Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
Darn auto-correct. The woman who owns the home in Vero Beach is a "widow" not a "widower" and it turns out she is a Michigander (is that the correct designation, K2?) from Boyne Falls, Michigan.
Another gray and dismal day with more rain all day. Some places got as much as 3inches yesterday and there is a flash flood warning in parts of MA. Saw news reports that showed portions of I95 in Providence, RI completely underwater and closed to traffic in both directions. There has been one positive effect in that our lawns have been restored to their emerald green hue but the long heat wave hardened the soil so much that most of the rain cannot permeate the ground and simply runs off into the sewers.
It may seem strange to stay home tonight instead of heading out to play cribbage, but I am sure we will somehow cope.
Today is primary
Election Day here in MA but we have already voted by mail, as have a large number of voters, so the weather shouldn't have much, if any, impact on the turnout. Because the Boston TV stations cover much of the neighboring state of NH, we have been subjected to many ads for candidates for office in that state and a number of them are clearly MAGA types. Will be interested to see how they fare. One of them claims he will "end illegal immigration and crime, defeat the democrat incumbent, fire Pelosi, and stop Biden". I expected it to also claim he was "faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound".


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon Wrabbits. Semi-cloudy here and 71F. Wish it was WARMER and SUNNIER.

Negc: You posted it correctly: Michigander is correct.
The "Widower" lives in a really nice area of Michigan. Our friends that use to let us use their condo lived in BOYNE CITY. I can see why he would own a place in Florida and want to be there in the Winter. Boyne get's some REALLY COLD and SNOW-filled Winters. Roads can be blocked from blowing snow. We went up to Boyne a few times in the Winter, and although beautiful, it was touch and go getting there on some of the 2 land hwy's. Hope it all works out for both parties as far as getting his place.

BB: Good for you getting released from one of the health folks. Soon you'll have all of them gone. Just do your best to keep moving around your house and lanai to get fit. The more you move around the sooner you just might be able to take a cruise. Although, I would NOT RUSH IT.

By the way: I thought my reply to my post of the chandelier issue at church was appropriate on my Facebook page. The woman that didn't like me posting about it is a pain in the butt. I did my best to set her straight ---- politely. I really wanted to slam her big time. She's one of the paid secretaries at the church office. Sucks up to the new priest big time. Ha ha.

Got a delivery of the ISLAND cabinets and some drawer fronts at 9:00 a.m. I didn't look at any of them. The contractor told me he would be stopping by later today. Let him do the honors. ;) There are still replacement cabinet DOORS that need to show up. At this point I just go with the flow. No use worrying about something I have no control over. I still have a huge chuck of $$$ MONEY $$$ money being withheld. It doesn't seem to bother the contractor. As it should be.

I'm out of here for now. Need to run over to Costco for some coffee and chicken. Used up my supply for yesterday's dinner. They all loved it.

Be SAFE and come back and tell us about your day.

Karen: Hope you get to go in the pool. Only so many pool days left even for you Florida folks. Of course, the temp in your pool is SO MUCH WARMER than Lee's neighbors. That guy needs a heater big time. Ha Ha.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So the kids here are back to school today. I guess it keeps them off the streets.
Once the clouds lifted the sun came out and it got rather humid.
I applaud you sharing the incident at your church Kathie. The board should be open and glad to know that people care enough to want answers! That's a good
contractor. One who is more concerned with completing the job and then getting his money.
Much at the same feeling as when the NFL season ends Bill. It always seems like there should be something going on Thursdays, Sundays and Monday. And the occasional Saturday. I didn't know that recreational drugs were legal in MA. That politician sure seems to be smoking something!
Did ya all know that 92 years ago Publix was founded in Lakeland, FL. Your post made me think of that Nancy. The thing with Vancouver weather is, like most weather lately, it changes almost by the minute!
Just remember that just because the PT person isn't coming in all the time you still have to keep up what you're doing Pat. You're way too important to all of us to slack off and maybe have a setback!
Funny enough Dave, I've been having more trouble of late keeping the danged days straight!! Then throw in a holiday to completely muck with my mind.
Karen, I can only hope that your pool was way warmer than Jim and Gail's. They keep saying it will be warmer next year when they put the solar blanket on it.
I think I'm roasting some cauliflower for dinner to go with whatever else will be on the menu.
You fine people all have a good one!


Chief Security Officer
K2, the owner of the house in Vero is a woman, a "widow", hence my comment about autocorrect which changed my original post to "widower". Glad you responded to the person who was upset about your post about the chandelier. Some people seem to want every thing that happens to be hidden and buried but in the famous words of Jack Nicholson, they "can't handle the truth".
Good thing that you checked on the temperatures that you might encounter in Vancouver. All too often we Americans think that Canada and Alaska are the "frozen north". Being able to layer your clothing to match whatever weather conditions you experience is the best advice that I can offer.
That "politician" is in NH, Lee. Not to say we don't have our share of folks who seem to live inn alternate universe .
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Wacky Wabbit
NEGC: I saw my mistake on the WIDOW mix-up. Ha Ha.
Hope it all works out.

Still nice here today. Sun on and off. 78F right now.

Contractor came and looked at the delivery of island cabinets. It should work out. He'll be back tomorrow with his right hand man and they'll make things right. We still are waiting for 3 cabinet doors.
ALWAYS SOMETHING! Starting to feel like I live in Florida. Ha Ha. Actually, this contractor is more than reliable. It's the cabinet company in Indiana that has messed thing up.
I now have enough colored base molding to do our entire kitchen. They sent more out today! Talk about over-kill from that company. Oh well, it's not my fault their quality control is so unbalanced.

Got a great deal at our local market on Chicken breast. $2.99 a pound in a 10# bag. Amish free-range chickens. I cut them and vacuum sealed them and got 10 bags for future use. Love when I can find a deal.

Still need to go to Costco for Coffee, but I'm waiting until about 45 mins before they close. The market was so crowded with people ordering lunchmeat sliced at the deli it too forever. Don't want to worry about long lines at Costco.

Bloodwork for next weeks "re-check" of thyroid levels since I've been on the new meds. Another waste of going into the office and giving them a co-pay when they could just read the test results and call me with results. I guess it's MY TURN to support the medical group! DUH!

Tomorrow it will also be ART's turn when he get's that spot on the top of his head dug out! OUCH!


2nd Officer
"User Friendly" my a$$.

That's my opinion of us average folk, versus computer geek, and easily using many electronic devices. It seems that this year most Thursday night NFL games will only be on "Prime Video".

We have Prime Video in our TV package, but rarely use it since it's so difficult to navigate on. So last night she decided to bring it up on the living room TV to scope it out, and see what else is there. Still difficult to roam around on, and when she tried to go back to regular TV, it wouldn't let her get out. It took her about 1/2 hour to get regular TV back to working.

Another channel we have in our package is Paramount Plus, is also is a pain to use.
(Glad I got that out of my system.)

You haven't left yet Nancy, so I'm reminding you to pack some snow-shoes and a couple 2 piece swimsuit.

Don't be embarrassed about wanting to hit the can before visitors show up, BB. I know that I'll always take a trip to the bathroom before I go anywhere. And by God I want "home field advantage" when I need to drop a deuce. Will try my best not to do it in a public bathroom.

Slow and steady on those cabinets, K2. At least your contractor is keeping you informed and puts out a nice end-product.

Yes Lee, recreational weed is legal in Michigan. Motivated more now to visit K2?

Nothing much planned for today other than using the stationary bike. This evening Kathi is escaping the dogs, and me, to work at the local Catholic church's BINGO. (Yes, wearing a mask.) She's not even a Catholic. She says that you wouldn't believe how much money people spend on those instant tickets they sell. Says it's not unusual to sell someone 100 bucks worth when they walk in the door to play BINGO.


2nd Officer
Good morning.

Well have done all I can for going to Canada. Only thing left is to check in to our flight, which I can't do until tomorrow morning, so will do that before we head to Tampa. For some reason I checked this morning on the United Airline forms and found that nothing I did yesterday for Bruce had taken so I redid and now only one thing is pending, but since it is the same as mine and mine was accepted no problem.

This afternoon Bruce has an appt at the heart Dr., then we have to go to the bank and then to Publix to pick up a Rx.

Tonight I have to give Bruce a haircut, but that does not take very long to do. And will put all but one suitcase in the living room and move the wheelchair in to the living room. That will help a lot tomorrow when we go to put everything in the SUV. The one suitcase that I won't move tonight is the one for our things for Tampa, which includes our clothes for flying. And it is the smallest so no problem moving tomorrow.

Dave, you said "
You haven't left yet Nancy, so I'm reminding you to pack some snow-shoes and a couple 2 piece swimsuit.
Well no swimsuits for us this cruise and don't have snow shoes so the waterproof shoes will have to do.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.
Contractors are here and replacing and adjusting drawers and doors, etc.
Art and I saved the heavy duty carboard that they had on the floors, so last night we
put it all back to protect our wood floors. I covered the refrig and stove and stove top really well too. I did it because I wanted to make sure it was protected and to save those guys some work. They're really a great team. A shame the cabinet manufacturer (Amish) isn't as careful with their Quality Control or this would have all done the first time around. Oh well, ALWAYS SOMETHING! Ha ha.

Haven't hear from Art, so he must be getting the top of his head sliced and diced! :eek:

Dave: Do you have a DISH service for your TV programs? We have Comcast and so far don't have any issues EXCEPT the COST! Ha Ha. Kathi shouldn't have to do all that work just to change out programs. Call the company and ask them what the heck is going on. Maybe there is a quick fix they can do. Never hurts to ask.

Making us Wing Dings & the small drum sticks that come with them for dinner. They looked so fresh in the meat counter yesterday and were ON SALE, that I couldn't pass them up. $1.99 a pound instead of $5.99 they have been lately. (Unreal they would charge that much for silly wing-dings. When I was a little kid those were considered "scrap" for soup and were like $.29 cent a pound if not cheaper. Times have changed. Stores charge a fortune for BEEF BONES for soup. Crazy.

I never did get up EARLY to go to get that Blood test at the local hospital annex. We had the windows open last night and it was just so COZY under the covers that I stayed in bed. I'll be going later today when Art gets back home.

You all have a nice day. Be back later as the saying goes.
enjoy GIF


Wacky Wabbit
Nancy: Take pictures of the front and back of your credit card or cards that you are taking in case they get lost on your trip. And of your PASSPORT TOO. Never hurts to have these just in case you need them. Have a fun time once you get on that ship!:clap002::emoticon 0115 inlove:


Chief Security Officer
Safe travels Nancy and Bruce. Enjoy Vancouver, your cruise, and especially Alaska.
Got up a bit earlier this morning, but not really early, and drove to my favorite breakfast place. It was good just to get out of the house for awhile after being cooped up there for the weekend because of the weather. Election results were pretty much as expected, so now we are faced with almost two months of constant political ads. The local ones aren't too bad but there are a couple of attack ads from a PAC in NH that are really over the top and don't contribute anything positive to political discourse.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy hump day, everyone!

Bill - Ya know that team you told me you couldn't find on the college top 25 a few weeks ago? Well lo and behold the first "official" top 25 has them in the number 12 position!! :emoticon 0140 rofl::emoticon 0137 clapping:

I see that you just posted while I was typing. I know what you mean about the political ads that are running on TV right now. The republican ones are filled with lies and are so fear oriented. It's disgusting. There's only 2 that we see over and over. One is against Marco Rubio's opponent Val Demmings for senator and the other is our lil t wanna be running against Charlie Crist for governor. Both are paid for by some PAC, so there's no one you can go after for slander!:mad::mad:

Dave - I used to have to work BINGO when our kids went to Catholic school. Those women were fanatics when it came to the number of cards they would buy and how they wanted to be served if they bought food or drinks. On the other side of the coin, I used to love to go and play BINGO every week. Never won very much, but had a lot of fun playing with friends I would go with.

Lee - I saw yesterday about Publix's birthday. Only good thing they sell is fried chicken. The rest of stuff is so over priced. Plus they no longer give a senior discount. They feel their BOGOs are the answer to a discount.
Florida does not have legal marijuana to smoke, but we do have medicinal marijuana. Anyone can get a card to be able to buy it.

Kathie -Nice to know your workers are there today finishing as much as they can in your kitchen. I hope the rest of the doors arrive soon and you can finally wrap that project up. That church secretary really had big ones telling you that you shouldn't have posted anything about the chandelier falling. I think you did the right thing, as people deserve to know and might help to avoid something like that happening somewhere else.

Nancy - I think it's time for all your advance planning to end and for you and Bruce to just go and have a wonderful time on your cruise. Alaska is fantastic and you'll have a great time.

I was supposed to get a visit from another home health person today to sign off on having occupational therapy. He never called, so I guess that's the end of that. That will only leave the nurse coming in once a week. I can live with that. Better than yesterday when 2 of them showed up at the same time and the third one arriving about 15 minutes after the other 2 had left. At least we got it all over and done with in an hour and a half.

Now it's time for my latest sob story ... The AC in the car isn't working right! It's blowing but no cold air. Bert took it to the place he goes to, but they are so busy, they can't even look at the car until next Monday. UGH!! Jimmy is going to stop over after work today and take a look at it.
Now for my second sob story ... I made a big pot of gumbo for dinner last night. It really came out great. We definitely had enough left over for at least one more meal. Well, my dear OCD husband realized this morning that he never put the pot in the refrigerator last night! Guess where my wonderful gumbo ended up this morning - in the garbage!!! I was so mad. Instead of only having to warm up leftovers tonight. Now I have to cook a meal!! Good thing I already had Bert get me the stuff I need to make sausage stuffed zucchini. We'll have that with corn on the cob. I plan to make enough for 2 meals, so I'll have to keep an eye open to make sure he puts the leftovers away tonight after dinner.

Wow! Where did this morning go? Guess it's time to find something for lunch. Have a wonderful afternoon and evening, gang!
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A beautiful day here north of the border.
Safe and fantastic travels Nancy and Bruce!
Of all the things to get left out, it’s a seafood dish Pat. Dang. I bet Bert felt just awful. You’ll never catch me arguing that Publix doesn’t have GREAT fried chicken.
Are the fellas done with your kitchen yet Kathie? It’s been a long road from demolition to completion. I can remember the butcher giving us beef bones for our dog! Like you say, now they’re a fortune. How was your trip to Costco?
I’m always amazed at how often political ads in our countries have so little to do with the actual platforms of the candidates Bill. I often think they believe there is a prize for mud slinging.
Ah, TV. We have a bare minimum package from Bell and subscribe to a couple of streaming channels Dave. (Knocking wood here) The transition from the streaming networks to the cable (fibre actually) is pretty seamless.
How you doin’ Karen?
We have another presentation at the book store tonight. This one is about The Detroit River and how important it has been to commerce and settlements for both of our countries.
Have a great evening and we’ll see you tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
BB: I feel so badly for your Gumbo going down the drain. Bummer.

Lee: Costco run was quick. I don't mess around when I know I only have 2 things to get. Keep my eyes straight forward and don't deviate. LOL
The workers are doing a BANG UP job. The pain in the butt ISLAND LOOKS fantastic. I have a hole box of huge base carved molding that was sent with this last shipment of replacement wood for the island. Unreal waste of good material.

Can't wait until the new carpet gets here to get the Oriental looking rug out of there. I really wish I could find somebody that would want this beautiful rug.

Lee: I think I would have actually ventured out to see that Detroit River presentation tonight if it wasn't for these workers being here. I bet it will be really interesting. Let us know when they have more of those.

I did get my bloodwork done. Quick walk in and donate my blood and out of there.
Poor ART spent 4 hours of his precious life at the skin doctor. MOSTLY WAITING to get stiched up. He said he was about to blow a gasket it took so long. At least they only had to dig one time to find CLEAR EDGES.

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Dolly has arrived in my Virginia daughter's arms. Yes, they did make that 10 hour drive to Alabama to get the puppy. A totally black Cockapoo. Half cocker spaniel and half poodle. (Usually a miniature poodle.) Sleep as my daughter knew it is a thing of the past. As is her Martha Stewart home.

So good to hear that your kitchen is nearing completion, K2. And if you bang up the carved molding you sure have a lot to replace it. I feel sorry for Art being at the skin doctor's for 4 hours. They sure have their time schedules. No DISH service for us. It's an AT&T Direct TV service.

They're only getting started on political commercials, Bill. More and more hate and name calling to come.

Sorry to hear that your Caddie is on the fritz again, BB. What year is that car? With air conditioning it can be as cheap as a charge, or could be a fortune if it's a compressor.

Those presentations at the book store sound interesting, Lee. Pretty soon you'll know more about the Berg than people that were born there.

This morning we're off to the grocery store. The big one where there is a pharmacy where we plan on getting a flu shot. The more potent one made for us old geezers. In the last couple of years I've begun feeling like a pin cushion.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone!

Once again it's a beautiful morning, but that will change later when the storms kick in. Unfortunately, the rain should come around the time I have an appointment with my pulmonologist. I haven't seen him in3 months. I'd hate to go into that ice cold office soaking wet. Sure sign that pneumonia would be right around the bend! I just hope the rain holds off until we get back home.

Lee - So how was the Detroit River presentation? Did you learn a lot of new stuff to impress Kathie with?
Bert really felt terrible about leaving the gumbo out overnight. He was so mad at himself. I felt sorry for him, so I made one of his favorites for dinner - sausage stuffed zucchini boats. There was plenty left over and I made sure he put them in the refrigerator before we had another disastrous ending to a great meal.

Dave - The Caddy is a 2012 model. Jimmy looked at the AC yesterday after work. It definitely is not the compressor (thank goodness). He said it's a switch that controls whether you need AC or heat. He's going to see if he can get the part and then he'd put it in for us. Jimmy works on fire trucks and other emergency vehicles and he really knows his stuff.

Kathie - Poor Art to have been at the slice and dice place for all those hours. I'm sure he was none to happy about being there that long. I know Bert would have been climbing a wall with that kind of wait. But at least they got it all out in once shot. Sounds like it was in and out for you getting the blood work done. Both of us need to get blood work done one of these days. Trouble is that unless you book an appointment a couple of weeks in advance, you're going to be sitting there for hours.

Karen - I hope all is well up your way. That's one heck of a storm going on in your area right now. That's the weather we're due to get later this afternoon.

The new hard drive for our DISH Network system will arrive today. Now I just have to hope Bert can put it in. Otherwise, I'll have to get Jimmy to do it.

I guess I should see about getting something to eat before I head for the doctor's office.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning! (Just…)
The presentation last night was informative BUT the young lady wasn’t a story teller. She had all of her notes and slides in order but pretty much read from her “script”. The Detroit River is the only river in the world to be designated a “Heritage River” by two countries. It was quite a process to obtain that designation so cudos to our officials on both sides for working to make it happen.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the rain holds off and you get a good report from the pulmonologist Pat. That would be great if Jimmy could swap out the switch on The Caddy! Hard drives are usually fairly easy to slide out and back in.
Dave, you had to know somebody would send this out to your Virginia daughter…

Always good when any procedure like donating blood is quick Kathie. Poor Art though…
Tonight we head to Paglione’s for another sing a long pizza night. Always good fun.
I hope Nancy and her luggage are all headed in the same direction.
Hi to Bill and Karen.
I’ll try to check in on you all later on.
Be safe everyone.


2nd Officer
Just a quick check in for me, dropped Scooter off at the Vet's this morning for her blood pressure check. It started raining shortly after I got on the road & has been an off & on drizzle all day. Came home to fix myself some breakfast & noticed the kitchen faucet was dripping, tried & tried & couldn't get it to stop unless I held the handle down on the top, so I got a small bungee cord & wrapped it around the handle & over the spout to slow the leak to a very slow drip. Something made me look under the sink to check for water & sure enough I had a puddle!! So not only was the faucet dripping it's also somehow leaking from inside & running down the sprayer hose. My bungee cord fix seems to have solved that for now, but I left the doors open to be able to check it. I was going to turn the water off at the sink, but the shut off valves are so old & hard to turn that even if I did get it turned off, then it would be leaking from the stop. Now I need to find a new kitchen faucet, which is ridiculous as that one is less than 5 yrs old, I had it installed with the new sink when I had the counters done. Oh well, always something!!


Wacky Wabbit
The contractors are gone and so is the huge work truck. I'll miss them. But they will return to put in the 2 replacement DOORS once they arrive. I took out all the cardboard runners that were covering the wood floor. I need to scrub/wash the kitchen floor, but I just don't feel like it at the moment. I dusted and used my dustbuster vacuum and will get to the washing later.

Karen: I wish you lived closer. I have that really cool new faucet that my brother could not use and could have given it to you to see if it would work for your sink. But after I sent a 5x7 envelope with little to no weight from our local post office to a home about 45 mins from here and it cost me $4.50 I would FEAR WHAT A HEAVY BULKY FAUCET WOULD COST TO SHIP TO FLORIDA. Postage is just way out of line these days.

Good luck with that drippy sink. Glad you noticed it was dripping underneath too.

BB: ALWAYS SOMETHING with that Caddy. It's like it's bleeding you to death slowly.

I made those wonderful Wing-Dings on the grill last night and they were fantastic. Haven't had those in years. Fresh wings instead of frozen is the answer to good Wing-dings.

Okay, I'm out of here for now. Lee have fun tonight.
And Dave.......that's a long way to drive for a puppy. I love the name Dolly. Hope it turns out to be a really good dog.


2nd Officer
Just saw on the news Queen Elizabeth passed away, she was quite an inspiring lady!

Kathie, thanks for the offer, but yep, shipping on that faucet would probably be a pretty penny! I ordered a new one from home depot for $85, now to get the plumber here next week to install it


Wacky Wabbit
Lee & Lu-Ann sending condolences on the passing of your QUEEN Elizabeth.
May she rest in peace after a job well-done.

Queen Elizabeth GIF by BBC
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