Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A sad day for not only The Monarchy but the world as a whole with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. What an amazing lady. I can't imagine that there will ever be another leader like The Queen. Through it all she never seemed to waiver and served the people and her country well.
Now Karen, if only you knew a good plumbing contractor.
All in good time Kathie. It's not like anyone is coming by to see how quickly your beautiful spotless home is back to your standards. Thank you. Queen Elizabeth will be missed. Charles has big shoes to fill as our new King.
I think that it is a very classy move on the part of The United States to lower the flags at The Capitol to half staff.


Wacky Wabbit
Excellent coverage of the late Queen Elizabeth Ii. I just can’t get enough of watching all she did during her rein. Amazing woman. So glad I watched the TV series “The Crown”.

The young Polish tennis player won tonights tennis match. WOW.


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Bunnies!

Sadly the passing of Queen Elizabeth. At 96, we can't say it was totally unexpected. But till the end she was completely aware and alert. And had that sparkle in her eye.

By now Nancy should be near to or on her cruise. Damn that lady is an over-packer. On the way to the ship I wonder if she stopped and bought something else to take along.

No flu shot for Kathi and I yesterday. The pharmacists talked us out of it. Since the effectiveness of the shot is only 6 months they recommended we wait till October.

Lee; I stole your "Hello Dolly" video and sent it to my Virginia daughter. I learned something about Queen Elizabeth yesterday. Of all the countries in the world, the one she visited the most was Canada. I guess she needed to keep an eye on her problem child.

Sorry about your leaky faucet KC. But I'm glad to see that you are letting a plumber install the new one. I don't crawl around under sinks in those cabinets anymore either. I leave it up to more flexible, younger, plumbers.

With all the things that have been breaking down lately, I'm surprised that your Caddie is only 10 years old, BB.

You finally got your kitchen back, K2. Have "fun" cleaning everything and organizing all the stuff going back into the cupboards.

Well, football is back in full force now. Friday nights for high schools, Saturday for colleges, with Sunday and other the days they do it, the NFL. Here's a little song you may get a kick out of.




Wacky Wabbit
Good BEAUTIFUL morning Wrabbits!

Dave: Good call on delaying that Flu shot until at least October. I like to aim for the 1st week of November. I am thinking of getting the latest Covid booster. I know that the boosters wear out just like all other vaccines.

I got up and made us a batch of crepes ! Jill gave us FRESH PICKED RASPBERRIES and with a tad of whip cream it made for a yummy breakfast.

I’m still glued to the TV watching the New King Charles traveling to London. He greeted the many golds that came out to observe all that is going on. Also, saw all the 96 Cannon salutes going off everywhere.

I have nothing more for you good people right now. Will be back later.

I think a drive to the waters edge might be in order. It’s just so beautiful outside.

I hope all of Nancy & Bruce’s “ STUFF” makes it on the ship. Missing is the “kitchen sink”! Tony would have had a blast poking fun of all her planning! :D

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I thought this picture on FB said it all. Queen Elizabeth was one for the ages. She has earned her rest now and the world will surely miss her.

Karen - Sorry about your leaky bathroom sink. Good idea letting a plumber install it for you.

Dave - It's not the age of the Caddy. It's the mileage, 145,000+ miles, that is taking the toll. Driving in this area takes a worse toll on cars. Too much stop and go.

Kathie - You are just too ambitious with all your cleaning after the workmen left! You need to take it easy. The work will still be there tomorrow. If you decide to drive to the water's edge, enjoy. Your crepes look delicious. I haven't had crepes in years. By the way, what the he!! are wing dings? Never heard of them.

Lee - Our kiss up governor, DeathSantis, also ordered flags flown at half staff in honor of the Queen's passing.

Off to the wound doctor today. I sure hope I won't have to go there much longer. My legs are pretty well healed, but he pokes around on them and finds a new place that needs to heal.

Not sure what we're doing for dinner tonight. I'd like to go out, but we might be getting more rain around the time we would go to eat.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon.
Pat, that is likely one of the best tributes to The Queen that I have seen. It means even more if you saw the clip The Queen did with Paddington Bear for her Jubilee in June. Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, gave a very moving speech which I suspect brought a tear to the eye of many Canadians.
If the would doctor would stop poking the wounds they may not have to heal back up! Stop and go is the worst for any vehicle!
Kathie, that picture should be on a menu at a fine restaurant.
Bobby Bare was one of Lu-Ann's Mom's favourite country singers Dave. A great tune for more than one reason. Our doc usually suggests the flu shot a tad later in the season as well. Somewhere around late October to early November.
Well Bill my Buffalo Bills sure looked pretty good last night. Right now they are the BEST team in the entire NFL. ;)
What's the word on your faucet Karen? Have you set up a couple of installation dates yet? I say that because according to what we hear about Florida trades they don't always show up when they should.
We'll be off early tomorrow morning. We are headed to Dearborn, MI for a 10:00 Parkinson's Forum. Lu-Ann is hoping to be able to meet Kathie's friend who is very involved in Team Fox (For Michael J. Fox) in The D. So, it may be later in the day or Sunday before I annoy you all again!
Stay safe my friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Listening to the Service for the Queen as I do my errands. Lovely speech and remembrance given by the new ‘King Charles”. He did an exceptional job. I hope you get a chance to hear it.
I’m a sucker for a good funeral. The choir just sang God Save the King in church. Hard to believe it’s NOT the Queen anymore after done 7 decades.

BB: This is for you:

People also ask

What are Wingdings chicken?

What is the difference between wings and Wingdings?


They look like miniature versions of chicken drumsticks (or legs), hence their name. The wingettes are specifically the middle part of a chicken wing, also known as the flat because of their shape, and consist of two thin parallel bones and dark meat. Finally, the small pointy ends of the wing are called the tips.

Dave: I just had a Salty Carmel Shake from Portillio’s. Yum.
It went well with their shaved beef sandwich on a soft bun. Wow. This restaurant started in the Chicago area. If any of you get a chance to have one of these they are so worth the money!

Later gang. Time to do a return at Lowes. Lunch break over here in the restaurants parking lot.


Chief Security Officer
Watching the news about the Queen's passing reminded me that I was in the 7th grade at the time of her Coronation. Our homeroom teacher was from England over here as part of a teacher exchange program. I always felt that in some ways, he got the short end of the bargain since he was paid the salary he made in England which was much less than the amount that the American teacher who took his place in England, even though the cost of living was likely much higher here than there. I remember being surprised to see him working at a local supermarket on the weekends, apparently to make up some of the difference in pay. We were treated to plentiful information regarding the Queen, the Royal Family and all of the details regarding the Coronation ceremonies. I also remember that when any of the boys in his class acted up they were likely to receive what would now be described as a "Gibbs slap".
Josh Allen and his Bills looked pretty good in their opening game, Lee, despite a couple of interceptions. Gabe Davis is one of the running backs on my fantasy team so I was very pleased that he scored the first Bills touchdown.
In our football pool, twenty three of the thirty players predicted a Bills victory, but I suspect that a lower percentage will accurately predict the outcome of the rest of this weekend's games.
I know we are in for two more months of irritating political ads, but it is especially annoying when those ads are attacking candidates outside of our voting districts or states. Unfortunately 'Truth in Advertising' laws apparently don't apply to political campaigns.
Watched the ceremony that was just held in St. Paul's. Very moving and obviously well planned and carried out.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Time to say good night. We went to the Grille for dinner and they had a Caribbean steel drum group playing tonight. I could have stayed all evening. It reminded me of being by the pool on a cruise. Unfortunately, Bert wanted to come home right after we ate. :( Oh well, it put me in the mood for a cruise ... maybe!

Have a good night everyone. See you in the morning.


2nd Officer
Saturday morning is here Bunnies. Make it a fun and safe one.

I wonder if you're on the road to Dearborn already Lee. Hoping the weather is kind to you.

Lots and lots of news reports about the Queen. And should be that way for quite a while.

I'd like to thank you BB & K2 for your cartoons.

You're so right Bill that there is very little truth in political adds. As they say, it's illegal to lie to congress or the FBI but it's not illegal to lie to the public.

We always complain about the cost of gas. What's worse? When I got my new glasses I was told that I had a bit of dry-eye, so I should get some eye drops for it. When I opened the $15 box there was this tiny little bottle. 1/3 of a single ounce.

That's way more expensive than even printer ink.


Wacky Wabbit
Dave….here’s one more touching cartoon regarding the Queen.
Safe trip Lee & Lu-Ann.

We’re off to the cemetery in Detroit this morning. Going to have a burial of our Sister-in-law JUDY’s ashes. Afterwards we will go to the cemetery right next to this one and clean up my families plot.

The American LOST the Semi-Finals in tennis last night. I’m looking forward to the matches to be over.

Have a safe fun day folks.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Once again it's a beautiful morning, but the dreaded t-storms will take over the afternoon and evening. Glad we don't really have anywhere to go.

Kathie - Thanks for the explanation as to what a wingding is in your area. We call them drumettes. The part with 2 bones is called a flat here. You have to pay extra if you want a wing order to consist of only one. Otherwise, it's usually half drumettes and half flats.
I loved that picture from the Sidney Opera House. A beautiful tribute, for sure.
Going to cemeteries is never a fun day, but something we all have to do at one time or another. Most people here keep a loved one's ashes in their house and don't bury them.

Lee - You and Lu-Ann have a safe trip to and from Michigan. I did see that clip of The Queen with Paddington in celebration of her jubilee.

Dave - Meds are really over the top with their costs. I just got notified that I have a prescription waiting for me that costs $150. I have no idea what it is, but I'm now in the donut hole. Took longer this year than in the past as most of my meds are pretty cheap and I had gotten lots of free samples from the pulmonologist. I guess I shouldn't complain, but I will anyway!
I was wrong about the Caddy. It's a 2010 and it has 165,000 miles on it.

Jimmy is due here any minute. He's going to stick the seats from their pontoon boat in our garage while he works on the boat. I think Bert will get him to give a hand installing the new hard drive for our DISH Network. It came yesterday and it's hard to get to where it has to be plugged in behind that wall unit. We'll let the younger guy give it a try!! Speak of the devil, here he comes now. Time to see who might be with him.

Have an excellent Saturday and stay safe!


Wacky Wabbit
The service for our SILaw was perfect. There was a female minister that did a short service. We all had a prepared booklet to follow along with responses. And we were asked to share a memory with everyone. Of course, I did just that. It was all done beautifully. We were allowed 1/2 hr and it had to be done and over with. The cemetery was a very busy place this morning. I counted 4 funerals that came in while we were there. A "Saturday" burial cost extra. It's less during the week.

BB: I've never heard of Wings being called "flats". Interesting.

It's 82F and huge puffy clouds and sun on and off. Just a beautiful day.

Hope our Canadian friends made it back okay from Detroit. Lee did share a picture of them meeting my dear friend from church that is EVER SO ACTIVE in supporting Parkinsons Disease. She's an amazing woman and has donated not only her time, but a huge amound of money to find a cure for Parkinsons Disease. Bless her.

Okay, back to the football game. GO GREEN! Go Michigan State Univ. Spartans.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hello Bunnies!
Back from a very enjoyable day at The Henry Ford (Hotel) in Dearborn. Even passing over the border at 8:30 we were only about 45 minutes. As a matter of fact, the needle on the fuel gauge didn’t even move off the full mark.
It was a very good and informative day. Again, thank you Kathie for putting us in touch with your friend Donna. She and husband Mike are great folks. It was nice to finally meet them in person. Team Fox in The D (for Michael J Fox’s Parkinson’s research foundation) has raised over
$1.2 MILLION dollars. All of which has gone directly to research.
I bet Bert remembers when HE was the young guy people called when they needed a hand with something tricky. Sure hope Jimmy was able to get things up and running.
Kathie, I hope that the service at the cemetery brought lots of smiles as people remembered all of the good times and good things about Judy. I see you posted as I was finishing up here Kathie. Seems I did answer a couple of your questions.

Printer ink! Dave, whenever we need ink I weight the cost of replacement cartridges with a new printer. You can usually find printers with full sized cartridges and new technology on sale around here at Best Buy. Often for the same price as the cartridges.
We had friends check in on Katie and Ava and just like clockwork, they are looking for their dinner.
Have a VERY good evening everyone.



Wacky Wabbit
I hope this gives you all a good “Chuckle!” Don’t let anybody tell you Wine isn’t good for you! The late Queen Elizabeth had a strict routine of having various drinks “6” times a day. Who whew!

Good night all!



2nd Officer
Another day of remembrance. Nine eleven. It's hard to believe that that horrible day occurred just over 20 years ago. In most people's minds it's as clear as yesterday. Much as the shooting of Kennedy in Dallas.

Or should I say, most people's minds, of people our age.

Add to those two things, the passing of the queen. None of the 3 being things we expected at the time they happened.

Thanks again K2 for another touching cartoon. And for the funny one you posted last night; I'll drink to that. Happy that the funeral went well and the weather cooperated for you.

Still BB, a 2010 Caddie isn't that old, now that people keep their cars longer. They are quite better made now than they were in the 60s & 70s.

Pleased to hear Lee that you made it to the Parkinson's forum. And got to meet K2's friends. That's a nasty disease.

Good morning to the rest of you Bunnies, What are you up to?

Nothing much planned for this day. A decent chance it'll be a soggy one.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits! Get up and get things done outside while it's still dry and not too hot for you Florida Belles!

50% chance of rain very soon here in Pure Michigan and then more later this afternoon. WE NEED IT BIG TIME!

We wanted to go out to the Anderson cottage, but no use trying that if the rain will follow us.

Opening Detroit Lions game here in downtown Detroit today. Let's see if there has been any improvement since last year. I can't believe they keep spending MILLIONS of dollars on players that just continuedly lose their games. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

Sexy September 11 GIF
NEVER FORGET. Never let it happen again.

Karen: How are you doing girl? Got that garage all straightened out. Hope all is well.

Today I plan on starting a new book. Always a good day to read when it's gloomy & rainy.

First, I have to vacuum pack some ground beef that I bought at Costco. Best deal in town for a bulk pkg of ground meat.
I made us a really good Lasagna yesterday and need to seal up a portion of that too for a quick re-heat dinner when I don't feel like cooking.

The kitchen floor needs to get mopped, but it will have to wait. Gotta be in the mood to do that job.

You all have a good day. Stay safe! BE BACK LATER.