Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
So, instead of reading I was looking around on VRBO for a place to rent next Winter. Ha Ha. What a joke. I came across this LOVE SHACK. 917 sq feet for a mere $28,000 + for 30 days. Can you believe that anybody in their right mind would actually pay this for 30 days of being on the Gulf. CRAZY.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone!

9/11 - a day we all will never forget. This date is especially hard for our family because it's the 8th anniversary of when Justin hurt himself. I will never forget getting that phone call and even just thinking about it makes me cry.

Kathie - Glad all went well yesterday at the burial of your SIL's ashes. Good that the rains held off too. Good idea freezing some of the lasagna for another time. I've done that too, as well as given some frozen lasagna to someone after they had surgery.

Lee - That trip south of the border yesterday sounds like a big success. Glad you got to meet Kathie's friend.

Dave - I think the problem with the Caddy is the same thing that happened last year. It's some kind of switch that'll end up costing about $500. to fix, if the price didn't go up too much for labor this year. That's the part that adds up!!

Karen -We've really been getting our butts kicked with rain this week, haven't we? Our lake is very high from all the rain.

Jimmy installed the new hard drive in all of about 5 minutes. It took a bit for me to get it all set up and speaking in agreement with DISH Network. I though I had messed up in the programing, so I called DISH and had a guy in the Philippines walk me through the process. I was doing all the right things. It just takes a while to load the software.

Well the Gators didn't do so well last night. Oh well, it's still early in the season and we can only hope they do better in the future.

Making goulash over noodles for dinner tonight. We definitely will be getting 2 meals out of it. That means less work for me tomorrow! But for now, it's time for some lunch!

Have a wonderful Sunday, gang!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes friends, very much a day to pause for thought for many different reasons.
It was indeed a good trip to Dearborn. I have to say that I feel that we can now count Donna as our friend as well. We also spoke to Quest Research in Farmington Hills. They are always looking for participants for their many trials. The lady we spoke with said that they would welcome Lu-Ann as long as she fit the profile for any of their research projects. They are supposed to chat tomorrow.
Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers Pat. It's always the labour that inflates the price when it comes to any repair! Even if they cover the part under warranty they still ding you for the labour! Good to know that the hard drive is up and running.
I found it interesting that you mentioned VRBO in your post Kathie and right below that an ad for the very same company popped up. Hmmm. Coincidence? I don't think so. That is a crazy rate for the place on the coast. There was a research group from there from that OTHER Michigan university. I told Lu-Ann that unless they were from Michigan State they couldn't be trusted. Sorry you are having an off weather day.
It was supposed to be a wet day here too Dave. Maybe it will get wet if the sun ever stops shining! I don't know how weather guessers keep their jobs. I think it's safe to add The Challenger to your list of things we remember all too well.
We headed to COSTCO this morning to pick up a few things. I looked at the salmon and said to Lu-Ann that I'l like to do a piece of dijon pecan crusted salmon. I haven't done one for a while. So, guess who we're having for dinner?
As the NFL season opens I think if you go out doors and listen towards New England you may be able to hear Bill yelling at the TV.
Anyway, I best get into the kitchen and get things ready for the salmon.
All of you have a simply wonderful day.


Chief Security Officer
While the Bills successfully started off the NFL season with an impressive performance, the Pats failed to match it and were badly outscored by the Dolphins to begin what may be a disappointing season. Actually Mac Jones looked pretty good at the start of the game but an unfortunate interception ended their drive towards a touchdown and things pretty much went downhill from there. An even more disappointing performance was BC's game against Virginia Tech on Saturday.
Only bright note of the weekend has been the performance of my fantasy football team which appears very likely to outscore all the other teams in our league (for this week at least).
Kathie, I am sure that if you were to negotiate with that property owner, she or he would probably reduce the rental price to a more reasonable (?) level somewhere in the $25-26,000 range. :)
Hope that Bruce and Nancy made it safely to Seattle and are on, or about to get on, their cruise. One more week until we embark on our two week sojourn from Boston to the Maritimes and return.
Not being as well organized as Nancy there are still a lot of things we need to do before we leave next Sunday.


2nd Officer
Another week begins. Let's hope that the news cycle includes some big happy story.

I still find it strange that the Queen passed just 2 days after meeting with the new Prime Minister.

60 Minutes had an excellent show last night remembering 9/11.

You said "NEVER FORGET" K2. I hope the people of the world never does. But I'm reminded of the Holocaust of World War 2, and the power of so called social media. Many now say it never happened. Despite proof and witnesses. Let's hope that never happens with 9/11.

So K2, are you going for the "Love Shack" by the night or month?

Hope you don't have to keep around a spare switch for the Caddie's air conditioner, BB. And, you are so right how city driving just beats the crap out of almost every system of a car. Hell, even the door hinges.

Lee; That would be so nice if Lu-Ann got chosen to participate in one of those research projects. Our "soggy" day yesterday wasn't so damp either. Funny that you should mention salmon. I had it for breakfast yesterday.

Does Rita watch all the football games with you Bill, or does she duck out of the room?

Do the Mounties need to be called out again to find you KC?

I just remembered my Virginia daughter's new puppy. Seems that they need to take it outside at least every 3 hours. Yes, that means all through the night too. She's finding out that cute only goes so far.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
We had an early day at The Navy Yard. Not because anybody had to pee (like Dolly) but because Lu-Ann had a dentist appointment at 8:30.
I know that Lu-Ann is quite keen to take part in studies. At the seminar on Saturday they said that so many medical studies, not just for PD, are scrapped before they even get off the ground because they can't get enough participants.
At the prices they charge and the name of the place Kathie found on the coast I'm wondering if they have rates by the hour! :oops:

Your opening line made me think of this tune from almost 20 years ago Dave. I'm not a big fan of Anne Murray (that'll get me kicked out of Canada!) but I found it something that almost 20 years on things are pretty much the same. You're so right. We can all use a little good news today.
I was going to head out and cut the front lawn but it seems we're having a passing shower. Now, one thing I've learned is that it's never good to cut damp grass if you can help it. Especially with a battery powered mower. Maybe later.
Anyway my friends, today is our games day so I may be back later. Maybe tomorrow.
At any rate, please, all of you have a Magnificent Monday!



Wacky Wabbit
I Hate Mondays Monday GIF by Chippy the Dog
Let's hope it's a fantastic day for everyone!

KC: YOU ARE officially MISSING IN ACTION! ;) :oops:

Lee Posted: We can all use a little good news today.
Well, my morning started out GREAT! I had a taste for an Egg McMuffin, so I drove over to our McDonald's and got in the drive thru line. Got up to the PAY HERE Window and the lady said the CAR in front of me PAID for my order! WOW.... how nice. So, I asked her how much is the person's order behind me???? It was less than what mine would have been and I PAID FOR her order. When I was pulling out I waved to the lady behind me and she gave me the :smiley24: (thumbs up) signal. Sure is a nice feeling to have that happen and to pass it on! :wink2:

Dave: We need a picture of your daughters new little puppy! I don't envy her having to get up through the night to train the puppy! :supris:

Nice to know your Fantasy Football started out with a good performance. And I'm sure the folks would take a few THOUSAND DOLLARS less on that one condo I posted about, but we all know from past rentals that you could get a FULL SIZE HOUSE for less than that for 3 months. I'd love to meet the SUCKER that actually rented that Love Shack. Ha Ha

Lee: Wishing Lu-Ann a good report at the dentist. And hopefully she will get into a PK Trial program that can not only help her, but others too. So nice that she is willing to go for it.

It's cloudy and HUMID here right now. I'm going to READ my book this morning and then plan on washing the Kitchen floor and the wood on the newly finished island. As soon as I get the carpet for under the kitchen table, I'll be taking pictures/video to post. I'm also going to look for fabric to 'upholster' the seats and backs of the chairs. Always Something!

You all have a great day and get up and move around.... preferably OUTSIDE while it's still do-able!

Later gang. By the way: That McDonald sandwich sure tasted good!

DAVE: I'm still watching all the transferring of the Queen from location to location and the history too. I want to take in as much as I can, because we know her death will be OLD NEWS in a few weeks.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Bert is off to the car repair place. Hopefully, they will be able to finish the repair today and not have to go back after they get the part. He left with his to go cup of coffee and a new book to read. He'll be all set for a long stay at the car repair place!!

I got to thinking about Bert having to have made an appointment to have the Caddy looked at today at 10:00. It's getting so crowded here that you have to make appointment for practically anything - he even needs to make an appointment to get his hair cut now. That never happened when we were in Ocala. You just went to the barber shop and waited your turn. It was also that way when we needed to take the car in to the mechanic. It might be the same up there now. Who knows?

Lee - That would be great if Lu-Ann is chosen for one of those clinical trials. Good luck to her. I hope her dentist appointment went well also. Enjoy your game day! I've got salmon in the freezer. Might have to think about making some later in the week or next week.

Bill - I think you get ready for a cruise the same way we do. Packing gets done the day before we are leaving. Sorry your Pats and BC did not have a very good week. At least the Steelers won their game, even if I didn't see it. Unfortunately, we get all the Florida pro teams every week with the the Sunday and Monday night games thrown in. We don't go anywhere on Sunday where games are shown like we used. Does that make us old farts now? LOL

Kathie - The way you are always telling us about what you've watched or are watching, I have to ask - Do you have TV on constantly all day in your house? I rarely turn TV on before 4 or 5 and if Bert had his way, it would only be on after 9 each night. And if there wasn't one of his favorite shows on, the TV would never get turned on. He'd rather look at his computer screen around the clock!

Dave - Aside from city traffic here, the constant intense sun and heat beating down wrecks havoc on a car too in places like the rubber around the doors and on the leather interior. Thank goodness we haven't had that problem ... yet!

Karen - Come out. Come out! Time for you to check in with the group. I hope you aren't overworking yourself again doing things for others. Time to take care of Karen, ya hear? Heads up, here come the storms again this afternoon. This is really getting old!

I wonder if Nancy realizes that she actually forgot to bring something they needed on their cruise. I bet she'd find a way to go shopping for that item in one of their ports!!

Well, before the rains come calling, I think this is a good time to get a cup of coffee and go sit on the lanai for a while. have a super day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Lee, I don't think any of us could afford or want to pay the hourly rate they might charge.
Dave, Rita not only watches but is quite vocal in her commentary during sports events, especially if a foul or penalty is called against her favored team. :)

While my fantasy team finished extremely well and appears to have outscored every other team in the league (depending on the results of tonight's matchup) I am currently in a multi-person tie for 18th out of the 31 participants and even if I successfully pick the winner of tonight's game, am unlikely to improve my position by much. Oh well, plenty of time to improve my forecasting skills.
Also watched that very moving feature on the FDNY and 9/11 on 60 Minutes, Dave. Still hard to believe that it has been that many years since it occurred and remember so much of where we were, what we saw and how we felt when it happened


Wacky Wabbit
BB: TV is on in the early morning to catch the news. And then before dinner. If there is a major news event that I know is coming up I leave the small counter TV in the kitchen on.
Other than that, I have the TV on after dinner and until I go to bed.... which is late! Sometimes the sound is on and sometimes off. Like during the Tennis games. Don't need to listen to those commentators constantly talking.
Oh, if I'm going outside, the TV is OFF! Ha ha.

Off to the Township offices to pay our Taxes. Hey.....somebody has to do it!
Art is sanding and staining the deck. Better him than me doing that thank-less job.


2nd Officer
I'm here, I'm here! Just been running around like the proverbial chicken with it's head cut off!

Pat, hopefully Bert won't end up spending the whole day at the car repair place. Around here even with an appointment you can just about figure you are going to be waiting a while!

Lee, what
sacrilege, not being a fan of Anne Murray!!! I like most of her music & agree that one is pretty fitting even all these years later!

Kathie, good for you for keeping the "pay for the car behind me" chain going. I've had that happen one time in a drive thru & 1 time at a sit down restaurant someone paid for Barb & my lunch. Always a nice surprise.

Dave, babies & puppies are always so cute until you have to spend more than 4 hours with them, then you are looking for the closest exit door! Hopefully your daughter will be able to get Dolly to trim down the middle of the night piddles!

Bill, at least it's still early in your fantasy league & you hopefully have time to move up in the standings.

After I dropped Scooter off at the Vet's last Thurs. I went by Barb's. She had told me the night before that she thought the steps to her mobile home had slipped on the cement block base, so I went to check on them. Turns out the steps which are fiberglass over plywood were rotted at the bottom of the step & when ever you stepped on that spot the whole set would shift. She called our friend Wes to see if he'd give her a price to build a new set. By Sat. she still hadn't heard anything from him so I went over to see if I could brace it up for her until we could get a new set build. I did get it fixed pretty good for now so she is going to try & wait till it cools off a LOT more & then I will build her a new set of stairs similar to what I did for Jane's pool
Friday I started a painting project on my back porch, I decided to paint each of the 3 walls a different color, using paint I had left over from my sisters. The 1st short wall is a light blue, the middle long wall where the sliding door is I painted a light grey & the 3rd short wall is a darker blue grey color. My chairs & footstools are black metal against the darker wall. With navy blue & white chair cushions & solid navy footstool cushions. I am working on the dining table by putting grey painted wooden slats across the top picnic table style. I also bought a set of grey chair covers from Amazon for the dining chairs. I had an area rug in my bedroom that just wasn't working so I moved it out to the porch & it works perfect! It has a white back ground with light blue, dark blue & grey stripes on it. I have a couple more things to finish up before I post pictures, but so far I'm loving the new look!!
We've had lot's of rain the last few days & the pool temp is down to 84 degrees now, almost chilly when you first get in.
Got my new kitchen sink faucet on Friday but I have so much going on this week that it will probably be next week before I have time to get a plumber here to install it.
Thurs. Scooter goes for the ultra sound of her heart & depending on the results of that she may or may not get scheduled for dental surgery.
And that's just about all the news from Belleview!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - I bet Rita & I both are very vocal when our teams are playing. Bert gets embarrassed listening to me yelling. Tough luck for him!!! :emoticon 0137 clapping:

Dave - I see you just posted a picture of the new puppy. So cute!

Karen - Can't wait to see pictures of how your porch came out. Sounds beautiful! Just have to hope that the rug doesn't get ruined if it gets wet too often in heavy rains.

Kathie - Thanks for explaining your TV viewing habits. Only time I put TV on early is for things like the January 6 Committee hearings! LOL

Bert got home a little while ago. Just as expected, it was the same part that went last year. Cost would be around $600. though this year. His actual cost was $0.00!!! Seems like the part was still under warranty! Yippy!! A break, for a change. To celebrate this windfall, we're going to treat ourselves to some blue crabs this evening. If the Hispanic market has any, that is. Other wise it's leftovers time.


2nd Officer
Pat, that's a nice surprise on the Caddy bill!! Finger's crossed the rug should be ok out there, we usually don't get a lot of rain from the south so it shouldn't get soaked. If it does I will be sure to pick it up so it can dry out & not get moldy


Wacky Wabbit
Karen thanks for the check in! You are one BUSY GAL!
Love the sound of your patio re-do. Can’t wait to see the pics with the new paint colors!

Dave love the picture of Dolly and your daughter. Dolly is a cutie!


2nd Officer
It's not Monday anymore.

Nice video Lee. But some Canadian you are, not being a big fan of Anne Murray. Well this Yank was and is. Now young lad, stand at attention during this GREAT song.

You sure have been keeping busy, KC. And already lining up projects to do in the future. I too want to see a picture of this multi colored back porch.

Speaking of pictures; If you click on the puppy picture, it gets bigger.

How neat K2, being a part of a pay it forward, (or backward) event. I bet it made the Egg McMuffin taste even better. Keep watching all the Queen's funeral rituals and ceremonies. It'll probably be the last time we see anything so grand.

Bill: I'm imagining Rita, in a team's jersey, screaming her head off, with one of those giant foam rubber "we're #1" gloves on her hand.

BB; Well aren't you and Bert lucky Bunnies. Saving 600 dollars. Good time to buy a lottery ticket.

Both Kathi and I are going to see a doctor this morning. Kathi, to an oral surgeon to finally get her implant put in. I'm off to see the eye doctor. My new left lens just isn't as clear and sharp as the right lens.

Another day of life in the fast lane.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Tuesday All!

Dave: I was never an Anne Murray fan either. So, was the lesson that Lee was supposed to listen for all about 'taking you with him when he goes South come Winter time'?
I did CLICK on the puppy picture and she's a KEEPER. Looks like she'll get spoiled big time.

Okay, I don't know where the 80's & 90's temps went to, but 58F is just not acceptable for me.
BB & Karen: It's a darn good thing you Belle's have kitties, because I think I would pay you both a visit this coming visit. I would cook and clean for lodging. But it's not going to happen because I'm so allergic to kitties. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

Dave: Hope that Kathi's dental implant is not too painful for her. Just thinking about it makes me cringe!

So did any of you folks catch Rachel Maddow last night? WOW, that guy that wrote that book after leaving the White House sure had a lot to say about all the UNDER handed things BARR & TRUMP were up to. Basically, ruining our country. If this was anyone else, he'd be in JAIL already. Makes me sick.

The rest of you Bunnies behave and enjoy the day.

Taquito Tacos Tacotuesday Freckley Yummytaco Freckleydesign Loveallfreckley Tuesday Fun GIF by Freckley Design


Wacky Wabbit
Turned out to be a beautiful day.
I went to the big Park “Stony Creek” and sat facing one of the lakes and read my book. So peaceful. If I had a lounge chair I could have fallen asleep.
Now I’m watching the Queen being driven through he streets of London. People stopping their cars on the Hwy and lining the streets to see the hurse drive by.
The BEST is yet to come. So much security and dignitaries flying in for the final funeral. WOW!

And it’s still RAINING!
Where do all these thousands of people go to the bathroom?

It’s 8:00 pm in London.

I’m wondering what the Queen’s request was for her funeral dress and if they put a purse on the coffin with her? All a mystery right now.

Later Wrabbits!