Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon folks.
Yes, We too saw that video of that poor guard passing out. I can't believe that it doesn't happen more often.
I had to wonder what the he77 DeathSantis was thinking when he (and that Texas Butt Star Abbot) thought they were doing when they pulled those stunts. Yet Bill, you, I and thousands of other good people can't wait to flock to their states in the winter where we contribute to their economy in so many ways.
Anyway, I'm glad that was the video you were looking for.
I can't imagine that your HOA would even let you park that vehicle in the driveway Pat! Sometimes rules are good.
Sadly the one fella in our group that would really enjoy the auto show and who I would enjoy going with is off camping this weekend Kathie.
Fingers crossed that your yearly physical goes off without a hitch Dave. Even here we are inundated with "pumpkin" everything! Make it stop!
I hope that Scooter's test comes back with good news too Karen. And that you got to enjoy that nap.
I took Lu-Ann out to a little town, Essex, about 30 minutes from here. They have a nice ladies wear store. Or so I'm told seeing as there is precious little of interest to me in those shops. (
MIND WHAT YOU SAY THERE DAVE!!) Anyway, it was disheartening to see all of the closed up stores that lined the once bustling main street. I fear Covid did it's thing.

After lunch we headed up to the pickleball courts and whacked the ball about for 45 minutes. The wind sure does play havoc on those light balls!
Anyway, all of you have a good rest of the day - Thursday I believe - and stay safe.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Thanks for all the good thoughts concerning Scooter. I thought it was just going to be a quick drop off & then be able to pick her up around 10:30-11, WRONG! It was after 1 before I could get her, they keep the pet until after the traveling heart Dr. gives them his report in case there is a problem that needs to be addressed right away. Basically Scooters report came back pretty well, she has some minor bulging in her right ventricle & her lower aorta but nothing that the Dr. feels is in need of treatment. One of the possible causes for the enlargement is high blood pressure, which my Vet feels is very likely the case. So for now we are going to up her blood pressure medicine to a full pill a day instead of 3/4 and the vet wants to re-check her in 3 weeks time.
I was pleasantly surprised to receive a bill for $435 as the estimate I had been given was almost $900 Now I am going to go crash for a while and probably catch up with all you fine people tomorrow!


Wacky Wabbit
Nice to know that Scooty is doing good. Yikes on that bill though! Hope you got a nap in.

Did you know that the CHARTER PLANE for those folks being flown to Martha's Vineyard was 12 million of the FLORIDA FOLKS TAX MONEY. There should be a law preventing something like this from happening. It's unbelievable.

It pays to speak up when you think things are just not right.

The gallon of paint for the deck came to $67 and change. I asked the young man if that included my discount? He said: Yes, 10%. I said I though it was 30%. His supv was within ear shot of the conversation and looked at the computer and said you need to punch in this code. It ended up costing me $47 and some change. Amazing it was still so expensive, but had I not questioned the young lad it would have been worse.

STARTING FRIDAY, SEPT 16th until Monday, Sept 19th ALL PAINT is 40% off.
Wish I knew what color I want to paint the spare bedroom! But I don't, so I'll have to pass and wait for the next sale event.

Lee: I asked Art if he was thinking about going to the AUTO SHOW and he said NOPE... just not that interested. He'll be biking Sat for sure.

Off to see what I can make for our dinner. I know we'll be having some corn that I bought yesterday!


Chief Security Officer
Twelve million $ for that charter flight? And a cost to Florida's taxpayers from a Republican who is among those who constantly rage against reckless government spending? Think of how that money could have been better spent to aid those unfortunate refugees from dictatorships like Venezuela. At some point this will come back to bite DeSantis' presidential hopes in the posterior.
While we will still be spending winter months in Florida (the contract for the place in Vero Beach arrived in today's mail) we will try to avoid as many expenditures as possible that provide the state with tax revenue, though Florida's sales tax is even more oppressive than ours, here in "Taxachusetts".
Did you check Art to make sure he is alright, K2? I know he is an avid biker but is it normal for him to turn down a chance to attend the Auto Show?
Stopped at the Post Office this afternoon to get them to hold our mail while we are cruising and arranged with the Boston Globe to temporarily halt the delivery of our daily and Sunday papers. Our ArriveCan form has been completed and we will be getting our Covid tests done tomorrow morning. Clothes are ready to be packed so I think we good to go first thing Sunday morning.
I've already registered my picks for this week's football pool and will be able to post my picks for the following week, when we are onboard.
Unbelievably long lines to honor the Queen. Since, for so many Brits and others, she was the only British monarch for all of their lives it is understandable that so many want to pay their respects. Our local papers and TV stations have been showing many pictures of her visit to Boston during our bicentennial celebration.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: Art said he would rather BIKE on Saturday than dodge all the ORANGE BARRELS on the freeway to get to downtown Detroit. His main interest is the New Mustang and he has the last of the 'printed brochures' on that vehicle.

Just in case I should miss saying good-bye to you BILL & RITA.... HAVE A FANTASTIC CRUISE.

Just getting away should be fun. Please watch your STEP when walking around on the ship and land. No more surprises from you two. :wink2:
Happy Holidays Ship GIF by TeaCosyFolk


2nd Officer
So good to hear that Scooter's report came back pretty good, KC. Some problems apparent, but nothing that need immediate treatment. High blood pressure in pets, and humans, can cause a lot of damage. And nice to hear that the Vet bill was about half of what you expected. Plus you got to crash for a while.

12 million dollars wasted on some political theater. That much money could have been used to help thousands of people. For now, Texas and Florida is being run by idiots.

You know that guard at Westminster who fainted is going to hear about it from his buddies for the rest of his life. The lead in the queen's coffin is the reason they use 8 pall bearers instead of the usual 6.

No new problems found at my visit with the family doctor yesterday. All the doctors and nurse practitioners were very busy. So I was put in the kid's examining room. (I didn't know they had one.) But there were 2 1/2 to 3 foot tall characters from Sponge Bob-Square Pants painted on all the walls HOW COOL! Each one had the character with some medical theme. From wearing a sling to getting a shot, to taking a pill. Even the examining table was painted special for kids and had real small steps so kids could climb up. Sponge Bob was dressed up as the doctor.


Chief Security Officer
Up and out early to get the Covid tests necessary to go on our cruise. Pretty quick and easy and we were in, got tested, and back out with the results (negative)) in about 15-20 minutes.
Fall may not be here quite yet, according to the calendar, but it is definitely Fall-like outside this morning. Good way to get prepared for the temps we will probably be experiencing for the next few weeks.
Glad to hear that your visit to the doctor was a good one, Dave, and that your Vet visit was equally good, Karen.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another typical day here in Florida - sunshine followed by torrential rain.

Seeing how upset you all are over what DeathSantis pulled, you can imagine how we feel about this waste of our tax dollars. I can't believe that some people think he's God's gift to the world. Even more so than lil t! The best part is that we don't even have any of those immigrants here in Florida. That's why he had them picked up in San Antonio Texas, with a stop in Florida before heading for Martha's Vineyard. What a pr*ck he is!! CORRECTION: We do have illegal immigrants here in Florida. They're called Cubans and they came here illegally, but that's ok. They're from Cuba and to tweak Castro the government started that "Wet foot/Dry foot" policy that's still in effect today.

Bill - Before I forget, bon voyage! Have a wonderful cruise. You are so lucky!! I know a few others who will be cruising this weekend. One on Carnival and 2 on Disney.

Started this hours ago, but Missy & her SIL arrived to start fixing out dinner for tonight. They just left for a few minutes to let their dogs out and will be right back. I wanted to finish this before they come back.

Kathie - You want to ask that farmer to get to work detailing that wagon and shrink wrapping it for shipping? Found out the hard way that the AC still isn't right on the Caddy! Car has to go back into the shop Monday night to be worked on on Tuesday. They think the part they replaced the other day, a secondary market piece, was bad. They're going to check and may have to order the part from the Caddy people. I'm sure that won't be a BOGO any longer.

Dave - Glad your doctor visit went well.

Karen - I agree that pets can be expensive to take to the vet. Glad Scooter got a relatively good report.

Lee - You made me laugh with your comment about all you good people flocking to Florida in spite of our a-hole governor. Keep those bucks and loonies coming!!

I see Missy pulling back into the driveway, so I better get this posted before it sits here until tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Keep those bucks and loonies coming
The loonies are already there holding office Pat.
After our morning walk at The Navy Yard we dropped old Katie girl at home. Then we took Ava for a walk in LaSalle and enjoyed a Starbucks on the way home. Then it started to get warm! It feels like 88F here now and it’s still going up!
Geez Pat, I hope that the repair place treats you and Bert right for all of their missteps and stumbles with the repair! What would happen if you weren’t retired and didn’t have the time to keep dropping The Caddy in for service. Finally I know the answer to “Who let the dogs out?”

Sponge Bob was dressed up as the doctor.
How long have you been seeing “Dr. SpongeBob“ Dave? Seriously though, good news that there’s nothing new health wise.
Good news on the Scooter front too Karen. Both test results and vet fee!
It will be interesting to see how attendance goes at The Auto Show Kathie. The TransSiberian Orchestra (picture heave metal Christmas music!) is coming to Detroit in December. They dropped ticked prices to as little as $29. Looking on the TicketMaster site there are LOTS of good seats in all categories available. Good paint is just crazy expensive. Great that you caught their error!
I’m a paint snob and will only use top of the line Benjamin Moore. Hmmm. I’ll drink Winking Owl from Aldi’s or $2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe. But my paint is about $75 a gallon!
Dinner to night is breaded fillet of haddock and a nice Greek pasta salad. I like to think of it as a fusion of two favourite cuisines. Apparently I’m a food snob too!
Everyone have a wonderful rest of the day!


2nd Officer
Here's a depressing thought; This is the last Saturday of this summer. Thursday begins fall. But summer weather hasn't deserted us just yet. Should be sunny,humid and in the mid 80s today.

How are your legs and backs, Bunnies? Good golly Miss Molley, as of last night they said that the wait in line to pass the Queen's coffin was 20 hours. And only expected to get longer before the Monday funeral takes place.

Happy cruising Bill & Rita. Have fun, and put some meat on your bones.

I'm beginning to think your Caddie is haunted, BB. Time to hold a seance to rid it of all the evil spirits.

If I remember right, you too have got a stationary bike, Lee. ("Food & paint snob.") The more I ride that thing, the more I'm convinced the designer of it is a contortionist. What's with the goofy handlebars they put on those things? I just want a normal bike's handlebars, and not some curly-cue shaped thing that has me all bent over.

Gas prices are still heading down. Yesterday a few local gas stations were at $3.21 a gallon. Good. Keep going down.

HI to the rest of you Wabbits!



Chief Security Officer
Best price I have seen for gas around here is $3.49 but even though it keeps dropping, the Luddites who blamed Biden when the price rose to around $5, won't credit him for the recent decline. Actually, I don't think he has much, if any, influence on the price of gasoline. The greedy oil industry has control.
Have all our paperwork set for our cruise and now the wait begins until we can make our way to the pier for boarding around noon Sunday.
Was anyone able to watch the Chiefs football game on Thursday?
Apparently all the Thursday night games this season will be on the Prime Network and try as I might, I wasn't able to configure my TV to hook up with that subscription network. Can't imagine how many NFL fanatics were similarly frustrated.
I'll try to monitor this board while we are away for the next few weeks and, depending on how well, or badly, the wi-fi works on the ship, will check in from time to time.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! A slightly different type day here today. It's actually cloudy and the temps will only be in the 80s. This will break our string of 30+ days with temps above average! We will still, of course, have the required afternoon rains and t-storms.

Lee - We really are caught between a rock & a hard place when it comes to the Caddy these days. The place Bert takes the car to always does a great job, but sometimes the part they get in isn't perfect. They stand behind their work and will do everything in their power to make things right. Right now is not the time to buy another car. Used cars are so overpriced right now and to take a major loss on a new car as soon as you drive it off the lot just isn't going to happen. So we just keep taking the car back to the shop. On the bright side, we are NOT going back to the Caddy dealer. There repairs cost top dollar.
Nice that you got in an extra walk this morning and were able to stop at Starbucks. We're still waiting for the Starbuck's right outside Bellalago to open. It's had the Opening Soon sign up for a couple of months. Glad no one was holding their breaths!!!

Dave - So did the room you were in at the doctor's make you feel young again? I saw way more SpongeBob than I wanted to the year we had to pick up Nate & Jennifer after school every day. That's all they wanted to watch. After a while you saw the same ones over & over.

Bill - I think a lot of fans are going to be upset about the Thursday night game being on Amazon Prime. We don't have it and I really can't name anyone who does, including M&J. Not sure that was a very good idea. Time will tell.

So Missy made her roladin for dinner last night and it was delicious. It had the roladin, mashed potatoes, homemake red cabbage, cauliflower, and popovers. Here's a picture of it -
We have enough leftovers that we'll get one more meal too!!


Wacky Wabbit
Good SATURDAY Afternoon Wrabbits.

Anybody feel like cleaning up the HUTCH?? I didn't think so. Ha Ha.

I have nothing for you all right now.

BB: That FOOD SPREAD looks fantastic. WOW. Lots of work. Not a real fan of Roladin, but I've eaten when we use to have an authentic German restaurant close by. They closed decades ago.
I'm sure everyone enjoyed the great meal Missy made. Kudo's to her.

It's 80F degrees and semi-sunny. DAVE.... you really didn't have to tell us that this was the LAST WEEKEND OF SUMMER. Boo Hoo.

I'm glad you were able to relive your youth at the doctor's office the other day. Did they give you a sucker for being a good boy? Ha Ha

Received the last of the 2 replacement cabinets yesterday. ONE was the right size and the other WASN'T. I don't know how that cabinet company stays in business sending out all the wrong sizes. OR.... it might have been the CABINET guy just ORDERING the WRONG SIZES AGAIN!. Oh well, it doesn't bother me since I have cabinets in those 2 spots and nobody but me knows there's anything wrong with them. Time to wait for another replacement.

Okay, you all behave and enjoy the day. Be back later.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening everyone.
The Burg was awakened to the sound of gunfire reverberating through The Navy Yard this morning. We were being laid siege to by pirates! Fortunately a rag tag militia defended the town and the honour of the fair maidens and shop keepers. And that kicked off The Uncommon Festival for 2022.
Kathie, I can’t believe how patient you are being with the ongoing cabinet muck ups. A simply beautiful sunset tonight.
Talking about patience Pat…you and Bert are sure taking The Caddy issues in stride. You are so right though. New, and used, vehicle prices are through the roof. Seems repairs are often the best and most cost effective way to go. That was one fine looking table of food.
We have a Sole brand stationary bike Dave. It has handlebars that allow you to hunch forward like in a racing kind of position and also handle bars that allow you a more traditional riding position. The traditional bars have heart rate monitors built in. And a beautiful last weekend of summer it is.
Fuel is running around $1.40 per litre here right now Bill. They are predicting another drop tomorrow. I hope they are right.
I think I could enjoy a cup of green tea so, I think I’ll go make one. Everyone have a good evening.


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning you cute little furry creatures!

Not a whole lot to jabber about this morning, as we didn't do a lot yesterday.

Thanks for the picture, BB. It would have been interesting to see a picture of those same plates and bowls once the herd was fed. And yes, getting something fixed at a dealership is way more expensive than at some good local mechanic. From parts to labor.

No K2, I didn't get a sucker when I visited the doctor. But I'll tell you one thing about being seen in the kids examining room, there is lots and lots of children's books in there to browse as you wait on the doctor to come in.

Lee; For some reason, I can see you dressed up as a pirate.

If I remember right, Bill is off today for his back-to-back cruises. Hope none of the ocean weather gets up to where he's going.

Should be another sunny day in the 80's today. Hope that the owners of convertibles and motorcycles take advantage of it, before it's too late.

Ya'll have a relaxing and safe day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick good morning.
Pat, I think you have been hacked! Same emails as we allegedly got from Rita.
It should be another good day for a festival here in The Burg. We’re heading out for our walk, usually around 3K, and we may head back down to take in some of the sights and events.
We we’re surprised at how many folks were in costume Dave. We did hear one wee girl exclaim that, as she was taking in the decorations, flags, pirates and other costumed visitors, that it was just like visiting Universal Studios. Ya kid, but without the prices.
You all behave! Well, try to behave.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I just spent the past hour and a half straightening out my email password, but it's finally done and good again. :)

I am getting so tired of these hackers/scammers. :mad: I've been dealing with a phone scam for the past week. The call comes in from HEALTH CARE and the guy on the line speaks with a very strong Indian accent. He's trying to get my Medicare number. The other day, for lack of anything else to do, I decided to play along with him. I asked where he was located and he told me DC. Then I asked about his accent. He told me he was Spanish!! He said that he needed the number to deactivate it, as I was getting a new plastic Medicare card in the mail on Monday. When I refused to give it to him, he started yelling at me that he HAD to have it. I asked to speak to his supervisor. Absolutely amazing that his supervisor had the same Indian accent!! When I refused to give him the number, he just said good-bye and hung up. They still didn't give up and called again yesterday morning but with a different number claiming to be the USPS needing my Medicare number before they could mail my new plastic card to me. I really need to get one of those cans that make a loud noise. I could play it into the phone!!!:emoticon 0140 rofl:

Lee - You were too late with your hacker warning. I had gotten a phone call earlier from a former neighbor earlier. But thank you anyway.
Your pirate invasion sounds like fun! They have something similar, but on a much larger scale down in Tampa each year. It's their Gasparilla Festival with a number of ships "invading" Tampa. We've never gone, but I've seen pictures of it and it looks like a real hoot.

Dave - The plates after our dinner the other night were much emptier than when we started. Anything that was leftover was consumed yesterday at lunch. As long as we buy the meat for that dinner, Missy will make it any time we want. That's actually our traditional Christmas dinner. It's been a family tradition since Bert's mother used to make it for years up in Ocala for Christmas. My girls continue the tradition!

The Gator game last night was ugly and we really should have lost it, but due to a few errors by the opposing team, we won! A win is a win, no matter how you get it, right?

Once again (and due to no AC in the car) nothing planned for today. Instead I will keep myself occupied making a big pot of split pea soup with ham. I have 3 ham bones to throw in the pot, so it should be good and hearty and give us plenty to freeze for the future. I do also have to send some to Missy as she loves it too.

I hope Nancy & Bruce haven't run into any problems with that storm hitting Alaska. I'm sure she'll have some interesting tales to share with us when they get home.

Time for my usual Sunday morning break of enjoying a cup of coffee while reading the Sunday paper. Might do that on the lanai before our daily rains move in. Have a super day, everyone, no matter what you are doing!


Wacky Wabbit
Pat we were posting at the same time. Now I need to go and read what you posted.

hack GIF
I kind of figured you were hacked! I DID NOT open the e-mail!

BILL & Rita: Safe cruising!

Not much to chat about today.

Lee: As for being so patient regarding the MULTIPLE TIMES THE CABINET DOORS ERRORS HAS OCCURRED …it is what it is. Not much I can do about it. And the best part is the contractor still hasn’t been totally paid! Money is still in our hands, or should I say BANK!

Art finished the deck and deck stair painting yesterday. And thank goodness he had enough paint!

It looks like it wants to rain. Might keep us from a trip to the lake. :oops:

You all have a as great day.

Remember if you want to see the Queen’s funeral you need to be up before 5:40 am.

Later gang.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.
I’ve been up since 4:45 am watching thousands of people and military , dignitaries etc, etc lining up for the Queen’s funeral. Amazing to say the least. Everything is so very organized. But then they’ve been planning and having meetings regarding this days procedures for decades.

Be back later. Here comes Biden & Jill.