Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning. I am sure we will be going to lunch and after that I have no idea. This evening is the Cup race.

K2, no the suitcases are ready except for one pair of shoes for Bruce and his toiletry bag. He has to figure what shoes to wear Friday and what ones to pack. He will have those shoes and the pair of waterproof ones that I bought him. Those will go in either Wednesday or Thursday. I do have the small suitcase that will be staying at Jennifer's to finish packing but that will only take a few minutes on Wednesday.

Looked up and found that the wheelchair can't go on the HOHO bus but I guess that is okay. I will have a cane with me and will use that. I sent Bruce a couple of emails with the bus and things to do in Vancouver so maybe we can figure things out before we go.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning friends!
My gosh Karen, you put in a full day before breakfast! I bet Peggy will have a big smile when she sees the weeding you have done. Now you deserve to take it easy for the rest of the day.
Nancy, I had looked up the info on the Vancouver HOHO and found that they can't accommodate wheelchairs. That struck me as odd in this day and age.
I have to ask Dave...Is the stadium called "The OSU Ed Sullivan Stadium"? Why, well, 100,000 people would need a "Really Big Shoe".
Sadly Kathie the pool is NOT heated. the water was 76F yesterday. You had to just jump in and deal with "the shrinkage" as you hit the water. I went in as soon as we got there so I didn't get warm in the sun and the danged water would feel that much colder!! I'm sure pleased for all of you that the chandelier came down when the church was empty! Holy plot for a mystery movie!
Yes Pat, how was dinner?
Efficient and contractors are not usually two words that you hear in the same sentence Bill!
That's about it from here. So far today. Everyone have a great Sunday.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, gang! Slept late this morning after our busy day yesterday which ended with a last minute interception and win by the GATORS over #7 ranked Utah! Too excited to go right to bed, so stayed up later than normal. Thus the late getting up this morning.

Dave - Lucky you getting your new glasses so quickly. We still have about another week to go before we get the new ones. Congrats to Ohio State on their win.

Karen - The angel food/ pineapple cake is definitely a winner. We had it with a spoon of Cool Whip on top and it is delicious. The pineapple chunks sink to the bottom and helped keep the otherwise dry angel food moist. I will definitely make it again, if I need a cake to serve a large number of people.

Nancy - Would you please hurry up and go on this cruise already! How soon after you get back from your cruise will you be going on the next one? I hope you're not going to do as much pre-planning on the next one as you're doing for this one. I also concur that Vancouver is a beautiful city with so much to see and do. Plus they have palm trees there, so you'll feel right at home! LOL

Kathie - That's terrible that one of the chandeliers in church fell. How lucky that it didn't happen when there were people in the church. Glad you sang your little heart out for the wedding also. So how was your lunch today at the picnic?

Lee - I got tired just reading all you did yesterday morning! Good for you and Lu-Ann. We certainly had plenty of food yesterday. o much so that M&J will be back tonight to help us consume some more and Gary and company will be here tomorrow to eat, hopefully, the last of the food. I'm afraid though that will still be more left. I sure hope not, as by tomorrow night we will be BBQed out for sure.

Bill - Time for you to get started packing for your cruises. I am so jealous. I wish I was brave enough to do another cruise at this point, but I still have a ways to go and I want to be with family members, if I run into any problems again. I don't expect that I will, as I'm feeling better these days, but why take a chance. Right?
By the way, I bet the GATORS end up being ranked this week!

Found out that the reason we're having problems with our DISH Network is because the hard drive must have gotten zapped by lightening even though we have a surge supressor on all that equipment. Oh well. They are sending us a new one and it should get here within a few days.

Time to gather some goodies and go watch some football. Enjoy the rest of this holiday Sunday, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Shame on you for describing your Florida Gators as "rank". I'm sure that, win or lose, they do their best. Speaking of "best" that isn't the way I'd describe the BC Eagles performance yesterday as they lost to Rutgers by one point.
Looks like we may have found a place to spend January and February (at least) in Florida. Rita got a call from a woman who has a modular home in Vero Beach (in the 55+ community where both of our parents owned property for a number of years.) The woman is a widower who recently bought the house and will be remarrying sometime in the next few months. She is also planning a honeymoon which may end up making it possible for us to stay through March which would be close to perfect. Since the woman is interested in a cruise honeymoon, Rita is going to check on prices and itineraries for the newlyweds and see if there is something that would meet their needs. Keeping our fingers crossed that things work out.
Nancy, as Lee mentioned, I am also surprised that in this day and age, the HOHO bus can't handle wheel chairs, but if you can manage with a cane, I think you would find it an excellent way to at least get an overview of all that Vancouver has to offer.
Good thing that the chandelier didn't fall during a church service, K2. I expect that the rest of them have been checked to insure that there isn't a repeat, but it should be interesting to find out what caused this near-tragic event.
Quiet Labor Day weekend and sad to note how much earlier it gets dark now. I think we are losing a couple of minutes of daylight just about every day now. A while back there was talk about a movement to eliminate daylight saving time and I wonder if there will be any movement towards that in the coming year.


2nd Officer
Pat, we will come home from Jennifer's either Sept 24 or 25. Then the next cruise is Oct 8th for two weeks. Then we wait until Dec 3rd for an 8 night.


2nd Officer
Pat, we will come home from Jennifer's either Sept 24 or 25. Then the next cruise is Oct 8th for two weeks. Then we wait until Dec 3rd for an 8 night.
No offense Nancy, but I hate you!:p I haven't been on a cruise since 2018 and none planned for the foreseeable future.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits. Overcast here ALL day, but no rain as of yet. A tad windy too.

We sang our little voices out at the wedding. I feared that if we sang too LOUD the other Chandelier's would fall on all the guests below. :eek: No word yet on why the 1st chandelier broke and fell. I'm just glad that I stand in the choir loft and we don't have any chandeliers up there.

Okay, today was the church picnic. 3 local churches went together on this event. We should have done this decades ago. It looked to me that it was a smashing success. I keep looking at LIVE CAM FEEDS and more and more 20-35'ish folks are showing up. They love to come and drink and eat and dance the Serbian dances and sing late into the evening. NO WORK tomorrow means they can stay later.
The Roasted Pork and the Serbian Cevaps (grilled 2 inch pieces of ground spicy meat) were served with Vinegar/onion potato salad or cole slaw if you wanted and bread and peppers. It was SOOOOOOO GOOD.
The ladies of each church donated baked goods (no I didn't bake a thing... ha ha) and they were selling them. Yummy.
The only thing that I thought was totally out of line was the $10 dollar a CAR LOAD to enter the picnic grounds. That's just way out of line. They'll make a fortune on the entrance fee's alone. I guess split 3 ways it will all work out.

I read all your posts and WOW everyone had good things to write about.

Nancy: You and Bruce sure are packing in a LOT of cruises in a short amount of time. Making up for lost time I guess.

Lots of great FOOTBALL was going on. Dave, glad your Ohio team won. Both our Michigan teams WON! It looks like it might be a good College football season. Glad you got your new glasses early.

Art's derailleur is in OHIO right now and will be here Wednesday. Late because of the holiday. Art is just happy we were able to find what he needed.

Okay, I'm out of here for now. Happy LABOR DAY tomorrow folks.
Happy Labor Day GIF


Wacky Wabbit

This is called a "KOLO" or translated "A circle dance". This is just one of many ways of dancing it. All kinds of steps for different music. The crowds are getting bigger as the evening progresses.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Had a very good lunch. Bruce again had one of the salads and I had one of the steaks, so good and enough to bring some home for tomorrows lunch.

All the cruises this year I was able to get for good prices and so went for it. Nothing planned for next year. I would like to go to Vegas but am not sure if we will. Or maybe go to Hawaii for a cruise there.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
I found this picture of what the HUGE Chandelier looked like that broke loose and crashed onto the pews!
If you can make it look bigger you would be able to see just how huge these chandelier’s really are. Wow!


2nd Officer
Happy Labor Day Bunnies! Whether Union or not, we've all been the engine to make our economies move along and our lifestyles possible.

That chandelier incident could have been disastrous, K2. Sure hope they shut down all church services till all the chandeliers are checked out to be secure. Got a kick out of your video of the dancing at the church picnic. Lots of pent up energy in the young and old after a couple years of Covid.

Another atta-boy for you KC. I'd bet a smile came across your neighbor's face when she came home to find a weeded and orderly flower-bed.

Lee; A GREAT pun using Ed Sullivan for "A Really Big Shoe".

Congratulations on the Gator win, BB. Feeling good about the season?

I for one would vote to end this clock changing thing every six months, Bill.

Nancy; On the way out the door to your cruise will you be checking every light switch in the house 3 times to make sure it's OFF?

Not too many outdoor picnics will be held in this area today. Soggy from morning till night. Fine with me. This hermit planned to stay inside anyway.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
HAPPY LABOR DAY! Unions are a wonderful thing, no matter what some people say about them. Unfortunately, they have lost a lot of the ways to help employees over the years.

Karen - Good for you weeding your neighbor's flower bed. I didn't realize it had been that long since you were on a cruise. How many did we manage to do together, including the one where we first met? I know it was a few. I'm getting antsy to go on another cruise, maybe a 4 nighter, just to see if I can really do it any longer. I just need family along in case I run into a problem like last time.

Kathie - Great pictures from the picnic yesterday. Reminded me of the picnics the Democratic club where we lived in NJ had each summer at a huge park. They always had a fee to get in, but everything else, food, beer & soda were all free. Always a fun day.
That is one huge chandelier that fell. Thank goodness that no one was sitting there when it fell. I do hope they are checking all the rest of the chandeliers to make sure they are secure.

Dave - Definitely feeling good about this football season. Now we just have to hope they continue to play like they did Saturday and I will be a happy camper. Next Saturday they start their SEC schedule by playing Kentucky.
Sorry you're having a rainy Labor Day. It's beautiful here, but we may get a sprinkle later in the day.

Nancy - You want to check those suitcases one more time to make sure you aren't forgetting anything? :)

Bill - Good luck on getting that place in Vero for the winter. I hope Rita is able to find the newlyweds a cruise that they can't refuse. Hopefully, we will get to see you this coming winter. It's been a while. We need to take you to that new Italian restaurant. They make a veal parm that I'm sure you would love.

Gary will be coming over later to help consume some more of these leftovers. At least some of the salads weren't that expensive to make, so I won't feel bad chucking what's left after today. Once all this partying is finished, I see steaks on the menu for us!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Did not get a good night's sleep. Bruce was going to do a job today but he only had the one and he needs some screws to finish a different job and the place he has to get them is closed today, so he is staying home.

I decided to pack a second cane so if my back is real bad and I can't use the wheelchair I can use two canes

Those are very big chandeliers K2, if anyone had been under when it fell they could have died.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning & Happy Labor Day, and for a change I don't plan to do much laboring today!

Pat, I'll have to go back through my pictures & see if I can figure out how many times we cruised together it was a few for sure!

Dave, sorry you are having a soggy day today, but on the bright side you don't have to go back to work tomorrow like some of those poor smucks who's golf game is getting rained out today. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Nancy, sounds like you are pretty well set for your trip to Alaska, hope you & Bruce have a wonderful trip!!

Kathie, glad you were able to make it to the church picnic. Those are for sure some massive chandeliers!

Bill, hope the winter place in Vero works out, if anyone can find the newlyweds a great cruise it's Rita!

Lee, hope things are ok in the Burg & you are just busy, you've been a tad quiet lately and that sometimes is not a good sign from you!

Got a call from my neighbor Peggy today, she wanted to let me know she was home, but was "hiding" out from the rest of the neighborhood so she can get the car unloaded & rest up from her trip home. She said if people knew she was home they'd be wanting her to go places & do things & she just wants to unwind, smart move. She also told me to come by so she could pay me & show me the next project on her patio she wants me to help her with. Whatever that is will have to wait till it cools off a little more for sure!
Getting ready to toss some burgers on the grill so everything will be ready when my sisters get here. Enjoy your day all!!


Chief Security Officer
Rita found a couple of cruises and sent the info off to the woman who owns the home in Vero to see if any of them fit her needs and budget.
Speaking of cruises, two weeks from yesterday, we
will be in Boston to board Voyager of the Seas for back to back cruises to Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. A couple of weeks later, we will join Kevin and Jamie on Oasis out of NJ for their cruise to Port Canaveral, Coco Cay and Nassau. In December, we are on a 2 night travel trade cruise on Wonder of the Seas that stops in Coco Cay.
Rain (still much needed) on the agenda for the next couple of days. Forecasters are predicting as much as 3 inches in some parts of MA, but we will likely not get that much here. Skies are threatening so it may commence in the not too distant future.
Sounds like everyone had a great time at the picnic grounds, K2. Nice way to end the summer season.
Saw the score racked up by Nick Saban's college football team and have to feel for the team that lost. Maybe there should be a mercy rule in college football.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Monday evening!
Labour Day. That has always been the signal to me that we’re headed into fall. Except it still feels like summer.
Being Monday it was games day and we played a card game called ”Wizard”. It involves strategy to win the number of tricks you think you will get. We may look for the game to add to our collection.
No Karen. Nothing ominous. We just seem to have every waking hour tied up lately. Of course between Lu-Ann and I having to exercise even more to stay healthy takes a fair chunk of time. Add in all of the other stuff and a guy barely has time for a glass of wine! Notice I said barely. I do have my priorities.
Hopefully the lady in Vero Beach will be able to extend her time away and subsequently your stay in FL Bill.
A good option taking two walking sticks Nancy. I do hope that you enjoy your cruise and your visit to Vancouver.
Now, Momma Bunny, do you have one of those number dispensers for your amazing meals? “Now seating group number 4”.
Has the investigation into the falling chandelier begun or found a reason for the failure Kathie. Seeing the photos really impressed upon me the size of them!
Our predicted all day rain here has yet to materialize Dave. No doubt it mucked up some peoples plans for Labour Day.
I seem to recall that during one energy crisis or another Ontario didn’t move the clocks. I‘d certainly support keeping them as is.
Time to let Katie and Ava out for their after supper “pee”.
You all have a good evening!



Wacky Wabbit
Family just left for home. We had a really nice sit-down dinner. Dishwasher if full of dishes and the kitchen is nice and clean again. Everyone left happy.
We even got to play rounds of Rummikub. I always have a hard time finding enough cubes to equal "30" to get out the first time around.

As for the church chandelier all I get from the "board members" is the matter has been addressed. I know they weren't all that happy that I posted all about the "CRASH" on my open public
Facebook page. Nothing to hide. It fell down and I think we ALL want to know just WHY!

Bill: Sure hope that the Vero Beach rental works out for you two. At least if it all works
out you'll know the area and feel more at home.
Now, stop rubbing it in that you have ALL THESE UP COMING CRUISES. WOW. Not leaving any big bucks for the kids by doing all these trips! Ha Ha. And as it should be.

Karen: Good for you getting that ladies weeds taken care of before she came home. And smart move NOT TAKING ON ANYMORE CLEAN-UP's until it cools down by you.

Nancy: Have a nice cruise in case I miss telling you.

Dave: How is JACK doing these days? I bet he hasn't slowed down any. He's most likely ticked off he didn't have a chance to get together with a few female dogs before he got snipped.
And how are those new EYEGLASSES! CAN YOU SEE US BETTER NOW! Ha Ha.

The USA Tennis player beat out Nadal. YIPPEE. He played a good game.

Out of here for now. Sleeping will be good tonight with the WINDOWS WIDE OPEN. That is if NOBODY starts a backyard
Stinky Wood Fire!
fire night GIF


2nd Officer
Good morning Bunnies! I THINK it's Tuesday.

"How is JACK doing these days? I bet he hasn't slowed down any." Yea, I think only age will do that.

It was suppose to rain all day yesterday, It didn't. Today it's just suppose to be cloudy, so of course it'll probably rain most of the day.

Nothing much comes to mind to talk about. So I'm going to shut up.

And wish you all a good day.


2nd Officer
Good morning. I will be going to Publix today for a couple of things that are on sale. And adding to our suitcases. As I am glad that I added Vancouver to my weather on My Yahoo as I see now that Saturday and Sunday temp will be in the 80, so am now adding a pair of shorts and a couple of tops to wear with them to the suitcases.

Just called in for a new Rx of Nitroglycerin for Bruce as what he has is out of date , so we will have for the cruise, in case he needs it. But in the two years he has had it he has only had the one Rx so he does not take very often, which is very good.

K2, I don't blame you on posting about the Chandelier falling, That is not something that happens every day and everyone should know why if fell. I would think that the insurance company will want to know exactly why.

In a bit I have to do our ArriveCan and some forms for out flight that the airline requires.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another home health trifector today. I guess after a long weekend, they are all eager to make some $$$$ and I'm an easy target. At least one of them will be signing off today. No more PT as he sees what I do around the house and it's the same stuff he wants to have me do when he's here. Duh ... What's the point?

Had a nice visit with Gary & than yesterday. Sent them home with most of the remaining food from the weekend. Elaine had to go visit her father and couldn't come, but did put in a request for a hamburger and salads. Her sons were also home, so I'm sure the food disappeared in a heartbeat, if like anything when they lived here.

Almost time for the first home health person to arrive, so I better make a quick trip to the bathroom before they arrive. I know, I know TMI!!! I'll try to stop back later.