe they’re over valued “Trumpions”. :D
Your mention of soup has made me think a nice bowl of soup will be perfect for dinner tomorrow.
G’nite my friends.


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Bunnies! (And today's meeting of the A-Fib club.

That A-Fib is a strange thing. Can't really be corrected with medications, so they try and reduce your increased chance of stroke or heart-attack. So we're given blood thinners plus baby aspirin, and drugs to keep your cholesterol down, drugs to slow your heart rate, and drugs to control blood pressure.

Some people can tell when their heart is fibrillating and not really pumping blood, I can't feel it at all. I just know that it gets out of sync quite often. And yes it's true, it can make you feel out of breath even when you're just sitting still reading.

Oh well, I've had it for around 30 years.

I wouldn't be surprised if this new heart doctor wants to stop mine again and shock it back into action.

Yes K2, I did check out that drug interaction site. Looks cool. My family doctor and pharmacist are suppose to be checking any new drug that's added to my long list of prescriptions.

As for Jack; Not one ounce of high energy has been taken away from him following him being fixed. I HAD recommended NOT getting a puppy.

Compared to just a few days ago, the temperature outside suddenly makes you crave warm soup and hot chocolate.

Lee; With all the work you did around the house yesterday I hope you wore your French maid's outfit. You sure can speak Hawaiian words and names a heck of a lot better than I can. I just loved your "Trumpions"!

Never did get to the grocery store yesterday. Legs were feeling a bit weak from all the walking and stairs at the hospital Wednesday. Today is looking good though.



2nd Officer
Good morning. We arrived at Jennifer's this morning at about 1 am. Our flight got in to Tampa about 30 minutes early. Yesterday was a long day.

Words just can't describe Alaska.

Will be back later.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I could have sworn that I did a post here yesterday. Either I dreamt it or the cyber gremlins made off with it. Either way, it really doesn't matter because there was nothing important, like the nuclear code, in it!

I find it really funny that just a few days ago Kathie couldn't see having soup in hot weather, but first day the temps dipped, there was the soup. Kathie - I could have sent some up your way! :)

Dave - I'm not a member of your A-Fib club. I just go with straight out heart condition. Almost had a heart attack the other day when Bert went to the pharmacy to pick up my cholesterol meds. Lucky me is now in the donut hole and the pharmacist wanted to make sure I wanted the Jardiance filled. Seems like now it is going to cost my just over $500. a month for it! :oops: and that's with having insurance in addition of Medicare. All I can say is thank goodness this is almost the end of the year. We checked and there's no "if you can't afford your medication ... can help" for this one. Actually it is a diabetic medication that just happens to work with my heart condition.

Lee - Wow! Can I borrow you to do some cleaning around here? You sure are an excellent maid. Where the heck did you get all that energy? I got tired just reading all that you did. Being you already own your own uke, I will definitely expect a concert when you are here in Florida. Start practicing TINY BUBBLES. That would be a good one! LOL

Nancy - Welcome home. Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Alaska is one special place, for sure.

Kathie - I too was wondering how Rita & Bill will make out with that storm. Keeping an eye on the tropics here too, as there's a good chance we are going to be hit with a hurricane next week. We'll know better in a few days, but right now, it doesn't look good.

Today I get to see the wound doctor. Lucky me!! Hopefully, I won't have to go back for another 2 weeks as both legs are just about healed. Then when we get home, Jimmy & another mechanic are going to check out the Caddy. Both of them think the diagnosis from the car place was wrong. We shall see. Tonight I think would be a good night to go to the Grille for dinner. And that takes care of my day. I hope your day is perfect too!


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well look who's back! Welcome home Nancy and Bruce. I do hope that you had a fantastic time seeing some of what Alaska has to offer.
My gosh Pat, that is just wrong to charge people that kind of money for meds they need. I guess I do understand it though. The poor drug companies hardly make enough to pay their employees. :emoticon 0183 swear:
Good luck at the wound doctor and with the prognosis from Jimmy about the compressor. As for my energy, I "blame" Lu-Ann. She tried for years to get me to move a bit more. Now we encourage each other to meet our minimum move and exercise goals every day. She has another gals day with Gail, Lisa and Jan has joined them for the day. BUT, by 09:45 we had walked the dogs, been on a "short" 2.5K walk, had breakfast and done our ukulele practice. I now have a load of laundry in. There's a couple of outside windows I'd like to do / redo because the temps and wind yesterday weren't my friend for outdoor cleaning.
For the most part Dave, if it weren't for my Apple Watch I wouldn't know when my A-Fib was kicking in. Yes, the odd time I can feel it flutter a tad. :emoticon 0152 heart: But that's usually when I gaze at my sweetie. (How's that for being a suck up!). I chat with my cardiologist this Monday. He has the results from wearing the Holter Monitor last month. I really hope he tells me that I can ditch at least one of these danged pills!
There was a funny cloud bank this morning Kathie. It seemed to run right down the river along the Canada / US border. All bright and sunny here and quite overcast there. It's given way to puffy clouds on both sides now.
Oh GEEZ! I better get off of here. I just got an email that I've been selected as the lucky winner of brand a brand new iPad! I bet all I have to do is send my Nigerian cousin all of my banking information so my free gift can clear customs. I was indeed born at night but it wasn't last night!
You all have a fantastic day!


Wacky Wabbit
Back To School GIF by Bells and Wishes
Nancy & Bruce…good to know you made it back. Now rest up a little! Glad you liked Alaska. Tell us all about it!

The ONIONS only cost a couple of bucks, it was all the
things I managed to put in the cart that added up!
This Winter I’m going to try and do a weekly MENU and make sure I have everything needed for the meals and buy all on one day.
But before I try this plan I want to use as much in my pantry supply as I can. Covid had me buying double and triple amounts of things and I need to make sure to use them up first.
Will this ever REALLY happen….time will tell!

Karen: I saw a AMBER ALERT on our local freeway sign looking for you! Wow! :eek:

Have a fun day all.

BB: Hopefully in 2023 the new laws regarding Medicare being able to negotiate for lower prices on those HIGH PRICED drugs will actually happen.


Wacky Wabbit
Reporting The Dirt GIF by Kathryn Dean
From Bill & Rita:

We get an extra day at sea tomorrow due to Fiona, because it won't be possible to tender into Bar Harbor. Will probably get there on next week's cruise.


Wacky Wabbit

Have you ever thought of signing up for this FREE singlecare prescription card. They say to have the pharmacist run it through BEFORE you process your order to see the savings. Looks like it might save you a couple of hundred dollars. Worth the research if Bert would be willing to get it a try since he's the one going inside and getting the medicine for you.

I checked how much I would have to pay for a 3-month supply through Express Scripts with our plan and it will drive you crazy to know.........$45 for a 3 month supply. Just amazing the extreme difference in plans. It really shouldn't be like this. If I went to CVS or Rite-Aid, etc, etc it would be $135 for a 3 month supply.

Look into getting that free SingleCare card and it would be worth having try at it. Can't do anything but save you a few hundred bucks.
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Hurricane and Canada. Those two words usually don't go together. As far as I know, there isn't a single palm tree in the whole country. Is any of this storm going to effect your area, Lee? I too vote for you to learn "Tiny Bubbles" on your ukulele.

BB; Looks like I'm a member of 2 clubs. The A-Fib" club and the "In the Donut-Hole" club. I'm such a lucky lad. How'd the check-out of the Caddie's air conditioner go last night? Sure hope you've got some good news on that.

I can be slow at times, K2. I'll admit it took me a while to figure out the meaning of your picture. And that was because I was slow in figuring out what was spilled. Great idea on trying a weekly menu to save trips to the grocery store. Kathi has us signed up for some prescription card which occasionally will save us money. Can't remember the name of it.

Speaking of medications; I'm getting better, but I still haven't gotten the hang of putting in eye drops. Sometimes it's more like a face wash.

Hope that Bill has his sea-legs. He and Rita could get some rough seas. If you aren't prone to seasickness it can be fun.

You're making me feel like an ignored boyfriend, KC.

SHE'S BACK! Now all you've got to do Nancy is unload that U-Haul trailer of all the things you took for your Alaska cruise. And all the thing you bought while on it.
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Wacky Wabbit
Happy Anniversary GIF
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO "US"! 56 wonderful years!
What was then.... still is!
I Love You Hearts GIF by Chippy the Dog
Ha ha!

Well, now isn't it very Quiet in the Hutch today!
Here in our Hutch it's freezing at 68F and only 60F outside. Rain on and off doesn't help. I have a cozy blanket over my shoulders as I sit in this computer room and type away. I just can't bring myself to turn on the FURNANCE in SEPTEMBER. :oops:

We'll be going out to a nice restaurant later and I can't wait to enjoy my favorite appetizer... Mussels served in an iron pot with the yummiest garlic infused sauce to dip the crusty bread in. Can you tell I just love it! As for the main choice for my meal, I'll wait and see what's on the menu. After complaining left and right about the prices of eating breakfast out the other day, can you even imagine how much dinner at this Bistro will set poor Artie back! :emoticon 0104 surprised:
Aww heck .... after this many years together we BOTH deserve a nice night out!

DAVE: You need to get a MAP out and look up where Lee & LU-Ann live. They live closer to you than I do. And I'd say about 1.15 hrs away from us depending on how long we'd have to wait to cross the border. :)

KAREN my dear.........I know you get busy and have a lot on your plate, but take a moment and let the Wrabbits know you're okay! We do tend to worry about missing dust-bunnies!:emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

Off to get a fresh cup of JAVA! Art came home from the park after sitting in his car with another biker chatting waiting for the RAIN to STOP. They finally both
decided to call it a morning and go home!

Enjoy your day..... I know I will! Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood (sang with my best Mr. Rogers voice!)

Let's see ... What's new here? Oh yeah - that thing called TS Ian who apparently wants to visit Florida! :( Not just anywhere either. Latest tracking map has the storm coming into Florida around Crystal River or Cedar Key. We'd still get heavy rain, if that holds. Otherwise,, if it comes in further south, we'll have to clean everything off the lanai and that is't going to be any fun for Bert to do.
Funniest thing about this potential storm is that people are posting pictures on Facebook showing the empty shelves where 2 days ago it was filled with water. They've cleaned the shelves of that plus who knows what else.
Bert is doing his part too - He's off getting 4 gas cans filled for if we lose power, then the generator will kick in. I need the electric on to power the oxygen machine.
This may be a couple of interesting days around here. Stay turned as the adventure continues!

Kathie - I checked and I already have a card for Singlecare. I don't know why I've never used it. It's either it won't work with my insurance or else Publix doesn't take it. There has to be some reason why I haven't used it. Thanks for reminding me that I have it though. I think Bert was going to stop at the Publix pharmacy and see if it can be used.

Dave - You are such a popular guy to be in not one, but two special clubs! Caddy never got looked at yesterday after all. Jimmy worked too late. He's going to come over some time today, after he finishes fishing, to check it out.

Kathie - I see you just posted. Happy 56th anniversary to you and Art! 1966 was a great year to get married. Everyone I know who got married that year is still with their original spouse. It was either a good year or we all just put up with each other's weirdness!! LOL I'd be d*mned before I'd walk around with a blanket around myself rather than put the heat on. Just do it and get comfortable, even if it's only to take the chill out of the house.


2nd Officer
A very late good morning. I felt so bad that last night I was in bed by 7 and slept almost all night, only getting up a couple of times.

I found on the very first flight that I could not read as a short bit of starting to read I felt the vertigo set in an still have it. I was not able to read my Kindle the whole time I was gone. Guess it will be a couple of weeks before it goes away.

Almost every day we had our long johns on as we were COLD.

All have a great day. Will post after we get home.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Party Celebration GIF by Primebeef Co.

Married FIFTY SIX YEARS! And I bet some said that it wouldn't last. Way to prove them wrong. Congratulations Art and Kathie. I admit to popping the fireplace on for a few minutes to take the chill out of the air. I just can't go full on heat with the furnace quite yet.
Oh Nancy, of all the things to bring back from Alaska you came home with vertigo. Send it back I say!
I do hope that Ian, if he does visit, is a good guest Pat. Bert is doing the right thing to get fuel for the generator. That should ensure that you won't need it.
If you venture out to the west coast of Canada you will find palm trees Dave. Nancy may have seen some if she was in Victoria. BUT, Fiona is hitting the east coast. Must be the trailer parks... While we are in for rain over the next few days they have yet to blame it on Fiona. Actually, it's my fault for cleaning the outside of the windows. Seems to happen all the time.
So, I had to look. Kathie was correct in that by road we are 21 miles closer to you than she is. A darned sight closer "as the crow flies".
Today is the last day Lisa is visiting. Her Greyhound, Shiraz, is staying with Jim while the gals contribute to Amherstburg's economy. Tonight we are headed to Wolfhead Distillery, about 20 minutes from here, for dinner.
So, I guess that I best get done whatever I'm supposed to be doing...
Everyone please stay out of harm's way with this crazy weather.
This is on Pat...