Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Stoppin’ by to say hello.
Not much from this part of the world.
The weather guessers called for heavy rain this morning and 30 minutes later cancelled the warning. So, we took a drive out along the wine and fruit stand trail. Everything is so fresh.
That is a fine picture Dave! If you like Anne Murray so much, she’s yours.
I think that because of “Canadian Content” rules on tv and radio I got really tired of any song Anne sang because it seemed to get played on every station every hour!
There does seem to be a lot of freighter traffic this week Kathie.
Always busy as usual Karen. Good for you.
(((Pat))). Just because.
I’m puzzled by The Pats being early favourites against the Steelers Bill. Especially with Jones and Watt being banged up.
Have a good evening everyone.


2nd Officer
Night from Belleview, another crazy busy day. Weather has just been so stinkin HOT & Muggy it just drains the energy right out of me. We were supposed to get some cooler weather this week, haven't seen any yet!


2nd Officer
Good Wednesday morning, Bunnies!

Thank you K2. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one wondering where the thousands and thousands of people go to the bathroom during the funeral proceedings. (I wonder if there was a run on Depends.) I've got to admit that it's the first time I've ever seen a hearse with a glass roof. And I too ALWAYS watch and record the Rachel Maddow show on Mondays. You may have found a new book to read.

And thanks for more pictures.

As Art and I know, when the implant gets imbedded in the jawbone, it's no more painful than getting a cavity filled. A little Novocain in the gums, and that's it. Now Kathi waits a couple of months for bone to grow around the implant, and then the crown goes on. Damn, getting an implant is a long drawn-out procedure.

We're getting a taste of fall, for now. The temperature going down into 50s at night and only into the 60s or 70s during the day. But it'll be back up into the mid 80s by the weekend.

Quite the opposite of what you're getting KC.

Lee; You had mentioned in the past that a certain percentage of broadcasts must origininate in Canada. BUT, I had forgotten.

This morning's "entertainment" is grocery shopping at the smaller grocery store. Every time we go I'm like a little kid amazed at all the different products. Plus all the different brands and various flavors of products. Who knew you could have almost an isle of different crackers or sauces.

Sunny, but I may need a light jacket when we go. But I'm refusing to wear long pants.


Wacky Wabbit
Wednesday Hump Day GIF by Chippy the Dog
I bet our dear Tony would have something to say about this cartoon if he was here. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Got that kitchen floor and hallway and foyer steam mopped. Amazing how I'm still getting so much dirt falling from WHO KNOWS WHERE!
I see I will need to do the OUTSIDE Windows and then the INSIDE windows soon. It's going to be too hot this entire week and weekend for that kind of work. Whew.... got out of that job.

Karen: Remember to drink plenty of water during those HOT SPELLS you all are having in Florida. Hopefully you can get in some good pool time.

Watched the Queen get transferred to Westminster. That was one long walk for King Charles and his sons, etc, etc. They all did a good job. I feel really sorry for those GUARDS having to stand at a 'slant with their heads bowed' for days on end by the casket. At least they do change them out every so often.

Art has 1/2 of of our deck sanded down, patched up and stained/painted. He's now working on the other half. Bless that man for being able to do what he does around here. The 1/2 of the deck he did looks like new. :clap002::clap002:

Dave: Like you said another book revealing a ton of STUFF that the T-man did while trying to ruin our country. I say LOCK the "B-----d" up and get it over with. And take all his
privilege's away from him while you're at it.

Okay, I'm done here. Need to do some paperwork and then I'm off to the farms not far from here to get a few corn and squash, etc. I feel like a nice veggie dinner tonight with some Orzo pasta mixed in.

You all behave. Later...........



Chief Security Officer
Not sure I understand, or can explain,it either, Lee unless it is the Belichick mystique that many still subscribe too, despite recent history.
Picked up prescriptions a bit early from my pharmacy so that I will have all I need during our cruises. Pharmacist was working on them when I stopped by yesterday so I went and got my haircut and picked them up afterwards.
Have to order a few books for my kindle so that I will have reading material during our trip. Was all set to order the new Frederik Bachman book until I noticed that it was a "pre-order" that won't be delivered until after we get home.
Beautiful day in the neighborhood after a couple of dreary gray ones.
We have friends who are currently on the Voyager of the Seas TA who have posted some great photos of Iceland and Greenland including photos of the Northern Lights and of icebergs in the seas near Greenland. They will be disembarking in Boston on Sunday as we wait, impatiently, to board.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Where the heck did this morning go? Time seems to be flying by faster each and every day. :rolleyes:

First the good news ... As I told you the AC repair on the car cost us zip. Now for the bad news ... AC stopped working that afternoon when we were out. Even as I type, Bert's at the car repair place once again. Maybe it was a bad part? Maybe it's something else? Only time will tell. Glad we didn't have anything planned for today.

Kathie - You sure are dedicated to watching everything going on across the pond this week. I wait for the news at night for a summary of all going on with the queen's funeral. I see you just posted this morning. Good for you to have a close farm stand to get fresh veggies at. We pass one when coming home from the wound doctor. We stopped there once, but Bert hasn't taken the hint that it would be nice to stop there again. It's run by a woman from India and a lot of her veggies are ones I have no idea how to use. Other than there, the only place we could go to is a flea market and their veggies leave much to be desired. SO like I say, you are very lucky!

Karen - I have to agree with you about the humidity right now. It really makes being outside very uncomfortable. Be prepared - The rains will be back this afternoon to make it even more of a sauna outside.

Dave - So what interesting things did you find at the supermarket today? Kathi gathering all her pumpkin spiced stuff again this year?

Bill - I too was wondering about the Pats being favored. I sure hope the oddsmakers are dead wrong!! :p

Lee - (((HUGS))) right back to you also, my friend.

No cooking for me tonight! Just warming up the leftover goulash I made on Sunday. After a dinner of delicious blue crabs on Monday, Missy surprised us with a good sized pan of lasagna last night. What is left of that will be tomorrow's dinner. Then on Friday Missy is making a pan of roladen with the meat Bert bought the other day. I shouldn't have to cook again until at least Sunday!! Maybe by then, I'm going to want to go out to eat. LOL

Talking about food has made me hungry. Time to see what looks good for lunch around here. Happy hump day, everyone!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I think they corrected the problem with the car AC - the freon! It apparently had an air bubble in the line and every time the bubble showed up, the AC stopped working. The boss at the shop discovered the problem and changed out the freon. So far, so good!


Chief Security Officer
Well they are playing the Steelers, BB, which could explain it. I still remember the cruise we were both on when the Pats and Steelers were playing and the lounge where the game was being shown was empty of Steeler fans for the second half. My fantasy team which is currently in first place, strangely enough has no Steelers on it, which may explain our success.
Regardless of the spread, I picked the Pats in Sunday's game. Just hope we can see it on the ship.
Wish I could figure out how I could post it, but I just watched a video that someone posted from YouTube called "Up here in Canada" If you get a chance, check it out.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - Time for trash talking to start. huh? I too remember that cruise and the outcome of the game. This week's game won't be seen here, unless it's a Sunday night game. I just checked it's 1:00 game. Nope, we won't be able to see it unless we go to someplace like the Grille or Gator's Dockside.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer

I hope this is the one Bill. Thought I'd help you out because, well, it's The Canadian thing to do.
Boy, it's getting warm and sticky here again. I cut and raked the back lawn but decided not to put down any patch or fertilizer because of the heat we're supposed to be getting. that stuff always does better in cooler conditions.
About what the folks waiting to pay their respects to Her Majesty...they have issued wrist bands to those in line to allow them to go to the toilets, get food and drink and get back in line. I wouldn't wait in line for 30 hours to see anybody! Well, except all of you. :emoticon 0152 heart:
Did Art go to The Auto Show to see President Biden Kathie?
The CRTC stuff is part of the reason I subscribe to Sirius Dave. Because the signal is "beamed" to my "crystal set" the music and programs are exempt from the 35% Canadian content regulation. BUT, Sirius does have to carry both French and English Canadian stations. Now, there's a bunch of channels I've never listened to!
I do hope that the bubble wasn't the cause of the original AC problem Pat! At any rate lets hope it's all taken care of with this visit. No cooking for me tonight either. I have to wash some baby spinach, slice some strawberries, add some almonds and we have salad.
I do miss the trash talk that used to surround The Master's weekly predictions. It's good to see some of the friendly banter back here again.
I find that the hot, humid weather takes more out of me than it used to Karen. Or at least that's my excuse for dozing off in the evenings.
I sure do hope that the Northwest is treating Nancy and Bruce well.
Lu-Ann and I have been "bingeing" The Good Fight. I can't for the life of me figure out how they got away with the Trump Bashing and accusations. All I can say is "Good For Them".
I suppose I should consider getting my salad stuff in order.
You good folks all have a wonderful Wednesday evening.


Wacky Wabbit
Bb: We are VERY lucky to have farms so close to us. Slowly they are being sold and huge subdivisions are replacing fresh veggies and sod farms. The younger generation would rather SELL the land that their relatives leave them than do hard farm labor. :(

Bb: I found a REAL BARGAIN when I was out in the farm lands today. I put a HOLD on this gem so you and Bert could have RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION. The farmer said he’ll ship it if you’re serious about buying it. Let me know ASAP! And it had natural air-conditioning. No worry about parts breaking down. Ha ha



A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I was expecting newer technology from Ford at The Detroit Auto Show Kathie. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: It’s nice to see they have mastered “green”.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: We're tempted to go down to the NEW Auto Show. Finally, it is NOT in January when we always get a major snow/sleet storm. From what we saw on the news tonight it looks like they added a lot of new venues. And then there are a lot of things OUTSIDE in the plaza. It's going to be in the 85's this weekend and I doubt if I'd enjoy walking around outside looking at cars in that heat. Oh, and Art bikes on Saturday's. It was a nice fleeting thought. Ha Ha.


2nd Officer
Good early morning from Belleview, have to drop Scooter off at the vets by 7:30 for the ultrasound of her heart, so that means an early start to my day, bah-humbug! Probably take one of Dave's beloved naps this afternoon, back later


2nd Officer
Good morning KC. You're up bright and early.

I love that replacement for the Caddie, K2. Natural air conditioning, plus the fragrance of nature.

(And I had thought that the woody car style had gone out of fashion.)

Great song, Lee. And thanks for the information about how the Brits handle long lines at the funeral when they need to go potty.

THIS time at the grocery store, Kathi only got pumpkin spice doughnut holes. But she was pointing out everything else she saw that was that flavor. Even pumpkin spice Cheerios.

Another doctor's visit for me early this morning. It's just my yearly check-up with the family doctor. Should be a nothin. And Kathi reminded me to ask for samples of the really expensive prescriptions.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie - Thanks for thinking of us for a new vehicle. That was very generous of the farmer to offer to ship it too us. I would hope he would also detail it before shipping!! LOL There is also one problem - We have no place to keep a horse. Our HOA is really picky as to what pets and animals you can have here. Bert also wants to know how many bails of hey does it eat a day? The Caddy gets good mileage, so it still might be cheaper to keep it.

Dave - Good luck at the doctor's today and hope for a good report.

Karen - Hope all will go well with Scooter's ultra-sound of her heart.

Not too much planned around here for the day, as usual. Might take a trip to Sam's to replenish our supply of adult beverages. ;) That's about it. We sure do lead a boring life these days. Can't remember last time we went anywhere other than going out to eat. Bert is not a very social person, so he doesn't really care for getting together with friends very often. :( How the heck did I stick with him this long??? Ha Ha!!!

Time for a cup of coffee. I'll be back later.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.

1st off one of the Guards at Westminster fainted full face off the podium. OUCH.

2nd: Now I sure hope that A-HOLE of a Governor from Florida is proud of himself for sending 50 refuges on a PLANE to Martha's Vineyards. Unreal. Anything to get his name and face in the press. Must have been paid for by the citizens of the state of Florida. What a total jerk. And his buddy from Texas did the same thing. Sent off a plane load of
refuges to Washington, DC. Using these poor men, women and children as pawns. They need to be called out on this big time.

BB: Bummer that Bert isn't all excited about the vehicle I found for you guys. I can see the "hay and horse storage" being a issue, but if he just cleaned out the garage from all his treasures there could be room. Dealing with the HOA might be able to be worked out. Ha Ha. You need to get Bert to take you for a ride to the Winery to get one of those Cuban sandwiches and a nice glass of wine. Life's too short to sit around the house all the time.

I am glad that you don't have all those medical visitors coming and going these days. Stay healthy my friend.

Karen: Hope all works out for the best with Scooter. Take that NAP..... you if anybody in this group deserves it.

I'm out of here for now. Too nice to stay inside.
I have to make a run to Sherwin Williams store to get Art another gallon of deck paint/stain. I'm taking the empty can with me to make sure they get the numbers right to mix up a new batch. ALWAYS SOMETHING.
Then I'm going to the big park and finding a nice semi-shady spot and will read for awhile.

Enjoy your day folks.


Chief Security Officer
I have to admit I misspoke when I said that the Steelers were not represented on my fantasy team. We actually drafted Pittsburgh as our "Defense/Special Teams" representative.
Thanks for posting that video, Lee. That is the one I was referring to and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share it with everyone else in the hutch.
Don't think that Florida's governor planned on getting much support from MA voters in his proposed presidential bid anyway, but his most recent stunt of sending 50 Venezuelan immigrants, unannounced, to Martha's Vineyard, will not win him any votes around here, and hopefully, anywhere. Happy to report that the residents of that island off the coast of Cape Cod, responded to the arrival with open hearts and open doors. Most frightening about this whole thing is that the victims of this affair were not even aware of where they were being sent. Our sympathies to BB, KC and all Floridians who are so unfortunate as to have such a person occupying their governor's mansion.
Long range forecasts seem to indicate a lengthy number of cool and rainy days during our cruise to Canada but I am sure we will make the best of whatever conditions we encounter.


Wacky Wabbit
Check It Out You Should Know GIF by 100Thanks

As Royal Family members are buried inside a chamber, rather than directly in the ground, their coffins are lined with lead in order to slow decomposition. The lead seals the coffin and prevents moisture from getting in, preserving the body for up to a year.

The practice dates back to the Victorian era, when an airtight seal on a coffin was necessary to prevent the potent effects of decay in above-ground burials.

I must say those fella's that were lifting the casket onto the platform sure had their work cut out for them.